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Dermatology Q&A
A Time-Efficient Device to Melt Fat
A new radio frequency device promises effective treatments for fat-melting and cellulite in fewer
treatments and may complement other devices.
By Ted Pigeon, Senior Associate Editor
he treatment of fat and cellulite with light-based
devices has provided patients as well as cosmetic
dermatologists with an array of possibilities. With
the technology now established, second and third
generation devices are emerging. Among these is
Alma's Accent Elite RF, a new device designed toward
full body rejuvenation. Ahead, Deborah Longwill,
MD, a dermatologist in private practice in Miami, FL,
discusses her experience with the Accent Elite RF and
reflects on the development of RF technologies to treat
fat and cellulite.
Can treatment be customized to patient needs?
The Accent Elite treats both fat and cellulite, allowing
for a larger pool of prospective consumers for the procedure. According to Dr. Longwill, the device makes
practical sense, too, because it can be used in large
areas in a relatively short amount of time. “The device
is relatively easy to use and it covers a larger area
than many other devices like it, and in a short amount
of time,” notes Dr. Longwill. It works by diffusing the
heat with a module for deep dermal heating, allowing
the physician to “roll” the device across the area and
maneuver across large surface areas.
From both a patient interest standpoint and a logistical perspective of time, the Accent Elite is likely an
easy fit within the repertoire of many cosmetic dermatology practices, Dr. Longwill asserts. The device is
designed to tighten the skin; its effect on cellulite, as
well as fine lines and wrinkles, is notable, she says.
How would you situate this device among other
available RF treatments?
“I also have a Body by Thermage device in my practice, which is effective in cases where a single treatment is desired,” says Dr. Longwill. “However, the
Accent Elite is more consistent and is less demanding
48 | Practical Dermatology
| July 2010
on a physician regarding time of treatment,” she adds.
Dr. Longwill notes that devices such as the Accent
Elite and Body by Thermage can be complimentary, as
the Thermage is best used in localized areas, whereas
the Accent can cover more areas of the body.
In addition, she observes that the Accent Elite RF is
an improvement over the previous Accent model
because it requires about half the number of treatments. “As opposed to roughly 14 or 15 treatments
associated with the last Accent laser, the Elite RF cuts
down the number of treatments to about six,” Dr.
Longwill explains.
How do patients respond to treatment?
Patients experience virtually no downtime, according
to Dr. Longwill. She notes further that patients at her
practice have been extremely happy with the results,
and that a great deal of their happiness with the procedure is likely due to their understanding what the
procedure offers. “As long as patients understand that
this procedure is not a miracle cure for fat and that it
is designed to address fat, cellulite, and wrinkles in a
subtle manner, they are extremely pleased with the
results,” she explains. In addition to upper leg areas,
the Accent RF can also be beneficial in the difficult
areas of the arms and triceps. “The skin in these areas
tends to sag with age, but the Accent has delivered
surprisingly effective results when I've used it in these
cases,” she observes.
As far as the market for these types of procedures,
Dr. Longwill believes that as the Baby Boomer generation ages, patients will continue to seek procedures to
address localized fat. Key to successful approaches to a
laser such as the Accent RF, however, is understanding
the appropriate circumstances for its use and managing patient expectations regarding the device's ability
to treat fat and cellulite. ■