Download 6.5. Debugging Java Objects

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Published October, 1998
Copyright © 1998 by NetBeans, Inc.
This document is being furnished by NetBeans, Inc. for information purposes only to licensed
users of the NetBeans Developer 2.0 software product and is furnished on an “AS IS” basis, that
is, without any warranties whatsoever, express or implied.
NetBeans is a registered trademark of NetBeans Corporation. Java and all Java-based trademarks
and logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of Sun Microsystems, Inc. in the United States
and other countries. UNIX is a registered trademark in the United States and other countries,
exclusively licensed through X/Open Company, Ltd. Other brand and product names are
trademarks of their respective holders.
The software described in this document is furnished under a license agreement. The software
may be used only in accordance with the terms of that license agreement.
Table of Contents
Audience ............................................................................................................10
Document Structure ...........................................................................................10
Conventions Used In This Document ................................................................10
Contact Information...........................................................................................11
4.1. Registration Number Problems...............................................................11
4.2. Online Technical Support .......................................................................12
4.2.1. Newsgroups .................................................................................12
4.2.2. The FAQ.......................................................................................12
4.2.3. Virtual Machines..........................................................................12
4.2.4. Contacting Technical Support......................................................12
I. Welcome to NetBeans Developer.............................................................................14
1. Introduction .......................................................................................................15
1.1. Java .........................................................................................................15
1.2. NetBeans Developer 2.0 .........................................................................16
1.2.1. Product Overview ........................................................................16
1.2.2. Features........................................................................................16
1.3. NetBeans Enterprise ...............................................................................18
2. Concepts Behind NetBeans’ IDE ......................................................................19
2.1. IDE Should Incorporate Advanced Java Technology .............................19
2.2. Make IDE Freely Extendable .................................................................19
2.3. Provide Multiple Development Options .................................................20
2.4. Make Development Intuitive ..................................................................20
2.5. Create Platform Independent Product.....................................................20
2.6. Strictly Adhere to Standards...................................................................21
II. Getting Started........................................................................................................22
3. Installing NetBeans Developer ..........................................................................23
3.1. System Requirements .............................................................................23
3.1.1. Hardware on Intel 80x86 Platforms.............................................23
3.1.2. Software.......................................................................................23
3.1.3. Installation ...................................................................................23
3.2. Installation Formats ................................................................................24
3.3. Installation ..............................................................................................24
3.3.1. nbdev200.exe ...............................................................................25
3.3.2. .................................................................................25
3.3.3. nbdev200.class.............................................................................25
3.3.4. nbdev200.class and Macintosh Installations................................27
3.3.5. NetBeans_Developer-2.0.XXX-Y.noarch.rpm ............................27
3.4. UNIX Shared Multi-user Installations....................................................27
4. User Interface.....................................................................................................29
4.1. The Main Window ..................................................................................29
4.1.1. Menus and Toolbars.....................................................................30
4.1.2. Component Palette.......................................................................30
4.1.3. Workspaces ..................................................................................30
4.2. The Explorer ...........................................................................................30
4.2.1. Navigation....................................................................................31 Explorer Toolbar...............................................................31 Default Actions.................................................................32
4.3. Property Sheet.........................................................................................32
4.4. The Editor ...............................................................................................34
4.4.1. MultiWindow Functionality.........................................................35 Introduction ......................................................................35 Docking and Undocking Windows...................................36 Cloning Windows .............................................................36
4.4.2. Working in Editor Panes ..............................................................37 Using the Mouse ...............................................................37 Clipboard Operations........................................................37 Editor Abbreviations.........................................................37
4.5. Form Editor.............................................................................................38
4.6. Debugger Window ..................................................................................39
4.7. Execution Window..................................................................................40
4.8. Output Window.......................................................................................41
4.9. Built-In Web Browser.............................................................................42
4.10. Popup Menus ........................................................................................42
III. Working with NetBeans Developer......................................................................44
5. Fundamental Operations....................................................................................45
5.1. Using Workspaces ..................................................................................45
5.2. Exploring Objects ...................................................................................46
5.2.1. Repository....................................................................................46 Filesystems and the CLASSPATH....................................47 The Mount Point ...............................................................47 Mounting New File Systems ............................................47 Working with Packages ....................................................48 Working with Objects .......................................................49
5.2.2. Templates.....................................................................................51
5.2.3. Control Panel ...............................................................................52
5.2.4. Environment.................................................................................52 Repository Settings...........................................................52 Main Window ...................................................................52 Workspaces .......................................................................53 Shortcuts ...........................................................................53 Component Palette............................................................53 Debugger...........................................................................54 Processes...........................................................................54 Actions..............................................................................54
5.3. Creating New Objects.............................................................................54
5.4. Using Templates .....................................................................................55
6. Developing Java Classes....................................................................................56
6.1. Exploring Java Objects ...........................................................................56
6.1.1. Elements of Java Objects .............................................................56
6.1.2. Creating New Elements ...............................................................57
6.2. Editing Java Objects ...............................................................................58
6.2.1. Layout of the Java Editor.............................................................58
6.2.2. Layout of the Java Editor.............................................................58
6.2.3. Integration with Other Components ............................................58
6.3. Compiling Java Objects ..........................................................................59
6.3.1. Compiling Single Classes ............................................................59
6.3.2. Compiling Packages ....................................................................59
6.3.3. Shortcuts ......................................................................................60
6.4. Executing Java Objects ...........................................................................60
6.4.1. Running Applets, Specifying Applet Viewer ..............................60
6.4.2. Running Applications ..................................................................61
6.5. Debugging Java Objects .........................................................................62
6.5.1. Breakpoints ..................................................................................62
6.5.2. Threads ........................................................................................63
6.5.3. Watches........................................................................................63
6.5.4. The Debugging Session ...............................................................63
6.6. Designing Visual Forms .........................................................................64
6.6.1. Creating a New Form, Opening Form Editor ..............................64
6.6.2. Form Editor Basics ......................................................................65 Adding New Components.................................................65 Selecting Components ......................................................66 Connection Mode .............................................................67 Copying Components .......................................................67 Reordering Components ...................................................68
6.6.3. Working with Layouts .................................................................68 Setting and Changing Layout Managers ..........................68 NetBeans’ Support for LayoutManagers ..........................69 Layout Managers Summary..............................................72 AbsoluteLayout .....................................................72 BorderLayout.........................................................73 FlowLayout............................................................73 GridLayout.............................................................73 CardLayout ............................................................73 GridBagLayout ......................................................74 BoxLayout .............................................................74 Support for Custom Layout Managers .............................74
6.6.4. Working with Source Code..........................................................75 Non-editable Blocks .........................................................75 External Modifications .....................................................75
6.6.5. Form Editor Modes......................................................................76
6.6.6. Events ..........................................................................................77
6.6.7. Using the Connection Wizard......................................................78
6.6.8. Menu Editor .................................................................................81 Creating a Menu Bar.........................................................81 Creating a Popup Menu ....................................................83 Adding Menu Items ..........................................................83 Menu Item Events.............................................................84
6.6.9. Components with Special Support ..............................................85 JScrollPane, ScrollPane ....................................................85 JTabbedPane .....................................................................85 JTable, JList ......................................................................87 MDI Applications: Using JDesktopPane and
JInternalFrames......................................................................87 JSplitPane .........................................................................88
7. Advanced Operations.........................................................................................89
7.1. Using the BeanWizard ............................................................................89
7.2. Adding JavaBeans to the IDE .................................................................91
7.2.1. Standard Method..........................................................................91
7.2.2. Alternate Method .........................................................................91
7.2.3. Automatic Method .......................................................................92
7.3. Customizing JavaBeans ..........................................................................93
IV. Customizing NetBeans Developer ........................................................................95
8. Control Panel .....................................................................................................96
8.1. System ....................................................................................................96
8.2. Output Window.......................................................................................96
8.3. Property Sheet.........................................................................................97
8.4. Extensions...............................................................................................98
8.5. Internal Compiler....................................................................................98
8.6. External Compiler...................................................................................98
8.7. Internal Execution...................................................................................99
8.8. External Execution..................................................................................99
8.9. Debugger...............................................................................................100
8.10. Java Objects ........................................................................................100
8.11. Form Objects ......................................................................................101
8.12. Applets................................................................................................102
8.13. HTTP Server.......................................................................................103
8.14. Network Options.................................................................................103
8.15. Java Editor, Text Editor, HTML Editor ..............................................104
9. Customizing the Environment .........................................................................106
9.1. Customizing Menus and Toolbars ........................................................106
9.2. Customizing Shortcuts..........................................................................107
9.3. Customizing the Component Palette ....................................................107
9.4. Customizing Workspaces......................................................................108
A. Default Keyboard Shortcuts ................................................................................110
A.1. Global Shortcut Keys...................................................................................111
A.2. Form Editor Shortcut Keys ..........................................................................111
A.3. Editor Shortcut Keys....................................................................................112
A.4. Explorer Shortcut Keys................................................................................114
A.5. Window Shortcut Keys ................................................................................115
A.6. Build Shortcut Keys.....................................................................................115
A.7. Debugger Shortcut Keys ..............................................................................116
B. Default Editor Abbreviations ...............................................................................117
C. Main Window Menus and Toolbars ....................................................................120
C.1. Menus...........................................................................................................120
C.1.1. File Menu ..........................................................................................120
C.1.2. Edit Menu..........................................................................................120
C.1.3. View Menu ........................................................................................121
C.1.4. Build Menu .......................................................................................121
C.1.5. Debug Menu......................................................................................122
C.1.6. Tools Menu .......................................................................................122
C.1.7. Window Menu...................................................................................122
C.1.8. Help Menu ........................................................................................123
C.2. Toolbars........................................................................................................123
D. Actions....................................................................................................................126
Recommended Reading .............................................................................................131
List of Tables
5-1. Package Popup Menu Actions................................................................................48
5-2. Object Types...........................................................................................................49
5-3. Common Object Actions ........................................................................................51
6-1. Document icons of Java Objects ............................................................................56
6-2. Java Object Elements .............................................................................................57
6-3. Basic Form Types Supported by NetBeans ............................................................64
6-4. Form Editor Modes ................................................................................................76
8-1. Output Window Properties .....................................................................................96
8-2. Property Sheet Properties .......................................................................................97
8-3. Internal Compiler Properties ..................................................................................98
8-4. External Compiler Properties .................................................................................99
8-5. Internal Execution Properties .................................................................................99
8-6. External Execution Properties ................................................................................99
8-7. Debugger Properties .............................................................................................100
8-8. Java Objects Properties.........................................................................................100
8-9. Form Objects Properties.......................................................................................101
8-10. Applets Properties ..............................................................................................102
8-11. HTTP Server Properties .....................................................................................103
8-12. Network Options Properties ...............................................................................103
8-13. Common Editor Properties.................................................................................104
A-1. Naming Convention for Function Keys...............................................................110
A-2. Naming Convention for Modifier Keys ...............................................................110
D-1. Data Actions ........................................................................................................126
D-2. Edit Actions .........................................................................................................126
D-3. System Actions....................................................................................................127
D-4. View Actions .......................................................................................................128
D-5. Build Actions.......................................................................................................128
D-6. Debugger Actions ................................................................................................129
D-7. Form Actions .......................................................................................................130
List of Figures
4-1. The Main Window with Windows Look and Feel .................................................29
4-2. The Explorer with Metal Look and Feel ................................................................30
4-3. Explorer with its Property Sheet Pane....................................................................33
4-4. The Editor...............................................................................................................34
4-5. Form Window.........................................................................................................38
4-6. Component Inspector .............................................................................................38
4-7. The Debugger Window...........................................................................................40
4-8. The Execution Window ..........................................................................................40
4-9. The Output Window ...............................................................................................41
6-1. Component Palette Indicating Add Mode ..............................................................66
6-2. Selection Mode.......................................................................................................66
6-3. Connection Mode ...................................................................................................67
6-8. Creating MenuBar ..................................................................................................81
6-9. Menu.......................................................................................................................82
6-10. Adding Menu Items..............................................................................................83
6-11. Support for JTabbedPane......................................................................................86
C-1. Main Window Toolbar - Top Row .......................................................................124
C-2. Main Window Toolbar - Bottom Row .................................................................124
C-3. Main Window Toolbar - New Window icons ......................................................124
C-4. Main Window Toolbar - Form Editor icons.........................................................125
This book describes how to develop with and customize NetBeans Developer version
1. Audience
This document is intended for software engineers who will implement Java
applications and applets with NetBeans Developer. It is assumed that the reader has a
general knowledge of Java.
2. Document Structure
This book is divided into four parts. The first is an introduction to the concepts behind
the NetBeans Developer 2.0 Integrated Development Environment (referred to as the
NetBeans IDE, or IDE for short). The second part describes major components and
features of the IDE’s user interface. The third demonstrates practical use of these
features. The fourth gives a breakdown of some of the fundamental concepts and ideas
behind the architecture of the NetBeans IDE, as well as covering some advanced
customization and modification of the IDE itself.
3. Conventions Used In This Document
The following conventions are used in the text:
Items you can select, such as buttons and menu choices.
New terms the first time they are used.
Method names in general discussion.
Text that you can enter.
• Monospace
Examples of Java code.
File names.
Look & Feel: Depending on your platform, the appearance of the IDE GUI (Graphical
User Interface) may appear quite different from the screenshots shown here. By default
the IDE launches in the "Windows Look & Feel" when running on a Windows
platform, or the "Metal" Look & Feel on all other platforms. Most screenshots in this
document were taken using the Windows Look & Feel. The Look & Feel can be set via
the View | Look & Feel menu—although, please note that you won’t be able to use the
Windows Look & Feel on non-Windows platforms.
“Press Return” means that you should press the Return key on your keyboard. If you
don’t have a Return key, the Enter key should work. Keys like F5 and F9 refer to those
function keys (also sometimes labeled PF5 and PF9). “Ctrl” refers to the Control key.
A set of keystrokes joined with “+”, like Ctrl+F9, means you should press the first key
(here, Ctrl), hold it down, and press the second key (here, F9).
4. Contact Information
For the latest news and information, please check the NetBeans website
If you have any general queries about NetBeans products, pricing and release
schedules, please mail [email protected].
Your feedback is always welcome. Please mail any relevant comments you might have
to [email protected].
4.1. Registration Number Problems
If you have purchased NetBeans Developer, and you’ve lost or are having problems
with your registration code, please mail [email protected]. Try to include as
much relevant information as possible including your full name, the approximate date
you ordered NetBeans, and the email address you used when ordering.
4.2. Online Technical Support
If you’re having problems with NetBeans, please make use of the following online
4.2.1. Newsgroups
The NetBeans newsgroups are buzzing with discussion on all aspects of NetBeans,
from technical support issues to custom extensions. By using this public forum, you
have access to the whole of the NetBeans community worldwide. The NetBeans
Support Team regularly read and post to these groups. There is also a wealth of
knowledge in previous postings. See for
details of how to configure your newsreader to use the NetBeans newsgroups.
4.2.2. The FAQ
Please check the FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions list), which covers all common
problems with installation, startup, and running NetBeans. This list is updated regularly
as new issues come to light. The FAQ can be found at
4.2.3. Virtual Machines
Check you are using a supported JVM. Known, working JVMs are listed on the JVMs
page of the website, at
4.2.4. Contacting Technical Support
If you wish to contact technical support, please make use of the online Support Request
form. Please note you will need the username and password you received when you
registered on the NetBeans website to access the Support Request Form. To ensure the
fastest possible resolution to your request, please fill out all required fields on the
form—in particular, the System Information field is crucial. Without this information
the NetBeans Support Team are unable to process your request.
Priority Support: While the NetBeans technical support team do respond to every
request they receive, by purchasing NetBeans Developer 2.0 you ensure priority
support. If you have purchased NetBeans, please use your 8 digit registration code
when requesting support, and your request will be given the highest priority.
The support request form can be found at
I. Welcome to NetBeans
This short part introduces Java, NetBeans Developer 2.0, and NetBeans Enterprise.
Chapter 1. Introduction
1.1. Java
When the first generation of Java appeared on the development horizon in 1995, it was
generally regarded as a language for creating animated applets and small web-based
applications useful for the newly exploding Internet. Since then, the second generation
of Java has arrived, and it is beginning to be seen as a much more robust solution that
developers can use to create powerful, distributed applications.
As such, the Java software industry is in the midst of a stage of extremely rapid growth.
There are now close to 750,000 Java developers, and this number is expected to double
over the next four years. Corporate investment in Java technology-based information
systems is on the rise, with a 75% increase from present levels predicted over the next
two years.
NetBeans believes that there are two primary forces driving this growth:
1. The need for information from “everywhere”: With the explosion of the Internet,
corporate and individual expectations on the availability and reliability of
information have increased almost as fast. This information may be stored in a
legacy mainframe at headquarters, a database at a supplier, or one of a thousand
different types of servers spread out across the world.
2. The need for applications “everywhere”: Instead of electronic devices converging
into the PC, there appears to be a steady growth in the number of non-PC
peripherals. Due to advances in semiconductor performance, these products are
extremely powerful and able to support an operating system and run a variety of
applications. Examples include personal digital assistants, cell phones, network
computer, digital set top boxes, etc.
But despite all this interest and potential, Java as a language and platform is still in its
infancy and has a lot of maturing to do before it reaches the level of acceptance we
believe is possible. Today there is support for graphical users interfaces (Swing),
database connectivity (JDBC), application servers (EJB), and distributed computing
Chapter 1. Introduction
(RMI). Tomorrow, these will all be significantly more advanced, extensive support for
embedded systems will be available, and a host of new technologies generated around
the world will be created beyond what we know is possible today.
NetBeans was established to meet the challenges and dynamics of Java now and in the
future. We want to help developers build the most advanced Java applications, in a very
flexible and intuitive way. Developer 2.0 is the first step in this ongoing quest and we
hope that you will find this documentation useful in your endeavors.
The NetBeans Team, [email protected]
1.2. NetBeans Developer 2.0
1.2.1. Product Overview
NetBeans Developer 2.0 is a full-featured, cross-platform Java technology IDE. It
combines support for all stages of Java application development including visual
design, coding, compiling, and debugging in a single visual-programming package. It
runs on all platforms that support JDK 1.1.x, including Windows 95/98/NT, Linux,
Solaris, OS/2, HP-UX, AIX, SGI Irix, Apple Macintosh and others. The IDE is based
on JFC and JavaBeans Components, and all parts of the IDE are actually themselves
1.2.2. Features
User Interface:
Completely customizable menu, toolbar and shortcuts
Pluggable Look & Feel
Multiple virtual workspaces
Form Editor:
“Live Java” JavaBeans-based form editor with support for both AWT and JFC
Chapter 1. Introduction
Integrated JFC components
Full JavaBean support
Full support for layout managers
Connection Wizard
Applet generation support
Integration of third-party JavaBeans components
Browse JAR, ZIP FileSystems
Compile All / Build All: recursively compile all sources in a package
Java source parsing
Support for Java introspection on classes without sources
Methods and properties from parsing or introspection visually exposed
User templates
Integrated visual debugger with multi-thread debugging support
Full support for breakpoints, watches, locales and threads
Text editor with syntax coloring
JavaBean Wizard:
Generate Beans in minutes
HTML browser
Built-in HTTP lightweight server for project and source-code publishing
Support for third-party modules
Chapter 1. Introduction
International application supported - Unicode enabled
1.3. NetBeans Enterprise
In late Q4 of 1998, NetBeans will release a Beta version of its Enterprise IDE. The
Enterprise version will extend the functionality and power of the Developer version
tremendously. It is intended for multi-user, multi-platform development environments.
Some of the additional features found in the Enterprise Edition include:
Version control: Users can share File systems, debug remotely, access source
control systems.
Modular architecture: there will be Open APIs available for the integration of third
party modules
Support for Database connectivity (JDBC), Enterprise Java Beans (EJB), distributed
computing (RMI)
Support for custom compilation steps: rmic, javacc compilers
Advanced Editor Features: intelligent keyword/class/variable name, completion,
class browser
This documentation does not cover the Enterprise Edition. For more information on the
Enterprise Edition, please check the NetBeans website.
Chapter 2. Concepts Behind NetBeans’
We took a unique approach to IDE by writing the entire IDE in Java and basing the
architecture on JavaBeans. The result is an IDE that embodies the Java metaphor and
provides a distinctive, Java-based experience. The IDE takes advantage of the built-in
functionality of Java and incorporates advanced Java features such as Swing. The
internal structure is easily configurable and extensible and the IDE runs independent of
We also recognize that a broad range of developers will use the IDE and, invariably,
attack problems from different directions. We addressed this by incorporating a wide
range of developer options.
Below, we outline the major concepts and beliefs that went into the development of
Developer 2.0.
2.1. IDE Should Incorporate Advanced Java
Java is rapidly evolving. Sun frequently makes new JVMs available, which are
followed by ports on multiple platforms. The standards and implementations for
Swing, JDBC, RMI, etc. are also continually advancing. Sun and other Java
development companies continually launch completely new technology. Java
developers demand that these be incorporated rapidly into their development tools.
NetBeans was the first IDE to be constructed from JavaBeans, which allows easy
platform extension. NetBeans was the first IDE to provide support for advanced visual
development of both Swing and AWT applications and has consistently supported
JDKs shortly after their release. In the Enterprise release, NetBeans will support JDBC,
RMI, EJB, and incorporate technology from other Java vendors.
Chapter 2. Concepts Behind NetBeans’ IDE
2.2. Make IDE Freely Extendable
NetBeans will not be able to integrate all the technology that developers desire. We
want to allow users to easily extend their environment and capabilities easily and
effectively. In this release, this is inherent in the way JavaBeans can be integrated into
the IDE (as with the KLGroup’s JClass Chart Lite components). In subsequent
releases, the IDE will itself be constructed from modules with publicly available APIs.
NetBeans will also integrate third-party components this way. Among the first modules
to be added will be Cloudscape’s embeddable Java database.
2.3. Provide Multiple Development Options
Not all developers will develop an application in a similar manner. NetBeans allows
developers to assemble and edit code and customize their environment in a variety of
ways. Users can freely customize Menus and Toolbars, shortcuts, the Component
Palette, and Workspaces. Also, as an example of the options NetBeans provides, the
developer can either assemble Java code in the Form Editor, by manual coding, or by
using NetBeans’ numerous templates.
2.4. Make Development Intuitive
NetBeans approaches all object types (configuration objects, various data types, classes
and their fields/methods, beans, etc.) in a unified and consistent manner. Complete
functionality of any of these items is available in a tree structure accessible from the
Explorer, and all operations with objects can be performed from their popup menus, an
easy-to-access toolbar or from the main menu.
2.5. Create Platform Independent Product
Although a single developer might work on a single, specific platform, many
developers and development teams work on multiple platforms. Platform neutrality
enables developers to work together, each on their own platform of choice, to build
Chapter 2. Concepts Behind NetBeans’ IDE
products that will run in a consistent way in any environment. Because it is written in
Java, NetBeans can run on all platforms that support JDK 1.1.x, including Windows
95/98/NT, Linux, Solaris, HP-UX, OS/2, and others.
2.6. Strictly Adhere to Standards
NetBeans is based on Sun Microsystems’ Java implementation. It generates Java code
that conforms to Sun’s 100% Pure Java standard, meaning that it can be run on every
Java 1.1.x VM-enabled platform. NetBeans fully supports the JFC library for
generating the application GUI and it allows extension of its native component palette
with any JavaBean-compliant class.
II. Getting Started
This Part is designed to help you get NetBeans running on your machine and
familiarize you with the basic features and functionality of the IDE. The first Chapter
provides installation instructions for Developer 2.0 with specific details for installation
on different platforms such as Windows, UNIX, Mac, etc.. The next Chapter gives a
tour through each of the major parts of the IDE: User Interface and Main Menu,
Explorer, Property Sheets, Source Editor, and Form Editor.
Chapter 3. Installing NetBeans
This Chapter describes installation of the NetBeans IDE. Before installation, please
check the system requirements below.
3.1. System Requirements
3.1.1. Hardware on Intel 80x86 Platforms
Minimum configuration : Windows 95/NT: P133 processor, 48MB RAM, 16MB free
disk space.
Recommended configuration : Windows 95/NT: P200 processor, 96MB RAM.
Due to the memory intensive requirements of the Linux JVM, this platform generally
requires more RAM than Windows platforms.
3.1.2. Software
NetBeans Developer 2.0 requires a Sun compatible Java Virtual Machine, version 1.1.5
or later where available, to run. The 1.1.7 JDK for Windows is strongly recommended
on that platform. The latest JDK is available for download from
Linux users should use the 1.1.6 JDK available from
NetBeans does not run well with other currently available Linux VMs.
The JVMs page of the NetBeans website lists all recommended VMs and versions for
many platforms, and provides links to download sites for these VMs where available.
Please check the NetBeans JVMs page for the latest information:
Chapter 3. Installing NetBeans Developer
3.1.3. Installation
The installation procedures themselves require a 1.1 JVM installed on your system to
run successfully. If you do not yet have a 1.1 VM, you should install one prior to
running the NetBeans installation.
3.2. Installation Formats
There are several different installation formats of NetBeans Developer 2.0 available.
The software in each of these formats is identical; it is merely bundled in different
InstallShield formats for ease of use on different platforms. All formats require a 1.1
JVM installed on your system to install correctly.
Available formats are:
nbdev200.exe - a standard InstallShield Win32 self-extracting executable
• - a self-extracting Unix archive
nbdev200.class - a java class installation
NetBeans_Developer-2.0.XXX-Y.noarch.rpm - Red Hat Package Manager (rpm)
distribution for Red Hat Linux (XXX indicates build number and Y indicates
package version)
For most platforms, there is a choice of installation format. The nbdev200.class java
installation will run on any platform with a 1.1 JVM installed - if you are unsure which
format to use, use this one. A summary of recommended formats is given below:
Windows 95 / 98 / NT: nbdev200.exe
Red Hat, Caldera and SUSE Linux: NetBeans_Developer-2.0.XXX-Y.noarch.rpm
Other Linux and Unixes:
OS/2: nbdev200.class
Macintosh: nbdev200.class (see Macintosh notes below)
Other: nbdev200.class
Chapter 3. Installing NetBeans Developer
3.3. Installation
Here are instructions for each installation format listed above.
3.3.1. nbdev200.exe
Double click the nbdev200.exe file you have saved to your system. This will
decompress the InstallShield routine, which will then launch. Follow through the
InstallShield wizard dialogs. The install routine will attempt to locate a 1.1 VM on
your system; if it fails to locate one, you must browse to locate one before continuing.
Once complete, you will have a shortcut to NetBeans Developer 2.0 on your Desktop.
On your Start Menu, you’ll also have a NetBeans entry containing shortcuts to
NetBeans Developer, the README.txt file, and the NetBeans website.
Note that the instructions in this section are only for single-user installations. To install
for multiple Unix users, see Section 3.4 below.
Open a command prompt. Change working directory to the location where you’ve
saved the file. Launch the installation by typing the command:
Before decompressing, will attempt to locate a 1.1 JVM on your system.
A menu listing any found, and the option to specify another VM will be shown. Once
one of these is selected, it is used to launch the InstallShield routine. Follow through
the InstallShield Wizard dialogs.
Once complete, use the launch script in your installation directory to
launch NetBeans.
3.3.3. nbdev200.class
Chapter 3. Installing NetBeans Developer
Macintosh users, please see Section 3.3.4.
Open a command prompt, and change working directory to the location you have the
nbdev200.class file saved. If you have a CLASSPATH set, and it does not include the
current directory, you will need to add the current directory to your existing
CLASSPATH. If you do not have a CLASSPATH set, skip to the next step. To check
whether you have a CLASSPATH currently set, type “set” (without the quotes) at a
command prompt. If you see CLASSPATH listed, you have a CLASSPATH setting.
To add the current directory to your CLASSPATH on a Windows machine, type:
On a Unix machine with a Bourne-type shell (which typically gives a $ prompt),
On a Unix machine with a C-type shell (which typically gives a % or > prompt),
type this command:
Next, on all platforms, type the following command (and note that you should not
include the “.class”):
java nbdev200
This assumes you have a 1.1 VM in your path. If you do not, you must specify the full
path to the java interpreter executable—for example:
C:\TEMP>C:\jdk1.1.7\bin\java.exe nbdv20b3
This will initiate a standard InstallShield installation routine. Simply follow through
the dialogs as normal.
Chapter 3. Installing NetBeans Developer
Once complete, use the launch script in your installation directory to launch NetBeans.
If you are installing nbdev200.class on a Windows machine, you will have shortcuts for
launching NetBeans under your Start Menu.
3.3.4. nbdev200.class and Macintosh Installations
To install nbdev200.class on the Macintosh, you will need JBindery (which is bundled
with the MRJ SDK) to launch the .class installation. The MRJ SDK is available from
Simply drag and drop the nbdev200.class file onto your JBindery icon, and click Run.
This will launch the InstallShield installation routine. Once the installation has
completed, see the README.txt file in your NetBeans installation folder for details on
3.3.5. NetBeans_Developer-2.0.XXX-Y.noarch.rpm
Open a command prompt, and change working directory to the location you have the
file saved. You must install the rpm format as the superuser (root user). From the
command line, type a command like the following, where XXX is replaced by the
current build number:
rpm -i NetBeans_Developer-2.0.XXX-Y.noarch.rpm
This will install NetBeans to /usr/local/netbeans and generate a launch script in /usr/local/bin/. Assuming this directory is in your path, simply type to launch NetBeans Developer 2.0.
3.4. UNIX Shared Multi-user Installations
With the exception of the rpm distribution, the installation procedures in the previous
section are for single users only. Unix users may wish to create shared installations,
such that multiple users may use the same installation of NetBeans.
To do this, the installation routine must be run as the superuser (root) and the
Chapter 3. Installing NetBeans Developer
installation directory you specify should be a shared directory (for example
/usr/local/netbeans). Once this installation is complete, each individual user who
wishes to use NetBeans should do the following :
1. Create a NetBeans directory in your home directory, and copy the Development
and system subdirectories from the shared installation to this new local directory.
2. Copy the launch script from the installation directory to your home
directory. Modify this script, and add the “-Dnetbeans.user” command line switch
to the command line, pointing to your local NetBeans directory.
For example, a user named foo with home directory /usr/home/foo/ creates a directory
netbeans /usr/home/foo/netbeans/. The Development and system hierarchies are copied
from the shared installation to this new local directory
The launch script is copied from the shared installation to /usr/home/foo/.
The java execution line of this script is modified to look something like the command
below. Note the command below is broken into three lines for formatting reasons; the
command in your startup script should all be entered on a single line.
java -Dnetbeans.home=$NETBEANS_HOME
-mx40m com.netbeans.developer.Main
This can be customized as necessary.
Chapter 4. User Interface
The NetBeans IDE user interface is organized around its main segments: the Main
Window, Explorer, Editor, Form Editor, Component Inspector, Debugger, Execution
System display, and the Output Window. This default set of windows, Workspaces and
tools can be adjusted freely to match the user’s preferences.
Java is an object oriented programming language. The NetBeans user interface itself is
also object oriented! This is an important difference between NetBeans and other IDEs.
Most IDEs force you to remember the exact menu item or sequence of commands to
perform an operation. In NetBeans, there are usually several ways to do the same
thing—especially, by opening an object’s popup menu (typically, by right-clicking on
the object) to see its properties and all operations available for the object.
The NetBeans user interface offers different “looks” based on the platform being used.
By default, the IDE launches in the “Windows” Look & Feel when running on a
Windows platform and the “Metal” Look & Feel on all other platforms. It can then be
adjusted to meet the developer’s preferences.
4.1. The Main Window
The Main Window is the first item opened when NetBeans is launched. The Main
Window can be viewed as the “control center” of the IDE. All important operations and
actions are accessible from this window. The Main Window can be broken into four
separate groups of controls: the menus, the toolbar, the Component Palette, and the
Workspace tabs. The Main Window also has a status line.
Figure 4-1. The Main Window with Windows Look and Feel
Chapter 4. User Interface
4.1.1. Menus and Toolbars
A listing of all menu items and toolbar operations is given in Appendix C, and specific
operations are mentioned in pertinent sections. Note that menus and toolbar tools are
context sensitive: they may be grayed out or unavailable, depending on which Window
is currently active or which object is selected. Menu entries can be re-ordered and
customized; see Section 9.1.
4.1.2. Component Palette
The Component Palette (shown in the right-hand half of Figure 4-1) is used in
conjunction with the Form Editor to visually build forms. It consists of several tabs,
each housing standard components and layouts.
4.1.3. Workspaces
NetBeans IDE uses the concept of Workspaces to manage windows and tools. On the
lower left corner of the Main Window you will see a set of three Workspace tabs:
Editing, Running, and Debugging. Each workspace contains a set of opened windows
appropriate to different specific stages of the development cycle. Clicking on each of
these tabs “flips” between each Workspace.
4.2. The Explorer
The NetBeans Explorer gives a unified view of all data objects and provides a starting
point for many programming functions. Here, you can work with objects, organize
your work, modify object properties, connect various data sources, and customize the
NetBeans environment.
Chapter 4. User Interface
Figure 4-2. The Explorer with Metal Look and Feel
4.2.1. Navigation
When you first start NetBeans and open the Explorer, you will see a data hierarchy with
five items. The root is the Desktop. Under it are the Repository, Templates, Control
Panel, and Environment.
Navigating the hierarchy in the Explorer is simple. Click on the plus sign (or button, if
using the Metal Look & Feel) next to each item to expand the tree. Each tree node
represents an object, and the object types are visually distinguished with document
icons. See Table 5-2 for an overview of available object types.
Right-click on any item to access its popup menu. This contains the context-sensitive
set of actions and property settings available for that item. Depending on the selected
object, the popup menu will contain the appropriate options with some enabled and
others disabled. Explorer Toolbar
The Explorer toolbar presents icons for standard clipboard operations: cut, copy and
paste. It also includes a Delete icon and the Property Sheet view toggle button. To see
the name for each icon, hold your mouse cursor over it and a Tool Tip label will appear.
As with the popup menu, the toolbar icons are context sensitive. When a top-level node
such as Desktop is selected, for example, the cut and delete functions are not
available—because the Desktop cannot be deleted or moved.
Chapter 4. User Interface
Almost all objects in the Explorer hierarchy have some associated properties. The
toggle button in the Explorer toolbar expands the Explorer to show the properties
associated with each object. These property sheets can also be accessed via the
Properties command on each object’s popup menu. Default Actions
In the Explorer view, double clicking on an item, or selecting the item and pressing the
Return key, performs the default action on that object: opening it, opening its property
sheet, or expanding it. If the default action has already been performed, pressing
Return or double clicking reverses the action.
The default action varies for each object type. The most common action is “show the
object,” which opens the selected object in an Editor window. For example, double
clicking on a Java Object opens the source in the Editor. Double clicking on a method
or variable of some Java class, as displayed under a parent Data Object, opens the
Editor and positions the cursor on the line where that method or variable is declared.
The default action for objects that represent an environment setting is to show
properties. Double clicking on a folder object, such as a top-level node, simply expands
or collapses the subtree. Double clicking on a bytecode object opens an editor with the
source code visible (if the source is available). Double clicking on an item in the
Control Panel opens a property sheet for that item.
4.3. Property Sheet
The Property Sheet pane displays the properties of the selected items. These items may
represent JavaBeans, components in the Form Editor or the IDE’s system objects.
When multiple items are selected, the PropertySheet displays the properties that are
common to all the selected items. The items may have multiple sets of properties, and
in this case each set of properties is displayed on a separate tab.
The Property Sheet also displays several toolbar icons; the first three are Sort by
options. Listed properties can be sorted by name or type, or left unsorted, using these
toggles. The next toolbar button enables filtering of properties by Accessibility,
(read/writable), such that only writable properties are displayed. The right-most toolbar
Chapter 4. User Interface
icon invokes the Customizer. The Customizer is is a dialog which can be used for
advanced customization of the item. This icon is context sensitive, and is only available
for customizable objects.
You can access an object’s property sheet by clicking the Property Sheet View icon in
the Explorer (as shown in the Figure below) or by using the Component Inspector (see
Figure 4-6).
Figure 4-3. Explorer with its Property Sheet Pane
The Property Sheet consists of pairs of name and value panels. Each line of the
Property Sheet represents one property of one (or more if multiple objects are selected)
item. A name/value pair may be disabled (grayed) if it represents a read-only property
without a custom property editor.
For JavaBean properties, the name of a property (in the left panel) is derived from the
display name of the JavaBean and may be localized. Each name panel’s Hint window
displays its Accessibility information and a short description for that property.
Accessibility details are shown in parentheses (’r/w’, ’r/-’, ’-/w’ or ’No property
editor’), and depend on the property and PropertyEditor. The description is derived
from the shortDescription definition in the JavaBean.
The value panel either shows a property value as text or paints a representation of it (as
for a color property). Tool Tip hints for the Value panel display the type of property,
such as java.awt.Color. Clicking on this area switches the Value panel into the Input
Chapter 4. User Interface
state, allowing the value of the property to be changed. Double-clicking a value toggles
the value if there are just two possibilities (for instance, changing True to False)—or, if
multiple values are possible, the value advances to the next possible (for instance,
Black might change to Blue, then to Red, and so on for each double-click). Also,
depending on the type of property, there are three methods of changing the value. You
may edit the value as text, select from a pull-down list, or open a custom property
editor (from the “...” button).
A custom property editor is a dialog designed for editing the value of a property. All
changes are applied throughout the environment immediately—for example, changing
the color of the background of the Java Editor will change not only any new Java Editor
windows you open, but any that are currently open. A Custom propertyEditor dialog
box contains Cancel, OK and Default buttons. The OK button closes the Dialog, and is
shown only if the property is writable. The Cancel button reverts to the setting before
the Property Editor was invoked, and the Default button sets the value to the default.
The Default button is shown only for components in the Form Editor.
4.4. The Editor
The Editor is a fully featured text editor that is integrated with the Form Editor,
Explorer, and Compiler/Debugger. It is the default viewer for all Java, HTML, and text
objects. Each of these editors opens in a single window with multiple tabs: the
MultiWindow. More advanced features include docking and undocking of documents,
cloning windows, customizable abbreviations, and dynamic word correction. See
Section 6.2 for examples of these functions and a guide to integration with other parts
of the program, syntax coloring, keyboard shortcuts, and abbreviations.
Chapter 4. User Interface
Figure 4-4. The Editor
4.4.1. MultiWindow Functionality
The MultiWindow frame presents multiple editors as separate tabs in a single frame. It
enables you to quickly and easily flip between these editors. Introduction
Each MultiWindow tab has a popup menu of actions, available by right-clicking on the
tab itself. When just one object is open, the options are Save, and Clone. If more than
one Object is open, Undock and Close are also presented.
Double-click a Java or text Data object in the Explorer to open the Editor. Now
double-click a second Data Object and you will see it open as a new tab in the Editor.
To flip between these objects, simply click the appropriate tab at the top of the Editor
window. The currently visible object is identified by a highlighted tab. How the tab is
highlighted depends on the Look & Feel in use—in the Metal Look & Feel, the tab is
shaded a different color to the other tabs; in other Look & Feels the active tab appears
“in front” of other tabs.
Chapter 4. User Interface
A modified file in the MultiWindow is marked with an asterisk ( * ) on its tab. If there
are any unsaved modifications when the Editor is closed, a prompt will appear to save
or discard changes, or cancel the operation.
While the MultiWindow does enable quick and efficient access to more than one
source, only one of those sources is visible at any one time. At times it is useful to view
different sources simultaneously, side by side. The MultiWindow makes this possible
via the “Undocking” of individual windows. Docking and Undocking Windows
Any object open in the MultiWindow Editor can be Undocked, and presented in its own
stand alone, independent Editor window. In this way you can simultaneously view
separate sources, side by side. Undocked editors may also be Docked back to the
parent MultiWindow Editor.
Undocking a document from the MultiWindow opens this document in a completely
separate, stand-alone Editor window. To Undock an active MultiWindow tab, select
Undock Window from the Window menu on the Main Window. This action is also
available on the tab’s popup menu: right-click on the tab itself, and select Undock.
Note this option is only presented on the popup menu when more than one object is
open in the MultiWindow.
The active object will be removed from the original Editor window and will appear in a
new instance of the Editor. This new Editor may be repositioned, resized, moved to
another Workspace, even closed—all independently of the “Parent” Editor window.
Position the Editor windows side by side to view sections of source simultaneously, or
copy and paste code between windows.
To “Dock” an Undocked Editor window to the parent Editor, make sure that the
“Child” or Undocked Editor is the active window, and select Dock Window from the
Window menu on the Main Window. The undocked window will close, and the source
will open as a new tab in the Original Editor window. Cloning Windows
It is often useful to view separate sections of the same source file simultaneously. This
Chapter 4. User Interface
Editor utilizes a “Clone” function to accomplish this. With the required source as the
active tab, select Clone View from the Window menu of the Main Window. This action
is also available by choosing Clone on the tab’s popup menu. A new tab will open in
the MultiWindow, displaying the same file. Undock this new view of the source as
described above to view different sections of the same source simultaneously.
4.4.2. Working in Editor Panes
This section describes operations you can perform in the MultiWindow editor panes. Using the Mouse
The Editor uses standard mouse functions: click and drag the left mouse button to
select a block of text, double click the left button within a word to select that word.
Triple click to select an entire line. Clipboard Operations
Text may be moved to and from the clipboard using keyboard shortcuts or the popup
menu. Once you have selected a block of text, right-click the mouse button to access
Cut, Copy, Paste, and Delete. Alternatively, use Ctrl-c to copy, Ctrl-x to cut, and Ctrl-v
to paste. Ctrl-z undoes any action. Editor Abbreviations
To simplify editing of Java sources there is a set of customizable abbreviations built
into the editor that can be used to expand a pre-defined short text into a full word or a
phrase. Defining abbreviations is useful for either long or frequently used Java
keywords. To test it, simply type “pu” and press Space. The text will be expanded to
“public”. To enter characters without expansion, type Shift+Space; that enters a space
without checking for abbreviations.
NetBeans’ default abbreviations shown below are available as a Java program in
package examples/internal/ To redefine the abbreviations, modify the
source code and run the file.
You may also may extend a series of letters to match other words in the same document
Chapter 4. User Interface
with the same prefix. After typing in a series of letters, press Alt+Shift+/ to find the
previous instance of any word containing that prefix. You may do this repeatedly to
find multiple matches in the document. To find instances of the prefix later in the
document, use Alt+/.
4.5. Form Editor
The Form Editor lets you design an application visually. With your mouse and the
Component Palette, place components such as buttons, scroll bars, and menus directly
on the Form Window. As you do, NetBeans automatically generates the Java code to
implement the components. (The code is visible in the source Editor window.) The
Form Editor also uses your chosen Java Layout Manager, which controls the
appearance of the components in a window, to control the layout in the Form Editor. If
you choose a different layout manager or change its parameters, the Form Editor can
show your changes immediately.
Figure 4-5. Form Window
The Form Editor has three parts: the Form Window, shown in the Figure above, the
Component Inspector, shown below, and the source editor, which is opened in the
MultiWindow. The Component Inspector shows a tree of components are displayed
visually in the Form Window.
Chapter 4. User Interface
Figure 4-6. Component Inspector
The Component Inspector has two panels. The top panel shows the hierarchy of
components in the currently-selected Form Window. The bottom panel, a Property
Sheet, lists the attributes of the currently-selected object and also lets you edit them.
The Form Editor has a powerful open design. It’s based on JavaBeans architecture, so
any JavaBean can immediately be used for visual development. By using standard
AWT/JFC components, generated forms do not depend on any proprietary code or
components. No classes need to be bundled with your forms because the Form Editor
generates code that is entirely independent of the IDE.
4.6. Debugger Window
The Debugger Window monitors breakpoints, watches and threads during a debugging
session. Breakpoints provide the ability to break (pause) at certain points within the
code during execution and examine the current state of the system. Watches can be
used to monitor the values of variables used in the code during execution. You can also
monitor all threads during execution, with access to a thread’s call stack, and local
variables throughout the whole call stack.
Chapter 4. User Interface
Breakpoints, Watches and Threads are all presented on separate tabs in the Debugger
window, along with a property sheet. In fact, this window is a “view” of the Debugger
hierarchy presented in the Explorer, under Environment | Debugger.
See Section 6.5 for a guide to using the Debugger.
Figure 4-7. The Debugger Window
4.7. Execution Window
The Execution Window provides a view of all applications currently being executed
within the IDE. This window is actually a view of the Explorer hierarchy under
Environment | Processes.
Figure 4-8. The Execution Window
By default, the Execution Window is opened on the Running Workspace. When no
applications are running, it simply displays "No Processes Running". When an
application or applet is running, it will be listed by name. Each currently running
process is listed. As for all objects in the IDE, a displayed process has a popup menu.
In this window, the menu contains just one item: Terminate Process. This allows you to
Chapter 4. User Interface
force termination of the selected process.
4.8. Output Window
The Output Window is a tab controlled window, displaying output from any component
that produces output—such as the compiler or executor. Output from each component
is presented on a separate tab: the Compiler tab, the Parser tab, Debugger tab, and the
Executed Processes tab.
Figure 4-9. The Output Window
This window is not visible on first launching NetBeans, and will not be displayed until
performing an action such as compiling a source or executing or debugging an
application. By default, the Output Window opens automatically on compilation or
execution, on the Running and Debugging Workspaces.
The Compiler tab is visible after compiling a Java source: it displays compilation
output. The output is color coded: errors are marked red, other text is blue. Double
clicking an error line on this tab will shift focus to the Editor window displaying the
source, highlight the incorrect line in red, and position the cursor at the exact location
of the compilation error.
The Parser tab displays the Parser output. Use and display of this tab is optional; you
can enable it by setting the Parser Output Enabled property of Control Panel | Java
Objects to true.
The Debugger tab is split vertically into two panels. The left panel displays the output
of the application being debugged. The right panel displays useful debugging
information such as details of the application’s threads, threadgroups and breakpoints.
Chapter 4. User Interface
Any application currently being executed also has a separate Executed Processes tab in
the Output Window. Its tab displays the standard output of the application. In fact the
standard input of the application is also redirected here—this is the TextField at the
bottom of the tab. There are two options for these application tabs: Reuse and Clear.
These properties can be found under Control Panel | Internal Execution properties. If
the Reuse property is set true, each individual application will use only a single output
tab—that is, successive execution will not create new tabs. The second option, Clear, is
useful only if Reuse is set true. If the Clear property is set true, the tab is cleared before
reuse. An application’s output tab also provides a right-click popup menu, with options
to Terminate Process and close the tab.
4.9. Built-In Web Browser
The NetBeans IDE includes a built-in full-featured Web Browser (HotJava) that is
useful in both testing and providing easy access to online help sources. It enables
standard browsing capabilities from within the IDE and is useful in reaching online
help sources. The NetBeans tutorial, for example, uses the WebBrowser to display the
tutorial’s HTML instruction pages. The built-in browser also allows you to test applets
by running them directly in the IDE.
To open the WebBrowser Window, either select it under the View menu item on the
Main Window, or hit Alt+5, the default shortcut. Once the browser is open, it operates
like any simple browser. To load a page, type the URL in the Location field and press
Return. The forward and back arrows cycle through previously-seen pages, the Stop
icon stops the loading process, and the Home setting is set (by default) to the NetBeans
web site, The Clone Window button to the right of the URL
field opens a new browser window.
To run applets in the built-in NetBeans Browser, you must first set the browser as the
default applet viewer. In the Explorer, scroll down to the Control Panel section, expand
it, right-click on Applets, and choose Properties. For the Viewer choice, choose
HotJava. After you compile and execute an Applet, it will then automatically open and
run in the built-in browser.
Chapter 4. User Interface
4.10. Popup Menus
As you’ve seen other places in this user guide, NetBeans makes popup menus available
almost everywhere. These menus, also called “context menus,” give you access to the
actions available on the selected object(s). To see a menu, click the right mouse button.
The items on a particular menu vary between objects, and even moment-by-moment in
some cases; the menus change as the objects change, and objects like threads and
processes can change frequently. There are lists of these properties, and more
information, in Part IV.
III. Working with NetBeans
This Part explains how to use the NetBeans IDE to create and run applications.
Because NetBeans is written in Java, the approach is always object oriented and
frequently different than with other IDEs. Wherever possible, we’ll show you several
ways to complete a task so that you can choose the one that fits your personal
development style.
Specifically, we’ll describe how to use NetBeans’ file system to manage your projects.
You’ll see how to generate and edit Java objects and code using the Explorer, Source
Editor, Form Editor, templates, and Wizards. Finally, we’ll explain how to debug,
compile and execute objects with NetBeans.
Chapter 5. Fundamental Operations
5.1. Using Workspaces
While working on any non-trivial project, as you progress through the development
cycle (write, edit, compile, debug, execute, edit ...) the screen can be cluttered with
windows. While all of these windows are necessary for development, they are generally
not all needed simultaneously—you do not need all windows visible all of the time.
Consider, for example, the Explorer Window. While you will probably need the
Explorer visible initially, as you lay out your packages, and create new objects, you are
much less likely to need it during debugging, when you will also need the Debugger
view, the Output Window, and the Editor window open.
The NetBeans Developer Workspace concept aims to efficiently manage a large number
of windows and to group these windows into useful, logical sets. You can flip between
workspaces by simply clicking the different Workspace tabs on the Main Window.
Any given window can be open on any Workspace—and can be open on more than one
Workspace simultaneously. To view the Editor on both the Editing and Running
Workspaces, for example, first open the Editor on the Editing Workspace. Double click
on a Java data object displayed in the Explorer; the Editor will open with that source.
Flip to the Running Workspace by clicking on the Running Workspace Tab on the Main
Window. The first Editor window is no longer visible, and you will see either the
default set of Running Workspace windows or those you left open when last using this
Select the Window menu on the Main Window, you will see a list of currently open
windows; one of these will be the Editor, and the name of the open source in
parentheses. Select this item, and the Editor window will open on the current
Workspace—in this case, the Running Workspace. The Editor is now visible on both
the Editing and Running Workspaces.
It is also possible to open separate instances of some windows which act independently
of each other. For example, if you have an Explorer window open on your Editing
Chapter 5. Fundamental Operations
Workspace, you can open an entirely separate Explorer on the Debugging workspace
by flipping to the Debugging Workspace and clicking the New Explorer icon on the
Main Window. This Explorer is a new window; it will not reflect or display changes
made to an Explorer on another Workspace.
Note that Workspace setup and use is entirely your choice. In fact, you don’t need to
use Workspaces at all—your windows may be displayed on a single Workspace, space
permitting. However, we believe you’ll find Workspaces valuable for efficient
development of your projects. The default Workspace configuration is a standard and
logical grouping of most commonly used windows:
Editing: Explorer, Editor (if any objects are open)
Running: Execution View, Output Window
Debugging: Debugger View, Output Window, Editor (if any objects are open)
Note that the Main Window is always present on all Workspaces.
On exiting NetBeans, the current state of each Workspace is saved. This state
information includes open windows, their sizes and positions. When you next launch
NetBeans, your Workspaces will appear exactly as you left them.
Workspaces are completely customizable: you may add, delete and rename the
available Workspaces. See Section 9.4 for further details.
5.2. Exploring Objects
There are four top-level folders under the root Desktop in the Explorer’s data hierarchy.
The first, Repository, contains work objects. The second, Templates, contains basic
starting points for new development. The last two folders, Control Panel and
Environment, hold most of the IDE’s customizable settings.
5.2.1. Repository
The Repository is perhaps the most important segment of the NetBeans Explorer. It
holds all files, or “data objects,” that the IDE uses. The repository gives a unified view
Chapter 5. Fundamental Operations
of data objects of different types. From the Repository, you can access objects from
different sources by mounting different drives, JAR and ZIP archives. Filesystems and the CLASSPATH
The concept of filesystems is critical to the architecture of the IDE.
A filesystem represents a hierarchy of files and folders. Filesystems can represent plain
local files or ZIP or JAR archives. Once mounted, the filesystem transparently hides
any differences between these sources.
Some default items are added to the Repository when the IDE is launched. User
filesystems can be viewed in the Explorer, under Repository—however, there are
additional filesystems used by the IDE which are mounted at startup and hidden. All
mounted filesystems, including hidden ones, are visible in the Explorer under the
Environment | Repository settings.
Once a new filesystem has been mounted, it is equivalent to having added the
file or folder to the CLASSPATH accessible by the IDE. The mounted packages
and classes are immediately available. The Mount Point
An important issue to note when mounting new filesystems is the point at which you
mount it. In the same way that the CLASSPATH must contain the correct hierarchy of
directories to access the required packages and classes, the point at which you mount
those packages and classes is very important. For example, mounting a filesystem from
the point C:\work will not give the IDE access to the package project1 stored as
c:\work\myprojects\project1. In this case, this filesystem should be mounted at
C:\work\myprojects, such that project1 is the top-level package. Mounting New File Systems
To mount a new filesystem, right-click on the Repository node in the Explorer and
choose Add Directory from the popup menu. Select the directory from the new
explorer window and click OK. Add JAR and ZIP archives using Add JAR Archive. To
remove mounted directories or JAR/ZIP files from the Repository, right-click on the
Chapter 5. Fundamental Operations
item and select Remove From Repository. Working with Packages
Objects stored in the Repository are organized in packages which correspond with file
folders. All development packages you create when writing an application in NetBeans
are stored in the Repository, and you can add, remove, and edit them from the
When starting a new development project, identify the data path / file system (see
above) to use for your work, right-click on that path, and select New Package from the
popup menu. Once you enter a name for the new package, it will appear in the Explorer
under the path you selected. You can create several layers of packages in the same way.
Deleting these packages is simple—either choose Delete from the package’s popup
menu or press the Delete key on your keyboard.
The popup menu commands in the Repository allow a wide range of operations—from
creating new packages to changing properties.
Table 5-1. Package Popup Menu Actions
Explore from Here
Opens a new Explorer window with the
selected Package as the root.
Refresh Folder
Updates the view, reflecting any changes
to files in the folder made outside the IDE.
Builds and compiles all objects in the
selected package, at the selected level in
the hierarchy.
Compile All
Builds and compiles all objects in the
selected package and recursively in all
Chapter 5. Fundamental Operations
Builds all objects in the selected package,
at the selected level in the hierarchy.
Build All
Builds all objects in the selected package
and recursively in all subpackages.
Cut / Copy / Paste / Delete / Rename
In addition to the standard keyboard
commands, NetBeans enables cutting,
copying, pasting, deleting, and renaming
from the popup context menu.
New Package
Creates a new, blank package as a
subfolder of the selected package.
New from Template
Create a new object in this package, using
one of the pre-built templates available
under the Templates node in the Explorer.
Opens a property sheet showing
properties of the selected object(s). Working with Objects
While working in NetBeans, you operate with data objects rather than plain files. Each
data object represents one or more files on the disk. Each data object is presented as a
JavaBean—with its own icon and properties. The object types used in the IDE are:
Table 5-2. Object Types
Object Type
Package: A package (folder)—on disk or in a JAR/ZIP archive
Java Object: Represents one Java source file (.java). Its children
represent methods, variables, constructors, and inner classes
acquired by parsing the Java source.
Chapter 5. Fundamental Operations
Form Object: represents one Java source file which can be edited
visually in the NetBeans Form Editor. The two types of children
are: First, classes with methods, variables, constructors, and inner
classes acquired from parsing Java source; second, items
representing components on the form (visual hierarchy).
Class Object: represents one Java class without source code.
Children are methods, variables, and constructors acquired from
Java introspection.
JavaBeans: classes (without source code) which are
JavaBeans—that is, they have the default constructor and are
serializable. Two advanced operations can be done with
JavaBeans. First, you can customize JavaBeans (using the
Customize Java Bean action) and make serialized prototypes from
the customized object. Second, you can copy and paste JavaBeans
directly into the Form Editor (without the need to install them to
the Component Palette first).
Serialized Prototypes: files with a “.ser” extension, which are
serialized JavaBean objects. You can do two things with these
objects: First, customize the serialized object (using the
Customize Java Bean action) and make a new serialized prototype
from it. Second, copy and paste the serialized JavaBeans directly
into the Form Editor (without the need to install them to the
Component Palette).
HTML Object: represents an HTML file. (The filename
extensions for HTML files can be set in Control Panel |
Text Object: represents a text file. (The filename extension for
text files can be set in Control Panel | Extensions.)
Chapter 5. Fundamental Operations
Image Object: represents GIF or JPEG images. You can view
these with the built-in image viewer.
There are two basic ways to create new objects. First, you can use the New command
in the Main Window toolbar or menu. The second possibility is to right-click on the
package where you would like to place the new object and select from the templates on
the popup menu (see instructions on how to use Templates, below). Objects can be
removed using the delete button in the Explorer toolbar or by pressing the Delete key.
See Section 5.3 for more information about creating new objects.
For each object type, you can access its popup menu, which will include:
Table 5-3. Common Object Actions
Opens the default viewer for the object
type. For example, for a Java object, the
Editor will open; for an HTML object, a
browser window will open.
Compiles selected object(s)
Runs the selected object
Cut / Copy / Paste / Delete / Rename
Standard clipboard-style operations
Save as Template
Publishes the selected object as a template
for future use
Opens a property sheet showing
properties of selected object(s)
5.2.2. Templates
The second major grouping in the Explorer hierarchy is Templates. Here you will find
Chapter 5. Fundamental Operations
the standard set of templates, in several categories: Classes, AWT Forms, Swing Forms,
Dialogs and Other. Each category contains several templates for creating new objects.
The predefined categories can be managed in the same way as packages in the
Repository—you can create a new category, rename it, or remove an existing one.
For more information, see Section 5.4.
5.2.3. Control Panel
The Control Panel segment of the Explorer provides access to the IDE system settings,
including internal compiler configuration, Debugger settings, window settings, external
browser or applet viewer configuration, and more. By clicking on the Show Property
Sheet icon on the Explorer’s toolbar, you can see the various options for each item on
the Control Panel.
For more information, see Chapter 8.
5.2.4. Environment
Settings in the Environment section of the NetBeans Explorer provide access to the
objects that represent various parts of the IDE at runtime. These include Repository
settings, Main Window settings such as menus and toolbars, workspaces, all available
actions and more. Environment also displays various runtime information for execution
(executed processes) and the Debugger (breakpoints, watches, ...).
Chapter 9 has details of all customizations described below. Repository Settings
Repository settings list all mounted filesystems. You can customize the appearance and
behavior of file systems that are currently mounted—local directories and JAR/ZIP
archives. If a new filesystem is added in the Repository, it will automatically appear as
one of the items in the Environment tree. You can also use the context menu on the
Repository Settings to add new filesystems.
Chapter 5. Fundamental Operations Main Window
Under the Main Window, you will find various customization settings for the Menu, the
Toolbar, and all of their elements. For the Main Window itself, you can set the default
location and size in pixels.
Under the Menu node, you will find settings for each item on the Main Window menu,
including File, Edit, Build, Debug, Tools, Window, and Help (and their submenus!).
You can add, remove, and customize commands for each menu item. For example, by
cutting and pasting, you can change the order of the menu items, enable or disable
them, and insert separators. Workspaces
By changing properties of items in the Workspaces category, you can add, remove or
rename “virtual desktops” and copy or move the windows among them. For example, it
might be helpful to have the Web Browser running during editing. You can also set the
appearance of each workspace, including fonts, colors, and titles. Shortcuts
The NetBeans IDE is built to be customized, and one of the easiest ways is to set your
own shortcuts for often-used operations. Shortcuts are simple keyboard commands that
let you skip tedious mouse actions.
In the NetBeans Explorer, expand the Environment node, and expand Shortcuts. There,
you will see a list of the default actions and, in the Property Sheet for each, their default
keyboard settings. You can open a new object, for example, by either clicking with the
mouse on File | New or by pressing Ctrl+n on the keyboard. To change the setting for
an action, go to the Property Sheet, select the Shortcut input field, and perform the set
of keystrokes you would like to use as the new shortcut (that is, hit the control key itself
and a letter key to register the shortcut).
If you set a duplicate shortcut, NetBeans will alert you by displaying an Exception
message. It will then revert to the original setting. Component Palette
Chapter 5. Fundamental Operations
In the Component Palette section of the Explorer, you can add, remove, move, change
the order of, or edit components. From a component’s popup menu, you can move it up
or down, cut, copy, delete, or set Properties (the same properties sheet as you can
access from the Explorer using the Show Property Sheet toggle button). Debugger
During a debugging session, the Debugger shows individual watches, threads and
breakpoints. By right-clicking on Breakpoints or Watches, you can also add a new
breakpoint or watch.
There’s a detailed description of the Debugger in Section 6.5. Processes
The Processes node lists all processes currently being executed within the IDE. The
popup menu for each of these items contains just one element: Terminate Process. This
allows you to force termination of a process.
This view is mirrored by the Execution window. Actions
Under Actions in the Explorer hierarchy, you can see all available actions in the IDE.
They can be copied to the Main Menu, Toolbar, or Shortcuts using standard clipboard
operations (copy, paste).
5.3. Creating New Objects
There are several ways to create new objects:
1. Choose the New action either on the toolbar or from the File | New menu. A
window will appear for selecting the template from which you will create the new
object. You can either double click on the template’s icon or select the icon and
click OK.
In the dialog that appears, enter the name of the new object and select the
folder/package where the object should be created.
Chapter 5. Fundamental Operations
2. In the Explorer’s Repository, select the package in which you want to create the
new object, open its popup menu, and select a template under New from
Template>. In the dialog that appears, enter the name of the new object.
3. Double click on any template under Templates in the Explorer, or anywhere under
the Repository. (Note that you can set any object to be a template. For details, see
Section 5.4.)
In the dialog that appears, enter the name of the new object and select the
folder/package in which the object should be created.
After the new object is created, a default editor on this object will be opened if the
object supports editing. (For example, no editor is available for Class objects.)
5.4. Using Templates
In the NetBeans IDE, any data object can be used as a template. There are two ways to
set an object as a template:
1. Select the desired object in the Repository (under Explorer) and select Save as
Template from the popup menu. A dialog will appear for you to choose the
template category where the object should be copied.
2. Select the desired object in the Repository and change its isTemplate property to
“true” in the property sheet. You can also copy this object to a template category
under the Templates node; this will make the object visible in the window that
appears when the New action is chosen on the menu or toolbar.
The difference between a template and a normal object is only in what is done when
you double-click on it in the Explorer. For plain object, a default editor is opened (if
available); on templates, a dialog will appear that allows you to create a new object
from the template. You can still open an editor on templates by choosing Edit from the
template’s popup menu.
Chapter 6. Developing Java Classes
6.1. Exploring Java Objects
Java Objects represent source files on a filesystem. Each Java source file contains at
least one class within the source and contains code representing methods, constructors
and variables. as documents in the Explorer. Subtrees of each Java data object
represent the hierarchy of classes and inner classes.
Table 6-1. Document icons of Java Objects
Java Object
Class Object: represents one Java class without source code.
Runnable Java Object
Incorrect Java Object (in a bad package or cannot be parsed)
JavaBean (public, not abstract class which has public default
Runnable Java Bean
Form Object
Runnable Form Object
Incorrect Form Object (in a bad package or cannot be parsed)
6.1.1. Elements of Java Objects
Subtrees of each Java object represent the hierarchy of elements. For each element, you
Chapter 6. Developing Java Classes
can set appearance and behavior properties. For example, each Java object contains at
least one class; the class contains constructors, methods, variables and inner classes.
Table 6-2. Java Object Elements
Class, Inner class
Name, modifiers, extended class,
implemented interfaces
Interface, Inner interface
Name, modifiers, extended interfaces
Represents visual form hierarchy
Name, modifiers, arguments, exceptions
like constructor, plus Return type
Name, modifiers, type, initial value
Elements listed above can have several kinds of accessibility. The icons of the elements
consist of icons in previous table and the accessibility flag(s).
package private
6.1.2. Creating New Elements
Select the class (interface) in which you want to create a new element. Then use the
Chapter 6. Developing Java Classes
popup menu and select Create. In the expanded submenu, choose the element you want
to create.
6.2. Editing Java Objects
6.2.1. Layout of the Java Editor
The top of the Editor Window has one or more tabs used to view different documents.
From each of these tabs, the document can be saved, docked/undocked, or closed. For
more detail, see Section 4.4.1 and Section
6.2.2. Layout of the Java Editor
The Java Editor contains source code that is syntactically colored. Different colors are
associated with different text properties. For example, in default mode, all keywords
are shown in blue and all comments in light gray. “Guarded text” generated by the form
editor has a blue background and cannot be edited.
In the bottom left corner of the Editor Window is the Status Bar. This bar indicates the
cursor position and the insertion mode. Cursor position is given in the form of
Row-number:Column-number. Insertion mode is either INS (Insert) or OVR
(Overwrite) and can be toggled between these modes using the Insert key on your
There are many built-in keyboard shortcuts for navigation and editing, as well as
abbreviations for commonly used keywords.
6.2.3. Integration with Other Components
The editor is integrated with other parts of the IDE. More detail may be found in each
section, however, a synopsis is provided below:
Form Editor: All actions are reflected in the source editor.
Explorer: Changes in properties and creation of new classes, methods, and
Chapter 6. Developing Java Classes
variables, etc. are reflected in the source Editor. There are three ways to open a file
in the Editor: press Return, select Open from the right-click popup menu, or
double-click on a node representing a class, method, variable, etc.
Debugger: When a program stops during execution, the editor automatically jumps
to the breakpoint where the code was interrupted. Toggle breakpoints with Ctrl+F8.
Compiler: Begin the compilation process by pressing F9; this will compile the
active source (the file whose tab is “in front” of the Editor). If there’s a bug, it will be
highlighted in red in the Output Window; press Return or double-click on that line to
jump to the buggy code in the Editor.
The Source Editor has default font size, style, and color settings. You may customize
the properties for Java, HTML, and text under the ControlPanel subentries JavaEditor,
HTMLEditor, and TextEditor, respectively. Section 8.15 lists these properties.
6.3. Compiling Java Objects
6.3.1. Compiling Single Classes
There are several ways to compile Java sources in the IDE. A Java Object can be
compiled from the Explorer by opening its popup menu and choosing Compile. A
Compile button is available on the Main Window; you can also use the keyboard
shortcut F9.
Each of these methods require that you first select the Java Object you wish to compile,
either by selecting it in the Explorer or by giving focus to the Editor window with the
source text.
6.3.2. Compiling Packages
Selecting Compile when a folder is selected will compile all sources in that folder
which have been modified since they were last compiled, or if they have not been
previously compiled. Compile All will do this recursively on a folder and all its
Chapter 6. Developing Java Classes
Build is slightly different in that it forces re-compilation of all sources in a folder,
whether they are current or not. Build All recursively Builds a folder and all
sub-folders. Build is accessible from the popup menu of a folder in the Explorer and
via the Build icon on the Main Window.
6.3.3. Shortcuts
There are two predefined shortcuts for compilation actions. The first, already
mentioned, is F9; it compiles the selected Java Object(s) or folder. The second is
Alt+F9 which builds the selected Java Object(s) or folder.
Section 9.2 explains how to customize shortcuts. For a list of all shortcuts, see
Appendix A.
6.4. Executing Java Objects
Java Objects, or more exactly applications that are represented by Java Objects, may be
executed in several ways. First, the Java Object must be selected and must be
executable. A Java Object is executable if it either has a main() method or is a subclass
of an Applet class. If so, it may be executed by right-clicking on it in the Explorer and
selecting Execute from the popup menu. Alternatively, select the Execute button on the
Main Window or use the Keyboard Shortcut Ctrl+F9.
Normally, these actions first compile the selected Java Object. Assuming compilation
completes successfully, NetBeans then switches to the Running Workspace, though this
is configurable via Control Panel | Internal Execution/properties | Workspace, where the
application is executed. Such a process has constraints: it can not create its own
SecurityManager, URLStreamHandlerFactory, etc. On the other hand, it allows you to
write and execute programs that affect Developer’s behavior (see the Examples
directory in the Development directory). To switch between external (heavy weight
process) execution and internal (ThreadGroup) go to Control Panel | Java Object |
Properties and toggle the External Execution Enabled property.
Chapter 6. Developing Java Classes
6.4.1. Running Applets, Specifying Applet Viewer
Applets are executed the same way as any other Java Object. See the section Executing
Java Objects, above.
You can specify the properties of the applet viewer by double-clicking on the Applet
node in the Control Panel. The Developer IDE provides three options to view applets:
through an External Viewer such as Netscape Navigator or Microsoft Internet Explorer,
the internal Web Browser (HotJava), or Sun’s JDK utility AppletViewer. The default
setting is an AppletViewer used as the external viewer executed within the same VM as
the IDE. To choose the type of viewer, either double-click on the word “Viewer”
repeatedly to rotate through the menu or use the pull-down menu. To use the external
viewer, you must select this option and provide the name and location of your viewer.
Click once on the text next to the words “External Viewer” and either type in the
information manually (example: C:\Program Files\Netscape
Communicator\Program\netscape.exe) or double-click on the “...” icon to browse for
the file.
6.4.2. Running Applications
You can run Java applications using either internal or external execution. Both have
their advantages and disadvantages:
External Execution (default setting): A new VM is invoked for executing the
application. This enables you to run applications which require special VM, JDK 1.2
support, or need to do operations that aren’t possible with internal execution (see
below). You can specify the VM executable (such as java.exe) and complete
command line parameters together with CLASSPATH settings for the application.
(See Section for details about the CLASSPATH and Section 8.8 about setting
the executor’s parameters.)
Internal Execution: An application run using internal execution runs inside the same
virtual machine (VM) as the IDE itself. This brings the advantage that the
application can modify the IDE itself. But it imposes two restrictions on the executed
application. The application cannot install its own URLStreamHandlerFactory and
SecurityManager (so you will not be able to run, for example, RMI applications).
Chapter 6. Developing Java Classes
Also, if the executed application crashes, the IDE crashes with it.
You can pass command-line arguments to executed Java applications. Select the Java
Object in the Explorer and use Build | Set Arguments from the main menu to set its
command-line arguments. Alternatively, you can select the object in the Explorer and
edit its Arguments property (which can be found under the “Execution” tab on the
object’s property list).
Note for Advanced Users: Some applications, such as in the provided
examples may require the use of internal execution because they’re intended to modify
the IDE itself. You can use the flag “Use Internal Execution” on the Java Object’s
property list (on the Execution tab) to enforce the use of internal execution without the
need to switch the global setting.
6.5. Debugging Java Objects
The Debugger can be used to present “snapshots” of the system state during execution.
By placing breakpoints at key positions throughout your source code, the Debugger can
halt at these points and display details of the current environment at that point in the
source. You can effectively step through your code, monitoring execution as it occurs.
The Debugger Window is a three-tabbed display with tabs for Breakpoints, Threads,
and Watches.
6.5.1. Breakpoints
The Breakpoints tab simply lists the currently set breakpoints, showing the class name,
and the line number on which the breakpoint has been set. To add a new breakpoint to
your code, position the cursor at the desired line in the Editor window and select Debug
| Toggle Breakpoint from the Main Window. Alternatively, use the keyboard shortcut
Ctrl+F8. The current line will be highlighted blue to indicate the breakpoint has been
set. To remove a breakpoint, first position the cursor on the line where the breakpoint
has been set, and repeat the procedure above: either use the Main Window Debug
menu, or press Ctrl+F8. Breakpoints can also be removed directly from the Debugger
window by right clicking on a listed breakpoint and selecting Delete from the popup
Chapter 6. Developing Java Classes
6.5.2. Threads
The Threads tab displays all threads in the current debugging process. These threads
are an expandable hierarchy; each thread containing CallStack and Locales nodes. The
CallStack node can be expanded to show the history of calls made during execution;
the Locales node displays local variables and their current values in the context of the
current thread. If the process you are debugging has more than one thread, all threads
appear in the Threads tab showing a thread name and current status (such as “running,”
“at breakpoint,” and “suspended”). Only stopped threads display “current” system
6.5.3. Watches
The Watches tab lists all currently set watches or values of local variables. By watching
a variable, you can monitor its value at various stages during execution. To watch a
variable, either select the Add Watch item from the Debug menu on the Main Window
or select Add Watch from the popup menu of the root “watches” item on the Watches
tab of the Debugger Window. A dialog box requesting the name of the variable to
watch will open. Once you have entered the name of a variable in your source and
clicked OK, it will be listed in the Watches tree. Click on this item in the list to select it
and display its property sheet, which displays the current value of that variable.
6.5.4. The Debugging Session
Use the Debug | Go menu item from the Main Window to initiate a debugging session,
or press F5. NetBeans Developer will switch to the Debugging Workspace (though this
is configurable, as described in Section 9.4); it will open the Debugger Window, the
Editor with the source being debugged, and the Output Window. The Output window is
split vertically, with debugger output on the right and any output from the application
being debugged on the left. When the Debugger reaches a breakpoint in your source,
that breakpoint will be highlighted pink.
Once execution has halted at a breakpoint, use the Trace Into and Trace Over menu
Chapter 6. Developing Java Classes
items under the Main Window Debug menu (F7 and F8, respectively) to proceed. Trace
Into steps into the method at which the debugger is currently stopped and again breaks,
allowing you to observe execution incrementally. Step Over executes the current
method without breaking and stops at the next statement.
By repeatedly stepping through your code like this, you can monitor whatever parts of
the system you choose during execution of the code.
6.6. Designing Visual Forms
6.6.1. Creating a New Form, Opening Form Editor
Use the “New” action to create a new form from a template and open the Form Editor
on it.
NetBeans supports nine basic form types from both the Java Abstract Windowing
Toolkit (AWT) and the newer Swing API. The table below lists them.
Table 6-3. Basic Form Types Supported by NetBeans
AWT Frame (top-level application window).
AWT Dialog (window for user feedback).
AWT Applet (embeddable program run by a Web browser or
other applet viewer).
AWT Panel (container for holding parts of an interface—can be
then used in another Frame or Panel).
Swing JFrame (top-level application window).
Swing JDialog (window for user feedback).
Chapter 6. Developing Java Classes
Swing JApplet (embeddable program run by a Web browser or
other applet viewer).
Swing JPanel (lightweight container for holding parts of an
interface—within a JFrame or another JPanel).
Swing JInternalFrame (lightweight object with many of the
features of a native Frame, used as a “window within a window”
within a JDesktopPane).
Note that the table lists only the basic types—which differ in the look during design
time and in the code generated for the form’s class. Any customized form (for example,
a Dialog with OK and Cancel buttons) can be saved as a new template.
To open a Form Editor for existing forms, double-click on the form object in the
Repository or use “Open” from its popup menu.
When a form is opened, three windows are displayed:
1. Form Window: The design-time view of the form.
2. Editor Window: Contains the Java source for the form. If the Editor was already
open, the form is opened on a new tab within that Editor window.
3. Component Inspector: Displays the hierarchy of components on the active form;
the current selection of components is highlighted. Tabs on the property sheet
display the properties, layout and events of the selected component.
6.6.2. Form Editor Basics
This section explains the basic operation of the Form Editor.
The Form Editor and Component Palette (on the Main Window) work together. The
Component Palette has three modes: Add Mode, Selection Mode, and Connection
Mode. These modes are described in the sections below. The last section explains how
to reorder the components displayed in the Form window.
Chapter 6. Developing Java Classes Adding New Components
The Component Palette’s Add Mode adds components to the form.
Figure 6-1. Component Palette Indicating Add Mode
You can add a new component to a form in two ways:
1. Choose a component in the Palette by clicking on its icon; this sets Add mode.
Next, click on the Form Window to add the component of the type you chose. (The
mode then automatically changes to Selection mode—unless you hold down the
Shift key to add multiple components of the same type.)
Depending on the layout used, you can add a component to a specific position
(Border and Absolute layouts), and/or set the default size of the component by
dragging the mouse (AbsoluteLayout).
2. In a Repository, find the class of the JavaBean you want to add and click on it.
Then use the popup menus to Copy it to the clipboard and Paste it to the place in
the Form Window where you want to add it.
When adding components to the Form Window, hold the Shift key to add multiple
components of the same type. Selecting Components
You can select components in the Form Window either from Selection mode (the
default mode, shown in the Figure below) or by selecting component nodes in the
Component Inspector’s tree.
Chapter 6. Developing Java Classes
Figure 6-2. Selection Mode
To select multiple components when clicking on the Form Window, hold down the Ctrl
The Component Inspector displays the current selection on the active Form Window.
Its property sheet displays the properties of the selected component—or, if more than
one component is selected, their common properties are displayed. To select a
component in the Component Inspector’s tree, click once on it. To select multiple
components, hold down the Ctrl key and click each one. You can also select a group of
components by clicking on the first one, then holding the Shift key and clicking on the
last component in the group. Connection Mode
In Connection Mode, you can click on two components on the form (or in the
Component Inspector) to start the Connection Wizard.
Figure 6-3. Connection Mode
Section 6.6.7 explains the Connection Wizard. Copying Components
To copy or move components, first select the item(s). Use Cut or Copy on the popup
menu. Then select the destination and select Paste on its popup menu.
Chapter 6. Developing Java Classes
The components will be copied with all properties and events—although events are
maintained only if copying within the same form. Reordering Components
A container is a Java visual component that can contain other components. For
example, a Panel is a container. The order of components within their parent container
determines the order in which they appear. For some layouts (such as FlowLayout),
modifying the order is the only way to modify the layout.
There are two ways to change the order:
Select the component you want to move, and use the Move Up / Move Down items
in its popup menu.
Select the parent container and choose “Change Order” from its popup menu. You’ll
get a popup menu for setting the order of all subcomponents in the container.
6.6.3. Working with Layouts
LayoutManager is a special Java class which manages the positions and sizes of
components in some container. (Examples of containers are the AWT Dialog, Frame,
and Panel, as well as the Swing JPanel, JDialog and JFrame components.)
NetBeans’ Form Editor has advanced support for Layout managers. In addition to
absolute positioning, complex forms based on Flow, Border, Card, Grid, GridBag or
Swing’s BoxLayout are supported. (These layout managers are described in Section Setting and Changing Layout Managers
Various containers come with different predefined layout managers:
Frame, JFrame, Dialog, JDialog, JInternalFrame have the BorderLayout by default;
Panel, JPanel have FlowLayout as the default layout.
Some containers—ScrollPane, JScrollPane, JTabbedPane,
JLayeredPane/JDesktopPane, and JSplitPane—do not provide the ability to change
Chapter 6. Developing Java Classes
layout managers. These are containers which rely on a specific layout manager.
You can change the LayoutManager in two ways:
Select the desired LayoutManager in the Component Palette (by default, under the
Layouts tab). Then, on the form, click inside the container whose layout you want to
Right-click on the target container—either on the form or in the Component
Inspector—and change the Layout using the “Set Layout >” submenu.
If you change a layout, the constraints that were used on the previous layout are
remembered. Therefore, if you change the layout back to the previous one, the layout
looks the same as it did previously. (Note: The only exception to this happens if you’re
using an AbsoluteLayout and you change to a GridBagLayout. When you change from
Absolute to GridBag, the GridBag constraints are created so that the GridBag layout
looks the same as the previous AbsoluteLayout.) NetBeans’ Support for LayoutManagers
The NetBeans Form Editor support for LayoutManagers comprises:
1. Design mode of layout managers.
Chapter 6. Developing Java Classes
Figure 6-4. Layout Form
The layout manager in design mode can support:
Drag’n’drop of components. Select a component and click in the exact location
you want it added. This is currently supported for AbsoluteLayout and
BorderLayout managers.
Auto-adaptive layout at design time. NetBeans approximates the run-time
behavior of the chosen layout manager as much as possible—but behaves
differently, as needed, to allow component placement.
2. Layout Properties. Use these properties to modify the layout manager’s global
settings—such as the vgap/hgap properties of BorderLayout (see the property
sheet shown) or the alignment property of FlowLayout. The layout manager for a
container is always the first child in its Component Inspector tree; see the example
here. To set the layout properties, select the layout’s node; the layout properties
will be displayed in the property sheet.
Chapter 6. Developing Java Classes
Figure 6-5. Layout Properties
3. Constraints Properties. These are the properties specific for one component that is
managed by the Layout Manager—e.g. the Direction property when BorderLayout
is used—it is different for different components under BorderLayout (the values
can be North, South, West, East or Center). To view or set these properties, select
the component and choose the Layout tab in the Component Inspector.
Chapter 6. Developing Java Classes
Figure 6-6. Constraints Properties
4. Other features include creating GridBagLayout based on previously used absolute
positions. You can simply create the form in AbsoluteLayout, then change the
layout to GridBagLayout; the GridBagConstraints of these components will be
created so that the layout looks the same as when the absolute positions were used. Layout Managers Summary AbsoluteLayout
AbsoluteLayout is a LayoutManager which lets you put a component in a fixed location
which won’t change as the environment changes. It is a substitute for “null” layout and
provides a cleaner implementation of placing components on absolute positions.
This layout manager is implemented in
com.netbeans.developer.awt.AbsoluteLayout and
com.netbeans.developer.awt.AbsoluteConstraints. These two classes must be
Chapter 6. Developing Java Classes
distributed with the final application that makes use of the AbsoluteLayout—they
are ready for deployment in the file (in the
%NETBEANS_HOME%/redist directory). You can freely redistribute this archive
with applications developed with the NetBeans IDE. BorderLayout
A BorderLayout arranges components in a container at five positions: in the center and
along four edges “north” (top), “west” (left), “south” (bottom) and “east” (right edge).
The horizontal and vertical gap properties control spacing between the components. FlowLayout
A FlowLayout arranges components in a container like words on a page: it fills the top
line from left to right, then does the same with lines below. You can specify the
alignment of the rows (left, center, right). You can also set the horizontal spacing
between components and the vertical spacing between rows. GridLayout
The GridLayout divides its Container into a configurable number of rows and columns.
Like the FlowLayout, components are added to the grid from left to right and top to
bottom. But unlike FlowLayout, the dimensions of the grid are fixed; individual
components aren’t allowed to have different sizes. CardLayout
Think of a CardLayout as a deck of cards. Only one component (“the top card”) is
visible at a time and each component (“card”) is the same size. In the Properties sheet,
you can set the Current Card property to card1, card2, etc. In code, the methods
show(cardid), next(), previous(), first(), and last() can be used to select cards. For
example, the following code selects the next card in panel1 when button1 is clicked:
private void button1ActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) {
// Add your handling code here:
CardLayout cards = (CardLayout)panel1.getLayout();;
Chapter 6. Developing Java Classes
Also see the JTabbedPane component. It implements a similar layout with a labeled tab
for each component. GridBagLayout
A GridBagLayout lets you set almost any layout you want. (A GridBagLayout
shouldn’t be confused with a GridLayout.) A GridBagLayout uses a fairly complex set
of constraints that’s not simple to learn. Luckily, with NetBeans, you don’t need to
understand! Just use AbsoluteLayout, place the components, and change the layout to
GridBag. The constraints code will be generated for you.
In some situations, a GridBagLayout may be preferable to an AbsoluteLayout. That’s
because the GridBag constraints can adjust to a new environment, keeping the same
layout as the container changes. An AbsoluteLayout, on the other hand, stays static and
may look poor. That’s especially true when using native components, such as AWT
components, that have different sizes on different platforms: an AbsoluteLayout that
looks perfect on one platform could look terrible when the code runs on another
platform. The GridBag constraints can take care of problems like that. (And, as noted
above, NetBeans can generate GridBag constraints automatically from your
AbsoluteLayout.) BoxLayout
The BoxLayout is part of the Swing API. It lets multiple components be arranged either
vertically (along the Y axis) or horizontally (on the X axis). Components won’t
wrap—even when the container is resized. Components are arranged from left to right
or top to bottom in the order they were added to the container. (Of course, you can
change the order as explained earlier.) Support for Custom Layout Managers
NetBeans has support for using custom layout managers in the FormEditor. If your
LayoutManager has a default constructor and does not use constraints for adding
components, you can use this LayoutManager in the Form Editor during design-time.
Simply install the LayoutManager in the Component Palette and you can start using it
Chapter 6. Developing Java Classes
in the Form Editor. To do that, go to the Explorer and copy the LayoutManager’s class
from the Repository to some palette category under Environment | Component Palette.
(You have to add the directory or JAR archive containing the LayoutManager’s source
or class to the Repository.)
The API for adding support for more complex layout managers will be published later.
6.6.4. Working with Source Code
The Editor window displays the current code for a currently opened form. Some source
code can’t be edited because it’s generated automatically. You also may use an external
editor program with some restrictions. Non-editable Blocks
Some parts of the source code are generated by the form editor. These parts aren’t
the block of variable declarations for the components on the form;
the method initComponents(), in which all the form initialization is performed.
(This method is called from the form’s constructor.);
header (and trailing closing bracket) of all event handlers.
If you want to perform some additional initializations of a form’s components, you
can do it in the constructor after the call to the initComponents () method. Here
you can, for example, initialize a ButtonGroup or set component labels from
Resource Bundles. External Modifications
Forms are stored in two files:
a .java file, which contains the (partly) generated Java source;
a .form file, which stores the properties and layout constraints of JavaBean
components on the form;
Chapter 6. Developing Java Classes
You can edit the .java files using external editors (not simultaneously when the form is
edited in NetBeans), with the following exceptions:
Do not modify the content of the initComponents () method. The body of this
method is always regenerated when the form is opened.
Do not remove or modify any of the special comments places in the source by
NetBeans’ Form Editor ( // GEN-...). (These comments are not visible inside
NetBeans’ source editor.)
Do not modify the block of variable declarations. These are always regenerated
when the form is opened.
6.6.5. Form Editor Modes
The Form Editor can be in one of three modes:
Table 6-4. Form Editor Modes
Design Mode. This is the default. By clicking on the form you can
select, add, or drag components. Note that, in this mode, depending
on the layout, a layout won’t necessarily look the same as it will
during run-time. This is because design would be difficult if every
layout manager worked exactly the same way at design time as it does
during run time. For example, with some layout managers, when you
drop two components next to each other, they could resize
automatically and make it impossible to add a new component
between the two. So, if you need to see the effect of a certain layout
manager at run time, change the Form Editor from Design Mode to
either Real Mode or Test Mode.
Real Mode. Layouts look the way they will during run-time. You can
select or add components, but dragging components is disabled.
Chapter 6. Developing Java Classes
Test Mode. In this mode, the form behaves exactly the same as during
run-time—when clicking on the form, the mouse events are delivered
to the real components. Thus, for example, a button is pressed when
you click on it. This mode is suitable for checking the look&feel of
the form without the need to compile and run it.
To switch between Design and Real mode, use the Design Mode action (the square
with a hash pattern inside) from the toolbar. If the action is “depressed” (a lighter
color—as shown in the Design Mode example above), you’re in Design Mode.
Otherwise, you’re in Real Mode. Switching to Test Mode is done using the Test Mode
action on the toolbar; this is a toggle action, which means you click to enable it and
click again to disable. Note that switching Test Mode on disables the Design Mode
button; to enable it again, Test Mode must be switched off.
These modes are kept separately for each form.
When switching Test Mode on, the form is resized to its preferred size—this is
how it will look if it will not be explicitly resized by calling setSize() or setBounds().
6.6.6. Events
Events are managed through the Events tab in the Component Inspector, which gives a
list that matches each event sent by an Object with its corresponding handler method.
There’s also an Events entry on an object’s popup menu in both the Component
Inspector and Explorer.
A new component won’t have event handlers defined; the values will all be <none>.
From the Component Inspector Events tab, there are two ways to choose a new name
and generate the listener and handler code. One is to simply click on the <none> value
and a default name will be chosen. After that, you may type over the default name if
you want to use a different one. In both cases, remember to press the Return key to
generate the code for the listener and body of the handler method; if you don’t, your
changes will be ignored. A third way to generate the code is from the Events entry on
Chapter 6. Developing Java Classes
an object’s popup menu.
If multiple events are of the same type (for example, both FocusGained and FocusLost
are both of type java.awt.event.FocusEvent), then you may use the same handler for all
of them. Do that by setting the handler name for the first one as described above—for
example, set FocusGained to use the button1FocusChange handler. Then enter the
same handler name for the others—for instance, set FocusLost to also use
If you enter a new name for an existing handler, the code block will automatically be
edited to use the same name. If you delete a name, the code block will be deleted. If
more than one uses the same name (and the same block of code), deleting a single
reference to the code will not delete the code; only deleting all names will delete the
corresponding code block, and a warning dialog will be displayed first.
6.6.7. Using the Connection Wizard
The Connection Wizard allows you to add functionality to the form without having to
write any code by hand.
To start the Connection Wizard, first switch to the Connection mode on the Component
Palette (as described above). Next, click on two components. The connection source is
some event of the first clicked component and the target is the component that was
clicked second. You can click on the Form—or click in the Component Inspector
(which allows you to also use non-visual components as parts of the connection). In
either case, the Connection Wizard will open to connect the selected components.
The Connection Wizard will allow you to set the connection parameters in two or three
Connection Source
The first step allows you to select the Source component’s event on which the
action should be performed and the name of event handler method which will be
generated (the same way as if you add a new event handler via the property sheet).
Chapter 6. Developing Java Classes
Figure 6-7. Connection Wizard - Step 1
If you select an event which already has an event handler attached (the
name of the event handler is visible in the tree of events after the event
name—like “ActionPerformed [button1ActionPerformed]”)—when clicking
Next, you will be asked if you want to delete the old event handler. If you
answer yes, the old event handler will be replaced with the connection code
Chapter 6. Developing Java Classes
when the Connection Wizard is finished.
Connection Target
The second step allows you to specify the action which should be performed on the
target component. There are 3 possibilities, which can be changed using the radio
buttons along the top of the dialog:
Set Property: allows you to set a property on the target component. In the next
step you will specify the property value.
Method Call: allows you to call a method on the target component. In the next
step you will specify the parameters for the method call.
User Code: allows you to write the code by hand. When you select this option,
the “Next>” button will change to “Finish” so as there are no settings left.
Note that selecting this is equal to creating the event handler from the property
sheet—i.e. an empty event handler method is generated, and the cursor in editor
is placed into the new event handler allowing you to write the handling code by
Selecting Property Value or Method Parameters
If you selected “Set Property” or “Method Call” in the previous step, the third step
will allow you to specify the values for the target property or parameters for calling
the target method. If you selected the “Method Call,” the dialog will display a list
of all parameters types as tabs, where each tab represents a single method
On each tab, you can set the source from which the value (of specified type) is
Value: This option is available only if the value is of primitive type (int, float,
...) or String. You can enter the value into the text field.
Property: This option will allow you to acquire the value from a property of
some component on the form. If you click on the “...” button, a dialog will
appear which will let you select the component and its property. Note that only
properties of the right type are listed.
Chapter 6. Developing Java Classes
Method: This option will allow you to acquire the value from a method call of
some component on the form. If you click on the “...” button, a dialog will
appear which will let you select the component and its method. Note that only
methods which return the right type, and methods which do not take any
parameters are listed.
User Code: This option will allow you to write user code, which will be used as
the parameter for the setter of the selected property or a parameter of the
selected method call.
If you click Finish, a new event handler will be generated with a code reflecting the
settings entered in the second and third step.
6.6.8. Menu Editor
The Form Editor can create and modify menus. The AWT and Swing variations of both
MenuBar and PopupMenu are supported. Creating a Menu Bar
To create a new Menu Bar, click on the AWT or Swing MenuBar component in the
Component Palette, as shown below. Then click anywhere on a form to which you want
to add the menu. The menu will appear under the Non-visual Components list in the
Component Inspector.
Figure 6-8. Creating MenuBar
If this is the first menu bar you have added to this form, it will also appear visually on
the form. Please note that, for AWT forms, only AWT’s MenuBar can be used as the
Chapter 6. Developing Java Classes
main menu. The same is true for Swing forms and the JMenuBar. It is possible to add
AWT’s MenuBar to Swing forms and vice-versa, but you will not be able to use it as
the main menu for this form.
You can add multiple menu bars to one form, but only one of these can be used as the
current menu bar. To change the current menu, select the form in the Component
Inspector and edit its “Menu Bar” property:
Figure 6-9. Menu
Chapter 6. Developing Java Classes Creating a Popup Menu
To add a popup menu to a form, first click on the AWT or Swing PopupMenu
component in the Component Palette; then click anywhere on the form. The new menu
will appear under the Non-visual Components list in the Component Inspector. You can
use the same editing features as with MenuBar. To visually use the popup menu, write
code like this: (component, 100, 100);
where you want to show the popup menu. The API documentation for PopupMenu and
JPopupMenu has more details about displaying popup menus. Adding Menu Items
To add new menu items, submenus or separators, use the Component Inspector. The
MenuBar’s node in the Non-visual Components contains subnodes which represent the
hierarchy of the menu. To add new items, right-click on the menu node and use a New
action, as shown below:
Chapter 6. Developing Java Classes
Figure 6-10. Adding Menu Items Menu Item Events
Chapter 6. Developing Java Classes
You can use the same mechanism for assigning event handlers to menu items as with
any other component: select the component in the Component Inspector and either use
the popup menu or event properties to attach the event handler. There is, however, one
difference for menu items: you can add the handler ActionListener event to any menu
item by selecting the item from the Menu in the Form Window.
6.6.9. Components with Special Support
NetBeans’ Java-based architecture allows it to support interactive design with
components that other IDEs can’t. These components are the AWT ScrollPane and the
Swing JScrollPane, JTabbedPane, JTable, JList, JDesktopPane, JDesktopPane and
In general, these components are used the same way as other components. The
“special” support we’ll describe are NetBeans features such as the custom editor for
designing JTables. JScrollPane, ScrollPane
In many cases, AWT components will pop up their own scroll bars if their content
needs to scroll. An AWT ScrollPane is available, though, to add scrolling where it’s
needed. Swing components, however, must be added to a JScrollPane if the content
should scroll. This document won’t cover other differences between ScrollPane and
JScrollPane. We’ll discuss only the JScrollPane.
To use a JScrollPane, choose it from the Component Palette and click on a form. Then
choose the component to be added from the Palette to the JScrollPane—and click on
the JScrollPane.
Remember that you can still select the underlying JScrollPane (for instance, to set its
scrolling properties) by clicking on its entry in the Component Inspector. JTabbedPane
A JTabbedPane manages multiple components within its pane. NetBeans automatically
gives each component its own labeled tab. When the user clicks on the tab, its
component is selected and comes to the front of other components.
Chapter 6. Developing Java Classes
Figure 6-11. Support for JTabbedPane
The picture here shows a Form Editor window over the Component Inspector window.
A JPanel was added to the JFrame, a JTabbedPane was added to the JPanel, and three
Chapter 6. Developing Java Classes
components were added to the JTabbedPane.
By default, each tab is named for its own component. We’ve renamed the JTable,
though, and also added a ToolTip that appears when the user holds the mouse cursor
over the tab. Notice that each component in the JTabbedPane has its own Layout
settings; this is where tab parameters (name, icon and ToolTip) are set.
Be careful where you click when adding new components to a JTabbedPane.
The best place to click is in an area by the tabs which doesn’t contain other tabs.
If you click on an existing tabbed component, your new component may be added
to the existing component rather than to its own new tab. JTable, JList
A JTable is a grid of cells. Each cell has its own content. (The picture in the previous
section shows a JTable.) A JList is similar but it has just one dimension. The special
support for JTable and JList is a custom editor that controls the number of rows (and
columns), the titles, object types, and so on. To open the editor, access the object’s
properties (through the Component Inspector, etc.), choose the Properties tab, and click
on the “...” button for the entry named “model”. The JTable editor has a tab for Table
Settings and Default Values; to add an item to a JList, click the Add button in its editor. MDI Applications: Using JDesktopPane and
Swing makes MDI (Multiple Document Interface, windows within windows) easy to
implement. The model is like traditional computer windowing systems. In a
windowing system, you have a desktop with windows on it. With the Swing MDI, you
use a JDesktopPanel with JInternalFrames on it. The user can position the
JInternalFrames like windows on a traditional desktop: resize, close, and minimize
them. NetBeans lets you lay out and define all of this interactively.
You’ll typically start with a JFrame. To it, add a JDesktopPanel. To add
JInternalFrames, select them from the Component Palette and click on the
JDesktopPanel, as usual. You can add other components to the JDesktopPanel—a
JTable, JSlider, or whatever. But these will have their standard properties, so users can’t
Chapter 6. Developing Java Classes
manipulate them in the same way they could manipulate a JInternalFrame containing
those components. JSplitPane
A JSplitPane has two sides. A user can move the divider between the sides to make one
side bigger and the other smaller. As with other special components of this type,
NetBeans allows you to manipulate it during design—for instance, to drag the divider.
You may find that it’s easiest to select the JSplitPane itself by clicking on its entry in
the Component Inspector.
Chapter 7. Advanced Operations
7.1. Using the BeanWizard
The Bean Wizard is a supporting tool that can be used to create the skeleton source
code for JavaBeans. The intent is not to replace the coding that accompanies creating a
JavaBean, but instead speed the process. It helps you create all the standard parts of a
JavaBean, including: properties, listeners support, default constructor and BeanInfo.
A JavaBean is created in three steps. Go to Tools in the Main Window and open the
JavaBean Wizard. It presents three steps:
1. Name and Package. Click on Step 1, “Name and Package”, and a Dialog will
appear that will prompt you to name the JavaBean and indicate the storage
location. A Bean can be created on any mounted, writable file system. Click OK
when finished and you will return to the Wizard Dialog.
2. Settings. Click on Step 2, Settings, and another Dialog will appear that will ask
you to define the superclass and optional Bean information. You can select the
superclass from the pre-defined drop-down menu or specify another name.
3. Properties. Click on Generate Bean Info to create a small class that contains
information about the JavaBean (optional). If you want to associate an icon with
the Bean, specify the appropriate file, URL, or relative to CLASSPATH. Click OK
to return to the main Dialog and begin the final step.
For the final step, click on the Properties button to declare the properties of your
JavaBean. Click on New and a single-line appears that allows you to define the various
properties. Select a name for the new property and a type.
Select the accessibility for the property (Read-Write, Read Only or Write Only).
Depending on your choice, the Wizard automatically generates the Bean’s setter and/or
getter methods as appropriate.
If you select the “Bounded” check-box, a PropertyChangeEvent is fired. If one or more
bounded properties are generated, two new methods will be generated in the source
Chapter 7. Advanced Operations
code: addPropertyChangeListener and removePropertyChangeListener. These are
necessary for other Beans to listen to property changes of this Bean.
If you select the “Constrained” check-box, the throw statement “throws
java.beans.PropertyVetoException“” will be added to the class source code. If the Bean
throws this exception, it or its listeners can deny some values of the property. (See the
JavaBeans specification for more detail.) If one or more constrained properties are
generated, two new methods will be generated in the source code:
addVetoableChangeListener and removeVetoableChangeListener.
Check the Generate Variable check-box to automatically generate the variable
definition. Otherwise, the following text will appear and you will have to insert the
definition manually.
Here’s a simple example of the property setter and getter (including the declaration of
the property variable):
/** "name" property value. */
private String name;
/** Getter method for the "name" property.
* @return The current value of this property.
public String getName () {
return name;
/** Setter method for the "name" property.
* @param value The new value of this property.
public void setName (String value) {
name = value;
Add/remove properties until you are done and return to the main Dialog box. Press the
Finish button of the BeanWizard to generate the source file(s) and open them in the
Editor (if you selected the Bean Info option, there will be two files). You can now enter
Chapter 7. Advanced Operations
code and begin to compile. A successfully compiled JavaBean can be customized as
described in Section 7.3.
7.2. Adding JavaBeans to the IDE
JavaBeans are Sun’s component model of Java. They’ve been widely adopted by Java
developers. NetBeans IDE automates using and creating JavaBeans. It also enables the
customization of particular JavaBeans, serialization of the customized state, and the use
of the JavaBean with specific settings. Both visual and non-visual JavaBeans can be
easily added to the NetBeans Component palette and later used in visual design.
JavaBeans are distributed along with their manifests in JAR files. The NetBeans IDE
includes several mounted JavaBeans components, and offers the possibility of adding
many more. When you first run the IDE, you will see the TimerBean in the Beans tab
on the Component Palette and three charting components from a NetBeans partner, KL
Group, on the tab marked KL Group. Installing new JavaBeans is an easy way to
expand the functionality of the IDE.
7.2.1. Standard Method
On the Main Window menu, choose Tools | Install New JavaBean. In the new dialog
box, select the path and file name (typically *.jar) of your new JavaBean , and click
Open. A list will appear with available JavaBeans. Choose one, and select Install.
Next, choose where in the Component Palette you would like to place the JavaBean
(under which tab) and click on Select. You will then see the new JavaBean appear
under the tab you indicated, ready to use in an application.
Some JavaBeans have their own icon. In cases where this is not true, NetBeans assigns
a default icon to the JavaBean. To see the name of each installed JavaBean, position the
cursor over the bean and a tool tip will appear.
7.2.2. Alternate Method
You can also add Beans from a JAR archive or from a local directory.
Chapter 7. Advanced Operations
To add a Bean from a JAR archive, go to the Main Window menu. Choose Tools | Add
Jar Archive. Select the path and directory, click on the .jar file, and select Mount. The
Archive then appears in the Explorer, under the Repository. Expand the node by
clicking on the plus sign (or the bullet, in the Metal Look & Feel), and select the
JavaBean you’re adding. Right-click on the JavaBean and choose Copy from the popup
menu. Then, in the Explorer, expand the Environment section until you find the desired
tab under Component Palette, select that tab, right-click and choose Paste. The new
JavaBean will appear both in the Explorer and on the Component Palette on the Main
To add Java Beans which are not packaged in a JAR or ZIP file and/or which come only
in source code, follow the directions above but use Add Directory instead of Add JAR
Archive to mount the directory. Then use the same copy/paste mechanism as described
above to put the Java Beans into the Component Palette.
Note that the Alternate Method can also add JavaBeans that come as serialized
prototypes (their filenames end with “.ser”).
7.2.3. Automatic Method
JAR files can be installed automatically each time NetBeans is started. The JAR files
should be copied to a directory (folder) named “beans”. Single-user NetBeans
installations (such as Windows NT) have a single beans folder under the root of the
NetBeans installation. On multiuser installations (like Linux), there are two folders
named “beans”: one in the shared installation folder and the other in the user portion of
NetBeans. The directory/folder locations are set in the NetBeans startup script (for
example, netbeans.bat on Windows systems and netbeans on UNIX systems); look for
the variables NETBEANS_HOME and NETBEANS_USER. By default on Linux
installations, the NETBEANS_USER directory is a subdirectory of each user’s home
directory—that is, $HOME/beans.
By default, all new beans in a beans directory will be installed each time NetBeans is
started. By default, each bean will be put into a Palette category with the same name as
the JAR file—for example, beans from a TimerBean.jar file would be added to the
TimerBean Palette category.
Chapter 7. Advanced Operations
You can control which beans are loaded and what Palette categories they’re loaded into
by adding a file to the beans directory. There’s an example of this file
below. Note that we have broken the last line (beginning “jcchart350S.beans=”) onto
three lines for printing; you should enter all of it on one line of your
# Netbeans - TimerBean
# KL Group - Charts
jcchart350S=KL Group
For each JAR file, there can be two entries in Neither of these entries
is required.
The first line is of the form “JARname=PALETTEname”. The left side is the name
of the JAR file without the “.jar” extension. The right side is the name of the Palette
category where beans from that JAR should be placed.
If there’s no first line, the Palette category will have the same name as the JAR file.
The second line is of the form “JARname.beans=beanlist”. The left side is the name
of the JAR file without the “.jar” extension, followed by “.beans”. The right side is a
comma-separated list of the beans which should be loaded from that JAR file.
If there’s no second line, all Beans from the JAR file will be loaded.
Let’s look at the sample file above. The lines starting with a hash (#)
are comments; NetBeans ignores them. There are two pairs of lines. The first pair is for
the TimerBean.jar file. The first line in this pair says that Beans from this JAR should
go into the Palette category named “Beans”. The second line loads the Bean named
com.netbeans.timerbean.Timer. The second pair puts Beans from the jcchart350S.jar
file into the “KL Group” Palette category; it loads only the three Beans named.
Chapter 7. Advanced Operations
7.3. Customizing JavaBeans
The Customize JavaBean action allows you to create an instance of a JavaBean,
customize its properties and possibly save the customized bean as a serializad
prototype. You can either use this action on a Class Data Object (.class file) or already
serialized prototype (.ser file). The class must be public and have a public default
constructor to use this action, and it must also be serializable to make a serialized
prototypes from the customized settings.
The Customization opens one or two new windows. The first window is Property
Sheet, which displays properties of a newly created instance of the JavaBean. The
second window is displayed only if the JavaBean is a visual component (extends
java.awt.Component), and it contains the component itself.
You can customize the JavaBean using the property sheet, and you can use the Serialize
or Serialize As buttons to make a serialized prototype (.ser file) of the bean with current
properties. Serialize As allows you to select a name and location for the .ser file, while
Serialize will either save the bean into the same .ser file it originated from, overriding
previous content—or place the new .ser file along the original .class file, if the bean has
not been serialized yet.
If you do not want to keep the customized settings, press the Cancel button to close the
customization windows.
IV. Customizing NetBeans
NetBeans gives you complete control over your development environment. In this Part
we describe methods to customize the IDE. You will be able to change program specific
settings, adjust shortcuts, menus, toolbars and the complete appearance of the IDE.
Chapter 8. Control Panel
The Explorer’s Control Panel gives you access to the IDE system settings. This
includes internal compiler configuration, Debugger settings, window settings, external
browser or applet viewer configuration, and more. By clicking on the Show Property
Sheet icon on the Explorer’s toolbar, you can see the various options for each item on
the Control Panel.
8.1. System
On the System property sheet, you can control some of the more common IDE settings.
As always in NetBeans, you can also set many of these from other places. For example,
you can also set the Look & Feel from the Main Window View menu—and control
Show Tips on Startup, which is also found on the tips dialog itself. Settings selected
from the System property sheet become the defaults for NetBeans and will be
consistent between sessions of NetBeans.
For more advanced users, the System property sheet has a second tab, Expert, where
you can set the BeanInfo Search Path and the Property Editor Search Path. These are
the full names of classes where the IDE gets BeanInfo and the Property Editor.
8.2. Output Window
These settings control colors and fonts used in the Output Window.
Table 8-1. Output Window Properties
Background color of the Output Window
Cursor Background
Background color of highlighted text
Cursor Foreground
Color of highlighted text
Chapter 8. Control Panel
Font Size
Size of the characters in the Output
Default text color
Jump Cursor Foreground
Text color for lines of text in the Output
Window that are linked to lines in the
Jump Cursor Background
Background color for lines of text in the
Output Window that are linked to lines in
the Editor
Tab Size
The width of a tab stroke
8.3. Property Sheet
Here you can set the appearance and behavior of the Property Sheet.
Table 8-2. Property Sheet Properties
Disabled Property Color
The text color of non-available menu
Display Writable Only
Visibility (on or off) of non-available
menu items
Enables animation of buttons in the
property sheet
Property Painting Style
Indicates if properties are shown as text or
as pictures
Chapter 8. Control Panel
Sorting Mode
Sets the criteria for sorting properties on
the Property Sheet: by name, by type, or
Value Color
The text color of settings (choices) in the
Property Sheet
8.4. Extensions
The Extensions setting allows you to add new extensions to be recognized as belonging
to HTML or TXT file types.
8.5. Internal Compiler
Table 8-3. Internal Compiler Properties
Compiler produces code with debug
Causes recompilation of class files that the
source files recursively depend on
Whether compiler treats deprecated
methods as errors
Character encoding used in Java sources
Compiler optimizes generated bytecode
Whether compiler prints warnings
Chapter 8. Control Panel
8.6. External Compiler
Table 8-4. External Compiler Properties
External Compiler
Path to the executable Java compiler
Error Expression
A regular expression in Perl5 format that
describes the format of the error output of
specified compiler
8.7. Internal Execution
Table 8-5. Internal Execution Properties
Clear Output Tab
Whether reused output is cleared from the
Output Window before new execution
Reuse Output Tab
Whether NetBeans creates new tabs in the
Output Window for each execution
Run Compilation
Whether NetBeans first compiles before
executing a file
The window to activate when executing a
file (Running, Editing, Debugging)
8.8. External Execution
Table 8-6. External Execution Properties
Chapter 8. Control Panel
External Execution
Path to the executable Java interpreter
8.9. Debugger
Table 8-7. Debugger Properties
Followed by Editor
If true, the editor will keep the current line
visible during debugging (the current line
is the line on which the debugger is
currently stopped). (default=true)
Show Messages
If true, additional messages about the
debugger are printed to the output window.
The name of the workspace to which the
IDE switches when debugger starts, or
None if the workspace should not be
Sets the debugger executable and the
debugger’s CLASSPATH.
8.10. Java Objects
The Java Objects settings allow you to enable or disable external execution, set source
parser settings, and more.
Table 8-8. Java Objects Properties
Chapter 8. Control Panel
Background Parsing Enabled
If True, a whole package is parsed on
background when opened. (Warning:
consumes a lot of memory)
Use External Compiler
If True, an external compiler is used.
Use External Execution
If True, applications are executed in a
separate virtual machine.
Parser Output Enabled
If True, messages about parsing progress
are written to the Output Window.
Short Field Names
If True, elements representing methods
and variables do not display the types they
represent in the Explorer.
Space Before Bracket
If True, a space is put before opening
brackets in generated Java code.
8.11. Form Objects
The Form Objects settings affect the appearance of the grid during design time, code
generation settings, and more.
Table 8-9. Form Objects Properties
Event Variable Name
The name of the variable generated in the
signature of the event handler method for
the event object. For example, the “evt” is
the variable name in “private void
(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt)”.
Chapter 8. Control Panel
Grid X
Size of grid for AbsoluteLayout in the X
Grid Y
Size of grid for AbsoluteLayout in the Y
Show Grid
Whether grid should be used
Indent AWT Hierarchy
If true, the code generated in
initComponents () is indented for child
components of a container.
Apply Grid to Position
If true, the position of components is
snapped to the grid (if the grid is used).
Apply Grid to Size
If true, the size of components is snapped
to the grid (if the grid is used).
Connection Border Color
Color of components’ selection border
during connection mode
Drag Border Color
Color of components’ drag border during
Selection Border Size
Size (in pixels) of the boxes around a
component which mark it as “selected”
Selection Border Color
Color of the boxes around a component
which mark it as “selected”.
8.12. Applets
The Applets property sheet configures applet execution.
Table 8-10. Applets Properties
Chapter 8. Control Panel
External Viewer
Path to the executable external viewer
Viewer to use: External Viewer, HotJava,
or Internal Applet Viewer
8.13. HTTP Server
The HTTP Server property sheet controls the built-in HTTP (Hypertext Transfer
Protocol or “Web”) server.
Table 8-11. HTTP Server Properties
Host has two settings: Any Host or Local
Host. Local Host restricts access so that
only the machine on which the NetBeans
IDE runs is allowed access. (default=Local
The port number on which the HTTP
server operates. (default=8080)
8.14. Network Options
These control the built-in Web browser.
Table 8-12. Network Options Properties
Home URL
The home page for the built-in browser
Chapter 8. Control Panel
SMTP Server
The mail server used when sending mail
from the browser
8.15. Java Editor, Text Editor, HTML Editor
The Java Editor, Text Editor and HTML Editor property sheets set colors and fonts
used in the editor. The table below lists common properties of the Editor:
Table 8-13. Common Editor Properties
Base Font and Colors
Using the color property editor, you can
choose colors based on HSV, RGB, AWT
Palette, Swing Palette, and System Palette
settings, and the font style (normal or
Font Size
Displayed Size of Characters
Tab Size
Width of one tab stroke in the Text Editor
Predefined color schemes for the Java editor are available through the Customize button
at the top of the Property sheet (just above the Base Font and Colors setting).
Colors that represent the following properties can be set for the Java, Text, and HTML
Java Editor: Base Font and Colors, Breakpoint Line, Char Constant, Comment,
Current Debug Line, Error Line, Float Number, GeneratedText, Hex Number,
Identifier, Line Comment, Long Number, Method, Number, Octal Number, String,
Tab Size, Tag, Text Selection
Text Editor: Base Font and Color, Selected Text
HTML Editor: Base Font and Colors, Comment, Error, Identifier, Number, String,
Chapter 8. Control Panel
Tag, Text Selection
Chapter 9. Customizing the
9.1. Customizing Menus and Toolbars
You can organize all the Menu and Toolbar actions in NetBeans IDE to your
preferences so that you have quick and easy access to them. From a customization
point of view there are only minor differences between the Menu and Toolbars, because
they are both used as generic containers to visually display a list of actions.
You can add and delete existing actions to the Menu using clipboard-style operations.
To add a new action to a menu or toolbar use the copy/paste operations to transfer
action objects from the Explorer’s Environment | Actions hierarchy, to either
Environment | Menu or Environment | Toolbar. See Section 5.2 for more information
on using the Explorer.
If you delete an action from the default Menu or Toolbar (supplied with the
NetBeans IDE) by copying the action from Environment | Actions (which lists all
available actions) you can later put it back or add it to a different one.
To group related actions, you can add a special separator object to a menu or toolbar.
Right-click the on the desired parent container (menu or toolbar) on the Explorer and
select the New | Menu Separator command from the context pop-up menu.
When you insert a new action in an existing menu or toolbar, you may position it
among existing actions. There are two ways to change the order of actions within their
parent container:
Select the action you want to move, and use the Move Up / Move Down items in its
popup menu.
Select the parent container and choose “Change Order” from its popup menu. You
will see a dialog for setting the order of all actions in the container.
Chapter 9. Customizing the Environment
Each menu item also has an assigned letter or digit which designates that item; it
is usually the initial of some word in the item’s name. This letter or digit is marked
by & in the Name property of its action.
9.2. Customizing Shortcuts
Keyboard shortcuts offer an alternative method of performing actions for users who
prefer the keyboard to the mouse. These are also useful for frequently used actions,
when a single keystroke is much faster and more efficient. In NetBeans IDE, you can
browse current keyboard shortcuts, assign shortcut keys to actions, delete existing
assignments for shortcut keys, or replace default shortcut keys with different ones.
You can explore the current keyboard shortcuts using the Explorer. All shortcuts are
presented as special action objects under the Environment | Shortcuts. See Section
To assign a shortcut key to an action put the cursor in the Shortcut property of the
action and press the shortcut key or key combination that you want.
If you press a key or key combination that is invalid, no key is displayed. Note that you
cannot assign key combinations with Esc, Space, or combinations that are already
being used by your operating system.
If you press a key or key combination that is currently assigned to another action, that
action is reported to you in a message box.
To add a shortcut to an action that is not listed under Environment | Shortcuts,
you should explore action categories under Environment | Actions. Use the
copy/paste operations to transfer action objects to which you want to assign
shortcut keys.
9.3. Customizing the Component Palette
The Component Palette is very customizable—and it’s easy to do. Expand the
Environment node of the Explorer to see the Component Palette item. Expand the
Chapter 9. Customizing the Environment
Component Palette item to see a list of the current Component Palette
categories—these are the tabs visible in the Component Palette. Expand an individual
category node to see a list of all components in that category.
To create a new Palette category, right click on the Component Palette node and select
New Palette Category from the popup menu. You will be prompted for the new
category name. After clicking OK, the new category will appear in the Explorer listing,
positioned last. You will see this new category immediately available as a tab in the
Component Palette.
Standard clipboard operations are available at each level of the Explorer’s Component
Palette hierarchy. Individual components can be cut, copied and pasted between
Component categories. You might, for example, copy the components you use most to
a new category for quick and easy access. You can also cut, copy and paste Component
Component categories can be renamed—either by accessing the Rename item of the
popup menu or using in-place renaming in the Explorer.
It’s also possible to customize the ordering of component categories and the
components within a category. A component category can be moved in the listing of
categories via the Move Up and Move Down actions on the context menu—you will
see the Component Palette tabs re-ordered as you do this. Individual components
within a group can be repositioned in the same manner—or by using the Customize
Order dialog. This dialog is accessible by accessing the popup menu for a Component
category and selecting Change Order. This dialog lists all components in that category;
using Move Up and Move Down buttons, you can re-order the contents of the category
as you need.
Section 7.2 explains how to add JavaBeans to the IDE.
9.4. Customizing Workspaces
Workspaces are entirely customizable via the Environment node of the Explorer. Under
the Environment node you will find a Workspaces item. Expand this node to see a list
of current Workspaces. These Workspace nodes can in turn be expanded to see a list of
Chapter 9. Customizing the Environment
currently open windows on each Workspace.
Each level of this hierarchy can be cut, copied and pasted, using commands on either
the popup menu or the Edit menu of the Main Window. Existing Workspaces can be
renamed, again via the popup menu, the Workspace’s property sheet, or using in-place
editing of the name in the Explorer.
Workspace Clipboard operations act recursively; copying a Workspace copies all
windows present on that Workspace. If you then paste the new Workspace to the
Workspace hierarchy, these windows are copied to that new Workspace.
To create a new Workspace, access the popup menu of the root Workspace node under
Environment, and select New Workspace. A dialog will open, allowing you to specify
the name of the new Workspace; type your name and click OK. The new item will
appear in the listed tree in the Explorer, and is immediately present on the Main
Window. You may need to expand the Workspace tab area on the Main Window to see
your new Workspace—simply click and drag the Workspace tab divider to the right. If
there are more Workspaces than visible on the Workspace tab area, left and right scroll
buttons will be displayed, allowing you to scroll through all available Workspaces.
You can also customize which Workspace is automatically used for Debugging and
Execution. Under the Control Panel of the Explorer, right click Debugger, and select
Properties. One of the properties is the Workspace - this determines the Workspace the
IDE will automatically switch to on initiating a debugging session. Click on the value
panel of this property (by default set to Debugging), and select the Workspace you wish
from the pull down list of all current Workspaces.
Similarly for execution, you can select which desktop the IDE will switch to when
running an application by setting the Workspace property of the Control Panel | Internal
Execution node.
Appendix A. Default Keyboard
Shortcut keys that appear in Help or in menus and dialog boxes in NetBeans are based
on the United States keyboard. For example, on a U.S. keyboard, you must hold down
the SHIFT key to type the < symbol. On a non-U.S. keyboard, characters may appear
somewhere else on the keyboard. For example, on some keyboards, certain characters
are accessible without holding down the SHIFT key, in which case, for the example
above, you simply press CTRL+<. On other keyboards, characters are accessible by
holding down ALTGR, in which case, for the example above, you press
Key sequences can contain function keys as well as ordinary characters. Here are the
conventional names for common function keys:
Table A-1. Naming Convention for Function Keys
Used For
Left, Up, Right, Down
Cursor arrow keys
Backspace, Tab, Return, Delete
These keys correspond to common special
keys on most keyboards.
End, Home, PgUp, PgDown
Other cursor repositioning keys
F1, F2, .. F12
Numbered function keys (across the top of
the keyboard)
You can use the modifier keys ALT, CTRL, HYPER, META, SHIFT, and SUPER with
function keys. The way to represent them is with prefixes in the symbol name:
Table A-2. Naming Convention for Modifier Keys
Used For
Appendix A. Default Keyboard Shortcuts
The alt modifier
The control modifier
The shift modifier
Thus, the symbol for the key F3 with CTRL held down is “Ctrl+F3”. When we use
more than one prefix, we write them in alphabetical order; but the order does not matter
in arguments to the NetBeans IDE.
These names are conventional, but some systems (especially the X Window
System) may use different names.
A.1. Global Shortcut Keys
Context-Sensitive Help
F1 displays help for the highlighted window.
Copy current selection into the Clipboard
Cut current selection into the Clipboard
Paste current content of the Clipboard
A.2. Form Editor Shortcut Keys
Switch to Form
Appendix A. Default Keyboard Shortcuts
Switch to Editor
Switch to Component Inspector
Toggle Test Mode (form specific)
Toggle Design Mode (form specific)
Toggle Grid (global option)
A.3. Editor Shortcut Keys
Move cursor vertically up
Move cursor vertically down
Move cursor one character left
Move cursor one character right
Scroll down near full screen
Move cursor to beginning of current line
Move cursor to end of current line
Scroll upward near full screen
Move cursor backward until encountering the end of a word
Move cursor forward until encountering the begin of a word
Move cursor to the beginning of the document
Move cursor to the end of the document
Appendix A. Default Keyboard Shortcuts
Go to specified line, counting from line 1 at beginning of
Match brace
Store current position of cursor into the position stack
Pop (and go to) previous stored position on the position stack
Shift+<any motion shortcut>
Select text from current cursor position
Select word at current cursor position
Select current line
Select current document
Extend a prefix to match following
word(s) in document with same prefixing.
(dynamic word completion)
Extend a prefix to match previous word(s)
in document with same prefix. (dynamic
word completion)
Delete character to right of cursor
position, or selected text
Appendix A. Default Keyboard Shortcuts
Delete character to left of cursor position,
or selected text
Delete current line
Indent current line or selection
Unindent current line or selection
Search and Replace
Search for specified text
Replace some things after cursor point
matching a specified text
A.4. Explorer Shortcut Keys
New Object
Open New Explorer
Appendix A. Default Keyboard Shortcuts
A.5. Window Shortcut Keys
Explore From Here
Debugger Window
HTML Viewer
Component Inspector
Close current window (or tab in MultiWindow)
Previous Workspace
Next Workspace
Previous Tab
Next Tab
A.6. Build Shortcut Keys
Stop Compilation
Go to Previous Error Line
Go to Next Error Line
Appendix A. Default Keyboard Shortcuts
A.7. Debugger Shortcut Keys
Go (Start Debugging)
Finish Debugging
Toggle Breakpoint
Add Watch
Trace Into
Trace Over
Appendix B. Default Editor
Expands To
System.out.println ("
System.err.println ("
import java.awt.
import java.
private static final
private static final int
private static final String
private static final boolean
public static final
public static final int
public static final String
public static final boolean
catch (
Appendix B. Default Editor Abbreviations
switch (
throw new
throw new InternalError();
Appendix B. Default Editor Abbreviations
Appendix C. Main Window Menus and
C.1. Menus
This table lists and briefly describes each of the entries on the Main Window menus.
C.1.1. File Menu
New:: Create a new object. The Templates folder will open, allowing a predefined
template to be used as the basis for the new object. Available template categories are:
AWT Forms, Classes, Dialogs, Other, and Swing Forms. See Section 5.4 for more
information on Templates.
Open: Open a new instance of the Explorer.
Save: Save the current object. If there is more than one object currently open in a
MultiWindow Editor, the source in the currently selected tab is saved. If there is
more than one Editor Window open (that is, one or more sources have been
undocked), the object in the currently selected Editor is saved. Save is disabled when
no modified objects are currently open.
Save All: Save all current open objects.
Exit: Exit the IDE. You will be prompted to selectively save any currently open
unsaved objects, discard changes, or cancel.
C.1.2. Edit Menu
Undo: Undo last action
Redo: Redo last action
Appendix C. Main Window Menus and Toolbars
Cut: Cut selected object or text to clipboard
Copy: Copy selected object or text to clipboard
Paste: Paste contents of clipboard
Delete: Delete selected object
Find ... : Find in text
Replace ...: Replace in text
Goto ... : Goto line number
C.1.3. View Menu
Explore from Here: Open a new Explorer, with the selected node as the root
Properties: Open the Property sheet for the selected object
Output Window: Open a new instance of the Output Window
Debugger Window: Open a new instance of the Debugger Window
Execution Window: Open a new instance of the Execution Window
WebBrowser Window: Open a new instance of the WebBrowser Window
Component Inspector: Open a new instance of the Component Inspector
Look & Feel: List all available Look & Feels as a submenu, selecting one switches
current Look & Feel. The current Look & Feel is indicated with a check mark.
Workspaces: List of all available Workspaces as a submenu, selecting one switches
to that Workspace. The current Workspace is indicated with a check mark.
C.1.4. Build Menu
Compile: Compile selected object. If a folder is selected, compile all sources in that
Compile All: Recursively compile; compile a folder and all its sub-folders.
Appendix C. Main Window Menus and Toolbars
Build: Force compilation of all classes, whether current or not.
Build All: Recursively build; build a folder and all its subfolders.
Stop Compilation: Stop the current compilation process.
Next Error: Jump to the next error in the Output Window.
Previous Error: Jump to the previous error in the Output Window.
Set Arguments: Set command line arguments to be passed to an executed
Execute: Execute the selected object.
C.1.5. Debug Menu
Go: Initiate a debugging session.
Finish Debugger: End the current debugging session.
Trace Over: Trace over the method the debugger has halted at.
Trace Into: Trace into the method the debugger has halted at.
Toggle Breakpoint: Toggle a breakpoint on or off at the current line. The line will be
highlighted blue when a breakpoint is set.
Add Watch: Watch a variable.
C.1.6. Tools Menu
Add Directory: Mount a new filesystem under the Repository.
Add Jar Archive: Mount a new Jar archive as a filesystem under the Repository.
Remove From Repository: Unmount a filesystem from the Repository.
Install New JavaBean: Install a new JavaBean to the Component Palette.
Bean Wizard: Open the Bean Wizard.
Appendix C. Main Window Menus and Toolbars
C.1.7. Window Menu
Clone View: Clone the current window. Open a second view of the current window
as a new tab on the MultiWindow.
Undock Window: Undock the current window from the parent MultiWindow. Opens
in a completely seperate and independent instance of MultiWindow.
Dock Window: Dock selected undocked window to parent MultiWindow.
Next Tab: Flip to the next tab in the MultiWindow.
Previous Tab: Flip to the previous tab in the MultiWindow.
... Currently opened windows. All currently opened windows are listed at the
bottom of the Window menu. Selecting one of these will give that window focus.
C.1.8. Help Menu
Contents: Open the browser on the Contents page of the html documentation.
Tutorial: Open the browser on the NetBeans Tutorials.
NetBeans home on the Web: Open the browser, and attempt to connect to the
NetBeans website at If you are using a machine which
connects to the internet via a dialup modem, this may mean your modem attempts to
dial and connect to your ISP. This depends on your local system configuration.
Submit a Bug: Open the browser, and attempt to connect to the NetBeans website,
and display the bug report form at
Tip of the Day: Display the Tip of the Day dialog which opens by default the first
time your run NetBeans.
Register: Register your NetBeans non-commercial release, converting to a
commercial version. You will need the 8 character code assigned when you ordered
NetBeans online.
About: Display the NetBeans About dialog.
Appendix C. Main Window Menus and Toolbars
C.2. Toolbars
The four Figures below describe icons on the toolbars at the top of the Main Window.
You can get the same information by holding your mouse cursor over an icon to see its
Figure C-1. Main Window Toolbar - Top Row
Figure C-2. Main Window Toolbar - Bottom Row
Appendix C. Main Window Menus and Toolbars
Figure C-3. Main Window Toolbar - New Window icons
Figure C-4. Main Window Toolbar - Form Editor icons
Appendix D. Actions
This table lists and briefly describes each of the actions available in the “actions pool”
under Environment | Actions.
Table D-1. Data Actions
Create a new object
New (from
Create a new object using an existing Template
Save current object
Save All
Save all open objects
Save As Template
Save object as a template, in the Templates hierarchy
Customize JavaBean Customize properties of a JavaBean
Bean Wizard
Bean Wizard
Table D-2. Edit Actions
Copy selected object to the clipboard
Cut the selected object, keeping a copy in the clipboard
Paste from the clipboard
Delete the selected object
Find ...
Find in text
Appendix D. Actions
Replace ...
Replace in text
Goto ...
Goto line number
Undo last action
Redo undone action
Rename selected object
Table D-3. System Actions
Add Directory
Mount a new filesystem under the Repository
Add Jar Archive
Mount a Jar archive under the Repository
Remove From
Unmount an mounted filesystem
Install New
Install New JavaBean to the Component Palette
Exit the IDE
Display the About dialog box
Register NetBeans non-commercial release
Tip Of The Day
Display the Tip of the Day dialog
Browse the documentation in the web browser
Changes order of subnodes (subcomponents) of selected item
Move Up
Moves current item up among the parent’s children
Move Down
Moves current item down among the parent’s children
Garbage Collect
Garbage Collect
Appendix D. Actions
Table D-4. View Actions
Open Explorer
Open a new instance of the Explorer
Explore From Here
Open a new instance of the Explorer, with the selected node as
the root
Invoke a JavaBean’s Customizer
Open the Property Sheet for the selected object
Execution Window
Open a new instance of the Execution Window
Debugger Window
Open a new instance of the Debugger Window
Output Window
Open a new instance of the Output Window
Open a new instance of the WebBrowser Window
Previous Tab
Switch to the previous tab in the MultiWindow
Next Tab
Switch to the next tab in the MultiWindow
Next Workspace
Switch to the next workspace
Previous Workspace Switch to the previous workspace
List and switch to open windows
List and switch to Look & Feels
List and switch Workspaces
Clone View
Clone the current view
Dock Window
Dock the current window to the parent MultiWindow
Undock Window
Undock the current tab from the MultiWindow
Close this window
Appendix D. Actions
Table D-5. Build Actions
Compile the selected object
Compile All
Compile the selected folder and all sub-folders recursively
Force compilation of all objects in selected folder, whether
current or not
Build All
Build selected folder and all sub-folders, recursively
Previous Error
Jump to the previous error in the Output Window
Next Error
Jump to the next error in the Output Window
Execute the selected object
Stop Compilation
Halt the current compilation process
Set Arguments
Set command line arguments to pass to an application
Table D-6. Debugger Actions
Add Breakpoint
Add a breakpoint
Add Watch
Add a watch
Toggle Breakpoint
Toggle selected breakpoint on or off
Finish Debugger
Terminate debugging session
Initiate a debugging session
Trace Into
Trace into the method the debugger has halted at
Trace Over
Trace over the method the debugger has halted at
Switch To Thread
Make selected thread active (the current line in the editor
displays the active thread’s position)
Appendix D. Actions
Suspend selected thread
Table D-7. Form Actions
Goto Source
Go to the selected component in the source
Goto Form
Go to the selected component on the Form surface
Goto Inspector
Go to the selected component in the Component Inspector
Open a new Component Inspector
Lists events for selected component
Set Layout
Set the layout
Test Mode
Enable test mode on the form
Design Mode
Enable design mode on the form
Show Grid
Display grid on the form surface
Component Palette
The Component Palette
Recommended Reading
See the list of recommended books on the NetBeans website at
The Java Language Specification, James Gosling, Bill Joy, and Guy Steele,
Addison-Wesley, 1996.
The Java Virtual Machine Specification, Tim Lindholm and Frank Yellin,
Addison-Wesley, 1996.