Download Downloading and installing Java SE Development Kit v.8:

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Downloading and installing Java SE Development Kit v.8: 1.
Go to . You should be at a page which says “Oracle” in the top left corner. There should be a gray bar which says “Oracle Technology Network > Java > Java SE > Downloads”. 2.
In the middle section, under heading “Java Platform, Standard Edition”, click the button on the right side under “JDK” that says “Download”. 3.
You should now be at a page with the title “Java SE Development Kit 8 Downloads”. Find the section that says “Java SE Development Kit 8u25”. Read the license agreement (if you want), and if you agree, click on the button that says “Accept License Agreement”. FInd your operating system (probably one of the following): 4.
● Windows x64 (64­bit operating system). If you go to Start > Computer > System Properties, and look at System > System Type. If it says “64­bit operating system”, this is probably the choice you want. ● Windows x86 ● Mac OS X x64 6.
Click the filename next to it to download the JDK. The download is about 170MB, so it may take a while. 7.
(For Windows only:) Find the .exe file in the Downloads directory and double­click it. Follow the instructions in the Install wizard, choosing all the defaults and hitting “Next”. At the end, you can choose either “Close” or “Next Steps”. (For other operating systems: if you need assistance, please contact me.) 8.
Create a folder on your desktop (or wherever you like) called “Hello”. 9.
Inside this folder, create a text file named “” containing the following ­­ alternately, use the file given to you by your instructor. The file should look exactly like this: public class Hello {
public static void main(String[] args) {
System.out.println("Hello, world!");
Open up a command window (on Windows, open up your start menu and just type “cmd” in the box with the magnifying glass). Navigate to the “Hello” folder you created. For example, on WIndows you might type: 11.
> cd c:\Users\YourName\Desktop\Hello
Using the path to your Java installation directory, compile your program like this: > "c:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_25\bin\javac.exe"
Using the path to your Java installation directory, run your program like this: > "c:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_25\bin\java.exe" Hello
Hello, world!
If you got the expected output, congratulations! If not, don’t worry, we’ll figure out what’s wrong. :­)