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KB 120036
How to load a DIGIPASS For Mobile on a BlackBerry
via USB
Creation date: 18/10/2007
Last Review: 12/01/2010
Document type: How To
Revision number: 3
Security status: EXTERNAL
This Document describes how to load the DIGIPASS for Mobile on a BlackBerry(BB)
using a USB connection.
The DIGIPASS Java Application can be loaded on the BB using with 2 possible
1) Over The Air (OTA) Delivery. The application is downloaded on the BB from a
2) Load it on the BB via a local connection; USB or Bluetooth.
This method will be described in this document.
Also check the weblink below for a good explanation of both methods:
When the DIGIPASS for Mobile for BB is ordered, the following files are delivered:
1) .COD file: this is the DIGPASS Java application
2) a .JAD file: this is the definition file for the Over The Air delivery of the DIGIPASS
Java application
3) ACODE.LOG: this file contains the activation codes to activate a DIGIPASS for
Mobile; once it is loaded on the BB
4) EXPORT.DPX: The DPX file to be imported on the serverside.
KB 120036
KB 120036.doc (1.0) – 12/01/2010 15:45
© 2010 VASCO Data Security. All rights reserved.
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Loading the .COD file on the BB
1) Install the BlackBerry Java Development Environment Component Package v4.2.1
(JDE Component)
This can be downladed from:
(you will have to register on the BlackBerry website to be allowed to download the
Click the “Get Help” button Near the bottom of the page to find out what version of
JDE to use.
The version to use depends on the version of Device Software installed on your
To verify the version of BlackBerry Device Software installed on the BlackBerry
smartphone, select Options > About.
A prerequisite to install the JDE Component is to have Java Development Kit (JDK).
The installation program from the BlackBerry JDE Component will check if JDK is
installed. If necessary, you are redirected to the Sun website to download the JDK.
In our test we downloaded the JDK 5.0 Update 12 with NetBeans IDE 5.5.1
(check this link for JDK Downloads: )
2) Once the JDE Components are installed, you can open the JDE components
command prompt from the start menu:
This will open a DOS prompt in the correct directory.
3) Connect the BB to the USB port of the PC and run the command to load the
DIGIPASS Java application on the BB:
javaloader –u load BBEN2023.COD
-U is to use a USB connection to the BB.
load is to install an application on the BB.
You can use the delete command to remove an application from the BB.
BBEN2023.COD is the DIGIPASS for Mobile application that was delivered
from Vasco.
(You can copy it in the JDE component directory; if not, include the full path
in the commandline.)
Applies to: DIGIPASS for Mobile
KB 120036
KB 120036.doc (1.0) – 12/01/2010 15:45
© 2010 VASCO Data Security. All rights reserved.
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