Download `RIGHT` Biz Marketing SYSTEM?

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The ‘RIGHT’ Biz Marketing SYSTEM?
First, as a brief background - today's Home Business entrepreneurs are 'bombarded'
from all sides with "the latest, greatest" Systems / Tools / Deals for overnight SUCCESS.
The Internet has changed in SO many ways - with e-Mail Marketing / Banner Ads / SEO
/ WEB-02 / PPC's / Text Ad links / Social Media Marketing / Blogs / etc, etc.
They are all important to effective Home Business building and Online marketing - which
includes Lead Capture Pages / Traffic / Presentation / Testing / Tracking / SignUp / Data
Stats / Follow-Up / Contact Management / etc. – but most people are either not equipped
to evaluate them, or they’re simply too busy.
The above features all go hand-in-hand to maximize your efforts and bottom line profits,
for sure Good Funded Proposal // Automated Prospecting // Marketing Systems can
provide enormous help for today's marketers.
But unfortunately, people have become "overwhelmed" with the constant FLOOD of new
programs being pitched at them. Perhaps what follows will help you 'sort through' some
of the confusion. But first, onsider these facts - - -- NO one can reach success in a Home Biz without a duplicable, turnkey MARKETING
SYSTEM - both OFFline and ONline - and a consistent regular contact//follow-up with
-- NO one can reach success in a Home Biz without a steady supply of targeted, quality
-- NO one can reach success in a Home Biz without seeing an early CASH FLOW.
But 95% percent of the people 'promoting' an ONline Home Biz do not know HOW to
market Online (some do not even know how to use their computers very well).
Well, the right Home Biz MARKETING Program can “solve” many of these concerns.
Marketing FUNNEL
A Process - The purpose of these programs is to create a win-win situation, as is
illustrated in the two diagrams above (Marketing FLOW CHART and FUNNEL). It’s a
complete “process” where, through a series of stages, prospects “find” you, “approach”
you, and begin to “trust” you, all because of some high value information you’ve provide
them, up front, such as a low cost [or no cost] eBook, Report, eCourse, eNewsletter, etc.
You start to build a “relationship” with them - consequently, prospects are “attracted” to
YOU as a solutions provider. Then, they automatically get sifted and sorted according
their level of interest (possibly, a tool / a product / a biz opp / an extra income/mo + +).
Interview - Ideally, when they contact YOU (and they “pay” you for that), they enter into
a caring and professional “consultative” dialogue with you -- one where a “process of
discovery” begins to take place between the Consultant (you) and the prospect. It’s one
where good questions are asked, where all of their concerns are answered, and where
‘informed’ decisions occur.
Your Product // Biz Opp - Initially, they’re usually “not looking” for your products or biz
opp. Eventually though, this might lead to their purchasing your product or service, or
joining you in your opportunity – but that part comes only at the end of the whole process
– never at the beginning (as is still being taught [and practiced] by most in the industry).
Yes, it’s true that your Biz Opp is the “biggest potential PRIZE” within the process - the
back end, long term “residual income” - but you should never “lead” with it.
Revenue Streams - With these programs, it doesn’t “matter” whether they decide to join
you in your business or not, because you have ‘many’ opportunities to generate cash
flow, through the Funded Proposal products and services available.
My OWN Experience
As well as creating my ‘oen’ - I have been involved in quite a few “pre-made” Marketing
Systems over the last few years - some good - many not so good! ☺
Most of them utilize the ATTRACTION MARKETING business model.
Most are monthly MEMBERSHIP plans.
Most offer an AFFILIATE deal.
Programs - For example, I’ve personally explored most [and used
many] of the following => Mike Dillard's Magnetic Sponsoring + Building On A
Budget (BOAB) + Traffic Formula -- Lou Abbott's MLM-TheWhole Truth -- Rod
Moore's MLM Total System + Wealth Manifesto -- Dave Sherwin's Lighthouse
Marketing System -- Brad Weinman's Attraction Marketing Blueprint – Ann Sieg’s
Renegade System -- Max Stiegemeier’s Success Blueprint – Kimball Roundy’s The
Spider Web System -- Ellie Drake’s Net WEB Marketer – Joe Schroeder's StarLink
Nation -- Paul Birdsall’s Pay It Forward 4 Profits – Daegan Smith’s Power
Prospecting System -- James Grandstaff's Instant MLM Squeeze Pages -- Dale
Calvert's FreeRKCD -- Norbert Orlewicz's MLM Lead System Pro – Rod Moore’s
MLM Attraction Marketing University -- Jonathon Budd’s MLM Mastermind System –
Duplication123 –- Joe Schroeder’s Million Mind March - etc, etc...
I found that, while some of these are very good “tools” - they had some “missing parts” to
them, or they had a lot of “glitches” – or they tended to “brand their developers too much.
Success - I believe it’s imperative that we all understand => SUCCESS comes
from “within” us - and that all the “outside” tools in the world will never equal what
we ourselves, can create (with the right guidance and support).
Nevertheless, I wanted to carefully "study and test" them myself, before recommending
any of them to others. Also, I believe strongly in offering a MENU of different choices for
people to choose from in terms of Tools and Resources – because each one of us has
very different interests / experiences / finances / skills, etc. ((my approach here is one
that most ‘Heavy Hitter’ uplines despise))! ☺
My OWN (Strong) Recommendation
The “best” way to build your Home Biz is NOT to go with a “plug-and-play” SYSTEM - if
possible. As tempting as these Marketing Systems may be (and most are) - you’ll be far
better off “creating your OWN Marketing System” by using the ‘right’ training and the
‘right’ tools (see below) – again, IF possible. With ‘some’ of the “already built” Systems,
everybody is using the same exact “cookie-cutter” Lead Capture Pages, Autoresponder
messages and Videos (despite the fact that some allow ‘full customization’). Those using
these Systems are “losing their own identities” (there’s no more UAF - Unique Attraction
Creating Your OWN Marketing System - The ‘learning curve’ to create your OWN
Marketing System will not be difficult - and doing so will ‘duplicate’ easily for others. Yes,
you’ll need outstanding TRAINING and some excellent TOOLS to create it - as follows:
Training / Education
McKay Earl’s
((2)) Cont’d
Training / Education
Ann Sieg’s & Mike Klingler’s
(a Little More Advanced)
Lead Management System
AWeber – GetResponse – iContact – ConstantContact – Oprius => all excellent.
The BEST - These 2 Educational Facilities will inform you - guide you - empower you,
to assemble your OWN Marketing System - in an effective and successful way. And as
a result, YOU will be in full command of it - you’ll build your Home Biz more securely with
it - you’ll develop cash flow faster with it - you will be enthusiastic to share it with others.
OR – you can OUTSOURCE the task, to cut down on time constraints and technical
hardships (McKay Earl, Founder of The 90-Day Marketer, does this (I’ve used it).
Sequence - You cannot go wrong with how you start here, but I recommend that you
begin first with McKay Earl’s The 30-Day Marketer (and then The 90-Day Marketer as
soon as you can) - along with a good Lead Management System. You’ll receive the
step-by-step training you really need to create your OWN Marketing System ‘properly’.
Next, go with both R-University and R-Professional from Sieg & Klingler, as soon as
you’re able to - as these exceptional training programs will complement (and expand)
your marketing knowledge in a meaningful way. .
More (Sieg & Dillard) - These are classics - Ann Sieg’s two eBooks - The 7 Great Lies
Of Network Marketing and The Renegade Network Marketer plus her highly acclaimed
Report on Attraction Marketing - The Marketers Manifesto - should be in your library. In
addition, all of Mike Dillard’s resources are recommended - Magnetic Sponsoring + his
many other resources and tools (Building On A Budget + MLM Traffic Formula-02 ++).
You can Google these, or I can send you links for them.
YOU Have the CONTROL - The end result is, you will build a 21st Century Business
ASSET - you’ll reduce your costs – you’ll protect your future – you’ll become a solid and
authenic Independent, and Diversified, Business OWNER. If you follow this correctly, it
will bring you real SUCCESS + it will create real WEALTH for you from home over time.
‘Pre-Made’ BIZ Marketing System - IF instead, you choose to go this route, the “best”
three (3) are – Mike Dillard’s Magnetic Sponsoring – Ann Sieg’s The Renegade System
and Joe Schroeder’s M-3 (Million Mind March) ((I use all three – but M-3 is my primary)).
Peter Arnold, CLU, CFC // --