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13-16 May
Kurtheater, Bad Homburg
FEATS 2010 is presented by
Frankfurt English Speaking Theatre e.V.
Welcome to FEATS 2010!
A very warm welcome to all; we are happy to see so many old
friends return to Bad Homburg for this year’s FEATS, as well as new
faces ready for the theatregoer’s ultimate challenge – four days of
concentrated theatre! This year FEATS turns 34 and we are proud
that the festival has become acknowledged as the leading such event
in continental Europe. For participating groups it’s good to have the
opportunity to measure yourself against peers in a spirit of friendly
competition and many will treasure the shared memories of the
experience for years to come.
This year we welcome Jan Palmer Sayer as our adjudicator. Although
an experienced professional, this is her first time at FEATS and we
look forward greatly to her comments.
Organizing FEATS 2010 has taken up much of the past year and been
both a challenge and a lot of fun. We have received generous
support from our sponsors and from many volunteers, to all of
whom we say collectively, many thanks! We are also grateful to the
groups who have made the trip to Bad Homburg to perform. You all
make this festival come alive!
We hope that we have put together a varied and interesting festival
for you. In addition to details about the performing groups and their
productions, this programme provides information about our fringe
festival (details on pages 10 and 11), which takes place just a couple
of minutes’ walk from the main theatre. You can find more about the
non-theatrical part of this long weekend - Bad Homburg, hospitality,
the party – at our information desk in the foyer and on the website, which you can access from the
computer at the information desk in the foyer of the main theatre.
Feel free to address any questions to our volunteers wearing the
grey polo shirts with our logo, or to any member of the organizing
So thank you for being with us tonight; we hope you enjoy the
shows and look forward to seeing you again.
David Mark
Chairman, FEATS 2010
This year's organising committee, from left to right:
Antonia Kitzel - Fringe, David Mark - Chairman,
Vera Mark - Front of House & Hospitality,
Jeff Book - Treasurer, Wendy Jane Jones - Group
Liaison, David Jayne - Publicity and Gill Atkinson Stage Manager.
Important footnotes:
• Performances start at 19.30. There will be an interval of
approx. 20 minutes between performances.
• Following the final performance each evening the
adjudicator will give her comments on all three
productions. Please remain seated until after the
• There is no entry to the auditorium after a performance
has started. Latecomers may view a show on a monitor
in the foyer and be seated at the next interval.
• Ticket holders may sit anywhere in the main auditorium.
Access to the balcony is limited to festival and theatre
staff with official passes and to those groups performing
on that evening.
• Access to backstage areas is limited to festival and
theatre staff and participants with official passes.
• Smoking is not permitted anywhere inside the
Kurtheater complex.
• Coats may not be taken into the auditorium. Please
leave them with our lovely ladies in the foyer.
• Mobile phones and any other devices that make a sound
must be turned off.
• Photography – with or without flash – and filming or
recording of any kind during performances is not
• Anyone opening sweets with noisy wrappers during a
show may be executed at dawn.
Welcome to Bad Homburg!
We all love theatre; it is removed from, yet still reflects real life.
Witnessing love and passion, problems and tragedy encourages us
to look at life from a different perspective. We might laugh, or
pause to reflect, and sometimes even find answers to frequently
asked questions. Oscar Wilde said, “The stage is not merely the
meeting place of all the arts, but is also the return of art to life.”
Bad Homburg already has a wonderfully varied theatre scene,
which will be further enhanced over the next few days – by
stagecraft in English. We are delighted to welcome FEATS 2010 –
the best English-language theatre festival in continental Europe –
to our town. Culture in Bad Homburg has had an international
flavour ever since we first gained world renown as a spa back in
the mid-nineteenth century, and we continue to maintain this
tradition – in art, on stage and in everyday life. Bad Homburg is
most certainly a European town, as witnessed by the close
relationships we have with our nine twinned towns.
I would like to extend a warm welcome to Bad Homburg to all
involved in FEATS 2010. I wish you an exciting competition and
successful performances. Sincere thanks are due to the organisers
and sponsors, whose efforts have ensured a high-quality cultural
event. And lastly, I hope that you, the audience, will enjoy some
evenings of unforgettable theatre.
So now, raise the curtain and let the show commence!
Beate Fleige
Head of Cultural Affairs
Bad Homburg
The Plays
Thursday 13 May - pp. 7-9
Tagora, Strasbourg - Late Entry by David Tristram
Entity Theatre, Munich - The Exception & The Rule by Alber t Brecht
ESOC Theatre Group, Darmstadt - White Liars by Peter Shaffer
Fringe Programme
Steering Committee
NDFA All-Winners festival
Rules of the Competition
Past Winners
FEATS 2011
Crew, FEATS 2010
- 6
- 6
- 10
- 16
- 17
- 22
- 23
- 28
- 29
- 30
Friday 14 May - pp. 12-14
British & American Theatrical Society, Antwerp - Oh, My God! by Daniel Sossi *
New English & American Theatre, Stuttgart - Homelife by Edward Albee
English Comedy Club, Brussels - The Red Death by Steve Challens *
Saturday 15 May - pp. 18-21
New World Theatre Company, Luxembourg - Jolly by David Mamet
Irish Theatre Group, Brussels - Come on Over by Conor McPherson
InPlayers, Amsterdam - In Yonder Green Glen by Svarupa *
Sunday 16 May - pp. 24-26
De WAANzin, Ghent - Sister of by Lot Vekemans *
Combined Amateur Theatrical Society, Rheindalen - Wedding Day by John F. Glen
Geneva English Drama Society - Shakers by John Godber
(* denotes an original script)
Our adjudicator: Jan Palmer Sayer, B.Ed., MA,
Jan trained at Middlesex University where she graduated with a degree in
Drama and Education. She has worked in provincial theatre as an
award-winning actor and director, and is currently Headteacher of
Hertswood, a Specialist Arts College. She successfully combines a busy
academic life with a stimulating theatrical one.
In 1998, she was awarded an MA in Theatre and Performance Studies and at
the time was running her own highly inventive theatre company – Shattered
Windscreen. Her theatrical exploits have taken her as far afield as the
Edinburgh Fringe Festival as well as regular appearances at the famous
cliffside Minack Theatre in Cornwall.
Jan was appointed as a GoDA adjudicator in 2001: her past festival
experiences have included Barnet, Cambridge, Felixstowe, Guernsey,
Havering, Isle of Man, Sawston, Spelthorne & Runnymede,Thurrock,
Wakefield, Waltham Forest and the Woking Drama Festivals, and she is
looking forward very much to her first visit to a FEATS festival, here in Bad
The Guild of Drama Adjudicators
The Guild of Drama Adjudicators, GoDA, is the internationally recognised body for the adjudication of all forms of
theatre. It was founded in 1947 to improve the standards of adjudication of amateur drama by establishing
recognised principles of practice to which its members could be relied upon to adhere. Its members have extensive
experience of amateur and professional theatre and are bound by a strict rule of professional etiquette.
The objectives of the Guild are:
• To supply qualified adjudicators to all organisations promoting amateur drama.
• To enable its members to work unfettered towards the objectives of the Guild.
• To provide opportunities for the discussion of the problems of adjudication and tuition either by schools,
conferences, or by other means.
You can find out more about GoDA on
Tagora, Strasbourg
Late Entry by David Tristram
Directed by Maggie Jones
Elena Malagoni
Richard Thayer
Production team
Bernard Faulkner
Martin Ett
Gary Jagger, John
Richards, Brian Jones,
Derek Watts
Sound: Alex Flanagan, Tim Allen
Props and Costumes: Eunice Ballard, Harriet
Wilson, Edith Ross
Photos: David-Michel Muller
Original music: Cipriana Moraru
About the play
Lying, dissimulation, flirtation, seduction: it’s all in the game to our heroine
when she’s trying to make her mark and create a favourable impression
on the world-weary Mike. The lengths some people will go to in order to
achieve their life’s ambition – winning a drama festival! But in his job, Mike
has to be above suspicion. Will he succumb to
Sara’s wiles?
Stage Manager:
Asst. Stage Manager:
About the group
As a section of the Council of Europe’s staff association, Tagora is
well-placed to make the most of the diversity Strasbourg has to offer. Our
multicultural nature is one of our strong points, and much of our material
is chosen with a view to attracting non-native English-speakers, both in
the audience and on-stage. Tonight’s production is no exception, and can
proudly fly the Italian and Greek flags as well as the Tricolor and the
Union Jack.
Entity Theatre, Munich
The Exception & The Rule by Bertolt
(translated by Tom Osborn)
Directed by Ravi Rege
Porter’s Wife:
Leader, 2nd Expedition:
Peter Bishop
Daniel Beaver
Masoud Janbaz
Blair Gaulton
Dana Galili
Alessandra Innocenti
Roxey Lau
Hind Mouneimne, Regina Göhlert
Adina Mois, Silja Wiedeking
About the play
Setting: The Yahi Desert
The opening lines of the play inform us simply that this is the story
of a journey, undertaken by an exploiter and two who are
exploited. The play raises several questions. Is amoral toughness
needed to survive an amoral system? Shouldn't a system that
makes generosity an exception be changed? Should "ordained
disorder" and "systematic arbitrariness" be accepted as
unchangeable? And if one recognizes abuse should one do anything
about it?
About the group
Founded by Danny Strike and Alison Sandford, Entity has been
performing plays in English in Munich for 10 years, adhering to the
workshop principles of allowing participants time to develop,
experiment, and have fun. We learn all we can about our potential
cast through the workshop process rather than auditions. We
continue with the principles of the workshop right up to opening
night, and sometimes beyond. No two performances are the same!
Production team
Stage Manager:
Roxey Lau
Backstage Support: Anthony Antonas
Props Manager:
Sue Turner
Colleen Burke
Set Design:
Ravi Rege
Musical Arrangement:
Jackie Xiao
Lena Stefanescu
Lighting & Special Effects: Hans-M. Field
Sound &
Sound Effects:
Stefan Schönbauer
Erika Stoll
ESOC Theatre Group, Darmstadt
White Liars by Peter Shaffer
Directed by Alastair McDonald
Sophie, Baroness Lemberg:
Melanie Zander
Bruno Sousa
Andy Williams
Production Team
Dick Waite
Simon Allan, Nigel Link,
Adam Miller, Henry Walls
Stage design and building: Nigel Link
Building support: Cast and Crew, David Andrews,
Eric Beveridge, Nicola Policella
Lighting: Mark Grundy
Sound: Rob Clark
Costume: Moira Grundy, Frank Albrecht
Props: Sara Gonzales, Mary Leonhart
Production support: Daniel Scuka, Nicola Sousa
About the play
Written and set in the seventies, the title of the play refers to the name of a
pop group whose lead singer is Tom and which is managed by Frank. They
seem an unlikely pair of visitors to Sophie, Baroness Lemberg, a seaside
fortune teller at the end of an otherwise deserted pier on the English coast.
Moreover, as the consultation progresses, it becomes clear that the White
Liars not only refer to the band members. Programme note: this is a
performance by amateur actors.
Stage Manager:
Stage crew:
About the group
The ESOC Theatre Group was founded in 1988 by staff at the European Space
Operations Centre in nearby Darmstadt, and is open to all-comers. Our aim is
to put on at least two full productions each year, with additional play-readings,
workshops and trips to other shows. After a few years in the doldrums, our
group has been revitalized by many new members and we are delighted to be
back at FEATS once again.
Fringe Programme
This year’s Fringe will take place in the
church hall of the St. Marien Kirche in
Dorotheenstrasse, right next to the church
and only a five minute walk from the
Kurtheater (please see the map in the foyer
for details).
The FEATS FORUM on Sunday will take
place in the café of the library at
Dorotheenstrasse 24, across the street from
the Fringe venue). The library café will also
host the CREATIVE FORUM that will start
us into the Fringe programme on Sunday.
Please note that for some of the workshops
participant numbers are limited - places are
on a first come, first served basis. Sign-up
sheets are available at the information desk
in the foyer.
To quench your thirst in between workshops
and performances the Fringe bar will be
open during the Fringe programme.
The Fringe Crew:
Organisation: Antonia Kitzel
Technical Directors: Michael Ennis & Patrick
We would like to thank all participating
groups, performers and moderators for
enabling us to put together a diverse, exciting
and fun programme. Enjoy the Fringe 2010!
Assistant Director
Stage Hand
Stage Manager
Friday, May 14th
12.30 Musical Theatre Workshop with Tracey Grey
Have no experience with Musical Theatre? Actually a
"bit scared" of singing? Two left feet? Then you are
also perfect for this workshop!! Throw away
pre-conceptions; credentials are simply an
open-mind, fantasy and the will to have some fun!
Improvisation Workshop with Lea Dunbar
Ever wondered how Monty Python came up with their
material? If so, the Improv workshop is for you. We will
explore the endless possibilities created when near
strangers let their minds run wild. Learn to act and react
spontaneously through a series of games. There is no
wrong or right, no good or bad, just fun!
15.30 Bouncers by John Godber (Semi-Circle)
Ca: David Cox, Jacob Dixon, Richard Brown, Steve
Martin D/S: Michael Clarke, SM: Susan Aeschbach,
SH: Zuzana Cox. Bouncers is an outrageous and
hilarious parody of the disco scene, where the
flashing lights and the pulsating beat meet with
seedy, tatty reality. Four brutish bouncers portray
giggly girls, lads on the make, smooth talking DJs,
pogoing punks and drunken slobs.
Bouncers is the companion piece to Shakers,
performed as part of the main FEATS programme
on Sunday night.
16.45 Jumping Jasper by Yair Packar (Entity)
Ca: Blair Gaulton, Susan-Elizabeth Goetze
D: Aneila Hogan, Daniel Beaver
A chance meeting between a person who plans to
kill himself by falling from the third floor of a
building because his loved one deserted him and a
homeless lady who is full of vitality and does her
best to prevent him from jumping.
- 10 -
Fringe Programme
Saturday, May 15th
Sunday, May 16th
12.30 Zoo Story by Edward Albee (NEAT)
Ca: Andrew Carey-Yard, Andrew Golledge,
D: Charles C. Urban, AD: Sophie Chaumette
Kränzle, Cr: Charles C. Urban, Annette
Holzmeister, Ortrud Kestner, John Doyle.
A random, ultimately violent encounter between
Peter, an affluent book publishing executive, and
Jerry, an eccentric passerby. A clash of social
classes, values and lifestyles.
Zoo Story is the companion piece to Homelife,
performed as part of the main programme on
This year’s forum will take place in the café of the
library in Dorotheenstrasse.
13.30 Creative Forum
MC Nigel Harvey. The Creative forum will take
place in the library café. Last year’s Creative
Forum provided plenty of food for thought, and
we would therefore like to offer a platform to
continue the exchange of ideas. For this year’s
discussion we would like to start by inviting you
to take a look at
defining creative integrity
caring for the creative process
developing creativity within group structure.
14.00 Comedy by & with Daniel Beaver
Join Daniel as he takes a closer look at the British
government – from his very own angle. After all,
politics are no laughing matter!
15.15 Check Please & Check Please Take Two
by Jonathan Rand.
(Theatre Group of Bischof-Neumann Schule)
The Theatre Group of the Bischof-Neumann
Schule presents excerpts from their current
production. Join us as they take a look at the
usual and the more unusual blind dates at a
15.00 A Defenseless Creature by Neil Simon (TLS)
Ca: Antonia Kitzel, Michael Ennis, Paul Domineske,
D: Abigail Paul, SM: Poh Eng Yin
A Defenseless Creature is an excerpt from The
Good Doctor, a Neil Simon compilation of short
comedies inspired by master storyteller Anton
Chekhov. A Defenseless Creature is about a
woman who is anything but.
Produced by special arrangement with Playscripts, Inc.
16.00 Best Before End… presents …See
Bottom Ca: Phil Lewis, David Mark, Linda
15.30 Workshop: Story Telling & Tableau
with Nigel Harvey
How do you create visually effective pictures on
stage and how can you use them to advance your
story? Join Nigel as he looks into the narrative
possibilities of pictures.
Potlitz and Susan Tackenberg. A selection of
non-pc sketches from 1968 to 1985.
- 11 -
Sizzling Summer Musical Medley
The Black Diamonds are the performance group
from the Stagecoach Theater Arts School in
Frankfurt. This talented group will thrill and move
you with their Song and Dance Musical Medley!
British & American Theatrical Society, Antwerp
Oh, My God! by Daniel Sossi
Directed by Vivi Roche
Cast (in order of appearance)
Ingrid Stals
Sister Maggie
Carine Coolsaert
Sister Jane
Marise Verschaeren
Sister Matic
Zoë Van’t Hof
Erik Tytgadt
Veronique Van Reeth
Mother Superior Jill Franks
Sister Maria
Lorraine Thompson
Sister Superior
Magda Lockefeer
Valerie Mott
Rosalind Athernought
Tom De Beckker
Dermod O’Reilly
Annelies Lightband
About the play
One fine day, God decides to visit Earth and then the problems
start for a special Monastery.
Production Team
Asst. Director Daniel Sossi
Annelies Lightband, Andy
Stage Manager Marc Tufler
Luc Vervliet
Fernand Arn
Décor Design Raoul Bermejo and friends
Pat Arn, Anna Van
Wardrobe &
make up
Ruth van Ammel
Choreography Christine Gijsen
Stage Crew
Liz Van Dessel, Odile
Pauwels, Ilbige Arik,
Stephen Langridge
About the group
BATS has been performing English language plays in Antwerp for
50 years: our members are split almost equally between native
English speakers and Flemish-speaking Belgians. We are one of the
founder clubs of FEATS, hosted the 2nd Festival in 1978 and are
looking forward to seeing you for the 7th time in 2012. Our usual
season’s programme consists of 4 main-stage productions including
pantomime in which more than 100 BATS are involved.
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New English American Theatre, Stuttgart
Homelife by Edward Albee
(part one of At Home At The Zoo)
Directed by Charles C. Urban
Susanna Thielecke
Andrew Carey-Yard
Production Team
Assistant Director:
Stage Manager:
Stage Crew:
Lights and Sound:
Sophie Chaumette Kränzle
Annette Holzmeister,
Ortrud Kestner, John Doyle
Ortrud Kestner
John Doyle
Charles C. Urban
About the play
Written over 40 years after THE ZOO STORY, Albee’s new first act
companion prequel - HOMELIFE - is a canny, self-contained chamber play
about marriage, a consideration, both sober and funny, of the loneliness
within a shared life. The play begins with the most terrifying words in
any relationship, “We should talk.” An intense dialogue ensues but it soon
becomes clear that genuine communication doesn’t come easily to this
married couple. HOMELIFE shows us what occurred minutes prior to
the events in THE ZOO STORY – which will be performed, in its newly
modified version, during the Fringe of FEATS.
Performance rights were obtained through S. Fischer Verlag, Frankfurt am Main.
About the group
NEAT stands for New English American Theatre. The idea was conceived in
1991 as a means of making English language plays more widely available to
Stuttgart audiences. From the beginning, it has been the aim of NEAT to provide
theatre goers with uncompromising presentations of original version English
language theatre as it may be experienced in the countries of its origin. Our
productions have included musical theatre, children's theatre, staged
monologues, one-act plays, classical and modern theatre works, music & poetry
projects and Celtic Cultural Evenings.
- 13 -
English Comedy Club, Brussels
The Red Death
Written and directed by Stephen Challens
Red Death
Richard Foxon
Mark Prescott
Abigail Greef
Anna Sparre
Poppy Bullock
Ingemar Mikander
Tim Myers
Conrad Toft
Andrew Blumenthal, Jonathan Goldsmith,
Charlotte Lohausen, Christine Marchand,
Edward Prescott, Liz Ross, Ossip Schade
Production Team
Asst. Producer
Stage Manager
Special thanks to...
Carrie Caunce
Kevin Bulled
Andy Ing
Barbara Daw, Robin Jezek
Glenn Vaughan
Iona Hamilton
Louise Nugent
Paul Davis
Tanya Dovgavych, Chris Reidy, Lynne Vaughan
About the play
A weaver of dark gothic tales, many know of Edgar Allen Poe and his
works such as 'The Fall of the House of Usher', 'The Tell Tale Heart' and the
'Raven'. However a less known tale is that of the 'Red Death', a story
centering around a Prince fearing the red plague, who locks himself in his
castle for escape. Neither money nor power can protect him as the
decay outside the castle walls approaches his ideal world of false safety.
There is a Hammer House film of the story, however few dramatized
versions for the stage. Whilst the opening and finish are strong, Poe in
the middle concentrates on seven rooms of seven different colours. As a
writer he concentrates on the description of the rooms and this is
probably why it is not often chosen to be played upon the stage.
Creating an original script inspired by the story meant developing ideas
for these rooms and stories to accompany them. Trying to keep true to
Poe as the author and add a few extra twists has been a hard but
rewarding process. Tonight we present a story by one of the greatest
gothic writers to have lived and we hope just a little more on top.
- 14 -
The Playwright
Stephen Challens is a writer, director and
sometimes performer. His works include
'Slacker's Guide to Western Theatre', ‘Delyria’
(a Shakespeare mash up), ‘Roy’ (an adaptation of
Alfred Jarry's Ubi Roi), ‘Runaway’, ‘Pendragon’,
and an adaptation of Charles Dickens 'A
Christmas Carol'. His style is usually direct
attacking, stripped down and to the point. ‘Red
Death’ however is probably the densest and
most poetic script to date. It is also his most
physical drama. Stephen has directed at several
FEATS with plays such as ‘Underground Lovers’
and an abridged version of ‘Dr Faustus’. He has
once appeared on the FEATS stage in 'A Man of
Letters'. Other plays directed have been Hearts
Desire, Road, Trainspotting, The Glass
Menagerie, The Wier, The Lion The Witch and
the Wardrobe, Humble Boy, Lady Chill Lady
Wad Lady Lurve Lady God, 4.48 Psychosis,
Animal Farm, and Daisy Pulls it off.
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The FEATS Steering Committee
The FEATS Steering Committee consists of one representative
from each of the "permanent" hosting groups – AATG/The Hague,
BATS/Antwerp, ECC/Brussels, FEST/Frankfurt and NWTC/
Luxembourg – together with the permanent secretary, David
Crowe. Other "non-permanent" groups who host a festival are
represented on the Committee for the year prior to their festival.
The Steering Committee is supported by the Webmaster (also
David Crowe) and the Newsletter Editor (Sue Seth) and advised
on GODA/NDFA issues by Tony Broscomb.
Pat Arn - BATS
Wendy Jane Jones - FEST
The Steering Committee oversees and administers the festival as
an institution. Its tasks include, for example, deciding on the
eligibility of new groups to join the selection lists, which are
managed to ensure that every group has a fair chance of being
selected to compete, or ensuring that the rules reflect the current
state of amateur theatre – the use of high-tech stage effects or
child protection policies, for example, are recent issues that have
been addressed. By contrast, the actual organisation of each
festival is the responsibility of the Organising Committee of the
hosting group, which can, of course, ask the Steering Committee
for advice at any time. You can meet the people behind the names
at the FEATS Forum in the library on Sunday.
Angela Dodds †
The FEATS community was saddened to
learn of the death of Angela Dodds in
November of last year. Angela was the
Permanent Secretary on the FEATS Steering
Committee for many years. Her wealth of
experience and knowledge of the festival
were always invaluable, as were her
determination and ready wit. The Steering
Committee will very much miss her advice,
guidance and her sense of humour. We will
treasure her memory.
Evonne Dunne - AATG
Andy Ing - ECC
David Crowe - Tagora
- 16 -
Deborah Fulton-Anderson
in conjunction with
presents the
at the Thameside Theatre, Grays, Essex
from Sunday 25th to Saturday 31st July 2010
Adjudicator: Paul Fowler, GODA
Drama Groups that have won Full Length or One Act Member Festivals between 8 June 2009 and 6 June 2010 are
eligible for invitation to take part in the 2010 NDFA British "All Winners" Festival (BAWF).
The Rules of Entry for the All Winners Festival are published in the NDFA Directory or can be obtained from the
BAWF Co-ordinator, Lyn Mison, Goose Corner, 65 Saunders Lane, Mayford, Woking GU22 0NR
tel: 01483 725045 e-mail: [email protected]
One Act Playwriting Competition
The object of this competition is to promote new writing for the theatre. It is
administered by the NDFA and judged by a panel of judges: the chairman and
judges of the panel are appointed by the Council of the NDFA.
The GEORGE TAYLOR MEMORIAL AWARD was initiated in 1979, in memory
of the founder of AMATEUR STAGE. The award is held for one year and the winner receives a certificate and
a cash prize of £100, which is funded jointly by NODA and NDFA. The award is open to any piece of original
theatre accepted by and performed at any NDFA festival between 1 July and 30 June. The play, not the
production, must be recommended by the festival organiser and by the adjudicator. The play must be
unpublished at the time of entry and have received fewer than five public performances. Should it be accepted
for publication prior to the announcement of the awards, it will be automatically disqualified. The entry fee is
£5 and the entry form must be signed both by the playwright and the festival organiser. An entry form can be
found at the back of the NDFA directory.
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New World Theatre Club, Luxembourg
Jolly by David Mamet
Directed by Erik Abbott
Christine Probst
Timothy Lone
Mathew Kovacs
Stage Manager
Lighting Design
Ann Overstall
Valerie Scott
Deborah Anderson
Barbara Buchanan, John Overstall
About the play
Jolly is part of a trilogy of plays The Old Neighborhood by American
author, playwright and film director David Mamet. Controversial
and influential, Mamet has received Tony and Oscar nominations
for his work on both stage and screen and the Pulitzer Prize for
Drama for Glengarry Glen Ross. In Jolly, Mamet’s most autobiographical play, the characters’ memories surge out in sharp, precise
dialogue unveiling the emotional wounds that shaped them.
About the group
The New World Theatre Club (NWTC) in Luxembourg has been
successfully staging plays in English for forty years. One of the
founding members of FEATS, the NWTC proudly hosted the 30th
anniversary of FEATS in 2006. The NWTC also hosts “Munsbach”the European Theatre Summer School - a project-based, residential
drama-training course where theatre professionals and students
interact in a supportive environment. More info at
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Irish Theatre Group, Brussels
Come On Over by Conor McPherson
Directed by Colum Hatchell
Matthew: Brian Hartnett
Margaret: Alma Forsyth
Stage Manager:
Asst. Stage Manager:
Stage Crew:
Production Team
Lyn Wainwright
Róisín Dore
Carsten Koester
Julian Oliver, Sinéad Meehan
About the play
McPherson, Afterword, Plays 2: “To me a play, or any art, is just like the
paintings on the cave walls that the first human beings did. Those poor
fuckers were the first ones to experience being conscious. What a
bizarre experience it is to know that we are alive. And wonder if there
is a God, and will something save us?” Come on Over is a story about
being human, about loneliness, truth and love. Turn off your questioning
heart and let it happen.
About the group
The ITG aims to produce voluntary theatre of 'excellence',
encompassing both innovative and more traditional styles and content.
While representing Irish interests in the Brussels theatre community,
the ITG is primarily a forum for all those interested in theatre, in any
capacity, to be involved and develop theatrical skills. An essential part of
our philosophy is to encourage and nurture support from both new
and established talent in all areas of theatre.
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InPlayers, Amsterdam
In Yonder Green Glen
Written and directed by Svarupa
La Commere:
El Capitano:
Il Dottore:
Polly Perkins
Mike Williams
Brandon Grantham
Nina Cohen
Annika Groeneveld
Ken Kitchen
Benjamin Keaton
Terence Sinclair
Asker Mulder
Liesl Sedres
About the play
Production Team
Stage Manager &
Vocal Coach
Paul Dros
Harald Seiwert
Aaron Naselow
Gerbrig Seidel
Lidija Filipovic/Polly Perkins
Mike Williams
"In Yonder Green Glen" is a jolly adventure into the world of Commedia
dell’Arte. All the familiar mischief makers are here. Singing, dancing, conniving,
even duelling to win the hearts of all the lovely ladies in the neighbourhood. The
modern day actors playing traditional roles have taken on both the character and
lifestyle of medieval players. Harlequin and Pierrot compete both on stage and
off for Columbine, while Pantaloon and El Dottore scheme to steal Isabella away
from her experienced mother, La Commere. Pantaloon’s son, Flavio, has travelled
many a weary mile to bed and/or wed Isabella and finds a Capitano from Seville
has arrived to do the same for the King of Spain. They are a rough-mouthed,
bawdy troupe of travelling players but even Brighella, a dangerous conman is
pleasantly surprised by the conclusion of the play.
About the group
The InPlayers are Amsterdam’s oldest English-speaking theatre company, having
staged a broad repertoire of often innovative work for over sixty years now.
From Shakespeare to modern classics to musicals to Seasonal Pantomimes to
original works written by group members, the InPlayers have done it all. On
average, the group produces three productions each season, and often
participates in events such as FEATS and local one-act festivals.
The InPlayers also host regular play readings and workshops.
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FEATS rules OK?
The constraints of accommodating twelve groups in four days of friendly competition mean that we need some
rules, among them:
Each piece must be a complete play or a self-contained extract from a longer one.
It must be no less than 20 and no more than 50 minutes long.
Ten minutes are allowed for setting the opening scene and five minutes for striking the set.
The backstage crew for setting and striking may consist of up to five people.
A maximum of two hours is allowed for all technical preparation and rehearsal.
• There are no curtain calls, although applause is encouraged and much appreciated by the groups.
• There will be an interval between each of the plays while one group strikes and clears the stage and the next
group prepares for its performance.
• At the end of each evening there will be a short break before the adjudicator presents his/her assessments of the
evening’s performances. The audience is asked to remain in their seats.
• The various awards are presented on the final night following adjudication of the evening’s plays.
Marking for FEATS
The FEATS competition is marked according to the National Drama Festivals Association (NDFA) marking
system:40 points for Acting, 35 points for Production, 15 points for Stage Presentation and 10 points for Originality,
Endeavour and Achievement, giving a total of 100.
You can mark the plays yourself using the table at the bottom of each group's page and see how your results
compare with the final awards - enter these on page 30.
40 35 15 10 100 1
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Past FEATS Winners
Kast Cup for Best Production (1st place)
2009 - NWTC Luxembourg for The Lesson
2008 - The Bonn Players for Curtain Calls
2007 - ECC Brussels for The Tragical History of Doctor Faustus
ECC Centennial Cup (2nd place)
2009 - The Stockholm Players for Stepping Out of a Dream
2008 - FEST Frankfurt for Eleemosynary
2007 - ITG Brussels for Boom
Taché Diamonds Award (3rd place)
2009 - Het Homerostheater, The Hague for an excerpt from
The Pillowman
2008 - The Hamburg Players for The Furies
2007 - ATC Brussels for Renaissance Farces
Grand Duchy Award for Best Stage Presentation
2009 - ATC Brussels for Riverside Drive
2008 - Entity Munich for The Parting
2007 - Village Players for A Resounding Tinkle
Blackie Award for Best Actress
2009 - Antonia Kitzel in Death in Heels
2008 - Greta Redmond in Dublin Carol (Part 2)
2007 - Margot Nisita in And Go To Innisfree
Blackie Award for Best Actor
2009 - Wander Bruijel in The Pillowman
2008 - Caraigh McGregor in What Happened Here
2007 - Caraigh McGregor in The Tragical History of Doctor Faustus
Marcel Huhn/Bruno Boeye Trophy for Stage Management
2009 - Hamburg Players
2008 - ITG Brussels
2007 - The Bonn Players & NWTC Luxembourg
DAW-Verulam Award for Best Original Script
2009 - not awarded
2008 - Vincent Eaton for Max Dix, Zero to Six
2007 - Wendy Marie Foerster for An Almost Perfect Murder
Don Luscombe Discretionary Award
2009 - ACTS Stuttgart
2008 - TIE Brussels
2007 - The Stockholm Players
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It used to be a quick job to type up the
relatively short list of winners for the
programme but, as the festival has now been
running for over 30 years, the list has become
too long to print here. Instead, you can find all
the details in the excellent FEATS Fact Book,
started in 2004, regularly updated electronically of course - and downloadable
from the FEATS website at
Here are just the last three years' results.
The Kast Cup for Best Production will be
replaced this year by AATG of The Hague
who are providing The Founders' Cup to take
its place.
Theater de WAANzin, Ghent
Sister of by Lot Vekemans
(translation by Dirk Crommelinck)
Directed by Roeland De Trazegnies
Isabel Vandersteene
Production team
Dirk Crommelinck, Roeland De Trazegnies, Koen De Waele,
Guy Verzele, Ruth Roets, Lars De Jaegher.
About the play
In Sister of we hear the story of a woman who has always lived in the
shadow of her heroic and world famous sister. A woman without any
reason to exist because she has never accomplished anything great or
memorable. A woman ashamed of who she is and how she has been.
Thousands of years after her death, she starts talking, somewhere on a
spot where time is not important anymore.
About the group
Theater de WAANzin was founded in 1988 in Ghent, Belgium. Our
Theater De WAANzin is the continuation of a student theatre group,
formed at the University of Ghent by a number of students of English
literature. It has always tried either to stage modern, not well-known
scripts or to adapt theatre hits to a modern setting or way of acting.
The word WAANzin, meaning "insanity", consists of two parts.
"WAAN" (dream, revel, illusion) and "zin" (sense, meaning). What
especially attracted us was the opposition of two contradicting items:
WAAN in the meaning of hope, desire and illusion. Illusion being the
theatrical metaphor "par excellence", but also the indissoluble
touchstone of life of which the dream ("WAAN") often is the only
meaning ("zin").
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Combined Amateur Theatrical Society, Rheindalen
Wedding Day by John F. Glen
Directed by Albert Riley
Young Annie:
Stage Manager:
Trish Osmond
Debbie Roach
Andrew Charlwood
Sophie Welstead
Mark Charlwood
Richard Shuttlewood
Albert Riley
Jo Thorn
Sabine Shuttlewood
Jo Barras-Short
Tess Climpson
Luzia Bohnen
Dave McMillan,
Ann-Marie Vickers,
Steve Bridgewater
© Philip Eppard -
About the play
Annie, elderly matriarch of a family, looks back on a long life on the day her
granddaughter gets married. She recalls the wedding of her daughter and her
own wedding day, as well as some sadder family memories.
About the group
C.A.T.S. meaning Combined Amateur Theatrical Society was founded in 1992
and is the combination of what was once three theatre and musical
societies:ARIEL, RATS and WRMS in the busy military community of JHQ,
Monchengladach. C.A.T.S. enjoys a relatively strong list of around 40 regular
members of various ages despite Drawdown and the steady closure of the
camp which is scheduled for 2013. We regularly produce up to three shows a
year with a large family production around Christmas. We have recently
performed Beauty and the Beast to 12 Full houses and past performances have
included Blood Brothers, Wizard of OZ, Honk, Scrooge and Cash on Delivery.
C.A.T.S. thoroughly enjoyed performing at FEATS last year in Brussels and we
are all excited and looking forward to visiting Bad Homburg to greet old
friends and meet new ones.
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Geneva English Drama Society
Shakers Re-stirred (abridged) by John Godber
(with Jane Thornton)
Directed by Malcolm Grant
Shabnur Gayibova
Maggie Holme
Rowan Cody
Chantelle Rijs
Production Team
Assistant Directors:
Stage Manager:
Costumes and Makeup:
Tracey Hay, Kate Richardson
Jane Easton
Valerie Antonietti
John Newsome
Tim Hancox
Neil-Jon Morphy, Joy Waelchli,
Roger Williams
About the play
Shakers Re-stirred is light comedy with some reflective moments based
around four young waitresses working an evening shift in a cocktail bar
in 1980s England. The action takes place over one night in the bar. This
evening’s production is an abridged version.
About the group
The Geneva English Drama Society has been performing English
language theatre in Geneva, Switzerland, since 1933. A typical season
includes not only 3 major full length stage productions, but also
fortnightly staged playreadings and social events.
- 26 -
science of
a d v e r t i s i n g is not
forgetting w e ’ r e d e a l i n g
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In an age where numbers play such an
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Putting faces to numbers is what we do.
It’s the science of commpanions.
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e - M a i l : i n f o @ c o m m p a n i o n s . c o m , T e l e p h o n e : + 4 9 61 2 7 9 91 7 8 8 - 0
Frankfurt English Speaking Theatre e.V.
On behalf of all members of the Frankfurt English Speaking Theatre e.V. (FEST), the
committee and I would like to welcome you to this year’s edition of FEATS!
The Festival of European Anglophone Theatrical Societies has been inspiring and
entertaining audiences around Europe since 1976, and we in FEST are proud to be hosting
the festival for our fourth time here in Bad Homburg.
Established in 1977, FEST has been bringing English language theatre to the
Frankfurt/Rhein-Main area for over 30 years now. Our mission is to provide an inspiring,
fun and organized environment for people to explore and participate in amateur theatre
and develop their personal talents. The club seeks to cultivate and promote
English-speaking amateur theatre in all its various forms.
We usually present two or three productions each year, ranging from full-length drama or
comedies, to British pantomimes, to evenings of one-act plays or the occasional variety
show. We fill the time in between productions with play readings, workshops, and social
events such as summer and Christmas parties. We are always on the lookout for more
members, whether for on-stage or behind the scenes, experienced
thespians or enthusiastic rookies. Our only requirement is that you are
ready to have fun in the wonderful world of amateur theatre while
providing top-notch entertainment. If you’d like to know more about what
we do, please send a mail to [email protected].
FEST is a permanent hosting member of FEATS and regularly takes part in
the competition, having won various awards in recent years, including:
The Blackie Award for Best Actress (2009, Death in
Heels and 2006, WASP)
The ECC Centennial Award for Second Place (2008,
The Mervyn Briscoe Award for Second Place (2006,
The Marcel Huhn-Bruno Boeye Trophy for Stage
Management (2004, Anti! Anti!)
Our heart-felt thanks go to every volunteer and
organizer who has helped to make this FEATS 2010
another great festival.
Your FEST e.V. Committee:
Jeff Book, Chairman
Vera Mark, Vice-Chair
Patrick Nolan, Treasurer
Monika Klocke, Secretary
Wayne Ziants, Ordinary Member
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FEST Committee 2010
Welcome to FEATS 2011 in Geneva!
• 10-13 June 2011
• a great theatre and fringe, excellent facilities
• one hotel close to the theatre
• minutes from the airport by shuttlebus
• tram direct to city centre in 20 minutes
• incredible choices for tourism
The Geneva English Drama Society is enthusiastic to host FEATS
again. We look forward to welcoming you.
Let’s keep in touch:
The Festival Crew and Volunteers
Our Sponsors
FEATS would not take place without the dedicated work of a team of
volunteers. We would like to thank the following for their help:
On and around the stage:
Anthony McCarthy
Lighting Asst.
Ivan Aksenov
Angus Foxley
Lighting/Sound tech.
Chris Palmer
Lighting/Sound tech.
Eric Robinson
Stage/Set safety
Alice Perry
Stage Crew
Sue Botterel, Malcolm Hinsman, Kathleen Schroers
Martin Kirk
Timekeeper Asst.
Margie Cross, Sue Zarutskie
Group Hosts
Annie Dawes, Margot Nisita & Sue Seth
Front of House and Fringe:
Bob Baber, Ursula Baber, Megan Barrios, Marie Beguin, Lotten Bergström, Nicole
Böttiger, Katharina Brook, Kees Broos, Bryan Cimring, Mary Conlon-Förster,
Tiziana Deidda Dohmann, Lea Dunbar, Valeria Duru, Mike Ennis, Poh Yin Eng,
Andreas Eschenbacher, Val Genot, Theresa Harding, Lars-Thorsten Heine, Sylvia
Hoenig, Paul Hughes, Ulrike Imohr, Oona Jankowski, Max Kamenshine, Cydney
Kaster, Susanne König, Monika Klocke, Margaret Koidl, Alison Langley, John
Liquorish, Keryn Liquorish, Hannah Mark, Rebecca Mark, Farina Mehmel, Kate
Miller, Heike Müller, Sean Nolan, Patrick O’Sullivan, Frances Pelles, Linda Potlitz,
Dorothee Raykowski, Anne Rebelein, Sarnia Schüssler, Mike Shields, Beni Spieler,
Reinhold Strank, Adeep Taneja, Vera Thiers, April Van Ert, Rocco Weglarz, Wayne
Ziants, Beate Zimpel and anyone whom we have inadvertently omitted.
The following organisations kindly provided
financial suppor t to FEATS 2010:
Bad Homburg (town)
Bad Homburger Baumschulen
Commpanions Werbeagentur
Deutsche Bank
DeVere Group
Hessisches Ministerium für Wissenschaft
und Kunst
KLM Royal Dutch Airlines
Loyens & Loeff
Sparda Bank
Standard Life
and others who prefer to remain
The results of FEATS 2010:
1st place:
2nd place:
3rd place:
Best Actor:
Best Actress:
Best Stage Presentation:
Stage Management:
Thanks for coming to FEATS 2010.
See you again next time !
Best Original Script:
Discretionary Award:
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