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== Programming from the command line ==
When you have packages
- Let's say the package name is pkg_example.
- The .java files must be in a directory called pkg_example
- Compile the .java files using javac
- But to run, must go to the parent dir of pkg_example and run:
java pkg_example.classname
where classname is the class that contains main
Asinde: Compiling in Java vs. Python
- What are .pyc files?
- When a module foo imports a module bar, is compiled to bytecode, which
is saved in a .pyc file.
- On subsequent imports bar.pyc is used, unless the modification date of is
more recent. In the latter case, the .pyc is regenerated.
- this compilation to bytecode only occurs in conjunction with import statements.
- There are also files called .pyo
- Same as .pyc, but with line numbers, and other debugging info removed.
- .pyo's are slightly smaller than .pyc's
- generated with -o flag (to what? XX)
== == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == ==
Packages (a Java concept)
- a group of related classes
- you can set access privileges relative to the packages
Like giving your neighbours your key
- package names are lowercase
Projects (an IDE concept)
Creating a project
- File -> New Project (or shortcut)
- pick a name and let everything else default
- pick application (if there will be a main) or
class library (if not, you are just defining some useful classes)
- Netbeans creates the main class
== Running your code ==
- green arrow
- if you have multiple classes with mains,
right click on a specific class (in the left pane) to run it
== How Netbeans organizes things ==
- your project can be in any folder
- what's in your project's folder
src folder
- with your code
- each package has a folder
- each file in that folder holds a class or set of classes
build.xml and folder nbproject
- files that record facts about your project, such as
project name and preferences (compile on save, eg)
dist folder
- you can compile your whole project into a file for
- create, delete, change, open etc through the IDE, not by hand,
so it will maintain all of this in consistent, working order
== the "main" project or class ==
- netbeans has one particular project that is in its focus at any one time
- that's the one that is operated on by default when you run with green arrow
- it calls this the "main project"
- similarly, there is a "main class"
- don't get confused with this vs "main program" or
Java's "public static void main(...) or
Python's "main block"
The "main project"
- in the projects window, right click a project to define it as the main one
The "main class"
== Viewing the javadoc ==
- hover over existing code and you see it
- hesitate as you type and you see it; choose right one and it inserts the call
== Viewing your own javadoc ==
- right click on project, pick "Gen Javadoc" from dropdowns on side
- windows -> other -> javadoc: shows you it nicely formatted
hyperlinked so you can click through to related classes,
whether yours or part of Java
== Debugging ==
- breakpoint
- step into and over
- view values
== Other features we'll explore over time ==
- "refactoring"
From a student post:
This check-style is a NetBeans plugin, if you installed it through NetBeans then by
default it's activated, it's not like the python program in csc148.
To correctly install this plugin, you can download the offline version then extract it
and go to "Tools" in NetBeans, select "Plugins" --> "downloaded" and press "Add
Plugins" button, then select these two NBM files in your extracted folder:
So it's checking your code the whole time when you're coding.
See those annoying underlines ? They say you miss a javadoc comment or something,
that's how checkstyle works.