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Mademoiselle ORCHESTRA
The Big Orchestra
A great show of music, theatre and dancing!
Jacqueline Cambouis Company
- introduction and history
Who are the Mademoiselle Orchestra ?
- presentation
- pitch
- press cuttings
Creation 2016: The Big Orchestra
- presentation
- repertoire
- timetable
- the team
- the participants
Su m
Jacqueline CAMBOUIS Company
The Jacqueline Cambouis Company was created in 2001, following a meeting by four
Angevin artists united by a passion for theatre and for music.
The quality of their creations has led them to perform both at a national and a European
Their shows combine comedy, music and humour, sharing some intense moments and
creating a real rapport with the audience.
History :
2007 : Mademoiselle Orchestra
A dramatised brass band by eight crazy
2002/2006 : Les Fifilles font du Firk (“The girls. They traverse France and Europe to
Girls do Firk”)
great success with their prams and their
This first show would take the form of a pushchairs!
street show, based on clown games and
aerial acrobatics on an 8 metre high py- 2010 : Noël Givré (“Frozen Christmas”)
ramid-like crossbar. Released by the Jo Winter brass band with four comic actors
Bithume Company, the show was played and musicians : Pierre-Noël, Guy-Noël,
around fifty times in Europe.
Noëlle and Marie-Noëlle.
2005/2008 : Sept et demi (“Seven and a
This creation would take the form of an indoor show, co-produced and co-directed
by the Jo Bithume Company, with a quartet of musicians: the Strada Quartet. The
artists explored the music of Nino Rota
and played numbers of circuses and video
2011 : Mademoiselle Orchestra at the
Adaptation of the Mademoiselle Orchestra show for theatre.
2013 : Le "Vipères Assassines" fan club
(The “Deadly Vipers” fan club)
Musical show, on the streets and indoors.
Members of the fan club perform an inau-
gural show in honour of their idol, Quentin
2014 : Allez les filles !
Four singers play rock and swing and toy
around with their audience’s mood in an
intimate setting or to anyone who would
listen: in the streets, under a porch, in a
hallway and from table to table.
2016 : La Grosse Orchestra (“The Big Orchestra”)
Tea dance show, with an even larger
group, as the eight members of the Mademoiselle Orchestra decided to bring their
friends along too.
Who are the Mademoiselle Orchestra ?
The Mademoiselle Orchestra is a women’s brass band created in 2008, comprising of eight comic actor musicians. Since its début, this theatrical brass street band has played around 300 times on the streets and indoors, in France and abroad: in Germany, Spain and Switzerland.
They play just as raucously at festivals as they do at village fairs or private parties.
In 2011, the team created a theatrical version
featuring a ninth member, Carole, in turn, a stage manager and musician.
On the streets, their repertoire of two hours is
spread over a day in two sets lasting one hour
or three sets lasting forty minutes.
From a technical viewpoint, the show is selfcontained, and the amps are battery-powered.
A battery microphone is also installed for vocals
and the speaking parts. The equipment is transported in prams, pushchairs and shopping carts
by the orchestra members.
The installation of instruments and sonorisation
is done live and on show, and done quickly.
The show is played on a set and acoustically.
“Being fed up with the day to day !
For several months, coloured shadows, set like clockwork to music, furtively make their
way along the yard of Building C and are wending their way towards the garage...
From a few wrong notes and dissonant sounds, little by little, the hubbub of these beginnings started to take shape and become music.
All that remains to be said is that this fad has indeed become a reality!
Thanks to the impetus of their group leader, Madame Liénard, these determined neighbours have dug out some waltzes from their closets
along with tangos, rock, funk and even disco pieces with just one goal in mind: becoming fullyfledged outdoor ladies of life!”
The pitch :
Press cuttings :
Zoom la Rue :
“They have produced an excellent
performance in great comic art
and fine quality sound, because it is
clearly street theatre that is verywell
disguised as a brass band. Complete
with sound system, drums and other
instruments, all brought along in
small pushchairs, this Company is a
very mobile combo that can set up
anywhere and in any public space.
They feature characters with some
very strong personalities, played by
female actresses who have perfectly
mastered the full range.”
Presse de la Manche :
Breathtaking girls
“Yesterday afternoon, an air of infectious madness settled on the Lawton-Collins dock, and then a little later at Place de Gaulle...
Eight girls offered up a musical and
theatrical anthology to an audience
that howled with laughter. Mademoiselle Orchestra may well be just as
effective as all the anti-depressants
in the world. They showed us how to
move, hollering and creating surprise with great panache and intellect.
But make no mistake, to be successful in being as crazy as they are, you
have to be fantastically talented with
your instrument... Ladies, thank you!
If having the giggles is the equivalent
of eating a steak, then yesterday we
devoured an entire cow! “
La Nouvelle République :
They’ve scored quite a hit!
“Yesterday, we wagered that the
eight women of the Mademoiselle
Orchestra had landed the unofficial
audience award. Coming in their hundreds to the town of Saint Varent,
the festival-goers enjoyed a show
that held them spellbound from start
to finish. Crazy choreography, witty
repartees: the Jacqueline Cambouis
Company offered a damned slick
number. But these artists are above
all talented musicians. Each brought
her own contribution in her own way,
revisiting an extraordinarily wide repertoire of rock, funk and even tango
pieces! Rip-rollicking rocking thunder!”
Le Courrier de l’Ouest :
“Mademoiselle Orchestra, a band
consisting of eight women brimming
with talent and humour, has brought
the realm of amateur musicians into
a clown-like universe : “Fed up of the
day to day!”, they cry, while firing
up their “whirlwind of life”, scratching out some compositions to the
audience’s great delight. These seaside girls are a great bunch... The set
is a real stress-reliever: their expressions, outfits, costumes, make-up,
imagination, music, but of course!
It’s such an enjoyable and wonderful
The Big Orchestra
« Here it is, the newsflash is here: from March 2016,
Mademoiselle Orchestra will be showing off
their Tea Dances!
Madame Liénard, leader of this group, with her sidekick
Chantal, have won you over!
And they have not done it in half-measures!
Many have been enlisted and in total there will be thirteen on
stage to perform all the music that you love!
Down with rock’n roll and primitive music!
Long live waltzes, tangos, mambos and other cha-chas!
So don’t delay, come and shake about to the lively rhythms
and tempos of this flamboyantly colourful orchestra! »
For this new set-up, The Big Orchestra will play on stage, before a standing audience.
The main idea is to give a large part to the participation of the audience, making people play silly games, inviting them to dance or sing
Repertoire :
With a repertoire that is just as eclectic: we will be playing pieces that are typically found in tea dances, waltzes, tangos, mambos and
many more, along with some pieces that are more akin to rock, pop or funk!
- Sway
- Besame Mucho
- Stairway to Heaven Slow Rock
- Yolanda
Cha Cha
- Jungle Boogie
- Tango
- Shame Shame Shame
- Eternal Flame
- Billie Jean
- Piensa en Mi
- Ça fait rire les oiseaux
- 99 Luftballons
- Oye como va
Cha Cha
- L’Indifférence
- One Step Beyond Pop
- Think
Rhythm and Blues
- Laisse tomber les filles
- I got a woman
13 Musicians / Actors :
The band will be expanded, composed of thirteen
women, all as musicians as comic actors:
Sylvie Daguet: drums
Géraldine Afchain: electric bass
Mathilde Barraud: electric guitar, transverse flute
Elisabeth Paniez: alto sax
Isabelle Osmas: soprano sax, vocals
Véronique Lejeaille: trumpet
Nastasia de Geer: trombone
Estelle Gauthier: tuba
Alexandra Bourigault: alto sax, vocals
Frédérique Espinasse: tenor sax, baritone sax
Emmanuelle Ruault: soprano sax, vocals
Vanessa Grellier: percussion, vocals
Emmanuelle Bouriaud: viola
Timetable :
For this new project, we are planning several weeks of collaborative creations during
winter 2015-2016, with a view to a first night in May 2016.
After some individual sight reading of selected pieces, we will work together for:
- One week (5 days) with the thirteen musicians.
- One week with tutelage from a musician, Ludovic Rivière.
- Two weeks with our director, Christophe Andral.
(director of Mademoiselle Orchestra in its original form).
The team :
Sylvie Daguet
comic actor, drummer and tapdancer
After several years studying percussion and
drums in particular, this native of Le Mans is
just as passionate about tap dancing, which
she practices with several associations. She
has starred as a comic actor and drummer in
Mademoiselle Orchestra since the start of
the adventure in 2008, and in Jacqueline Cambouis Company’s latest
creation: the “Deadly Vipers” fan club. She has also been a tap dancer and xylophonist in the experimental group Mentat Routage since
Mathilde Barraud
comic actor, flautist and guitarist
She completed her studies in transversal
flute at the conservatory, obtained a music
technician diploma, a General Academic Studies degree in musicology and obtained her
university musician diploma. She has starred
as flautist, guitarist and comic actor in the Mademoiselle Orchestra
since 2008 and in the “Deadly Vipers” fan-club. At the same time, she
is also a participating musician at the paediatric ward at University
Hospital Angers with the Appels d’Air association. She is also a musician and comic actor in a show for toddlers: “Over time”.
Géraldine Afchain
comic actor and bassist
Having taken the acting training course in
2001 and then in 2003 at the circus and street
art school of the Jo Bithume Company, in
2001 she co-founded the Midi 12 company,
for whom she is a comic actor and bassist in La Fanfare Electrique.
She writes and acts as a comic actress, releasing “My well-being in
everyday life” from 2002 to 2006. Since 2008, she has been a comic ator and bassist in Mademoiselle Orchestra and in the “Deadly
Vipers” fan club. She has also worked as a comic actor at Mozaique
(a daycare facility for adolescents at the Poitiers University Hospital
Centre) and at the medical and psychological centre.
Elisabeth Paniez
alto saxophonist
Eclectic musician and member of the Mademoiselle Orchestra since 2012 as a young
ecstatic saxophonist, Elisabeth Paniez has
also been active on the Nantes jazz scene with her trio Ujie and the
Vendée Jazz Orchestra, that played at the Rendez-Vous de l’Erdre
festival in 2014. She also plays with Traxs (a saxophone trio) and the
Vintage Swing Orchestra (a dance orchestra playing music from the
1930s and 1940s).
Isabelle Osmas
comic actor and soprano saxophonist
Nastasia de Geer
She founded the “Trombines à Coulisses”
(“Faces in the wings”) burlesque theatre
A trombonist since the age of 10, Nastasia has
company in 1993, for whom she acts and
also played in bands, to supplement her prosings. In 2001, she co-founded the Jacqueline
fessional activities. After many years working
Cambouis Company where she worked as a
in the field of film production in Paris, Nascomic actor and musician (clarinet and saxophone) in several creations including Mademoiselle Orchestra following its inception in tasia started waltzing every day when she moved to Nantes in 2014.
2008. She played in “Sakabul”, “Fabul” and “l’Epopée Loupée” by the Somewhere along the way she met the Mademoiselle Orchestra,
Trombines à Coulisse company. She also threw herself into produc- who offered to listen to her abilities, and she was a real godsend!
tion with Mr Barnabé by the Mélomaniaque Company.
Véronique Lejeaille
comic actor and trumpeter
Having taken part in an acting training course
at the Jo Bithume circus and street art school, she joined the Jo Bithume band during
its early years back in 2000 until 2008, as a
comic actor and playing trumpet, an instrument that she worked on
simultaneously. In 2001, she co-founded the Jacqueline Cambouis
Company, where she performs as a comic actor, circus actor (trapeze
artist) and trumpeter: The Fifilles font du Firk, Sept et demi, fancy on
the music of Nino Rota, Mademoiselle Orchestra, the “Deadly Vipers”
fan club and Noël Givré.
Estelle Gauthier
comic actor and tuba player
Having trained as a comic actor at the Lassaad school in Brussels from 1999 to 2001,
she played for several companies, the Bimberlot Theatre, Organik Company, the Désaxé theatre and in 2008 she joined the Jacqueline Cambouis company for the shows: Mademoiselle Orchestra, Noël Givré, the “Deadly
Vipers” fanclub, in which she also played the tuba, an instrument that
she has been playing since 2005.
Alexandra Bourigault
singer and alto saxophonist
She has been singing in an Angevin modern
music group “Rutabaga” since the age of ten.
She has also been a backing vocalist in several albums by the “Zicabilo” band. She played
alto sax in the Jo Bithume Band until 2014
and in the “Boîte de rue”/“Street Club” electro show by Jo Bithume
company. She is a singer in Allez Les Filles!
Rue”/“Street Club”, an electro show by Jo Bithume Company, and she
sings in the vocal a capella quartet, Allez les Filles!, the latest creation
by the Jacqueline Cambouis Company. In 2015, she has also been a
stand-in singer in “Little Boxon’g”, a retro swing music group from
Vanessa Grellier
comic actor and percussionnist
Comic actor since 2001, she worked with Jo
Bithume Company on several street shows:
“the Dream”, “Vic- tor Frankenstein”, the
Frédérique Espinasse
Jo Bithume band and “Boîte de rue”/”Street
comic actor, tenor et baritone saxophonist
Club”. She also played in the “Jamais Trop
Professional musician since 2003, she has
d’Art”/“Never enough art” group, in a magic-comedy show, “Magicplayed several shows by Jo Bithume ComCooker-13.” She played drums for many years with “Capharnaüm”, a
pany, (the Jo Bithume brass band), the “Reel
Cholet batukada. She is an actor and singer in Allez Les Filles!.
Rounds”, “Street Club”, the “Reel Quartet”)
as comic actor and saxophonist (alto, tenor).
Since 2007, she has also been a saxophonist
for the “Le Bal des Variétistes”/“Variety Ball” (tenor and baritone).
She has also been a comic actor and stand-in saxophonist in the Mademoiselle Orchestra since 2013. Recently, she has started singing in
Emmanuelle Bouriaud
Allez les Filles!, a capella vocal quartet.
violist and bassist
Graduated at the Poitiers Conservatory in
viola, she has been a professional musician
since 2000. She plays in Julot Torride, a viola
a vocals trio, the “Taal group”, experiEmmanuelle Ruault
mental rock and Violinoscope, a pocket serenade of 3 violas and a
soprano saxophonist and oboist
A professional musician since 2003, she has musician. She is also an actor and musician in the “Deadly Vipers” fan
played in the Jo Bithume band for over ten club of the Jacqueline Cambouis Company.
years as an oboist and soprano saxophonist.
Since 2009 she has also played in “Boîte de
The participants :
Christophe Andral
Ludovic Rivière
Musician, clarinettist, arranger
1994, General Academic Studies Degree in history at the University of Poitiers
1997, Musical Studies Diploma in clarinet, chamber music and musical education at the Poitiers Regional Conservatory
1998, Unanimous jury Award of Excellence at the National Musical
School of Mantes la Jolie (78)
Professional Experience
1994-2012, clarinettist, arranger and contributed to collective writing at the “SNOB” band (an acronym standing for “Service for
cleaning out waxed ears”), international tours
In 1991, he took part in the door of paradise Costin Miereanu creation in Poitiers
From 1994 to 1996, he participated in various chamber music
concerts and created a flexible ensemble with a string quartet, 2
pianos and 2 clarinets
1997, Concert in piano-clarinet sonata in Sarajevo for the Soros
1997, Took part in the “Rainbows of Defence” creation by Henri
Pousseur with the orchestras of the Regional Conservatories of
Poitiers and Chartres
2001-2005, Created music for amateurs as part of the artist Odile
Azagury’s stay at Lussac-les-Châteaux
2005, Co-founder of the amateur band “Gypsy band of Lussac the
2009, Co-organiser of the “Under the cobbles... the street” event,
celebrating 15 years of “SNOB”
Director, actor and artistic director of the Bougrelas Company
Professional acting course at the Théâtre en Miettes in Bordeaux with
Luc Faugeres (1997-99)
Theatre course at the Bordeaux IUT with Jack Delbalat, Jean-Pierre Nercam and Sergio Guagliardi (1993-95)
Clown workshop with Luc Faugeres (2000)
Introduction to production workshop with Patrick Houres
Conservatory of music (music theory, signing, violin) / 10 year piano
course at CIAM, Bordeaux.
Professional experience
Bougrelas Company: actor and director
The Von Strasse Filharmonics, street group creation
FFTS (French Sporting Theatre Federation), street creation
“One rich three poor” by Louis Calaferte, street and theatre
The Maître Pathelin farce, young viewers Grand restaurant, improvisation show
“Immediate gap”, single interventions for the audience
GIVB company: Restons poly, musical street show-director
Jacqueline Cambouis company: Mademoiselle Orchestra, street banddirector
Jérôme Martin: L’insticonteur, show for young viewers-director
Les volets rouges Company: Le Fil, show for young viewers-director
Pagai Opera: actor
Le grand soir / street show
“80% success”/ show for schools
Intimate Safari/ street show
Les sans balcons/ street shows
“Satan’s Fart Company”:
Le juge de l’ombre (Abdelatif Laabi)
Tafurs Theatre: duets and monologues in Mats Models (Daniel Crumb)
Théâtre en miettes (Luigi Pirandello)
Jacqueline CAMBOUIS Company
124, rue de Nazareth
49 000 ANGERS
Tel.: +33 6 87 55 40 59
Mail : [email protected]
Website :