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Normal Skin Physiology
The skin is divided into two main regions, the epidermis, and the
dermis, each providing a distinct role in the overall function of the
skin. The dermis is attached to an underlying hypodermis, also called
subcutaneous connective tissue, which stores adipose tissue and is
recognized as the superficial fascia of gross anatomy.
The subcutaneous tissue is a layer of fat that lies between the dermis
of the skin and underlying fascia. Subcutaneous fat insulates the
body, absorbs trauma, and is a reserve energy source.
The pathology observed in Cellulite lies in the subcutaneous tissue,
as will be described further.
How Does Cellulite Occur?
Cellulite is a complex problem involving the microcirculatory system and
lymphatics, the extracellular matrix and the presence of excess
subcutaneous fat that bulges into the dermis.
The deterioration of dermal vasculature causes oedema and tissue hypoxia
with thickening and sclerosis of the fibrous septa.
Chronic inflammatory processes with diffuse infiltration of macrophages and
lymphocytes into the fibrous septa also take place in the formation of
Another approach to the genesis of cellulite is a connective tissue disorders,
which result from the action of estrogen on fibroblasts to produce MMP
(matrix metalloprotease), which damages connective tissues.
This process is driven by the reproductive cycle causing sex hormone levels
to surge.
In skin of men the septa of subcutaneous connective tissue are thick,
parallel to the surface and criss-crossing, causing the polygonal fat-cell
chambers be small.
In contrast, in women’s skin the septa of the subcutaneous connective
tissue are thin, perpendicular to the surface resulting in formation of large
standing fat cell chambers.
Dermis or
Upper zone of
layer & fat
In contrast, full blown cellulite recognized by a dimpled skin surface represents
subjugation of the hypertrophic response of the hypodermal connective tissue
strands when the resistance is overcome by progressive fat accumulation that
protrudes into the lower reticular dermis.
Several strategies are being pursued for cellulite treatment:
• Invasive procedures: liposuction and cellulite lift (also known as lower body lift)
are the primary cosmetic surgery procedures presently available
• Injections: several branded injections Lipo-dissolve, Mesotherapy Lipozap,
Flab-Jab, Mesotherapy, Lipotherapy and Lipolysis
• Different technology devices e.g. Ultrasonic, RF, Vacuum, Electrotherapy, Laser,
Deep Oscilation, Hydro-therapy: large and heavy machines which usually combine
2-3 technologies for several applications; all partial solutions that are performed
along with the recommendation to a heathy nutrition and exercise
• Lymphatic massages: therapeutic deep manual massage performed by trained
• Machine-aided massage: endermologie treatment, the practitioner uses a handheld device with rollers that draws up skin folds and rolls the skin
• Cellulite creams: many cellulite topical remedies, primarily containing Caffeine,
are available in the market; partially disolve fat cells and envigorate the blood flow.
The creams introduce humidity into the upper layer of the skin and give the patient
a pleasant feeling
• Diet: the loss of weight doesn’t make the cellulite disappear but it
improves its appearance
• Exercise and sufficient water drinking: leading a healthy lifestyle reduces the
cellulite by a better drainage of the lymph and building bigger mass of muscle
Elettronica PAGANI., specializing in the development of Shock Wave
Therapy based medical equipment, developed the EXPERT device , for
focused and un-focused applications for cellulite & skin tightening
EXPERT is a non-invasive, painless, compact and user friendly system. It
is reliable and effective, granting significant clinical results and great
satisfaction to the customers. EXPERT treatment is non-invasive,
painless, safe and effective in alleviating cellulite symptoms.
The wave is transferred into the tissue effecting a large and deep
treatment area. It is successfully adapted to the clinical requirements for
cellulite therapy, by allowing an excellent coverage of the cellulite area, as
the subcutaneous layer depth is only 6-8 mm beneath the skin.
Shock-waves were adapted to efficiently treat dermatologic and
cosmetic conditions. The low energy unfocused waves scientifically
proved to have a large impact on collagen structure and the skin
connective tissue, improving the blood circulation and the metabolism of
the fat cells. The mechanical massage effect reduces the oedema and
improves the lymphatic drainage of the toxins, it stimulates collagen
formation, while the skin becomes more elastic and its firmness is visible
after only a few treatments.
Treatment Method
A complete treatment consists of 12 sessions conducted over a 6 week
period. Each session is aprox. 15 to 25 minutes long. Two treatments are
performed every week, without the need of special setting such as special
clothing or preparations and it has no side effects or downtime after the
Clinical Benefits
• Deep mechanical massage instantly causing increased blood circulation
in the treated area
• Enhanced blood supply to the supportive connective tissue of the skin
• Improved lymphatic drainage and acceleration of the lymphatic system
• Increased metabolic activity which reduces the fat tissue oedema
• Collagenogenesis and formation of stronger skin connective tissue
EXPERT Advantages
• Highly effective solution for a specific aesthetic condition – the cellulite,
effecting up to 90% of adult women
• Non invasive treatment, with no reported side effects and no downtime
• Clinically established medical technology with Medispec's flawless
• Fast return on investment (ROI)
• Complies to all international standards (CE, FDA)
About Elettronica PAGANI
Founded in 1947, Elettronica PAGANI develops, manufactures and
markets high-tech medical equipment for the fields of Physiotherapy,
Orthopedics, cosmetic as well as veterinary applications.
PAGANI provides advanced, high quality products that comply with the
worldwide standards of today's marketplace.
PAGANI has a proven track record of delivering high performance
shockwave and radial wave therapy products to international medical
institutions. We customize solutions that meet our clients' specific
medical and business requirements, ensuring that they receive the
highest quality, reliability and cost efficiencies available.
PAGANI is active in over 80 countries around the world and is
continuously expanding into new territories and therapies.
Cellulite describes a condition that occurs mainly in women, and may affect
up to 90% of them in the post-adolescent period. Its external characteristics
are its location (lower buttocks, outer and posterior thighs and hips), tissue
lumpiness and dryness and flabbiness of the skin.
Although not defined as a pathologic condition, the presence of cellulite is
an aesthetically unacceptable cosmetic problem for most adult women and
can cause significant psychological and self-worth issues.
Cellulite develops when connective tissue between fat cell chambers, and
between the chambers and the skin, become thinner and weakened. The
elastic fibers that give these connective tissues strength are diminished.
Since the septa of subcutaneous fatty tissue in women are often very taut
and run perpendicular to the surface of the skin, as the fat cells in the subcutis increase in size, they are not held in place by the perpendicular septa,
but rather press in the direction of the dermis/epidermis and are visible as
dimples on the surface of the skin (cellulite). In addition to this, these often
very stiff, inelastic septa are largely incapable of accommodating the
increase in volume in the subcutaneous connective tissue, thus causing
further dimpling.
Additional important factors in the formation of cellulite are the deterioration
of dermal vasculature (alterations of the pre-capillary arteriolar sphincter)
causing edema and tissue hypoxia with thickening and sclerosis of the
fibrous septa.
Chronic inflammatory processes with diffuse infiltration of macrophages
and lymphocytes into the fibrous septa also take place in this process.
Treatment methods
Both time and efforts are spent in search of the optimal treatment of this
aesthetic problem.
Iontophoresis, ultrasound, thermotherapy, pressotherapy (pneumatic
massaging in the direction of the circulation), lymphatic drainage
(massage technique to stimulate lymphatic flow), electrolipophoresis
(application of a low frequency electric current) have all been tried. Yet,
none of these techniques provides an effective solution.
PAGANI, a highly estimated international medical equipment company,
specializes for years in the development of Shock Wave Therapy
medical equipment, has developed the EXPERT device, for focused
and unfocusued Wave Therapy aesthetic treatment device, which is
non-invasive, compact and user friendly.
PAGANI treatment protocol includes twelve treatment sessions during
six weeks of twenty five minutes each. Radial Wave Treatment with the
PAGANI is combined with Slimcream – a unique anti-cellulite cream,
specially developed for integrated treatment with the PAGANI.
Slimcream is spread on the treatment area prior to treatment, and the
radial wave enhances the penetration of the anti-cellulite active
ingredients into the cellulite area.
Based on clinical studies, 66% of treated patients will observe a visual
improvement of cellulite condition. Also the skin elasticity will improve
over the course of SWT therapy and will reveal a 74% improvement at
the end of therapy. At 3- and 6month follow-ups, skin elasticity will be improved by 95% and 105%,