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Peter Shaffer
produced by special arrangement with
Samuel French, Inc.
directed by
Alan Cameron
at Cue Productions Live
May 3 through May 27, 2012
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Butterfield 8 Theatre Company presents
Lettice and Lovage
Peter Shaffer
produced by special arrangement with Samuel French, Inc.
Deborah Doyle
l & Maureen-Th
Theresa Williams
Nathalie Archangel
Alan Cameron
Scenic Design
John Butterfield
Gary Mutz
John Butterfield & Kathleen MacKay
Set Construction
Lighting Design
John Butterfield, Jean Butterfield,
Jill Gelster & David Dierks
Alan Cameron & Kathleen MacKay
Set Decoration
Kathleen MacKay, John Butterfield &
Alan Cameron
Liz Martin,
Pink Depford Design Studio
Sound & Light Operations
Kathleen MacKay
Directed by
Alan Cameron
Director’s Notes
llow me to introduce Charlotte Schoen and Lettice Douffet. Charlotte is
a lost soul; a woman whose innate love of beauty and reverence for history
have been submerged in the sea of life’s random cruelties. Lettice, on the other
hand, has lost, not her spirit, but her place in the real world. She is able to
function only by clinging to the notion of a past inherently more beautiful
and more noble than the present. Lettice and Lovage presents the fateful, often
hilarious, intersection of these two disparate, broken lives and the bond that
ultimately redeems them both.
he play is a feast for those with a love of theatre and legend; drawing on all
manner of primal dramatic elements – historic spectacle, noble self-sacrifice,
star-crossed lovers, pageantry, war, the ravishment of beauty, traveling players
and an intoxicating potion with a secret ingredient that becomes the catalyst for
revelation and inspiration.
ettice and Lovage is a play eminently suited for presentation by Butterfield
8 as it reflects the Company’s deeply held belief in the power of theatre to
transform, to heal the spirit and to bring about positive change in the world. It
has been my honor to help bring it to life.
o -- Drink Deep! Resist the Mere! Embrace the Unique! (and please feel
free to leave such tokens of appreciation as you may care to in the receptacles
—Alan Cameron
Without danger, Mr. Bardolph, there is no
—Lettice Douffet
The Cast
(in order of appearance)
LETTICE DOUFFET ................................................................Deborah Doyle
VISITORS to Fustian House* ........................Nathalie Archangel, Farshid Arman
David Hardie, Isabella Montijo,
Olivia Montijo, Wren Montijo, Becky Potter,
Lisa Wise, Evan Weiss, Ian Williams
a SURLY MAN ............................................................................ Alan Cameron
LOTTE SCHOEN ................................................... Maureen-Theresa Williams
MISS FRAMER ................................................................... Nathalie Archangel
FELINA .................................................................................................. Herself
MR. BARDOLPH .............................................................................Gary Mutz
*Please check the notice for which Visitors are appearing in this performance
The Setting
England, around 1990
Scene 1 - Fustian House, Wiltshire.
Four separate days during the late Spring and Summer
Scene 2 - Miss Schoen’s office at the Preservation Trust, London.
The following afternoon
Lettice’s basement flat, Earls Court, London. About ten weeks later
Lettice’s flat. Six months later
There will be one fifteen-minute intermission
About The Cast
athalie Archangel (Miss Framer) is performing for the fourth time with
Butterfield 8, having previously appeared in The Tempest, the all-female cast
of Twelfth Night, and in Lady Windermere’s Fan. Since moving from Los Angeles in
2008, Nathalie has appeared in East Bay productions of Spitfire Grill, Harvey and
Cotton Patch Gospel among others. A recording artist for most of her adult life,
Nathalie invites you to Google her for at least two minutes of entertainment. If that is
not sufficient, do feel free to “Like” her Facebook page entitled Nathalie Archangel(:,
which was created by her stunning 14 year old daughter Isabella. Nathalie dedicates
this performance, and all of her other mortal acts, to her daughters Isabella, (and the
equally fabulous) Wren and Olivia, and her righteously supportive husband Mark.
eborah Doyle (Lettice Douffet) is honored to return to Butterfield 8, having
appeared in its productions of Cymbeline, Arcadia, Hamlet, last year’s world
premiere of Pride and Prejudice, and this year’s An Evening of Saki. She plays Queen
Elizabeth I at various California renaissance faires and is dedicated to bringing
history to life through performance. As a member of several women’s vocal troupes,
Deborah’s repertoire includes songs of the sea, Old California and the British music
hall, but she confesses to being a closet traditional jazz fan. She is an advocate and
fundraiser for public libraries and lives in San Francisco with her husband.
ary Mutz (Mr. Bardolph) is thrilled to be back with Butterfield 8, having first
appeared with them in as Sir William Lucas in last year’s Pride & Prejudice.
A two-time Shellie-award recipient, Gary has appeared in shows throughout the
Bay Area over the past 3 decades. Favorite shows include: It’s a Wonderful Life
(Clarence) and God’s Favorite (Joe Benjamin) with Contra Costa Christian Theatre;
Laughter on the 23rd Floor (Kenny Franks) and Miracle on 34th Street (Mr. Sawyer)
with Town Hall Theatre; Social Security (David Kahn) and Over the River and
Through the Woods (Frank) with the Vagabond Players. He is looking forward to
appearing in this summer’s reprise of Pride & Prejudice. Gary would like to thank
his wife, Deborah, for over 37 years of love and support.
aureen-Theresa Williams (Lotte Schoen) is a founding member and CoArtistic Director of Butterfield 8. Previous roles with the company include
Ruth in Blithe Spirit, Beatrice in Much Ado About Nothing, Zelda in Zelda’s Mama’s
Cookin’, Edith Potter in The Women, Hannah Jarvis in Arcadia, and Mrs. Bennet in
the world premiere of Pride and Prejudice (a role she is reprising this August). Other
favorite roles include Dotty Otley in Noises Off and Veta in Harvey (Contra Costa
Civic Theatre), Miss Maudie in To Kill a Mockingbird (Antioch Rivertown Theatre),
Queenie in Bell, Book and Candle (Chanticleers), Mrs. Pert in Look Homeward,
Angel (Willows Theatre Company), and Amanda Wingfield in The Glass Menagerie
(Contra Costa Christian Theater). She would like to thank her husband, David, for
putting up with her for the last 22 years.
Artistic Staff
lan Cameron (Director). This marks Mr. Cameron’s second directorial
assignment for the company, having directed The Women in 2009. A Shellieaward winning actor, he has been active in local theatre for over 30 years, performing
frequently with Butterfield 8; notably, Malvolio in Twelfth Night, Lady Bracknell
in The Importance of Being Earnest and Shylock in The Merchant of Venice. This
summer, he will re-create his role as Mr. Bennet in Donald Hardy’s adaptation of
Pride and Prejudice.
iz Martin (Resident Costume Designer) has been involved in theater for over
25 years. Her custom design business, Pink Depford Design Studio (www. has built costumes for actors, re-enactors, wineries, and a
squirrel. In addition to her prior work with Butterfield 8 (The Tempest, Edward II,
Pride and Prejudice, Lady Windermere’s Fan, Twelfth Night, Hamlet) she has worked
with several theater companies in the Bay Area: Ross Valley Players (The Miracle
Worker), Vagabond Players (Sound of Music) & Martinez Opera (Madame Butterfly).
She spends her winter holidays as the Costume Director for The Great Dickens
Christmas Fair ( She gives thanks everyday that she has the
opportunity to make her living doing two the things she enjoys the most: costuming
and nails.
imberley Liljequist (Assistant Costume Designer) has been sewing since
junior high. She started sewing costumes for her two boys when they were
little, and finally got into theater when her youngest was in a school play. Kim did
an internship with Cal Shakes in their costume shop during the summer of 2009,
and is attending College of Alameda learning to design for the fashion world with
the hope of turning the knowledge towards costume design. Kim has been working
with Liz Martin at Pink Depford Design since August 2010 – sewing, listening, and
having fun.
ohn Butterfield is the founder and Artistic Director of Butterfield 8 Theatre
Company, now in its sixth season in residence at Cue Productions Live, and has
been directing and choreographing productions in the Bay Area for many years. He
studied directing at Toi Whakaari/Victoria University in New Zealand, and while
there performed in Shifting; a devised work at BATS theatre in Wellington. In 2009
he returned to New Zealand where he staged Mates and Lovers to critical acclaim
at BATS. He has taught theatre and dance locally at CTA and San Ramon Dance
Academy and is currently teaching at Berkeley Ballet. As a dancer he has toured the US
with Dance Through Time and ODC, and was a member of Company Chaddick for
8 years. He is a LEAP graduate from St. Mary’s College, and in addition to directing
and choreographing continues to perform both locally and in New Zealand. To his
whanau in NZ “Haere taka mua, taka muri; kaua e whai.”
Production Staff
House Management - Kathleen MacKay
Deck Crew - David Hardie, Ian Williams
Additional Properties - Maureen-Theresa Williams
Wardrobe Mistress - Jennifer Dougherty
For Pink Depford Designs
Assistant Costume Designer - Kimberly Liljequist
Cutter/Draper - Cathryn Reynolds
Stitchers - Narae Kim, Kimberly Liljequist, Hyo Namgung, Hilary Seeley
Special thanks to: Thomas – for all the work on the website, Adrienne – for the
donation of the hats (and Sarah for sorting them), Sabrina – for her excellent
organizational skills and patience!
B8 Needs You!
Butterfield 8 productions are made possible in part by contributions from the
the Bank of America Matching Gifts Program, Kaiser Permanente Matching Gifts
Program, Kennedy Jenks Consultants, Inc., Lucky stores S.H.A.R.E.S program,
and patrons like you.
We’d like to thank our individual contributors to Butterfield 8. Their donations
have totaled more than $5,000 since December 1, 2011:
Dorothy Anderson
Paula Bakalar
Pat Church
Bruce & Christine Clegg
Deborah Doyle & Melvin Whartanaby
William Egli
Martha & Stephen Emry
Timothy & Pamela Duncan
Jill Gelster & David Dierks
Clifford & Diana Goldbeck
Kerry Gudjohnsen
Donald Hardy
Richard Louis James
Maya Kennedy
Julia Gilliland Liu
Anne Matthew
Sheilah Morrison
Jerry & Judy Potter
Bharat & Usha Srinivasan
Claudia Waite
Alexandra Wentworth
David Williams
Does your company have a matching gifts program? Won’t you consider a donation?
Butterfield 8 is the theatrical branch of New Urban Dance Company, which is a
501(c)(3) non-profit organization, tax ID# 94-3148473. All donations to NUDC
are fully deductible to the extent allowed by law.
From the Artistic Director
hy this play? This play
l celebrates
h passion off theatre
history. Today
we are surrounded by the ugly, the ordinary, and the “mere”. The question
that Shaffer puts to us is: where is the reverence and the glory in what has past,
and why have we settled for the mundane and the ordinary? Modern architecture
is frankly ugly, and modern language is coarse and bland; we clearly do not revere
or remember history. Lottie and Lettice do, and for that we are reminded of what
has past and what is lost.
his play suits the company as we all love history and language, and of course
the theatre. With this work we celebrate the glory of history as it was and
maybe as it should have been.
erforming for you tonight are the two Grande Dames of Butterfield 8,
Deborah (who when not playing with us does a mean Elizabeth the First)
and Maureen (who has adapted all of our Shakespeare and continues to grow in
the company). Directing them is Alan Cameron, a man who I not only am proud
to call friend but company member.
et us all rejoice in the beauty of history and theatre and don’t hold back in how
you express yourselves. Enlarge, enliven, enlighten!
—John Butterfield
▪ to Pat Church and Jerry & Judy Potter for their continued support ▪ to
Jill and Dave for building the grand staircase ▪ to Mel Whartanaby for the
wallpaper ▪ to Kerry Gudjohnsen for the wine ▪ to Go Go Brewing, Robin and
Derek Wolfgram, San Jose, for the mead ▪ to Neil at Radio Shack, Brentwood,
for help with the buzzer ▪ to Alan, Deb, and Mo for taking this on
▪ to Nathalie for Felina ▪ to the crew who have jumped on board as our Board
of Directors – thank you so much for pushing us forward ▪ to Kathleen for
running the bar and board, and all the little things you helped with on the set
▪ to the Willows Theatre Company for the tape recorder ▪ to Shaun Carroll,
props master extraordinaire, for recovering chairs and being amazing ▪ to my
gaggle of Tourists –thank you for being enlightened and enlarged ▪ to, as always,
the Company, for working through the growing pains
Coming up Next
d byand
d Prejudice
Jane Austen
adapted for the stage by Donald L. Hardy
“It is a truth universally acknowledged that a single man in possession of a
good fortune must be in want of a wife.”
Join us once again for Jane Austen’s enduring tale of manners, upbringing,
morality, education, and marriage among the landed gentry of early 19th century
England, a show Charles Jarrett called “...a melded work of translational genius.”
and “...a stunning production.”
This revival of last year’s world premiere four-act adaptation, created specifically
for Butterfield 8, is once again presented in two parts. Based on audience
feedback, there will be two opportunities to see the production as a
“double feature” — both parts on the same day!
Pride and Prejudice previews August 1, 2012 and runs through August 26.
Our 2012-2013 Season
She Stoops to Conquer
by Oliver Goldsmith
October 11 – November 4, 2012
by William Shakespeare
February 28 – March 24, 2013
by Brendan Behan
produced by special arrangement with Samuel French, Inc.
May 2 – May 26, 2013
More information coming soon on our website at
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he Mission of Butterfi
eld 8 Theatre
Theatre Company is to prov
provide audiences a fresh
take on classic plays, and foster the creation of new works.
ur Vision is to present audiences with examples of both ends of the theatrical
spectrum: new productions of classic works, focusing in particular on textdriven plays (such as the works of Shakespeare), and new works devised by the
company or written by local playwrights. Our work often examines perceptions
of gender, both within the context of the play and the larger context of society as
a whole. We strive to create an immersive environment, believing the audience’s
experience starts when they buy the ticket, and shouldn't end when they leave
the theatre. We honor that the audience has come for a live theatre experience to
engage with a story or an idea; to be taken on a journey. This is our responsibility,
and our craft.
e are always looking for people to be active members of our Board of
Directors. The job requires people who have experience living and working
in the world, with an interest in helping us grow as a theatre company. If you
would like to help us achieve our vision, please contact John Butterfield at (510)
282-6174 or 8butterfi[email protected].