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Medium Term Planner - Water World
Theme: Waterworld
Geography Focus – no specified History objectives
Summer (3) Cycle B
Class/Year group: Y5/6
3D: Rocks and soils
that rocks are used for a variety of purposes
that rocks can be grouped according to observable characteristics
to observe and compare rocks
that differences between rocks can be identified by testing
that rocks are chosen for particular purposes because of their
that beneath all surfaces there is rock
that there are different kinds of soil depending on the rock from which
they come
to observe differences and make comparisons
that particles of different sizes can be separated by sieving
to use simple apparatus to measure volumes of liquids and to measure
to recognise when a test is unfair
to plan a fair test
to make and record measurements of time and volume of water
to use their results to make comparisons, and draw and explain
6C: More about dissolving
that solids which do not dissolve in water can be separated by filtering
which is similar to sieving
to describe a scientific process in a series of sequenced steps
to make predictions about which types of water contain dissolved
materials and test these predictions
that when solids dissolve a clear solution is formed (which may be
coloured), the solid cannot be separated by filtering
that when the liquid evaporates from a solution the solid is left behind
to make predictions about what happens when water from a solution
evaporates and to test these predictions
to turn ideas about helping solids dissolve more quickly into a form that
can be investigated and decide how to carry out a fair test
to decide what apparatus to use and to make careful observations and
to make comparisons and draw conclusions
Medium Term Planner - Water World
to use a line graph to present results
that several repeated measurements provide data that can be used
with more confidence
to draw a line graph from results
to evaluate a graph in terms of how well it represents experimental
Water and contrasting localities Cyprus and UK (linked to Unit Move in August
and to prepare pupils for mobility and potentially a return to the UK)
3A Portraying relationships:
 about the water cycle, including condensation and evaporation about how site
conditions can influence the weather
 about river systems
 how rivers erode, transport and deposit materials producing particular
landscape features
 to use geographical vocabulary
 to undertake fieldwork
 to collect and analyse evidence
 to obtain information from maps and atlas’
 about world weather patterns
 to investigate water supply at local and world scales
 how water is used in the world
to investigate places at a range of scales
how their locality is set within a wider geographical context
to distinguish between leisure, recreation and work
to become aware of how places fit into a wider context
to study aspects of their own locality and to investigate local places
to undertake an investigation
to decide what evidence to collect and how to answer questions (use of
leisure time/recreation in Host country and in UK)
about physical and human features to make maps and plans
to investigate similarities and differences
about land use patterns
to make plans and maps
use secondary sources about a land use issue
about jobs in a settlement
to question and make thoughtful observations about the starting points
for their work
to collect visual and other information to help them develop ideas
to apply their experience of materials and processes, including
drawing, developing their control of tools and techniques
to compare ideas, methods and approaches in their own and others’
to compare ideas in their own and others’ work and say what they
think and feel about them
to adapt their work according to their views and describe how they
might develop it further
Medium Term Planner - Water World
about the environmental impact of a local activity
to use secondary sources of evidence
to use ICT to handle data to investigate places
to analyse and communicate
about links with other places
about environmental impact
to use ICT to assist in presenting, handling and communicating findings
Design and Technology
Log on to an email account, open emails, create and send appropriate
Create and send an email to a prearranged partner, selecting the
recipient from a class address book.
Create their own address book / add to an existing one.
Attach different files to emails
Contribute to discussion forums, blogs and surveys, perhaps on the
Create their own discussions, blogs and surveys.
Create their own pages on the VLE.
Begin to use video conferencing as a class, if appropriate. (Perhaps
with another class or school, even abroad as part of a wider topic.)
Beliefs and questions – What is God like? How does believing in God
influence people’s lives?
Stars, hide your fires
Sing confidently and expressively with attention to dynamics and phrasing, with
good intonation and a sense of occasion; play the simpler accompaniment parts
on glockenspiel, bass drum or cymbal.
Who knows?
Create music which reflects given intentions and uses notations as a support for
creative work and performance; improvise and maintain their own part with
awareness of the whole ensemble; describe and compare different kinds of
music using musical vocabulary.
MfL: French