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Secret Handbook of the
Direct Marketing Revolution
Strategies to Guaranteed Success for Real Estate Entrepreneurs
Gary Boomershine and Dan Doran
“I am totally convinced that marketing, or lack
thereof, is the #1 reason entrepreneurs fail. I
created this report to disclose the proven secrets
that are ridiculously easy to implement –
especially when they’re done-for-you.”
- Gary Boomershine
Finally Revealed: A “Step-by-Step” System That Removes All the Guesswork,
Waste, & Frustration from “Generating Marketing That Drives Endless
Sellers, Buyers and Private Money Lenders” To Your Virtual Office Without
In fact, I’ll actually mail you a package valued at $4,700.00 to learn all my secrets and
hand you the most incredible FREE BONUS PACKAGE that has ever been given away.
Copyright © 2007-2008 by Gary Boomershine and Dan Doran. All rights reserved.
Dear Friend,
Let me start off by making you a BIG promise: Mastering “targeted direct marketing” gives
you the key to open virtually any vault you like … remove as much from it as you like … and
create the life you’ve always dreamt about.
Let me prove it to you!
For those of you who don’t know me, I’m Gary Boomershine. I spent my first career working
18-hour days for Accenture (formerly Andersen Consulting), one of the world’s largest
management and technology consulting firms. Despite the countless hours I spent on the
road and away from my family, I could never get anywhere. I could count on my bank balance
to stay stable – it was constantly at $0.00.
I tried the start-up game. I was an integral part of four successful startup software companies
– but the harder I worked, and the further up the corporate ladder I climbed, the deeper in
the financial hole I landed. I was able to provide a good home and comfortable lifestyle for my
family – but I was moving further and further away from having the free time and financial
freedom that I craved.
Then, in 2002, I attended a real estate seminar that changed my life. It was one of those
big “pitch-a-thon” seminars, and I had the good fortune to gain exposure to two real estate
investment money making concepts: Wholesaling and Short Sales.
On my very first deal, I earned more than $181,000 in net profit – on a $279,000-valued
property! Making this huge profit made me want more. I invested in all the books, homestudy courses, and boot camps that I could get my hands on. During my years learning and
executing creative real estate, I was told a valuable secret that has always stuck with me –
“rich people have large libraries, while poor people have large TVs.”
But one major piece was missing.
There was literally no one guru out there who had the real secrets of marketing and lead
generation without any work – the most critical element of any successful business.
I saw my niche: Creating a way to consistently, continuously drive an abundant
number of buyers and sellers … without doing any work. Ever.
I’m no marketing genius, and cracking the code on marketing didn’t happen overnight. I just
know this: When a small .49-cent postcard, including name and address, results in a seller
phone call that in turn nets $243,000, you quickly become a student of effective marketing.
Secret Handbook of the Direct Marketing Revolution
It’s that very first deal … the one that proves that this real estate investing thing is all real.
That’s what locks in the knowledge that you need effective marketing. Any successful real
estate investor will tell you that targeted direct mail is a major weapon in his or her secret
After generating more than $1,000,000 in real estate buying and selling in 12 short months,
I got hooked. I was so hooked in fact, that I studied ALL of the great copywriters and real
estate gurus. I became obsessed with cultivating the right lists of buyers and sellers, with
the right words and copy, using the right, cost-effective media (be it postcards or letters), to
generate a ridiculous number of quality phone calls. This is the work that creates the magic of
buying and selling property.
Learn from my experience
I’ve spent hundreds of thousands (and in reality, millions of dollars– not an admission of
which I’m proud), to perfect my own marketing techniques … and the total automation of
every single part of it for more than 550 real estate entrepreneurs … and that figure will
climb to more than 2,000 by the end of 2008.
My background in technology and automation has allowed me to take marketing to an
entirely new level. I learned how to do it ALL – for EVERYONE. I’ll explain this concept later
in an “expose everything” report, but here are three lessons I’d like to pass on to you right
LESSON #1: Outsource everything
Direct marketing, and for that matter, direct mail, is an absolute must to make money in
this business. It’s not the only way to make money, but it’s mandatory to make an obscene
amount of money. Don’t ever do it yourself: outsource it.
Outsourcing is far less expensive in every way – trying to save money by doing it all
yourself, and possibly not doing it at all, could put you out of business. This is the single
biggest contributor to failure for entrepreneurs of every stripe. It cannot be stated
strongly enough: Marketing is everything. Good marketing will bring you the constant
flow of sellers willing to sell you their property, and a constant flow of buyers who want
to buy your properties. Get this right, and every other part of your business will come
together. Get this wrong, and you’re going to be miserable … and broke. We have found
that even the most experienced real estate entrepreneurs fail to market effectively as you’ll
discover in the following pages. If you want to drink milk, don’t raise a cow. Instead, go
to the store and buy it for a few dollars.
LESSON #2: Use a proven system
The techniques are all out there. They’re proven. Tap into the ones that work –then copy
and execute them meticulously. Real estate investing is not about innovation. This isn’t
Apple Computer, creating iTunes or the iPhone. This isn’t Google, where innovation is the
key to huge money. This is about finding proven formulas and making them work for you.
Remember or write this down: N.I.N.E. (No Invention Necessary - Ever). If you need
emergency surgery on your appendix, are you going to do emergency surgery on your
own with a knife and a spunge or are you going to go to the doctor who is an expert with a
proven formula to solve the problem? Direct Marketing is the same. Rely on experts who
have already paved the way to results.
LESSON #3:Take action!
Don’t give up before you start. Real estate entrepreneurs don’t fail because of the
business. They fail because they don’t believe in themselves and fail to execute. Fear is the
number-one contributor to lack of action. Look at all the factors that contribute to success
in life, and you’ll be able to narrow it down to one common thing: ACTION. No other
business has made so many people rich beyond comprehension – buying and selling real
estate is where it’s at. However, success takes action – action that, in part, can all be all
done for you. Most businesses take five years to break a profit. No other business can be
started with limited capital as creative real estate.
Advice worth repeating
Go back and re-read those three lessons. They contain some of the richest wisdom I’ve
acquired as I’ve continued to refine my marketing over the years. In 2006, I personally
mailed more than 56,000 marketing pieces through the U.S. Postal Service. This year, I’ll
send out more than 8,000,000 postcards, handwritten letters, and other types of media for
creative real estate entrepreneurs across the United States.
We have tracked the response rate of every single piece of mail that was sent, which has
shown us exactly what works and where in nearly every county and zip code in the
country. In less than a month, we can figure out what normally takes an investor a decade to
learn. Why? Because we know what works best in what markets … and we do it for you.
You’re reading this report because you’re looking for answers and secrets … and you’ve come
to the right place. If you were to meet me in person, you wouldn’t find me a boisterous guy.
That said, I doubt there is a single greater real estate marketer in the U.S, than I’ve become. I
want this to be the single most important and useful report, document, or list of secrets that
you will ever read. Follow the advice in this report and you will generate the kind of money
you’ve sought your whole life.
Secret Handbook of the Direct Marketing Revolution
Models for your success
I know this is true from the countless emails and testimonials we get from across the United
States. Many are from people who are just like you. They’re looking for that one trick or secret
that will jumpstart and propel their businesses. Just ask Jan O., a full time flight attendant in
Georgia who, in less than 30 days, had six properties under contract using my system with no
effort. Most entrepreneurs spend thousands of dollars at real estate seminars and bootcamps
seeking that one magic bullet.
What I’m sharing with you is the silver bullet, and the effort required to make it happen is
ridiculously simple. It simply takes a little action and a 30-minute phone conversation.
Meet Mary (who requested to keep her name anonymous because she works a government
job), a part time real estate entrepreneur working in California, one of the country’s toughest
markets. “I struggled for many years generating a deal or two (by) working way too hard”,
Mary says. “I finally outsourced my marketing to the experts -- and within a month my phone
was ringing off the hook. I did two deals in less than 90 days -- netting me over $40,000
Keith Pabley in Chicago, outsourced his marketing, just like Mary, and after one month and
only 4,000 inexpensive direct mail pieces generated 4 solid deals and net over $200,000 in
profit, including an 8 unit apartment complex.
Brian Dickerson, a very experience investor in Minnesota, believed in direct marketing and
has been doing so on his own for years. Brian states, “when you get busy it’s easy to forget
to do the most important part of the business, Marketing.” When I finally outsourced my
marketing, my phone began to ring and I couldn’t figure out where these killer leads were
coming from. For $350 in mailings I ended up with a pretty house that I net $40,000 on.”
“I have achieved total and complete financial liberty – but if there is ONE THING to which I
attribute my success, it’s the ability to send the right message to the right audience using the
most cost-effective media at the right time. I didn’t achieve this until I had it all totally DONEFOR-ME.”
I now want to give you the opportunity to learn all my techniques and secrets
– at a fraction of the cost of doing it on your own and risking the failures I
experienced early on in my real estate career.
At this point, you understand the necessity of killer marketing – and the importance of
outsourcing it rather than tackling it on your own – and not only risking failure, but the total
collapse of your business.
I’d like to share with you right now some of my most crucial secrets for mastering direct
targeted marketing and earning more money in real estate than you’ve ever dared to dream
is possible:
Secret #1: Work on your business, not in your business.
Don’t get caught in the entrepreneur’s jail cell: a new J.O.B. Becoming a professional real
estate entrepreneur means making the run for independence – in terms of money and time
– a top priority. Most importantly, it makes possible the goals of getting out of a job and
achieving financial freedom.
In fact, most would-be real estate investors fail to realize full independence. Instead, they
simply replace one job with another, and in most cases, several.
The goal is what mega-successful entrepreneur and author Tim Ferriss calls “The 4-Hour
Workweek.” Here’s what Tim has to say about attaining this dream:
“A for Automation puts cash flow on autopilot using geographic arbitrage, outsourcing,
and rules of nondecision.”
You heard it from the guru himself: Automation and outsourcing put your cash flow
on autopilot! Success as a real estate entrepreneur is all about marketing and outsourcing
to others to get the job done. This is far simpler than you might imagine.
Consider the words of top small business mogul Michael E. Gerber, who writes in his
groundbreaking book “The E-Myth Revisited”: “Every small business owner who survives
seeks help. What kind of help do you, the overloaded Technician, go out to get? The answer is
as easy as it is inevitable: technical help. Someone with experience. Someone with experience
in your kind of business. Someone who knows how to do the technical work that isn’t
getting done.” Gerber adds: “The systems should run the business, and you [the real estate
entrepreneur] should run the systems.”
Successful investors know that direct mail is crucial. They’re also too busy to handle their
marketing themselves, or lack the expertise to do effectively and produce desired results.
That’s when you outsource – and put your cash flow on autopilot.
Secret #2: Don’t reinvent the wheel
We’ve put hundreds of thousands of dollars into researching and refining our proven marketing
techniques. We know what works, and where it works, throughout the country. Marketing
isn’t about coming up with new systems time and time again. The key is to find what works best
– and then repeat it over and over again. Finding someone else’s proven formula for success
and executing it at least as well will provide you with the results you crave.
Secret Handbook of the Direct Marketing Revolution
Secret #3: Be a guerilla marketer
Let’s look at the four key result areas that lead to profits for real estate entrepreneurs:
• Marketing
• Buying
• Selling
• Funding
These key result areas produce revenue and require your immediate attention. Without
success in these areas, a real estate entrepreneur is guaranteed to fail. Any expert will tell you
that long-term success means all four key result areas are working effectively and are being
properly executed.
To complete the exercise, draw a wheel, and divide it up as though it were four slices of pizza.
Rate yourself on a scale of 1-10, with 1 being poor and 10 being excellent. The center of the
circle shall represent 0 and the outer circle shall represent a 10.
Test your readiness for battle
This is a critical step in your guerilla marketing campaign. You can assess your goals and
plans by asking yourself the following questions in these four key result areas and rating your
own effectiveness on a scale from 1-to-10, with one being the lowest possible score, and 10
being the best-case-scenario response.
Make sure you have some quiet time to answer the questions in the following self-test, and
pledge yourself to answer honestly. After you have rated your performance in each of the key
result areas, take a moment and imagine how your business and your life would be different
if you could rate yourself a “10” across the board.
• How effective are you at creating a regular flow of seller and buyer leads?
• Are you getting plenty of sellers and buyers calling each month?
• Are you happy with the quality of your leads?
• Do you want easier to do deals or deals that offer you bigger profit spreads?
• Do you take the calls yourself or have a solid pre-screening process in place?
• Do you know how many calls you need to produce how many deals you desire?
• Are you executing your plan and producing the kind of results you desire?
• How good are you at converting leads into appointments?
• How good are you at converting appointments into deals?
• How good are you at converting deals into cash?
• Would you like to make bigger profits per deal?
• Are you feeling forced to buy second-rate properties because you simply don’t have
enough good ones to choose from?
• How good is your buyers’ list? Do you a virtually endless supply of motivated buyers?
• How effective are you at selling or quickly getting houses occupied?
• Can you consistently get your houses sold or occupied within 60 days or less?
• How good are you at flipping or wholesaling ugly houses for quick cash?
• How good are you at quick-turning pretty houses for cash?
• How good are you at getting a break even or positive cash flow on houses you hold?
• Do you have all the cash you need to fund your deals?
• Are you using too much of your own cash vs. securing it from other parties, such as
private lenders?
• Do you have plenty of cash reserves ready to put to use?
Now that you have rated yourself, be honest: How do you rate on the scale of success in
these four key response areas? Most real estate entrepreneurs weigh in with an average score
ranging from 1-to-3 at best.
Tools for self analysis
You can tell how well your business is doing by looking at the wheel you’ve drawn depicting
the four key response areas. Is your wheel round? Is it full? Will it roll? The difference in
profits between a partial wheel and a full wheel is about $1 million a year.
What you’re learning today will make the difference between being super successful in this
business and attaining no success at all.
Secret Handbook of the Direct Marketing Revolution
Tally the cost of your commitment to success
It’s really this simple to make the calculation: What would an extra $1,000.000 do for
you in the next 12 months? Can you picture yourself making that kind of money? Do you
know what you would do with it? It may seem like a crazy way of thinking, but knowing what
you’ll do with your money IS the first step toward financial freedom. But marketing is the tool
that’ll get you there faster.
Conquer your fears
Let’s focus on marketing. First off, how important is it? To answer that question, I’ll ask you
this: How important are wheels on a car? You get what I’m saying: Marketing is a must. If
there is one and only one area to conquer first, marketing and lead generation is it.
Make no mistake: Marketing is crucial to an investor’s success. Without marketing,
an entrepreneur will have no business. And without any business, that would-be
entrepreneur might as well go back to his or her 9-to-5 cubicle job … wondering what they
could or should have done differently. If that’s not a call for guerilla marketing, I
don’t know what is.
Effective Real Estate Marketing and the 6Ms
Every business owner must understand this fundamental point: Effective marketing
campaigns drive the qualified leads that put cash in your pocket.
Money spent on marketing provides a return on investment (ROI). As an example, one dollar
spent on a marketing campaign returns thirty dollars in profit. That’s calculated as a 30-to-1
ROI. Investing your marketing dollars wisely always will maximize your bottom line.
If you’re going to generate huge numbers of motivated seller, buyer, and private-lender leads,
you need to know about the keys to effective direct marketing – or for short, the 6Ms
of a well-executed marketing campaign.
1. Market
Fully 50 percent of an investor’s success depends on having a good list of names and
addresses. This is called “targeted marketing.” If you’re targeting everyone this is
called “geographic marketing.” The challenge is in knowing what list you need and
what providers to depend upon, and negotiating a price that is affordable.
Also, be forewarned, not all list providers are equal. Most of the lists that are available
to real estate entrepreneurs are worthless. The data are either old or inaccurate and
it’s not uncommon to pay three to 10 times what you should pay for a list. Only work
with bona fide big name list providers. If you think this is easy, think again. Most real
estate entrepreneurs can’t get the money generating lists. Only big companies with
big budgets and annual commitments can get access to these lists. The ones that are
readily available will cost you thousands of needless dollars and months of wasted
time. However, don’t worry, I’ll help you solve this issue as you read on. There are
two fundamental categories to target: equity and motivation, Read on for
the best markets to target.
2. Message
You need the right words to convey the right ideas – and this is one of the hardest
things to get right. Professional copywriting is crucial. The right mix of words results
in the right mix of qualified leads.
As an individual investor, you can find yourself spending anywhere from $5,000 to
$50,000 to get the right message that works – only to find that changing market
conditions have invalidated your efforts. What’s more, laying out the copy with the
right personalization, message, look and feel is essential. Do-it-yourselfers can waste
weeks or even months trying to get this done right, and easily fail.
No entrepreneur can afford to waste this precious time when he or she could be out
making tens of thousands of dollars in killer deals immediately. A few simple tweaks to
the message based on proven success formulas will result in a 5-to-30 fold increase
in your response rate.
It takes years to perfect and test the right message to the right market. Rather than
wasting a fortune of time and money, use what works. Richard Roop and Dan Doran,
for example, are well known for their proven messages and copy that generates
motivated and qualified seller and buyer phone calls. The messages are based on
proven formulas that agitate interest and desire and motivate the reader to take
action. Master copywriting is like playing the piano. It takes years of training and
experience to master.
3. Media
These range from postcards to letters, from a FedEx package to lumpy mail. For a
list with more than 1,000 names, a smaller and less expensive 4x6 postcard is most
effective; for a smaller list, handwritten letters are best. Also, it is worth your time to
note that yellow paper typically produce a 20%-to-25% jump in response rates.
Here’s the general rule of thumb: A postcard with a 1% response rate will cost
$0.49 each (including the name and address), versus a letter at $1.29
each, meaning a letter requires at least a 3% response rate to reach the
effectiveness of the postcard.
Secret Handbook of the Direct Marketing Revolution
4. Multiple contacts
Several instances of contact – as opposed to a single contact – make a huge difference
in your response rate. It has been proven that you’ll get the best response rate
after the fourth contact, whether you’re using direct mail, telemarketing, or other
media – meaning that getting the right list is well worth the cost if the contacts
are approached multiple times.
If you’re only mailing once, you’re better off not wasting your money. Conducting
a drip campaign, which entails sending out a specific series of marketing pieces to
the same name and address at a specific frequency, is time-consuming and costly to
smaller investors who cannot afford to waste money sending out one piece of mail at
a time. No real estate entrepreneur should have to tackle this on his or her
own, even if it possible to do.
5. Months
It has been proven that each list is good for a certain period of time ranging from
several weeks to several years. Know your time element for executing your marketing
campaign. Once you have your contacts, it is important to act quickly.
6. Money
Every business owner must be able to track response rates and measure results. It’s
crucial to know how much money it takes to generate a profitable deal.
Here’s how that happens: First, investors need to track the number of pieces at
whatever cost it takes to generate a phone call. Secondly, they need to know how many
phone calls it takes to get a motivated lead who generates a profitable deal.
On average, it takes about 60 phone calls to get 30 sellers to leave a
message with their information. It takes about 30 of these messages to
present between eight and 10 offers resulting in a profitable deal.
When dealing with more motivated contacts from lists or markets such as: preforeclosure, bankruptcy, 60-90 day mortgage late payments, probates, or divorce,
these numbers typically can be cut in half.
Even more significant is the importance of tracking of the number of
pieces sent over a precise time period in order to determine how to
continue producing results. The only way to do this is to track through a unique
local or toll-free phone number on each mailing series – and it only makes sense
to outsource this highly specialized task.
Most investors who handle their own marketing spend more than $1,500 per month
on labor alone. There are more cost-effective ways to get the job done! Many
investors sink precious funds into further education, training, and bootcamps, but
fail to allocate money to the most fundamental aspect of their business: effective
It’s heartbreaking to learn that many aspiring real estate entrepreneurs give up or fail
because they can’t comprehend that spending $1,000 –to- $1,500 to make $30,000 is
an absolute no-brainer. If you don’t fully grasp the concept of ROI, hold $1 in one hand
and $30 in the other. Imagine that for every $1 you get $30 in return. Knowing this,
you would probably run to the bank for a whole lot of dollar bills. If you’re not happy
getting $30 for each $1 investment, then go back and read this diction again. Read on
to learn more of my secrets.
You now know the secret ingredients. A successful marketing campaign is defined as the 6
Ms properly executed. Each time you think about marketing, it’s vital to think about it as a
marketing campaign. Your business will explode if you do this.
Clearly, this is a formulaic approach to any marketing plan. Professionals use formulas
over and over again to produce predictable results, just as a chef uses a proven recipe. This
document is your proven step-by-step recipe for riches in the real estate investment business.
If done right, you’ll have a million dollar business! Let’s look at the best opportunities
available to real estate entrepreneurs seeking to properly execute effective marketing
Changing markets create fresh opportunities for savvy investors
There are two types of lists (or markets) to focus on in today’s changing markets: those with
equity and those with motivation. Most real estate entrepreneurs should target at least two
in each category.
During the real estate boom, most of the gurus recommended focusing on highly motivated
lists and markets. From 2002 through the end of 2006, I personally focused 90% of my realestate purchases on pre-foreclosures with properties at or near fully leveraged status, and I
made a killing.
If this is news to you, let me share all the secrets as a free bonus. Order my eBook and
as a bonus, I’ll send you a two-hour recorded call sharing my best secrets for working
overleveraged deals and negotiating huge discounts with banks used by over 500 of my
students around the country during the past 2 years.
Secret Handbook of the Direct Marketing Revolution
In changing market conditions, like the ones we are experiencing today, the real estate
pros making serious money spend no more than 25% of their time working overleveraged
properties – and with good reason.
Start with the equity markets and lists
Equity lists are the best lists to start with in changing markets, especially if you’re just
getting started in creative real estate. Equity lists and markets simply mean we’re focusing
on properties that have loads of equity. In fact, more than 34% of all properties in the United
States are owned free and clear – that is, there is no mortgage on them. Here are a few of our
favorite equity lists:
Out of area owners
Also known as Absentee Owners or Investor Owners, this list contains landlords by
choice or by force and consistently produces some of the best results in every major
area across the country, especially in changing market conditions. Combine this
list with only those properties that have significant equity and you have a proven
winner. In addition, there are typically many thousands of properties to target in each
geographical region across the country.
Free and clear
We call this the Free and Clear list – however, in reality we’re looking for baby
boomers nearing retirement with little or no mortgage on their property. This list
tends to produce better quality leads and higher profit deals in every major market
across the country. Combine the owner’s age, length of ownership and equity and you
have another killer targeted list of properties that range in the many thousands per
geographic area in the country.
Wholesale properties
This is a newer market/list identified by a major real estate coach and instructor in
Arizona. We search for older properties that haven’t been refinanced in many years.
Combine this list with equity and you have another great list of properties to target
in every major geographic across the country. This targeted market produces some
serious gems, including those great for wholesaling to other investor buyers or ones to
fix up and flip or sale with a tenant buyer.
ARMs with equity:
With the recent credit crunch, targeting Adjustable Rate Mortgages (ARMs) that have
been in place for several years with equity tends to find property owners sitting on
payments that are significantly higher AND in many cases unaffordable to the owner.
Many of these owners do not have the financial ability or credit to refinance and need
to sell quickly.
Work the lists and cash in on equity and motivated markets
Below are just a few of the great markets on which to focus with equity – currently they’re
producing some of the best results for real estate entrepreneurs. In addition, with all the
media focus on pre-foreclosures (properties in default and subject to foreclosure), you’ll find
fewer competitors when you take this fresh approach. As a real estate entrepreneur seeking
huge financial rewards, it’s best to be a big fish in a small pond vs. working a ridiculously
competitive market with limited upside and a ton of work.
Whether you’re a full-time or a part-time real estate entrepreneur, it’s worth your while to
work at least two or more equity markets and lists
More on motivated markets
The second market category is the Motivated Markets. These are homeowners who are
motivated to sell given their situation. It typically takes less than half the number of calls to
generate such a deal, however be cautious on spending too much time chasing overleveraged
properties, especially in today’s market. Here are a few of our favorite markets:
60-90 Day Late Mortgages
Also known as pre-pre-foreclosures, this list contains homeowners who are two to
three months late on their mortgage payment. Add equity to this list (e.g. only those
properties which have equity) and you have a targeted list that is awesome. This is
an especially difficult list to get given that it is typically hard to get as it comes from
the credit bureaus, requires a pre-approved message with disclosures, and typically
requires a minimum order size of 2,500 – 5,000 names and addresses at a time, a
deterrent for most investors on a budget. Imagine, never having to worry about where
to get this best list, or a minimum order size or the work to get your marketing piece
approved. It’s all done for you and the list is included at no additional cost.
One of the best motivated lists to work, homeowners in bankruptcy is an absolutely
untapped market. The goldmine list is those homeowners who have filed chapter 13.
These homeowners are usually trying to protect equity and the banks are more open to
accepting a short sale or selling the note. Approximately 75% of all homeowners who
file bankruptcy fall out within the first year. Given the limited training on how to work
these types of deals and the difficulty in getting the list, this market is one of the best
motivated lists out there. Imagine spending as little as $100 - $300 in marketing to
produce a deal in excess of $30,000 without having to worry about getting right list or
doing any of the work.
Expired Listings
In changing markets, especially those that are no longer hot like California and
Florida, expired listings create an incredibly hot market for finding motivated sellers
Secret Handbook of the Direct Marketing Revolution
desperate to sell. When homeowners have attempted to sell their properties through
a realtor for three, six or as long as 12 months with no success, this list can produce
incredible deals. Given that you need access to the local Multiple Listing Service
(MLS), this list can be especially fruitful.
The average American has less than $3,000 in their bank account when they die. In
addition, only one out of three Americans have a Will when they die, and the average
probate court case takes three years to conclude. Many of these properties end up in
foreclosure with the average heir ending up with not a single penny. This is one of the
hottest motivated lists out there. To make this market even more enticing, there is no
one data provider in the country with a quality list. With a little training and an hour a
month spent gathering these names and addresses at the local courthouse, a real estate
entrepreneur can make a fortune on probate deals.
Over 50% of marriages end in divorce. When at least half of the income disappears
from the household, it’s pretty clear that you have a motivated homeowner. Given the
difficulty in obtaining this list in most geographic areas across the U.S., this list is a
goldmine for generating killer profits. With a little training and a few hours a month
spent collecting these names and addresses, a real estate entrepreneur can generate a
lot of money working divorce deals.
FSBO (For Sale by Owner)
Are favorite approach for working “For Sale by Owner” deals is via subscribing to
internet marketing websites (also known as ‘bandit sites’). However, several list
providers assemble these names and addresses for a small monthly fee. This list is
always good for an extra deal every month or so.
With the current credit crunch and the number of sub-prime loans created during
the past three years, foreclosures are everywhere. One out of every five homes in the
United States has been or will be in foreclosure during the next 12 months. You can’t
pick up a newspaper without reading about it. With the right training and insight
on how to quickly cherry pick the best deals, a real estate entrepreneur can make a
Be cautious however, about spending too much time chasing overleveraged properties,
especially in today’s market. There’s a lot more hype than quick cash. This is typically
not a market I recommend for the new real estate entrepreneur.
Cashing out of pre-foreclosures in this current market can take as long as six to 12
months and may require some serious cash. Order my eBook and as a bonus I’ll send
you a two-hour recorded call sharing my best secrets for working overleveraged deals
and negotiating huge discounts with banks used by over 500 of my students around
the country during the past 2 years.
In changing and down turning markets, it’s equally as important to focus on attracting
buyers for your properties as it is for attracting sellers. We recommend focusing on at
least one marketing campaign for buyers, especially for generating cash in less than 60
days. Here are the three best buyer markets:
Investor Buyers
If you’re strategy is wholesaling properties (e.g. picking up a property below market
and then assigning the contract to another investor or rehabber), the investor buyer
list is a must. Investors typically do not live in the properties they purchase. Investor
buyers typically buy in areas they know and often put down a large down payment.
Retail Buyers
Also known as Good Credit Renters, this list is a good one for real estate entrepreneurs
looking for buyers with good credit and income but may lack the down payment
necessary to buy through a realtor. This is a great list for occupying your pretty houses
that need to be sold at or a little below market value and cashed out with a bank loan.
Tenant Buyers
Also known as Lease Option Buyers, this list is good for finding less than good credit
score buyers with sufficient down payment to quickly occupy a house. There are two
sources for finding good tenant buyers: the credit bureaus and the bankruptcy courts.
The credit bureau maintains and updates hundreds of millions of individual credit
scores and sells this data to qualified individuals.
Additionally, individuals who are coming out of Chapter 7 bankruptcy are good
candidates for renting or lease optioning a property. They typically have money for a
down payment because they haven’t had to pay their creditors in months or years.
Easier said than done?
At this point, if you’re paying attention, it’s likely that you have three major questions:
• Where do I get these lists?
• Which lists work best in my area?
• How do I work these deals?
Secret Handbook of the Direct Marketing Revolution
You’re about to learn that it’s incredibly easy to have these questions immediately answered
and have the work done for you. I created SalesTeamLive in part, to be able to provide these
solutions for you.
During a brief training and orientation session (less than one hour) you’ll know exactly which
markets to work in your area, as well as the conservative budget you’ll need to produce your
desired results. On top of that, you’ll get more than $4,700 in training on exactly how to work
the different deals that will arise in these markets.
Replace cumbersome tools with solutions that work for you
With SalesTeamLive, you’ll learn what to do, when to do it, and how to have most of it done
for you.
Not only will you never need another marketing home-study course or bootcamp, you’ll
receive some of the best training materials and techniques available, all proven effective by
thousands of other real estate professionals across the United States. Beyond the basics, you’ll
also receive access to a FREE Marketing Review Workshop to discuss and review additional
marketing techniques and strategies that you can apply to your business immediately.
As real estate entrepreneur and coaching captain, Julia Jordan says, “SalesTeamLive is the
straight shot to the money …. It’s taking a quarter of your business and outsourcing the
technical part of it to free you up for the money-making activities in this business. It’s truly a
done-for-you service that is a must-have in this business. I just wish I had it when I first got
Media options for real estate marketing
Below is a comprehensive list of different types of advertising media that commonly are used
to market real estate. Most of these have specific limitations and many fail to provide the ROI
that savvy real estate entrepreneurs demand.
Signs: Putting them up all over the place may result in a bunch of calls – most, if not all,
will come from tire-kickers rather than actual motivated sellers. This is a labor-intensive
approach to marketing and you need to be prepared for the local ‘sign police’ to be
tracking you down.
Classified ads: Reach a limited and, in the case of newspapers, a rapidly- dwindling
Flyers: Work well in flat markets, but it’s essential to have killer copy to produce desired
results. Providing good copy can make the difference between delivering 1,000 flyers vs.
10,000 to produce a good deal. A proven approach to flyers is Richard Roop’s inexpensive
and proven ‘Post-it Notes’ (available and inexpensively printed through Richard Roop or
SalesTeamLive). This can be an incredibly labor-intensive approach and you must realize
that you need to deliver thousands of flyers in order to make money. One strong note of
caution: Never attempt this on your own, unless you value your time at less than $1 per
hour. If you’re on a budget, don’t get stuck in the trap of delivering flyers. This is a fast
way to go broke.
Door knockers: This can be a great approach working motivated markets like preforeclosures, bankruptcies and FSBOs, but you need a good list and proven techniques for
closing sellers door-to-door. This also is a labor-intensive approach and should never be
attempted on your own, unless you value your time at less than $1 per hour.
Telemarketing: As with door knocking, this can be a great approach to working
motivated markets like pre-foreclosures, bankruptcies and FSBOs. However you need
a good list that includes phone numbers and proven techniques for making phone
outbound telemarketing calls. This is a highly labor-intensive approach and should never
be attempted on your own unless you value your time at $1 per hour or less. Using voice
broadcasting to deliver a message via voice mail can be a killer strategy especially when
used in conjunction with direct mail.
Bird dogs and referral partners: Bird dogs find the deals, and turn them over to the
investor for a fee ranging from $500 to $5,000 or more. This is a great way to market, and
is a method we strongly encourage our clients to use. However, you should have this all
done for you with systems that drive referral partners and bird dogs to you. This is usually
a longer term strategy that will not generate cash in 30 days or less.
Internet marketing: This is also one of my top three most effective ways to market.
First off, unless you are an Internet marketing expert with SEO, pay-per-click ads,
squeeze pages, etc., never attempt to do this on your own. There are a number of good
Web sites on the market that will generate a good number of in-bound leads at a cost of
less than $100 per month. These sites have brand names that attract buyers and sellers,
and then distribute the leads to you. Be careful however, this recommendation is not
the same as purchasing buying and selling Web sites, which can cost many thousands of
dollars in setup fees.
Direct mail: Interview any expert such as Richard Roop, Dan Doran, Dan Kennedy,
Kris Kirschner, Lou Brown or Ron LeGrand, and they’ll all point you in this direction. If
executed correctly, direct mail is the most powerful, scalable, and cost-effective approach
to marketing. Any top real estate investor generating more than $500,000 a year in
profits will tell you that you must get buyers and sellers to contact you. Direct mail is
mandatory for any successful investor. Even better, it can be the lowest overall cost with
the highest returns in marketing and can all be done for you at a fraction of the cost doing
on your own.
Secret Handbook of the Direct Marketing Revolution
Why direct mail is your best marketing option
The more you consider the risks vs. benefits of the various forms of marketing media options
available to real estate entrepreneurs, the more you’re likely to be convinced that a properly
executed direct mail campaign is likely to emerge as your best option. Here’s why:
It’s controllable: The investor decides when to launch a campaign, and determines the
It’s scalable: Sure, most other approaches may be good for a deal or two – but direct
mail can drive anywhere from one to 10 or more profitable deals, and attract enough
buyers to grow a market.
It’s focused and targeted: This is crucial. The investor picks the people to target, and
breaks into targeting based on motivation (potentially identifying characteristics 60-to90-day-late mortgage payments, bankruptcies, expired listings, probate, divorce, and code
violations) or equity (ideal scenarios in this category include properties owned free and
clear, those with absentee owners, wholesale properties, and those connected to ARMs
with equity. Liken this process to an online dating service: Is it better to target everyone,
or to select single men and women in specific age groups and income brackets to get the
desired results?
It’s measurable: Target marketing is a numbers game. Direct mail should produce
between 15 and 30 times a return on the original investment. That means each dollar
spent brings in from $10 –to- $30 or more.
It’s proven when done right: All the big names in real estate will attest to this. The
problem here is that it’s hard to play the direct-mail game correctly when you’re not an
expert marketer. When you’re in this business, effective marketing is not an option. It’s a
It’s stealth: Direct mail is targeted only to those you want to see your message. When
dealing with almost any other media – signs, classified ads, flyers – it’s impossible to
control who sees it.
It’s personalized: Here’s another crucial element. When a message is totally focused
on a specific recipient, personalization allows showing numbers and proof points. When
marketing materials are personalized to show the recipient’s name, address, issues, and
personal hot buttons, they’re going to get far better, more targeted results than a generic
mailing could achieve.
It’s a less competitive field: Not many new investors opt for direct mail. In fact, a
large percent give up after a few hundred or thousand mailers – it’s simply too hard
to handle on one’s own. Real estate entrepreneurs aren’t professional marketers or
copywriters. But be that as it may, they can’t succeed without continuous marketing.
Direct mail lets investors be the big fish in the small pond – and allows easy entry into
other markets and other niches when it is done properly.
It can be 100 percent totally automated: This is the good news. The U.S. Postal
Service offers this service for $0.33 per postcard. So do any number of fulfillment houses.
But with these, you’ll also pay anywhere from $0.15 to $0.25 and up per postcard for
the list of names and addresses, and usually, they require a minimum order and annual
contract. Be careful –all list providers are not equal. It is very common for a list to contain
25% or more names and addresses that are duds. For example, SalesGenie has a monthly
minimum of $250. The labor to manage this process is over the top – if you hire a staff
member at $10 per hour, they’ll probably need to work at least 15 hours per week. That’s
more than $450 per month in additional costs, excluding setup time! Most investors
who manage this on their own spend in excess of $1,500 per month on labor alone.
Outsourcing targeted direct mail marketing to SalesTeamLive is the solution to paying
high prices for unproven services.
Secret #4: Automate and outsource almost everything
How can outsourcing to SalesTeamLive help you generate tons of high-quality leads –
without you having to lift a finger? The answer is simple: we have the experience and the
proven system to take you as far as you want to go as a real estate entrepreneur.
Look at it this way:
• You carry vehicle insurance in case of a traffic accident.
• You pay for life insurance in case of accidental death.
• You buy health insurance in case of sudden illness or medical emergency.
Why not invest in success insurance?
SalesTeamLive is the only company in the United States that provides a proven “Done-ForYou” marketing service for real estate entrepreneurs. We are the only service that can
drive quality seller, buyer, and private-lender leads directly to you. Outsource
to us and in less than 30 minutes, you’ll be mailing thousands (or tens of thousands) of
professionally proven mailings to targeted, motivated leads at a fraction of the cost of doing it
yourself. How can we provide such extensive services for such a humble investment?
Economies of scale
We’ve partnered with the real estate industry’s leading copywriters —professionals who have
demonstrated proven results. Imagine tapping into the most talented marketing copywriters,
Secret Handbook of the Direct Marketing Revolution
using the best materials, and the most sophisticated techniques, and then having all the work
done for you. Imagine a potential return on your marketing investment that pushes profits,
not paperclips.
We’re your Virtual Marketing Team – an online powerhouse that delivers quality leads and
deals to your virtual doorstep. You’ll be able to market like a huge company – even if you’re
an individual entrepreneur or a small outfit. Our Targeted Marketing Campaigns
yield better results per marketing dollar spent – and SalesTeamLive’s Virtual
Marketing Team manages all of your campaigns from start to finish for a
fraction of what it would cost to perform these mission-critical tasks on your
We’re experts at getting the phone to ring with motivated and qualified buyers and
sellers. We do things that even the most experience real estate entrepreneurs can’t do on
their own. Not only do we it do it for you, we are masters at it.
“SalesTeamLive is a first class company. Their service is absolutely superb. We setup
a bunch of campaigns including Out of Area, Free & Clear, and Expired Listings, and it
was incredibly easy. They just do it all for you. I pay maybe $400 to $500 per deal to net
$7,000 to $10,000. This is just an absolutely phenomenal return on investment. Doing it
on your own is such a poor use of your time and then it just isn’t consistent. I wish I had this
system when I first got started. It just happens automatically with no effort. It’s an amazing
system. One deal a month or one deal a quarter, SalesTeamLive is the best investment to
make.” Experienced real estate pro, Bill Rafter, Kentucky
Secret #5: Have your marketing Done-For-You
Not only can you be free from the hard work associated with properly executing a direct mail
campaign, you can actually focus the time you’ll save on the business of making money. Sign
up with SalesTeamLive and you’ll learn to:
• Uncover deals that generate cash now, cash flow and cash later by consistently
generating dozens of calls each month from motivated and flexible sellers who have
• Cherry-pick the easiest and most profitable deals by identifying the most responsive
mailing lists and ideal neighborhoods on which to focus your efforts.
• Increase your monthly income by having the best direct-mail marketing tools printed
and mailed for you – including personalized postcards and yellow letters – and how to
outsource the acquisition, updating, and merging of the best mailing lists.
• Quickly qualify leads and recognize potential deals, so you can cash in on deals that you
– and your closest competitors – are now tossing in the trash.
• Fund all your deals without using any of your own money or credit by using private
lenders and advanced owner-financing techniques.
• Confidently buy more houses, enjoy peace of mind, and net greater per deal profits.
• Free up more of your precious time so that you do only what you love most and start
making more money with less time, effort, and frustration – by implementing proven
systems, outsourcing, and task delegation.
Raise the bar on your business and your life
Outsource your marketing to SalesTeamLive’s virtual team and you’ll discover the power
of creative real estate marketing, sales, and entrepreneurial strategies – regardless of
whether you’re working in a slow, normal, hot, or post-hot market!
It would take an individual investor many years to master the marketing techniques that
SalesTeamLive provides for free. We’re constantly adding new hot lists, marketing
materials, and techniques designed to drive an abundance of qualified leads and deals in
constantly changing market conditions. SalesTeamLive works with the sharpest minds
in the real estate industry, who constantly share information about what’s working, and
where it’s working, across the United States.
Here are just a few of the powerful services we provide:
• List and returns clean-up: A highly recommended strategy for serious real estate
entrepreneurs. Wasted repeat addresses alone can run into the hundreds of dollars on a
monthly basis – and cleanup is hard when you’re flying solo.
• Crafting smart copy to convey a targeted message: Our copywriters have years of
experience under their belts, and they know how to produce proven materials that work.
• Correctly laying out copy with the right personalization, message, look,
and feel: You only get one chance to make a first impression. When you outsource to
SalesTeamLive, you know your marketing materials will look great at the moment they
arrive at a lead’s doorstep.
• Hands-on management of multiple mailings: Drip campaigns can become a
tedious full-time job. Leave it in our hands and all you need to do is sit back and wait for
the phone to ring.
Secret Handbook of the Direct Marketing Revolution
• Tracking and managing response rates and profits: SalesTeamLive is the only
company that does this for all of its clients across the nation. We track real-time results
for more than 500 people, and with more than 600,000 mail pieces per month. We’re the
nation’s largest mailer to homeowners and buyers and we’re quickly growing. Our clients
have access to a mind-blowing amount of market intelligence – information that itself is
worth $100,000 or more. It would take a single investor a decade to learn on his or her
own what we can teach in one month.
• Keeping your marketing rolling – day in and day out: Most real estate investors
get busy working one or two deals at a time, meaning they’ll be facing an empty pipeline
in the future. Don’t let this happen to you.
How to deploy your secret weapon for marketing success
SalesTeamLive IS all about IMPLEMENTATION. As real estate industry coach and guru Dan
Doran tells his clients: “Education without implementation is just expensive entertainment.”
You can spend tens of thousands of dollars on bootcamps, seminars, and homestudy courses,
but you need to implement what you learn to be successful. SalesTeamLive is the silver bullet
that does this all for you.
“Why did we not do this sooner. SalesTeamLive takes a quarter of your business and
outsources it all totally for you. They manage it and track the results. SalesTeamLive frees up
the real estate investor to go after the money making activities. They shorten the time period
to get to the money by a minimum of 90 days. SalesTeamLive is truly a done for you system at
a fraction of what it would cost doing it on your own, if you could do it.”
Real estate investor and coach, Julia Jordan, Dallas, Texas
That’s why this is like no other product or service anywhere out there. It is an
In fact, I’m proud to say this is the ONLY program of its kind that actually GUARANTEES
you will master the most valuable and profitable component of your business. You’ll also
dramatically improve your earning power. Clearly, with SalesTeamLive, you’ll make more
money with less effort by having your marketing all done for you. But with the time you save,
you’ll be free to take advantage of the additional services we’ve specifically tailored to suit the
unique needs of real estate entrepreneurs.
Click on the Order Now Link for a very special discounted offering limited to just a few
selected real estate entrepreneurs. What once cost more than $6,000 upfront and $600 per
month is being offered at an incredible discount, which now includes more than $4,700 in
Better yet, we have the lowest mail costs available, including targeted lists of contact names
and addresses. In fact, we guarantee that if you can do everything we can for less then we’ll
beat the price. GUARANTEED! Rather than figuring out how much it will cost in mail, think
about how much you need to spend to produce a solid $15,000, $30,000, $50,000, or a deal
with more than $100,000 in profit.
ORDER NOW at a discount…
100% Better than Money Back GUARANTEE:
Thirty-Day Money-Back Guarantee from the time you join. That’s right – Test Drive
SalesTeamLive for 30 days risk-free. If you cancel, all you pay for is your mail cost: $0.49
for 4”x6” Yellow Post Cards, $1.29 for the Yellow Letter and $1.59 for the special 60-to-90
Day Mortgage Late Yellow Letter, and remember, only at SalesTeamLive can you find “No
Minimum Mail Order Size!” Order 1 or 10,000 per day and you pay exactly the same low
That’s right. If you’re not fully satisfied with our Done-For-You Marketing Service at the end
of 30 days, you’ll receive 100% refund of your Setup Fee – so where’s the risk? Well, we’re
going to make your decision even easier. If you do cancel within the 30 days, we’ll let you
KEEP ALL THE BONUSES - $4,700 Value – as our THANK YOU for trying us out. You may
think we’re insane to do this, but that’s how confident we at SalesTeamLive, and our business
partners and copywriters Richard Roop and Dan Doran, are in the value of our Done-ForYou Marketing Service – we know you will benefit from SalesTeamLive being your Virtual
Marketing Team and finally have the silver bullet you’ve been searching for.
ORDER NOW at a discount…
and receive more than $4,700 in FREE BONUSES.
For a discounted offer visit:
Secret Handbook of the Direct Marketing Revolution
Bottom line: Investors should never, EVER do targeted direct mail on their
own. This is the quickest way to fail in the real estate business – or to create yet another job.
Leaving the 9-to-5 grind should mean freedom!
Outsource your targeted direct marketing to SalesTeamLive and you’ll never
have to lift a finger to procure motivated leads. We’ve brought together the best in the
business for the sole purpose of helping you succeed. Sign up today and you can market real
estate like a powerhouse for less than $300 a month without the expenses or hassles of hiring
and supervising employees. That’s the freedom you want. Those are the killer deals you
deserve. That’s the power of SalesTeamLive.
P.S. If you’re still not absolutely totally convinced or ready to reach for your success, here are
a few resources that will change your business and thinking forever:
• Educational Resources:
• Multimedia Content: (on the sidebar)
Commentary from the author:
I hope you enjoyed this free report. I have compiled much of what I’ve learned during the
past years into this special free report for your benefit. I am constantly working to improve
the quality of information provided, and seek to offer useful information to dramatically
improve your opportunity to make huge money in real estate – with less effort than you may
have dreamed. I would love your feedback on what you found especially useful and what
additional information you’d like to receive in the future. Please spend a few minutes and
share your thoughts. Visit:
Warmest Regards,
Gary Boomershine
Addressing your Questions
Below are frequently asked questions (FAQs) we’ve received at SalesTeamLive, and answers
we’ve provided to our client inquiries:
Questions and answers about SalesTeamLive
1) I’m still confused. What is a campaign?
Our Done-For-You Marketing Campaigns harness the power of SalesTeamLive’s
Virtual Marketing Team. We handle all the work required to drive a continuous stream
of motivated leads to your business.
Here’s how it works:
Our Done-For-You Marketing Campaigns start with our list providers, who build a
unique list for a given market. Our copywriters then create the best message for that
market, and select the most appropriate media (postcards, letters, etc.) to deliver the
right message.
Through extensive research and testing, we’ve learned how to mail and how many
times to send mail to each targeted market (this is known as Drip Marketing).
SalesTeamLive offers all this -- at a fraction of the cost of doing yourself!
We’ve partnered with large nationwide print and mail houses, and our volume-buying
power means you’ll enjoy the lowest costs. Our Virtual Marketing Team manages your
list and ensures the validity of each address before mailing – even if the owners have
A truly unique aspect of our Done-For-You Marketing campaigns is that they empower
you, the real estate entrepreneur, to measure your marketing return on investment
(ROI) on each of your campaigns. The ability to quantify your ROI is one of the valuepacked features that allow SalesTeamLive to best serve as your Virtual Marketing
2)This is too good to be true. So what is the cost?
SalesTeamLive does all the work and a ton more that is impossible to do on your
own, especially at such a low cost. It would typically take a real estate entrepreneur
hundreds of hours to do what it can be done in less than an hour one time. As Julia
Jordan says: “SalesTeamLive will typically reduce your time to money by at least 90
Secret Handbook of the Direct Marketing Revolution
Four Done-For-You Marketing Campaign Special Offer
Only $6,000 One-Time Setup, plus $600/month for Support + Super Low Mail Cost
……………..or for the newer investors just getting started:
Two Done-For-You Marketing Campaign Special Offer:
Only $4,000 One-Time Setup, plus $400/month for Support + Super Low Mail Cost
Both include our Post Card and Letter lowest price mail cost guarantee. If you can do
everything we can, including the list of names and addresses, then we’ll beat the price.
Our mail costs are currently $0.49 Total Cost for a 4”x6” Yellow Post Card- including
the list of names and addresses - $1.29 for a Yellow Letter and $1.59 for the special
60-90 Day Mortgage Late Letter, you get the total package:
Magic Words that attract Motivated Sellers and Buyers to YOU,
PLUS – 1st Class Postage on all mail, with a Live Stamp on all Letters
PLUS – Property Address checked across four databases for accuracy PRIOR to
PLUS – INSTANT email notification of all recorded Vacant Properties
PLUS – Personalization with Prospects Name and Address and Investors information
PLUS – Handwritten font used on the Yellow Letter and Envelope in blue ink
PLUS – EXCLUSIVE! Local cancellation mark on Letters (enhances opening rate of
PLUS – We supply most lists, included in the price, or we’ll upload your list for Free!
PLUS – We use a Free 800 number for each Campaign to Track your Response Rate!
PLUS – We pay for the 800 number setup and all incoming minutes!
Of course, we know that you need more than just Great Marketing to be a successful
Real Estate Entrepreneur, so we’ve included all the learning you need to know how to
negotiate, close, finance and then sell or cash-flow your properties – a set of packages
sold separately for over $4,700 – All Included at No Extra Charge – We even pay the
FREE Bonus #1 valued at $1,782!
Marketing Mastery Training Collections Volume 1-6 with 36 audio CDs, 18 online
support sites, 18 training transcripts. Each Volume normally $297 each:
Vol. 1: Super DIRECT MAIL Secrets for Finding Deals
Vol. 2: Generating Monthly CASH while Building a Fortune
Vol. 3: Power Negotiation & SALES Strategies for Investors
Vol. 4: ATTRACTING Buyers and Sellers on a Shoestring Budget!
Vol. 5: Profits without You! How to SYSTEMIZE, Delegate & Outsource
Vol. 6: Creating and Presenting OFFERS Sellers Accept!
FREE Bonus #2 valued at $1,997!
Richard Roop’s Instant Marketing Tools including software CD with over 60 templates
and free bonuses plus update site and 7 training CDs.
FREE Bonus #3 valued at $194!
Marketing Mastery Training Calls subscription for 2 months
FREE Bonus #4 valued at $149!
Billion Dollar Mindstorming™
FREE Bonus #5 valued at $595!
Marketing Plan Review Program
NOTE: For Owners of Vol. 1-6 or Instant Marketing Tools: If you already own
Volume 1-6 and the IMTG then you will receive Gary Boomershine’s “Secrets of the
Short Sale” system which is valued at $1,497
Remember the 30 day Money-Back Guarantee you heard on the call? Well, we’ve
decided to UPGRADE our Guarantee to - 30 Day Money-Back Guarantee from when
you join. That’s right – Test Drive SalesTeamLive for 30 Days Risk Free – all
you pay for is your mail cost - $0.49 for 4” x 6” yellow postcards, $1.29 for the yellow
letter, and $1.59 for the special 60-90 Day Mortgage-Late, yellow letter. Only at
SalesTeamLive can you find “No Minimum Mail Order Size”! Order one or 10,000 per
day and you’ll pay exactly the same low price.
That’s right. If you’re not fully satisfied with our Done-For-You Marketing
Service at the end of 30 days, we’ll refund your Set-up Fee. So where’s the
risk? Well, we’re going to make your decision even easier. If you do cancel within 30
days, we’ll let you KEEP ALL THE BONUSES – valued at more than $4,700–
FREE as our THANK YOU for trying us out.
You probably think we’re insane to make such an incredible offer, but that’s how
confident we are in SalesTeamLive -- and how confident our business partners Richard
Roop and Dan Doran are in the value of our Done-For-You Marketing Service.
We know you will benefit from SalesTeamLive being your Virtual Marketing Team.
3)What’s included in the setup fee?
The set-up fee includes everything you need to get your marketing jump-started
and Done-For-You. First, we provide you with a license to use Richard Roop and
Dan Doran’s marketing copy, a critical element to generating the best postcards,
handwritten letters and other media messages – all of which already have been proven
effective. You can choose from any combination of available campaigns, and always
can add more when you’re ready.
Secret Handbook of the Direct Marketing Revolution
You also get access to our powerful Marketing and Prospecting Software Tools that
we spent millions of dollars to build and perfect. Our Support Team will help launch
and manage all of your marketing campaigns. Net-net: For a small setup fee, you’ll
be ready to launch your marketing and never again lift a finger to get sellers or
buyers to call you.
4)What’s included in the monthly fee?
For this incredibly low price -- about the cost of two Starbucks coffees each day -SalesTeamLive becomes your Virtual Marketing Team and delivers the day-to-day
marketing services that you would have to hire up to three full-time employees to
This includes, but is not limited to:
Management of your Campaigns: From two to more than 12 (see our Feature Sheet
for a comprehensive list of services we perform for each campaign: http://www.
Free Access to SalesTeamLive’s Web-based Marketing and Prospecting Tools
for marketing tracking and management. These are the same tools used by your
SalesTeamLive Virtual Marketing Team.
A unique toll-free 800 (or local) number to track each campaign’s response rate.
For the average customer, SalesTeamLive saves more than the cost of this small
monthly fee simply by reducing the waste you would likely generate on your own
through sending mail to duplicates and out-dated addresses.
And should you ever have any questions, SalesTeamLive offers regular Customer
Support hours each business day: 11:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Eastern Time; 10:00 a.m.
to 7:00 p.m. Central Time; 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Mountain Time; 8:00 a.m. to 5:00
p.m. Pacific Time
5)Do you include any free mailings in the monthly fee?
No. Mailing quantities, budget and needs vary dramatically among our clients. For
a small monthly fee of a few hundred dollars, you’ll get your Virtual Marketing Team
worth thousands of dollars, you’ll also receive all the benefits of the lowest cost mailing
service available. Whether you mail one piece, 1,000 pieces, or more than 10,000
pieces of mail per month, your low monthly fee will stay fixed for your campaigns.
6)What is the cost of the mail?
SalesTeamLive offers the lowest mailing costs, GUARANTEED. If you can do
everything we can, including the list of names and addresses, then we’ll beat the price.
There are many hidden costs that most people forget to budget, like list quality,
checking deliverability and change of address against the U.S.P.S databases; the paper,
printing, phone numbers and minutes for tracking response rates.
With SalesTeamLive, you can have it all done for you -- at a lower cost. The savings
alone will more than cover the costs of the set-up and monthly fees over and over again.
4”x6” Yellow Post Cards
8.5x11 Yellow Letter
8.5x11 60-90 Day Late Yellow Letter
$0.49 each with No Minimum Order Size
$1.29 each with No Minimum Order Size
$1.59 each with No Minimum Order Size
These costs INCLUDE the LIST of names and addresses (where available) to be used
for your mailing -- and the POSTAGE.
In addition, we’ll give you a $.05 Mail Credit when you provide your own list. Should
you decide to take us up on this offer, please be sure to notify SalesTeamLive via email
to [email protected] prior to submitting your own list.
SalesTeamLive also allows you to simply import your list on your own with the
powerful Prospecting and Marketing Tools provided to you FREE as part of our
service. You will not find a more powerful complete solution anywhere in the United
7)How much should I realistically budget per profitable deal?
Real estate entrepreneurs should budget from $1,000 to $1,500 in mailings for each
profitable deal in most areas of the United States. In many cases, this might result in
less than a few hundred dollars; however we recommend conservative planning for
After doing this for many years, our experts have determined that it always is wise
to plan to spend an average of at least $1,000 - $1,500 regardless of the marketing
approach you opt to deploy. To budget any less is a recipe for cash flow disaster –
please, take heed from the experts.
To help you to more efficiently forecast your costs, SalesTeamLive provides you with a
powerful estimating tool that helps you determine the best campaigns in your market,
number of deals desired, and an optimal starting budget.
8)Are there any other hidden costs?
Secret Handbook of the Direct Marketing Revolution
9)Is it really true that SalesTeamLive is less expensive than
doing it on my own?
Absolutely. Better yet, we guarantee it! If you can do everything we can, including the
list of names and address records, then we’ll beat the price.
There are many hidden costs that most people forget to budget, such as list quality,
checking deliverability and address changes against four U.S.P.S. databases; the paper,
printing, phone numbers and minutes for tracking response rates.
With SalesTeamLive, you’ll have it all Done-For-You at a lower cost. The savings alone
will more than pay for the costs of the set-up and monthly fees over and over again
10) What campaigns should I use in my area?
During the startup process with SalesTeamLive, you’ll receive training and a special
worksheet that will help you determine what campaigns work best in your area, and
for your specific business. What would take you months to figure out on your own will
be Done-For-You in a few brief moments, including an estimated budget to help you
measure your effectiveness and return on investment (ROI).
11) Where do I get the lists for these campaigns?
Whenever possible, SalesTeamLive will provide the lists for you, included in the superlow mailing cost. Imagine the work you would have to do to obtain your own list -where to get it and how to negotiate the best price. The list alone typically costs from
$.15 to $.25 for each name and address, plus a minimum-quantity order and a hefty
annual monetary commitment.
There are some “specialty lists” that you may need to get on your own, such as Probate,
Divorce and Pre-Foreclosure (available in some areas). National providers for these
lists simply do not exist, which makes these markets highly attractive to savvy real
estate entrepreneurs. In this case, SalesTeamLive offers you a $.05 per-record
mail credit. Should you decide to take us up on this offer, please be sure to notify
SalesTeamLive via email to [email protected] prior to submitting your
own list.
SalesTeamLive also allows you to simply import your list on your own with the
powerful Prospecting and Marketing Tools provided to you FREE as part of our
service. You will not find a more powerful complete solution anywhere in the United
12) What if I have my own list of names and addresses?
SalesTeamLive offers you a $.05 per-record mail credit if you have your own list of
names and addresses. Should you decide to take us up on this offer, please be sure to
notify SalesTeamLive via email to [email protected] prior to submitting
your own list.
SalesTeamLive also allows you to simply import your list on your own with the
powerful Prospecting and Marketing Tools provided to you FREE as part of our
service. You will not find a more powerful complete solution anywhere in the United
In addition, SalesTeamLive offers Customizable Campaigns that allow you the
flexibility of customizing every part of a campaign: market (list), message, media,
multiple (number of pieces in the series), month (frequency between the pieces), and
the money (having SalesTeamLive track the response rates for you).
You will not find a more powerful complete solution anywhere in the United States.
Additional fees may apply.
13) How long does a campaign last?
Simply put: Our Done-For-You Marketing Campaigns last forever. Each campaign has
a specific set of pieces that go out over a set period of time. However, SalesTeamLive
is constantly updating and adding new records to the list to keep your phone ringing
under any market conditions. Better yet, you can switch to other campaigns as
We are experts at getting your phone to ring with quality leads, and we keep your
marketing running day after day, month after month, year after year.
14) Can I add more campaigns?
You can add more campaigns whenever you like. You’ll pay a setup fee and a monthly
fee for each additional campaign and we offer discounted campaign bundle all
the time. It’s common for our top customers to simultaneously operate from six
campaigns (for newer entrepreneurs), to more than 12 campaigns (for real estate
professionals who typically exceed 10 deals each month). SalesTeamLive is the totally
scalable Done-For-You Marketing option for real estate entrepreneurs of every stripe!
15) Can I switch campaigns from one to another?
SalesTeamLive allows you to change your campaigns four times per year. We strongly
encourage a newer real estate entrepreneur to run a campaign for a minimum of three
months. If a campaign is not working however, we’ll change it for you.
Secret Handbook of the Direct Marketing Revolution
SalesTeamLive prides itself on superior customer service and measured results. We
know that a real estate entrepreneur who produces tens of thousands or hundreds of
thousands of dollars in net profit each month provides us with killer testimonials and
referrals, which is how we grow our business and can offer you more services for less
16) What if other people are in my area? Do I get exclusivity?
There are more than 100,000,000 single-family homes in the United States, scattered
across 3,400 counties and 41,000 zip codes. With only 500-plus SalesTeamLive
clients, there is simply no competition. What’s most important is knowing
how much money it will cost you to generate profitable deals.
We’re currently developing new exclusive campaigns where the list size in rural
geographical areas is very small, such as Bankruptcy motions for relief of stay or
dismissal. In the near future, these will be offered exclusively to SalesTeamLive clients
by zip code and/ or county at an additional fee. If you’re interested in these exclusive
campaigns, ask your SalesTeamLive account manager for details after you sign up.
17) Is this right for me?
This is an important question every real estate entrepreneur should ask. If you’re
committed to financial freedom and a lifestyle of extra time and more money, then real
estate is one of the best vehicles to reach your goals. No other industry has produced
as many multi-millionaires -- ever.
Just listen to others who are using SalesTeamLive with incredible success. To hear live
testimonials from our current members, please visit:
18) What if this doesn’t work for me? Do you offer a guarantee?
SalesTeamLive offers a 100% Better than Money Back GUARANTEE:
That’s right – Test Drive SalesTeamLive for 30 Days Risk Free – all you pay
for is your mail cost: $0.49 for 4” x 6” yellow postcards, $1.29 for the yellow letter, and
$1.59 for the special 60-90 Day Mortgage-Late yellow letter. Only at SalesTeamLive
can you find “No Minimum Mail Order Size”! Order one or 10,000 per day and you’ll
pay exactly the same low price.
That’s right. If you’re not fully satisfied with our Done-For-You Marketing
Service at the end of 30 days, we’ll refund your Set-up Fee. So where’s the
risk? Well, we’re going to make your decision even easier. If you cancel within 30
days, we’ll let you KEEP ALL THE BONUSES – valued at more than $4,700–
FREE as our THANK YOU for trying us out.
You probably think we’re insane to do this, but that’s how confident we are in
SalesTeamLive -- and how confident our business partners Richard Roop and Dan
Doran are in the value of our Done-For-You Marketing Service. We know you will
benefit from SalesTeamLive being your Virtual Marketing Team.
19) How long will it take to get me up and running?
SalesTeamLive has made it quick and easy to get up and running on our Done-For-You
Marketing system. Setup typically requires a one-time commitment of less than one
hour. What once took six months of coaching and an hour-a-day commitment from
investors can now be done in less than one hour, and a few days of processing for your
SalesTeamLive Virtual Marketing Team to implement. It’s really that simple. We do
all the work.
20) How do I work these different types of deals?
With our partners, Richard Roop and Dan Doran, you will receive more than $4,700
in FREE Bonuses that include some of the best training available for working the deals
that result from these effective marketing campaigns. In addition, SalesTeamLive
works with some of the best real estate gurus and coaches that can assist you to grow
and expand your business over time.
21) How do I prescreen my leads? Can you do that for me?
For a small fee, SalesTeamLive can set up a pre-recorded message line (including our
proven audio message), and a live operator line (including specially-designed optional
pre-screening questions).
It’s really all up to you. We suggest that you have a professional message center
(whether we set it up for you, or you set it up on your own), because of the high volume
of seller and buyer calls you’ll receive.
In addition, we have partnered with some of the best services in the business and, due
to our economies of scale, we can pass the best possible pricing discounts on to you,
the real estate entrepreneur. During the set-up process, we’ll ask a few questions to
determine what works best for you and your business.
22) Do you provide websites that I can drive sellers, buyers and
private money lenders to?
Yes. For an additional fee, you can receive some of the best Web sites in the business.
During the set-up process, we’ll ask a few questions to determine what works best for
you and your business. If you have your own Web site, great. We will incorporate
your Web address into your mailings.
Secret Handbook of the Direct Marketing Revolution
23) What if I’m brand new and not ready to start making money?
Can you direct me to the best training and coaching programs?
If you’re brand new to the business and are not yet ready to start making money,
SalesTeamLive prides itself on providing new entrepreneurs with direction to some of
the best training products in the business: homestudy courses, bootcamps, seminars,
and more.
There are only three reasons why real estate entrepreneurs hesitate to sign up
immediately: they’re overwhelmed; they’re procrastinating; they’re afraid. STL
removes these obstacles by driving motivated and qualified sellers and buyers directly
to you.
Limits of Liability / Disclaimer of Warranty:
The author and publisher of this report and any accompanying materials have used their best efforts in
preparing the content and materials. The author and publisher make no representation or warranties
with the respect to accuracy, applicability, fitness, or completeness of the contents of the report. They
disclaim any warranties (expressed or implied), merchantability, or fitness for any particular purpose. The author and publisher shall in no event be held liable for any loss or other damages, including but not limited to special, incidental, consequential, or other damages. As always, the advice of a
competent legal, tax, accounting or other professional should be sought. The author and publisher do
not warrant the performance, effectiveness, or applicability of any sites listed within this report. All
links and contact information are for information purposes only and are not warranted for content, accuracy or any other implied or explicit purpose.
This report contains material protected under International and Federal Copyright Laws and Treaties. Any unauthorized reprint or use of this material is prohibited.
Secret Handbook of the Direct Marketing Revolution
Sign up today for a SalesTeamLiveTM Done-For-You Marketing Campaign Package and kick your marketing into high gear. With SalesTeamLive acting as your Virtual Marketing Team we drive a stream
of motivated potential clients to your business through our industryleading Done-For-You Marketing Campaigns!
4 Campaign Package
2 Campaign Package
$6000 and $600 monthly
$4000 and $400 monthly
Special Pricing may be available. Check online
Enroll for SalesTeamLiveTM and get complete ‘Done-For-You’ marketing campaigns
printed and mailed to the hottest, targeted mailing lists targeted mailing lists including Out-of-Area Owners, Free & Clear, 60-90 Day Late Mortgags, Bankruptcy,
Pre-foreclosure and more. Each marketing campaign is specially designed for the
list, pre-built with proven Roop/Doran postcards, letters and optimal strategy for
sequential mailings.
Special Discount Pricing
Don’t miss this special savings opportunity!
Sign up now and get over $4,700 in FREE BONUSES
Let’s face it. We can’t be an expert
at every aspect of our business.
Fortunately, SalesTeamLive is
the expert at what you need
now – a virtual marketing team.
For the price of two double
lattes a day, you’ll get a team of
professionals who will manage
all your real estate marketing
for you!
It’s like giving a double shot of caffeine to your business!