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LipoDerm introduction
Lipoderm is the most advanced Cavitation machine for adipose area & cellulite treatment using
ultrasonic waves. So, you can enjoy the best slimming effect with 3 different computerized modes & the
probe with the LED outside.
The Lipoderm is easy to operate, competitive in price & quality.
The moment you choose the LipoDerm is the moment you can get slimmed & be happy with your body.
When the Ultrasonic waves pass through a liquid, it consist of expansion waves (negative pressure) and
compression waves (positive pressure).
Then, vapour bubles are produced in the liquid, these cavitation bubbles continue to grow and then later
When the cavitation bubble collapses, it generates high local temperature peaks, pressure pulses and
related high energy chemical processes.
Non-Invasive Cellulite & Fat treatment machine using cavitation effect.
Short treatment time with maximum effect without Yo-Yo effect.
Permanent cellulite treatment effect. (Once the fat cell is broken, the fat cell is not regenerated)
Walk in, walk out treatment (The normal social activity is possible just after the treatment)
It breaks the fat cell using ultrasonic waves without damaging other inner organs.
Model Name
Power Consumption
Usable Area
Output width
LipoDerm (LP-300)
AC 220 / 240 V
8kg (Body Only)
332 x 395 x 228 mm (Body only)
5w / cm2