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Data Processing Algorithms for Analysis of High
Resolution MSMS Spectra of Peptides with
Complex Patterns of Posttranslational
Shenheng Guan and Alma L. Burlingame
Input: An MS/MS spectrum of a mixture of peptides:
Heavily modified protein
Same amino acid sequence
Same PTM
Same total number of PTMs
Different PTM configurations
Two peptides with two methylations each.
Identify the PTM configurations
 Estimate their relative abundance
Work flow
Peptide identification
A deisotoped MS/MS spectrum of a mixture of peptides
 An identified peptide, the type of PTMs and the number of
 PTM: Methylation
 #PTM: 4
Identify the PTM configurations
 Estimate their relative abundance
All possible configuration
All methylations are on lysine residues
 Each lysine residue has at most 3 methyl groups.
Configuration identification
Score of Spectrum-Configuration-Pair
Spectrum S: ETD peak list
 Configuration C: theoretical peak list (c-ion)
 Sc(S,C) is the number of matched peaks in the real peak list and
the theoretical peak list.
Greedy algorithm
Compute the matching score for each configuration
 Remove the configure with the highest score from the
configuration set and remove the peaks in S that are matched to
the configuration
 Repeat the above steps until all configurations have score 0
Configuration identification
Estimation of relative abundance
We have four identified configurations C1,C2,C3,C4.
x1, x2, x3, x4 the relative abundance
Consider the ith c-ion with charge z
Sum equals to 1
Five possible peaks p0, …, p4
Suppose p2 is matched to C1, C2
Observed peak intensity I(p2)
Theoretical peak intensity ( x1  x2 ) 
 I(p
0 j  4
Compute the observed and theoretical peak
intensity pair for each matched c-ion
Estimation of relative abundance
Find x1, x2, x3, x4 such that the sum of the squared errors
of these intensity pairs is minimized.
Standard non-negative least-square procedure
A Novel Approach for Untargeted Posttranslational Modification Identification Using
Integer Linear Optimization and Tandem Mass
Richard C. Baliban, Peter A. DiMaggio, Mariana D.
Plazas-Mayorca, Nicolas L. Young, Benjamin A. Garcia
and Christodoulos A. Floudas
Bottom up PTM identification
Two approaches
 Non-tags
 Unrestricted
Remove all peaks related the precursor ion
 Only keep locally significant peaks
 Deisotope
 Remove neutral offset if the peak doe not
have a complementary peak.
 Each candidate peak has a list of
supporting peaks.
ILP Model
Theoretical peak bk
A preprocessed deisotoped spectrum S={ a1,a2,…,am }
A peptide (theoretical b-ion peak list) P={ b1b2…bn}
A list of all known PTMs
CSk is the set of all possible peaks (indices) in S that bk can be
matched to with PTMs
Real peak aj
Posj is the set of all possible peaks (indices) in P that aj can be
matched to with PTMs
 Supportj is the set of all peaks (indices) supporting peak j in S
 Multj is the set of all peaks (indices) peak j supports
ILP Model
Binary variable
 pj,k
= 1 if peak aj in S is matched to bk in P,
otherwise pj,k = 0
 yj = 1 is peak aj is a supporting peak or
matched peak, otherwise yj = 0
ILP Model
 Subject to
One peak in P can only match one peak in S
One peak in S can only match one peak in P
ILP Model
Subject to:
No three consecutive missing peaks
The intensity of peak i is counted iff the exists one peak j
such that peak i supports j and peak j is a matched peak.
ILP Model
Solve using CPLEX
 Report
top-10 variable assignments
Existing problem
 No
constraints that require the distance
between two neighboring matched peaks
should match the mass of a residue (with
New constraints
For each pj,k
Set of candidate ion peaks j’
with respect to k’ such that no valid jump
exists between j and j’
The maximum and minimum
masses that can be reached from j,
New constraints
Neighboring matched peaks do not conflict
Conflicting matched peaks must have a matched peak between them
The distance between two matched peaks should be bounded
Re-scoring 10 candidate modified
candidate peptides
 Cross-correlation
Recheck modifications if there are
unmatched peaks indicating nonmodification
Test data sets
Test set A: 44 CID spectra (Ion trap), 174 ETD spectra (Orbitrap) of
chemically synthesized phosphopeptides, manually validated
Test set B: 58 ECD spectra (FTICR) of Histone H3-(1–50) N-terminal Tail,
manually validated
Test set C: 553 CID spectra (Orbitrap) of Propionylated Histone Fragments,
manually validated
Test set D: 525 modified and 6025 unmodified CID spectra (Orbitrap) from
chromatin fraction. Identified by SEQUEST and validated by MASCOT and
remove low quality spectra manually
Test set E: unmodified 36 (Ion trap), 37 (Q-TOF), 4061(Orbitrap) CID
unmodified spectra. Validated as test set D
Residue predication accuracy
Peptide prediction accuracy
Comparison on test sets C and D1
Peptide and residue prediction accuracy
Comparison on test sets C and D1
Subsequence prediction accuracy
Running time