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Renaissance Guided Notes
Beemon- WH
Name: __________________________
Date: _________
World History Standard 9 The student will analyze change and continuity in the Renaissance and Reformation.
EQ: What was the Renaissance and how did it affect Europe?
When was the Renaissance?
What caused the Renaissance?
Define the Renaissance:
Define Humanism:
Humanist Writers:
Thomas More
William Shakespeare
Artistic Advancements of the Renaissance
Leonardo da Vinci
Renaissance Review!
Name 3 Humanist writers.
Who were the Medici?
What is a patron of the arts? Give a modern day ex.
What is a Renaissance Man?
Where did the Renaissance begin?
What does Renaissance mean in French?
Name 2 famous works of art by da Vinci.
What is Humanism?
Name 3 trades Michelangelo was famous for.
What does secular mean?
It’s in the standards! – Answer each standard in at least 3 COMPLETE sentences. _ HW – Due 3/6
a. Explain the social, economic, and political changes that contributed to the rise of Florence and the ideas of
b. Identify artistic and scientific achievements of Leonardo da Vinci, the “Renaissance man,” and Michelangelo.
c. Explain the main characteristics of humanism; include the ideas of Petrarch, Dante, and Erasmus.
Reformation Guided Notes
Beemon- W. History
Name: __________________________
Date: _________
World History Standard 9 The student will analyze change and continuity in the Renaissance and Reformation.
EQ: How did Martin Luther change Christianity in Europe?
Around 1500 “The Church” ruled ___________ aspects of life in Western Europe.
“The Church” = The ___________________ Church
Ppl. Started to question the goals of the church in the early 1500. Some believed they were too powerful, while others saw it corrupt.
More interested in _______ or
members salvation?
Religious revolution will split the Church in Western Europe – this will be called the ____________________________.
What caused the Reformation?
In 1514, _____________________________ wanted to rebuild St Peters Church in Rome.
Johann Tetzel was put in charge of raising the funds from Germany
Fund-raising? buy ___________________________.
An indulgence was a __________________________________________________.
It supposedly guaranteed sinners that they could reduce the time their souls spent in punishment in purgatory.
This misuse appalled the northern humanists.
Martin Luther
Born 1483
Started in law school ended as a monk in _______________________.
Through studying his Bible, he believed:
that all of the ________________________________ and deeds made no difference in whether or not a person was saved.
the sole authority should be the ___________________, not the Pope.
the only thing that mattered was an _________________ faith in God.
This belief became the heart of the new beliefs he developed, and these beliefs became known as _________________________.
Luther starts a Reformation
In 1517 Luther denounced Tetzel, and soon the news spread all over Europe.
posted on a local church door, ____________________________, or statements about indulgences.
He did not expect to start a revolution - thought Church leaders would read his statements and debate them, but instead they accused him of
challenging Church practices and denounced him.
New Technology…
Luther took advantage of the new technology of his day and used a ____________________________ to spread his ideas.
He wrote three books in 1520 that outlined his beliefs.
Johannes ___________________________ is the inventor of the printing press.
Back to Luther…What happened?
Church declared him a _____________________ – an non-believer – and he was _______________________.
In 1521 the Holy Roman Emperor – Edict of _________________.
asked Luther to withdraw his ideas and when Luther refused the Emperor prohibited the sale or printing of his books. But since
Germany did not have a strong central government Luther was protected by local princes and not harmed.
 The prince who supported Luther protested the emperor’s treatment of Luther.
Because of this protest, the followers of Luther became known as _____________________________.
Therefore, this reformation is known as the PROTESTANT REFORMATION – __________________________________________________________.
 Luther continued to spread his beliefs. He translated the bible into _______________________ so that all Germans could read the bible on their own.
Other Protestant Reformers:
About them...
Changes brought to Christianity
John Calvin
John Knox
John Wycliffe
King Henry VIII
King Edward VI
Queen Mary I
Elizabeth I
Millions left the Catholic Church during the Protestant Reformation.
Many stayed loyal to the Catholic Church and worked to bring about some change within.
Ignatius of Loyola
Was from _________________________.
was injured during battle and while recovering he began to meditate on the Catholic Religion.
He wrote a book called _____________________________ where he laid out a plan for a day-to-day meditation and study plan.
Over the next 18 years he gained many followers.
Jesuits – The first ____________________________
In 1540, the pope created a religious order of followers called the Society of ______________________. Members were called Jesuits. Had 3 main goals:
1. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________
2. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________
3. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Popes of Reform
Pope _________________ – took 4 main steps to reforming the Catholic Church and reforming its image.
1. Directed a council of Cardinals to investigate the selling of ________________________.
2. Started the ______________ order
3. Used ______________________ to stomp out heresy (false teaching) in Papal states
4. Council of ________________ in Italy
Council of Trent
Lasted from __________________ - ___________________. Northern Italy Bishops and Cardinals agreed on doctrine concerning the Catholic Church.
1. Churches interpretation of the Bible was _______________. Any substitution or change was ____________________.
2. Christians needed _____________ & __________________ works for salvation. Luther – faith alone
3. The Bible and church tradition were ___________________ powerful guiding authorities for Christians
4. Indulgences were valid expressions of faith but false selling of them was ________________________
So what changed? _______________________________________________________________________________.
Reformation Review
During the Middle Ages, what was the only “church” of Western Europe?
Who is responsible for starting the Protestant Reformation?
What is an indulgence?
How did the printing press revolutionize communication?
Who is responsible for starting the English Reformation?
Who was John Wycliffe?
Explain the key changes brought about by the Counter Reformation.
Answer each standard in 2-3 sentences.
SSWH9 The student will analyze change and continuity in the Renaissance and Reformation.
d. Analyze the impact of the Protestant Reformation; include the ideas of Martin Luther and John Calvin.
e. Describe the Counter Reformation at the Council of Trent and the role of the Jesuits.
f. Describe the English Reformation and the role of Henry VIII and Elizabeth I.
g. Explain the importance of Gutenberg and the invention of the printing press.
Age of Exploration Guided Notes
Beemon- W. History
Name: __________________________
Date: _________
World History Standard 10 The student will analyze the age of discovery and expansion into the Americas, Africa, and Asia.
EQ: What was the Age of Discovery?
Age of Discovery - Causes
In the 1100’s the Euro. crusaders fought the Muslims for the Holy Land.
In 1275 Marco Polo reached the palace of Kublai _______ in China. – Silk Roads
The Ren. encouraged a new spirit of ________________ and curiosity.
G_________ G_________ G_________
$Mercantilism$- act of a country or nation becoming _____________________.
Political and economic changes led to overseas expansion and new economic theory called Mercantilism
Theory1- ____________________________________________
2- larger share= __________________________________
One of the main goals - get to Asia in order to acquire _________________________________________.
produced mainly in __________, China and the islands of E. & S.E. Asia.
Europeans needed advanced technology to get there
3- _____________________________________________
Map Making – had improved during the Ren. Coasts - Africa and Asia.
soon preparing even more accurate charts of coastlines.
Technology Advancements
Why go?
The promise of a new life, the hope to own land, & quick _________________.
The discovery of gold, jewels, could make a quick _____________.
Some went overseas because of _______________ or political problems at home. Some wanted to spread their own religion.
Prince Henry
Bartholomew Dias
Vasco da Gama
Christopher Columbus
Amerigo Vespucci
Vasco Nunez de Balboa
Ferdinand Magellan
Hernando Cortes
Francisco Pizarro
Samuel de Champlain
Robert de la Salle
James Cook
Zheng He
The Atlantic Slave Trade
Muslims were the 1st to trade for slaves (600s)
European slave trade in 1500s was LARGER
Why Africans?
The French - Haiti
France established the colony of Saint-___________ in ___________.
Nicknamed the "___________________________," Saint-Domingue became the richest colony in the Caribbean.
Exploration Review
What spurred the Age of Exploration?
What new technology allowed for the exploration to take place?
Why were countries trying to get to Asia?
What impact did Columbus have on the world?
What area did the following countries explore and claim?
What is mercantilism?
Answer each question with 2-3 sentences
SSWH10 The student will analyze the impact of the age of discovery and expansion into the Americas, Africa, and Asia.
a. Explain the roles of explorers and conquistadors; include Zheng He, Vasco da Gama, Christopher Columbus, Ferdinand Magellan, James Cook, and
Samuel de Champlain.
b. Define the Columbian Exchange and its global economic and cultural impact.
c. Explain the role of improved technology in European exploration; include the astrolabe.