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Integumentary Quiz #1
I-) Short Answer.
1. Write 3 Burn Complications:
2. Chronic progressive autoimmune inflammatory disorder of connective tissues. Red
rash with raised scaly plaques. It can be systemic and affect many organ systems. This
statement is describing _________________________
3. Outer most skin superficial layer with no blood vessels __________________
4. Temporary skin graft taken from another human (cadaver) _________________
What are 3 characteristics of diabetic ulcers?
5. Write the name of the 3 burn zones.
II-) Matching
1. ___Dermatitis
2. ___ Lupus Erythematous
3. ___Cellulitis
4. ___ Scleroderma
5. ___Psoriasis
a. Bacterial infection. Connective tissue
inflammation. Skin is hot, red, and edematous
b. Chronic Autoimmune disease. Erythematous
plaques covered with silver scale. Itchy, dry
c. Superficial skin irritation resulting in
inflammation, itchiness, red skin
d. Chronic progressive autoimmune
inflammatory disorder of connective tissue.
Red rash with raised scaly plaques. Can be
e. Chronic autoimmune diffuse disease of
connective tissue causing skin, joints, and
blood vessels fibrosis. Accompanied by
Raynaud’s syndrome. Skin is tight, edematous
& firmly bound to subcutaneous tissues
III-) Multiple Choice
1. This type of ulcer can happen anywhere in the lower leg, pulses are poor or absent,
intermittent claudication is present, and the leg is pale on elevation but dusky rubor with
dependency. Skin presents temperature and trophic changes. Gangrene can develop.
a) Venous ulcer
b) Diabetic Ulcer
c) Arterial Ulcer
d) Pressure Ulcer
2. Classifies burns according to their extension:
a) Rule of nines
b) Wagner Grade Classification
c) New York Heart Association Stages
d) Wells Clinical Score
3. Skin inner layer. It is formed by collagen and elastin fibrous connective tissue.
Contains blood and lymph vessels, nerve endings, hair follicles, sebaceous and sweat
a) Fascia
b) Epidermis
c) Subcutaneous Tissue
d) Dermis
4. Smooth, red elevated patches of skin. Is an allergic response. This statement refers
a) Urticaria
b) Pruritos
c) Xeroderma
d) Rash
5. Selective chemical debridement method promoting liquefication of necrotic tissue.
Indicated in necrotic moisted wounds, patients who can’t tolerate surgical methods,
homebound patients. Contraindicated in ischemic wounds, dry gangrene, and clean
granulated wounds
a) Autolytic
b) Enzymatic
c) Mechanical
d) Sharp