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Cabinet 22nd June 2006
Item No. 3 – Appendix K
Sevenoaks District Council
Questionnaire to Sevenoaks Playhouse Hirers
Analysis of responses
Does Sevenoaks Town need a theatre/cinema facility?
Yes ………………………………………………………………. 15
No .……………………………………………………………… 0
Is the existing facility adequate for your needs?
Yes ………………………………………………………………. 15
No .……………………………………………………………… 0
Would a smaller facility meet your needs?
Yes ………………………………………………………………. 0
No .………………………………………………………………. 14
Possibly …………………………………………………………. 1
On average, how often do you use the facility per annum?
Daily ..…………………………………………………………….. 0
Weekly …………………………………………………………… 0
Monthly .………………………………………………………….. 2
Yearly …………………………………………………………….. 7
Other ……………………………………………………………… 6
On average how long do you use the facility on these occasions?
Morning …………………………………………………………… 0
Afternoon …………………………………………………………. 2
Evening …………………………………………………………… 4
All Day .…………………………………………………………… 2
2-3 days ……………………………………………………………2
1 Week .………………………………………………………….. 4
Other ……………………………………………………………… 3
Any other comments
Comments attached
(Item No. 3 – Appendix K)1
Cabinet 22nd June 2006
Item No. 3 – Appendix K
As one of the founding societies of the STAG and having a presence as a society in
Sevenoaks since 1924, we have had a strong affinity with amateur theatrical and
musical performances within Sevenoaks over many years. We believe it is essential
and sensible for the good of the community that an adequate performing arts facility
remains in the town not only as a beacon to the growing population but as a
continuing facility that local government, users and the district can be justly proud of.
We have been visiting the Sevenoaks Playhouse for many years. It is one of our
most valuable venues mainly because of its large stage and orchestra pit. If we are
to continue using the facility we would need it to have a capacity of at least 350 and a
reasonably sized orchestra pit. I imagine that most other musical groups would have
the same requirement. A smaller facility with no pit would severely limit the number
and types of group who were able to use the venue.
We have been presenting operas at the Stag Theatre for the past 20 years. The
theatre is unique in that it has a good size stage big enough for a large cast, in our
case between 55 and 75 and although it would be great to have a fly tower, the
extension to the stage at the back has made it possible to store scenery for the
sometimes complicated sets we require for our productions. The good size orchestra
pit is absolutely essential and in many cases we have an orchestra of between 35
and 45. Many theatres do not have this and this is one of the reasons that we choose
to perform in Sevenoaks. Needless to say, other essentials are the hydraulic lift for
moving scenery onto the stage, sufficient dressing rooms for a large cast, lighting etc.
The cost of our productions is in the region of £40,000 and our income comes from
box office takings. Thus it is vital that the auditorium seats no less than 450. Operas
performed at Sevenoaks include Carmen, La Traviata, Die Fledermaus, Manon
Lescaut, La Boheme and Madam Butterfly. We trust that the theatre will continue in
its present form and enable companies like ours to continue to perform in Sevenoaks
The dimensions of the performing space and the size of the auditorium need
separate consideration. The stage dimensions are particularly important. The
Playhouse stage is only just wide enough to accommodate us, and anything
narrower would rule it out. The current depth is OK to accommodate choral works. If
the auditorium were to be significantly smaller we could not target to cover costs.
As we generally attract audiences of 225-300 to our concerts (occasionally more if
the work is particularly popular) a slightly smaller auditorium would probably work for
us. However, the present seating unit and large stage are what really make a
difference, large scale choral works need this sort of space and the presentation is
infinitely more professional.
This festival attracts well over 300 participants and the studio is a wonderful facility
with excellent audience numbers. The age range is 6-93 years and involves youth
theatre, school and adult groups who are assessed by an adjudicator. In addition we
run 10 workshops for local junior school children during Monday-Friday mornings and
afternoons. This year 16 groups took part.
Our cast of over 50 consists of approx 20 members under the age of 14 who gain
their first theatrical experience on this stage. Over the last 16 years this would total
(Item No. 3 – Appendix K)2
Cabinet 22nd June 2006
Item No. 3 – Appendix K
several hundred. We also provide free seats for charitable and needy groups to
enable them to experience theatre.
Many more low risk straight hires could be achieved by:Encouraging more local schools to stage events.
And, as in the past, commercial promoters hiring the theatres.
The success of my performances is largely due to the size of the stage. Anything
smaller simply would not be suitable. I also require all of the dressing room space
there is available including the Studio.
The present stage facility is essential, with a 400 seat capacity. Whether a studio
theatre is essential is another matter, but clearly a case can be made for it. But the
professional space currently offered is essential to the standing of the Sevenoaks
Young Musician of the Year Competition. We moved to the Playhouse at the urging
of the top flight judges we use, who felt only in this setting would it achieve any
status. The fact that some 60% of the entries this year were international makes the
Sevenoaks wouldn’t be the same without the vibrant life of this theatre. I am actively
with many societies and committees who all use the Playhouse throughout the year.
The orchestra pit and the Studio theatre are paramount for the type of shows I am
involved in, as are the dressing rooms and the size of the auditorium allowing us to
break even on shows. Most of the societies and clubs would simply not exist
anymore if the theatre were to close and that means 1,000+ active theatre users
would be denied something we all value immensely, not to mention our audiences.
Please keep the theatre open.
(Item No. 3 – Appendix K)3