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Our Dear Audience,
Welcome to Rent (School Edition)! We’re thrilled that you’re here with us.
When Running to Places began, the idea was to go beyond what is possible at schools –
namely to bring together kids from all over the area and to take on material that might not
make it past a nervous principal. We love the freedom we’re afforded by being independent
in that way. We can choose shows that are sweet confections that delight audiences of all
ages (e.g. Disney’s The Little Mermaid in May) and then immediately follow that up with the
tougher stuff that is not for everyone such as Rent.
When we announced the show (after the freak-outs and screaming subsided – Rent had long
been a favorite title and dream for some of our kids – and one many thought we’d never
do), we had more than one ask us variations on: “So, um, the ‘School Edition’ – how
different is it? We heard they just have the flu – is that true?” The answer is that the show is
barely changed. Only the most intense language has been modified by the publisher, and
one song was removed. Other than that, this is the show that was the Hamilton of its day;
20 years ago, Rent forever changed the face of Broadway.
Sadly, two of its central specters – AIDS and drug addiction – are still with us. It is heartening,
at least, to realize how far we have come in some regards. AIDS is no longer the instant,
automatic death sentence that it once was. It is often medically manageable, and people can
live full lives despite a positive status. Perhaps as important is the change in our cultural
attitudes. When Rent debuted, there was so much fear, misinformation, derision, and
intolerance directed toward people with HIV/AIDS, especially the LGBTQ community. No, we’re
not there yet – bigotry and violence persist. But it has gotten and will continue to get better.
As we celebrate one year and counting of marriage equality in America, it’s hard to deny that.
During rehearsals, we spent time talking about this history – how it was very different, very
recently. As leaders and teachers of these young people, sometimes it made us sad to
realize how little of this history they knew. Is it also good in a way that their world is so
different now that that darkness is fading down the memory hole?
It’s an interesting question, and one we hope you and your families might discuss after the
show. Our friends at the KTC always say that “Important conversations happen in the
kitchen.” Here at R2P, we’re glad to ignite these and other conversations as part of the
youth development we exist to promote. We’re glad you’re part of these conversations, too.
On behalf of the entire Running to Places family – thank you, and enjoy the show!
Joey Steinhagen, Artistic Director
Angel ......................................................................................................................... Jack Honig
Benny ..................................................................................................................... Elijah Speight
Joanne.......................................................................................................................Niaa Dowell
Mark ....................................................................................................................... Max Avramis
Roger ..................................................................................................................... Michael Sloan
Collins............................................................................................................... Howard Kraskow
Maureen............................................................................................................ Ilana Wallenstein
Mimi .................................................................................................................... Elisheva Glaser
Antonio Daniel-Cuevas ...................................... Homeless Person #1, Steve, Restaurant Person
Ari Cummings ........................................................................ Squeegie Man, The Man, Gordon
Ellie Howell .....................................................................................Paula, Roger’s Mother, Cop
Hallie Malina ............................................................. Sue, Mimi’s Mother, Homeless Person #4
Kendra Walkuski ............................................................................................. Ali, Vendor, Cop
Lisa Podulka ..................................... Homeless Person #3, Over-the-Moon Backup, Mrs. Cohen
Loie Faulkner .......................................................... Over-the-Moon Backup, Alexi Darling, Cop
Maddi Carroll ..................................................................... Mrs. Jefferson, Blanket Person, Pam
Nick Mras ............................................................................ Mr. Jefferson, Homeless Person #2
Ruth Silcoff............................................................................ Homeless Person #5, Cop, Pastor
Director.............................................................................................................. Joey Steinhagen
Music Director....................................................................................................... Jeremy Pletter
Choreographer........................................................................................................ Tucker Davis
Set Designer .........................................................................................................Deborah Drew
Costume Designer ...................................................................................................... Liz Woods
Lighting Designer ...................................................................................... Kathleen Aryn Taylor
Properties Master ...................................................................................................... Janet Olsen
Set Construction Engineer ............................................................................................. Jim Drew
Production Manager/Sound Designer/Board Op .................................................. Dan Paolangeli
Production Stage Manager ......................................................................................Evie Hammer
Assistant Stage Managers .................................................. Julia Machlin, Rachel-Elizabeth Frank
Assistant Choreographer ........................................................................................ Fatima Sowe
Spot Ops ..................................................................................... Cam Olmstead, Wallace Alpern
Sound Assistant ................................................................................................. Bailey Olmstead
Finance Manager ............................................................................................... Virginia Marques
Finance Assistant ............................................................................................... Nancy Schrempf
Conductor/Keyboard 2/Guitar 2 ........................................................................... Jeremy Pletter
Keyboard 1 ............................................................................................................... Katie White
Guitar 1.................................................................................................................. Kevin Cooney
Bass ..................................................................................................................... Declan Fearon
Drums ................................................................................................................. Adam Beckwith
Deborah Drew, Dick Furnas, Heidi Goldstein, Jim Drew, Kati Torello, Kendall Carpenter, Lilly
Westbrook, Linda Harris. Ex Officio: Jack Goldstein, Jerry Dietz
Village Pizza, The State Theatre of Ithaca, LACS, Lot 10, Rachel Lampert, Stephen Nunley,
Brendan Komala, the staff and board of the Kitchen Theatre Company; the families and friends of
the company members for supporting us all.
Scene 1: Mark & Roger’s Apartment (& Various Locations Around NYC)
Tune Up A ..................................................................................................... Mark and Roger
Voice Mail #1 ................................................................................................... Mark's Mother
Tune Up B .............................................................................. Mark, Roger, Collins and Benny
Rent ........................................................ Mark, Roger, Benny, Collins, Joanne and Company
Scene 2: The Street
Christmas Bells #1 .......................................................................................... Homeless Man
You Okay, Honey? ...................................................................................... Angel and Collins
Scene 3: Mark & Roger’s Apartment
Tune Up (Reprise) ......................................................................................... Mark and Roger
One Song Glory ............................................................................................................ Roger
Light My Candle ........................................................................................... Mimi and Roger
Scene 4: Joanne’s Apartment
Voice Mail #2 ...................................................................................... Mr. and Mrs. Jefferson
Scene 5: Mark & Roger’s Apartment
Today 4 U .............................................................................. Collins, Roger, Mark and Angel
You'll See ................................................................... Benny, Mark, Roger, Collins and Angel
Scene 6: The Performance Space
Tango: Maureen ......................................................................................... Joanne and Mark
Scene 7: The Meeting Room
Life Support ...................................................................... Gordon, Paul, Mark and Company
Scene 8: Mimi’s Apartment, The Street, Roger’s Apartment
Out Tonight ................................................................................................................... Mimi
Another Day ................................................................................. Mimi, Roger and Company
Scene 9: All Over the City
Will I? ..................................................................................................... Steve and Company
Scene 10: On the Street
On the Street ................................Squeegee Man, Mark, Collins, Angel and Homeless Woman
Santa Fe .......................................................................... Collins, Angel, Mark and Company
I'll Cover You .............................................................................................. Angel and Collins
We're Okay ................................................................................................................. Joanne
Christmas Bells ...................................................................................................... Company
Scene 11: The Performance Space
Over the Moon .......................................................................................................... Maureen
Scene 12: The Life Cafe
La Vie Bohème A ..................................................................................................... Company
I Should Tell You ........................................................................................... Mimi and Roger
La Vie Bohème B ..................................................................................................... Company
~ There will be a fifteen-minute intermission. ~
Seasons of Love A ................................................................................................... Company
Scene 1: Outside and Inside Mark & Roger’s Apartment
Happy New Year A ......................... Mark, Roger, Mimi, Collins, Angel, Maureen, and Joanne
Voice Mail #3 ................................................................................................... Mark's Mother
Voice Mail #4....................................................................................................... Alexi Darling
Happy New Year B ............... Mark, Roger, Mimi, Collins, Angel, Maureen, Joanne, and Benny
Scene 2: Joanne’s Apartment
Take Me or Leave Me ............................................................................. Maureen and Joanne
Scene 3: Mimi’s Apartment / Angel’s Room
Voice Mail #5 ..................................................................................................... Alexi Darling
Seasons of Love B ................................................................................................... Company
Without You .................................................................................................. Roger and Mimi
Scene 4: Inside and Outside the Church
I'll Cover You (Reprise) .......................................................................... Collins and Company
Halloween ..................................................................................................................... Mark
Goodbye Love ................................. Mark, Roger, Mimi, Collins, Maureen, Joanne, and Benny
Scene 5: Mark & Roger’s Apartment
What You Own .............................................................................................. Roger and Mark
Scene 6: At Various Apartments
Voice Mail #6 .................... Roger's Mother, Mimi's Mother, Mr. Jefferson, and Mark's Mother
Scene 7: Mark & Roger’s Apartment
Finale A ..................................................... Mark, Roger, Collins, Maureen, Joanne, and Mimi
Your Eyes ..................................................................................................................... Roger
Finale B .................................................................................................................. Company
ANTONIO DANIEL CUEVAS is happy to be appearing in his 5th R2P production. He has been in
Wizard of Oz, 13, Little Women, and Crazy for You. Antonio enjoys dancing, swimming, boating
and most sports. He would like to thank Joey, Jeremy, and Tucker
ARI CUMMINGS (Gordon/Squeegie Man/The Man) is very excited to be in his eighth Running to
Places show. He has recently been in "The Little Mermaid" as King Triton, and also in "13 the
Musical" as Brett. He would like to thank Joey, Jeremy, Tucker, Fatima, and everyone else that
helped make this amazing show possible. Enjoy the show!
DEBORAH DREW (Resident Set Designer) has been designing sets for student productions since
1999. She joined the R2P family in 2013 and currently sits on the R2P Board of Directors. Deb
received a Bachelor of Architecture degree from Roger Williams College (University) in Bristol,
RI. She works with her husband James, in their home business, “The Architects Drew” based in
Dryden, NY. The Architects Drew design custom homes, as well as small commercial projects.
Deb has enjoyed working with the R2P production team as well as the serving on the Board.
Deb has enjoyed getting to know the students of R2P through the last two seasons. Some of
her favorite set designs include, Seussical, Fiddler on the Roof, Little Women and 13 with R2P
and Oliver!, Pirates of Penzance, Blythe Spirit, The Music Man, On the Town, Romeo & Juliet,
Guys and Dolls, and Grease with Dryden Drama Club. Deb and Jim are happy to have a new
construction studio in Danby to accommodate the mission of collaboration with students,
parents and design team to produce professional youth theater in Tompkins County.
ELIJAH SPEIGHT (Benny) is excited to appear in his second show with Running to Places. Elijah has
been seen as the "Mysterious Man" and the "Narrator" in Dryden High School's Into the Woods, as
well as "Lank Hawkins" in R2P's Crazy for You. When not in shows, Elijah enjoys playing on the
varsity football and swim teams. He would like to thank his family for their enormous support,
and his best friend Laurel for listening to him complain about lack of sleep. Enjoy the show!
ELISHEVA GLASER (Mimi) is happy and sad to be in her final R2P show. Some previous roles include
Beth in Running to Places' Little Women, Mary Poppins in Ithaca High School's Mary Poppins, and
Milky White in Cider Mill Playhouse's Into the Woods. When not onstage she can be found
dancing with the Ithaca Ballet and singing with her wonderful voice teacher Sharon Costianes.
She would like to thank Joey, and the whole R2P family for all the love and guidance these seven
years. She'd also like to thank her family for their unwavering support. Next year, she will be
attending Emerson College to pursue a BFA in Theatre and Performance. Enjoy the show!
ELLIE HOWELL (Paula, Roger’s Mother, Cop) is thrilled to be performing in Rent. This is her second
show with Running to Places. Her debut was as an ensemble member in The Little Mermaid. She
has also performed in musicals with Lansing Middle and High Schools since she was in 5th
grade, the most recent being The Addams Family with Lansing High School where she played
"The Bride Ancestor". She would like to thank her family for all their support (and all the rides to
rehearsal). She hopes you enjoy the show!
HALLIE MALINA (Sue, Homeless Person #5, Mimi's Mother) just graduated high school (!!) and is so
excited to be in her first and last R2P show! Her favorite previous roles include Chava in Fiddler on the
Roof, Katherine in Taming of the Shrew, and Amarylis in The Music Man. When not on the stage, she
enjoys hanging out with her cats, friends and family. Hallie will be taking a gap year before attending
Bucknell University for theater and gender studies. Enjoy the show! Viva La Vie Boheme!
HOWARD KRASKOW (Collins) is a rising Junior at Ithaca High School. This is his fourth show with
Running to Places and is thrilled as always to be appearing on stage in another great musical. Most
recently he appeared in IHS's production of Mary Poppins as "Bert", and before that he was in the
LACS Blackbox Theater with Running to Places where he played "David" in Sondheim's Company.
When off stage he sings in the school choir and plays cello, as well as painting and drawing. He'd
like to thank his parents for their support and transportation. Please enjoy the show!
ILANA WALLENSTEIN (Maureen) is thrilled to be ending her Running to Places career playing one of
her dream roles. Favorite past roles with R2P include "Carmen Diaz "in Fame, "Miss Hannigan" in
Annie, "Linda" in The Wedding Singer, and “Soupy Sue” in Urinetown. Professional credits include
"Little Girl” in Ragtime at The Hangar Theatre and Assistant Director of Into the Woods at the
Cider Mill Playhouse. She's also been honored to play roles such as "Tracy" in Hairspray (LACS)
and "Anita" in West Side Story (Cornell Melodramatics). Ilana will be moving to Washington D.C.
next year to study political science at American University. "I was worried that I couldn't run for
President after all the crazy things I've done on stage, but looking at our current candidates I
think I'll fit nicely into the political world--mooing and all." A huge shout out to her ridiculously
supportive family. "To Joey, Jeremy, Tucker, Fatima and all the cast and crew members that have
taught me so much about theatre, and life along the way – This one's for you!"
JACK HONIG (Angel) is thrilled to be a part of this phenomenal show. Favorite past R2P shows include
Daisy Pulls It Off, Fame and, of course, 13. This fall Jack will be attending Ithaca College, pursuing a BA
in Theatre Studies. Jack would like to thank Joey, Jeremy, Fatima and Tucker for their direction and
patience (dancing in heels is not easy, guys). He would also like to give a special shout out to Tucker
and Liz for transforming him into the fierce Angel. He also thanks his family for continuing to support
his dreams everyday. Finally, Jack would like to dedicate his performance to all the victims and families
affected by the tragic Orlando shooting this past June. Today for you, tomorrow for me. Enjoy RENT!
JAMES DREW, AIA (Resident Set Construction Engineer) has enjoyed being with the R2P family the
last 2 seasons. Jim also contributes as a Board of Directors member. Jim is the Work Environment
Health and Safety Coordinator for TST BOCES. Jim is a Registered Architect and runs his homebased business, “The Architects Drew” with his wife Deborah in Dryden, NY. Jim helps keep the
sets easy to construct, which keeps the actors and crew safe and also translates to easy and
painless strikes as we “run to places”. He was instrumental in obtaining a construction studio for
R2P to help us continue our mission of great accessible youth theatre in Tompkins County!
JEREMY PLETTER (Resident Music Director) is the resident music director at R2P. Previous shows as
Music Director with this company include Seussical, A Christmas Carol, and Into the Woods –
along with every show of the past two seasons. In addition, Jeremy was seen on stage with R2P in
Urinetown, Guys and Dolls, Little Shop of Horrors, and more. He also was in the Ithaca College
Main Stage production of The Magic Flute. “Thank you all for coming and enjoy the show.”
JOEY STEINHAGEN (Artistic Director/Resident Director) grew up doing community theatre in a company
that was surely the spiritual ancestor of Running to Places. He founded R2P in 2007 as a way to bring
together the many passionate and talented young people of this area so they could create theatre,
develop life skills, and make some of the best friendships of their lives – much as he did when he was
young. He has been teaching, acting in, and directing theatre for young people throughout Tompkins
County since 1993, and received his BFA in Acting from Ithaca College in 1996. Over the years, he has
directed musicals and plays at Ithaca and Dryden High Schools; Dryden, Boynton, and DeWitt Middle
Schools; the Northern Lights Learning Center; and the Hangar Theatre’s Kiddstuff series. Joey has
taught acting at Ithaca College, Cornell, SUNY Cortland, Hangar Theatre’s Next Generation program,
and the Ithaca Youth Bureau. As an actor, he has appeared in many productions with the Kitchen
Theatre Company, most recently in Peter and the Starcatcher as Mrs. Bumbrake, Teacher, and Mutey.
He is grateful to his beautiful fiancé Uniit for all of her love, patience, and support, and would like to
give a special shout-out to his crazy and wonderful boys, Aram and Kii.
JULIA MACHLIN (Assistant Stage Manager/Co-Rehearsal Stage Manager) Julia is pleased to working
on another R2P show. You may have seen her as a snooty school girl in "Daisy Pulls it Off!" or as
an assistant stage manager for The Little Mermaid. Julia is a rising junior at Ithaca High School
and is involved in IHS Concert Choir, IHS Women's Choir, and Ithaca Children's Choir Chorale. She
would like to thank the entire cast and crew for creating this incredible show, her friends for
dealing with her crazy schedule, and her parents for driving her everywhere. "Enjoy the show!"
KATHLEEN ARYN TAYLOR recently graduated from Ithaca College receiving her BFA in Theatrical
Production Arts concentrating in Lighting Design. Some of her recent credits include As You Like It (IC),
Scarcity (IC), In The Heights (Mamiya Theatre, Honolulu, HI), and In My Garden (Honolulu Movement
Center). She also designed for various concerts and events around upstate New York. Kathleen is
honored to be designing her first show with Running to Places with such a talented cast and crew!
KENDRA WALKUSKI is more than excited to share this amazing story with you. She recently
graduated high school and plans on furthering her career at Rider University with a BFA in
Musical Theatre. You may have seen her recently as "Toffee" in Dryden high school's production
of "Zombie Prom" or as "Kendra" in R2P's production of "13! The Musical." She would like to
thank her family and friends for their constant support. Also, she would like to thank all of the
directors and choreographers of this show for making it very memorable. Much love.
LISA PODULKA (Mark’s mother, Over-the-Moon Back-up, Homeless Person #3): Lisa, a recent
graduate of IHS, is definitely bittersweet to be in her 20th and last R2P show. But this will not be
her last musical ever, as she is ecstatic to be pursuing a BFA in musical theatre with a Spanish
minor at Indiana University this fall! Favorite roles with R2P include “Polly” in Crazy for You and
“Ms. Bell” in Fame. At Cortland Repertory Theater, she played “Pippa” in Spider’s Web and was a
child ensemble member in Joseph...Dreamcoat. At Cider Mill Playhouse, she was “Lucille” in
Thoroughly Modern Millie. Favorite roles at IHS include “Pilar” in Legally Blonde and “Miss
Andrew” in Mary Poppins. Off-stage, she enjoys singing in Vitamin L and hanging out with her
three wonderful cats. Thank you to Jeremy, Joey, Tucker, Katie, and everyone else who helped
with this production. Thank you, also, to Mom and Dad for driving to rehearsals. Enjoy the show!
LIZ WOODS (Costume Designer) has enjoyed costumes and visual confectionery for as long as she
can remember. This year, she is delighted to be a part of the cheerful and dynamic Running to
Places team! Liz is the owner of Fine Character, a shop where she creates historical and
imaginative costumes and bespoke clothing. She has a background in mechanical engineering
and fine art, which led to work at Walt Disney Imagineering creating special effects and robotics.
LOIE FAULKNER (Alexi Darling, Over the Moon Backup, Makeup Design) is a recent graduate of Ithaca
High School and headed to American University in the fall. Rent will be her 19th production with
R2P! Favorite past roles include Amy in Company, Minstrel in Once Upon a Mattress, and Florinda in
Into The Woods. Loie has also makeup designed for multiple productions, most recently The Little
Mermaid. She would like to thank her fellow cast members for making her final stage production so
special, and to the directors and stage managers for giving so much heart and dedication to every
rehearsal. Love to Mom, Dad, Stj, Janet, and Ade. Enjoy the show – no day but today!
MADDI CARROLL (Ms. Jefferson, Blanket Woman, Pam) is a sophomore at Ithaca High School. She
is excited to be in her sixth Running to Places show. Maddi’s favorite roles include Marta in
Company (R2P) and Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz (R2P). Maddi has been singing since she was a
baby and has fallen in love with it. She would like to thank her parents for constantly pushing her
to continue with music. When she’s not at a rehearsal for whatever show she’s currently in, she
enjoys playing guitar and taking photographs. She would like to thank her amazing friends who
still love her even though she was constantly busy rehearsing for this show, always and barely
saw them. Lastly, thanks to everyone who made this show possible. I love you all. Enjoy the
show! And don’t forget, we’re not going to pay rent!
MAX AVRAMIS (Mark Cohen) is thrilled to be in Running to Places production of Rent! Some of his
favorite R2P roles include Archie in 13! and Schlomo in Fame! When not on the stage, you can find
Max taking naps, playing tennis, or hanging out with Keara. In the fall, Max will be attending Pace
University in NYC to receive a BFA in Musical Theater! He would to thank his "cool" parents, Joey,
Jeremy, Tucker, Fatima, Liz and everyone else involved in making Rent a success! Enjoy the show!
MICHAEL SLOAN (Roger), is a recent graduate of Ithaca High School, and will be pursuing a BFA in
Musical Theatre at Syracuse University this fall. He is excited, but also sad to be in his tenth and
final show with R2P. Some of his favorite R2P roles include Young Scrooge in A Christmas Carol,
Nick in Fame, and the title role in Oliver. When not on stage, Michael enjoys playing soccer,
skiing, taking voice lessons, and hanging out with his friends. He would like to thank all of the
directors, cast, crew, and designers for making this show possible. He would also like to thank
his family for all of their support. Enjoy the show!
NIAA DOWELL (Joanne Jefferson) is ecstatic to perform in her second Running to Places show. You
may have seen her in R2P's "Crazy For You" as Lottie or in any of Lansing High School's recent
shows. Niaa will be a senior at LHS in the fall. When she is not doing theater or working, Niaa
enjoys quality time with her cat Princess, napping, and going to Viva! for nachos. Niaa would like
to thank her family and friends for their love and support. She also hopes you enjoy the show!
NICK MRAS: Nick is a soon to be sophomore at Newfield High School and is extremely excited to
be doing another great show with Running to Places! You may remember him in The Little
Mermaid (Grimsby), Company (Larry), Crazy for You (Custus), 13 The Musical (Rabbi) and the
Wizard of Oz. In his spare time, Nick enjoys the drums, bass guitar and hanging out with family
and friends. Enjoy the show!
RACHEL-ELIZABETH FRANK (Co-Rehearsal Stage Manager, Performance Assistant Stage Manager) is
wonderfully excited to be a part of her 10th R2P show. Previous production credits with R2P
include: Company (Performance Assistant Stage Manager), Little Women (Spotlight Operator), and
13 (Assistant Stage Manager, Costume Coordinator) as well as Kitchen Theatre Company’s Peter
and the Starcatcher and The Mountaintop. Onstage credits include: “Susan” in Company, “Wicked
Witch of the West” in the Wizard of Oz, and “Jimmy” in Crazy For You, among others. Kudos to her
parents for being the reason she exits. Rachel would like to thank Cyia Eunice Drew, Jack Honig,
Maddi Carroll, and Nick Mras for being absolutely wonderful, and would especially like to thank
Jeremy Pletter because she once told him that if she ever won a Tony she would thank him. She
doesn’t expect to win a Tony any time soon, but hopefully this is good enough for now. Rachel
works at Acting Out New York where she writes scripts and assistant teaches. In her free time,
Rachel likes to write novels. Her first book, A Woman Scorned, is available now.
RUTH SILCOFF (Cop, Pastor, Homeless Person) is thrilled to be cast in Running to Places’ production
of Rent. Her previous show credits include a follies girl in Crazy for You and a dancer in Fame, both
with R2P. Outside of theatre, most of Ruth’s life is spent on the dance team at Armstrong School of
Dance and as president of speech and debate club at IHS. In her limited free time she loves to relax
at the lake, watch Netflix, and scroll through her Instagram feed. After making it through her hectic
junior year of too many APs, Ruth is glad to enjoy this summer by being a part of this talented cast.
“Thanks for coming, because without you, how will we pay the rent?”
TUCKER DAVIS (Choreographer) was born in Idaho and grew up between Idaho, California and
Alaska. He began dancing professionally as a teenager in Sacramento and soon thereafter went
abroad dancing in cruise ship shows in the Caribbean. He has danced around the world and
studied all styles of dance in cities including NYC, Madrid, London and Berlin. Tucker appeared in
the National Broadway Touring companies of CATS and Susan Stroman's THE MUSIC MAN as well
as performing with regional theater companies including the Dallas Theater Center, Fulton Opera
House, Theater Under the Stars, Sacramento Music Circus, Marriot Lincolnshire, Sierra Repertory
Theatre and Carousel Dinner Theater. An accomplished ballet dancer, Tucker appeared as a
principal with Lydia Johnson Dance and the Gehring Dance Theater, as a soloist with De Funes
Dance and Collective Body Dance Lab, and in the corps with Chase Brock Dance Experience,
Eglevsky Ballet and Ruth Rosenberg Dance Ensemble. For his performance as a soloist with Joyce
Dance Theatre SoHo, the New York Times said “Reason steps aside in the face of airborne, easy
dancing like that of Tucker Davis.” and for his work with Lydia Johnson Oberon's Grove noted
him as ““passionate, powerful, agile and fearless”. As a choreographer and dance instructor,
Tucker has enjoyed accolades for his work at competitions across the country and
choreographed new works for NYC's Periapsis Music and Dance and The Gehring Dance Theater,
Socrates Art Festival, Dixon Place Dance Week, PeriDance and MadCo Montana. Tucker's musical
theatre choreography work includes the musicals CRAZY FOR YOU for Running To Places and YO
VIKINGS! and THE EMPEROR'S NEW CLOTHES at the Hangar Theatre. He directed and
choreographed the opera BLUEBEARD'S CASTLE for Opera Ithaca and also choreographed DON
GIOVANNI. He choreographed the world premiere of COUNT ME IN by Rachel Lampert at the
Kitchen Theatre and also choreographed new works for DANCE THE NIGHT AWAY for the Kitchen
Theatre as well as creating AT SUCH A DIZZY HEIGHT for dancers, chorus and musicians at Ithaca
College. Tucker teaches jazz and ballet at Ithaca College in Ithaca, New York. He has also taught
with Ithaca Ballet, Montana Dance Center, School of Classical Ballet, Divine Rhythms in Long
Island, Armstrong School of Dance and in Canada with Outside Looking In.
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Thank you to those who have supported us so far this season!
Won’t you please join them?
Ian Shapiro & Dalya Tamir
Friends ($1-$99)
Jeffrey Honig
Alice Churchill & John Vandenberg
Joyce & Dan Frank
Erin and Ray Durkin
Laura Nelkin
Jane Tarlow
Michael Charnoky
Kellie Hummel
Paul Velleman & Susan Michlovitz Fund
Sharon Dittman
Valerie & Tony Salerno
Sherri and Mike Ellis
Tom and Barbara Dimock
Runners ($100­$249)
Alan Rose
Andrew Rappaport & Lorna Bayer
Andrew Wallenstein
Cindy Gordon
Diane & James Orcutt
George Cannon
Ithaca Sunrise Rotary Club
Jill & Harry Whitener
Judith A Mendelson
Katheryn & Mark Morris
Margaret Valentine
Michael & Teri Niziol
Mihal Ronen
Nancy & George Schuler
Nancy & Peter Schrempf
Noemi Kraut
Pat and John Gaines
Thomas Howley
Racers ($250­$499)
Cynthia Brock and Raymond Craib
J. Ellen Gainor & David Faulkner
Lap Company
Mark & Ingrid Zabel
Melanie Bush
Champions ($500-$999)
Elissa Cogan & Barry Chester
Marathoners ($1,000-$4,999)
Brendan Wyly & Kristen Grace
Buttermilk Falls Pediatrics #
Comey-Fitzgeral Family Foundation
Community Arts Partnership
Gulf Coast on behalf of Timothy J. and
Allison Deutsch Andersen
Hess Legacy Fund
Kathy Yoselson Fierce Determination Fund
Rawlings Construction #
Richard Furnas
Savage Club of Ithaca *
Squeaky Clean Car Wash *
Tompkins Trust Company #
Triad Foundation #
Ultra­Marathoners ($5,000 and Up)
Anonymous #
Community Foundation of Tompkins
CSP Management ^ +
Inn on Columbia +
Park Foundation
Purity Ice Cream +
^ Season Sponsor
+ Exclusive Show Sponsor
* Show Sponsor
# Scholarship Sponsor
This list is current through June 30, 2016. If we have made an error, please email
[email protected] and accept our sincere apologies.
C.S.P. Management
Real Estate Management
and Development
“We help make
full houses happen”
407 W. Seneca Street, Ithaca, NY 14850
E-mail: [email protected]