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Saturday, January 26th, 2013 9:30 AM
Depot Theatre, Garrison’s Landing
In attendance:
Chris Nowak
MJ Martin
Claudio Marzollo
Kathy Plummer
Michael LaRocco
Terry Turner
Stephanie Hawkins
Bob Bickford
Sheila Rauch
Also present: Amy Dul, Executive Director; Nancy Swann, Artistic Director
Absent: Steve Ives, John Lane, Byron Stinson, Bob Rhoades, Emily Dupree,
ACTION: MJ Martin made a motion to accept the January 5, 2013 minutes. Sheila Rauch seconded. The
minutes were accepted.
Chairman’s Report
In the absence of Steve Ives, Bob Bickford opened the discussion:
The Board considered Amy Dul’s proposal to place an advertisement for a Set Builder. General discussion of
need for help constructing sets and managing volunteer set builders ensued. Amy and Bob said that the ultimate
decision to hire a builder will depend upon available funding.
ACTION: Chris Nowak made motion to authorize Amy to place an ad for a Set Builder so that we could
determine if there were qualified applicants. Bob Bickford seconded. The motion was unanimously adopted.
The board discussed the need for strategic planning, program scheduling and review of the mission of the
Philipstown Depot Theatre. Claudio Marzollo suggested the board gather for a retreat to discuss the topic offsite at a future date. There was consensus among the board to do so. Claudio said he will follow up with Steve
Ives to set a date.
The board then discussed alternatives to housing costumes in the Garrison Fire House on Lower Station Road.
Mike LaRocco asked for confirmation of the terms of any lease the Depot has with the Garrison Volunteer Fire
Company. The lease for the shop space expires at the end of March. There is no lease of the costume shop.
Claudio said he will reach out to St. Basil’s to ask if they can possibly host the costumes on their campus.
Stephanie Hawkins said she will get the names of GVFC board members so members of the PDT can reach out
to their friends and acquaintances to appeal for reconsideration. Amy reminded the board that the costumes are
used by other groups, like the schools.
Executive Director’s Report
Amy thanked the board for the dinner at the Skybaby Yoga space last weekend and thanked the board –
especially Terry Turner – for the donation of the laptop and Chris Nowak for setting up the software. “It does
what we need!” Amy said she will work with Chris to set up the software necessary for the theatre’s business.
Amy said a dumpster was hired and the shop and costume storage were cleaned last weekend and thanked all
who helped.
Children’s programming for Summer 2013 is being developed
Drowsy Chaperone for teens
Once Upon a Mattress for middle grade
A storybook yet-to-be-selected for the little ones.
Tea for Three on February 3rd
Bobby Fischer for Depot Docs Friday, January 9th.
Prisoners opening in March. Amy said the set for Prisoners still needs to be discussed.
Beyond the Fringe opening in May dir. By Joe Dunn, A donation of funding will be given to pay for 2 equity
actors. The production will be billed as “in cooperation with WET”
Amy said the way plays for programming are found needs to be discussed. It was generally agreed by the board
that that topic should be included for discussion at the retreat.
Amy said Susan Landstreet still wants to get Giftworks for the Depot.
Amy said a Thank you letter needs to go to Terry for the donation of the laptop.
Report of Nancy Swann
Fall production up for consideration.
To Kill a Mockingbird still under consideration for Fall.
Report of Claudio Marzollo
Claudio asked if the board would like to increase in size and explained that would like to join. Claudio
recommended Gretchen Dykstra for her energy, enthusiasm and experience on other creative/collaborative
projects such as the Times Square Improvement Counsel and the 9/11 Memorial Foundation in New York City.
ACTION: MJ made a motion to recommend to the Town Board that Gretchen Dykstra be appointed to the
Philipstown Depot Theatre Board. Terry seconded the motion. The motion was unanimously adopted.
Report of MJ Martin
The 2013 Annual Fundraiser is being scheduled for Friday, May 31st, at The Garrison.
The Planning Committee will meet on February 6th to discuss the event.
MJ asked to be notified of the date set for the retreat in order to secure a space at Winter Hill.
Report of Mike LaRocco
Mike said he canceled the Music Tracks performance by Hade & Williams due to lack of ticket sales. The next
block of Music Tracks events is in June. Mike reported that The Town Crier Cafe is moving from its home in
Pawling, NY to Beacon on Main Street.
ACTION: Terry made a motion to adjourn. Sheila seconded the motion. The motion to adjourn was
unanimously adopted.
The next meeting of the Philipstown Depot Theatre Board is Saturday, February 23, 2013
Stephanie Hawkins, Secretary