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Danube velo route
Dec - February 2011
Edition 3
The Belogradchik Rocks
A Fairytale of mystic wonders
When you are planning
your cycling trip along the
Danube you have to know
that only 50km South of
Vidin there's a place where
nature left its unique
imprint. This is the
Belogradchik rocks. A place
everyone should see in his
A white-horse rider heads to the Stronghold “Kaleto”
The cycling route Vidin - Belogradchik - Lom will take you to the
magnificent Belogradchik rocks, the natural stronghold “Kaleto” and the
“Magura” cave, which are attracting thousands of tourists every year to
Read more on page 2
P.2 - The Magura cave
The Schoolgirl
P.3 - Belogradchik fortress “Kaleto”
P.4,5 - The Belogradchik rocks a Fairytale of mystic wonders
P.6 - Parc Romanescu, Craiova
P.7 - Nature parc Zaval
P.8 - The legend of the
Mermaid and the Torlak
Cyclists from all countries
discover the Danube
December 2010 - February 2011
The Magura cave
So, when you leave Vidin say goodbye to “grandma” Vida /as the castle Baba Vida is called/ and head South
to the Belogradchik rocks. There's some traffic on the E-79 route, so be careful. Once you reach Dimovo follow
the signs to the Magura cave a 90 minutes walk through magnificent cave formations will be perfect to take
your breath together and cool off at a temperature of 12 degrees Celsius kept constant throughout the year.
The cave is situated in northwestern
Bulgaria, 17 km. of Belogradchik. It's one of
the largest caves in the country with a total
length of galleries about 2500 m. It consists
of one main gallery and three side
The cave is rich in formations of different
shapes and sizes, stalactites and
stalagmites. Besides its beauty and
impressive size, don't miss the "Big
Stalactone" - tall over 20 meters and thick 4
meters in diameter and the "Fallen Pine",
which is the largest stalagmite in all
Bulgarian caves with a length of 11m.
The “Big Stalactone”
According to geological studies, Magura
cave began its formation about 15 million
years ago and in fact in one of the halls
were discovered prehistoric drawings
carved into rock and decorated with bat
guano. The figures represent dancing
women silhouettes and hunting men,
disguised men, large variety of animals,
stars, tools, plants. The drawings date
from different eras Eneolith, early Bronze
You can taste some wine in the cave or in
the winery nearby.
Now you're ready to go on to
An impressive cave gallery resembling a city at dawn
December 2010 - February 2011
The Belogradchik Rocks a fairytale of mystic wonders
The Belogradchik Rocks rocks stretch from west to east from Mount Vedernik around
Belogradchik to the Borovitsa village. They have a length of about 30km. and width of 6-7 km.
Among the famous cliffs you can recognise - Rider, Madonna, Dervish, Adam and Eve,
Mushrooms, Lion, The Monks, The Bear, The Castle, The Little Shepherd and many others. The
second group is located west of the city. The most famous rocks Zbegovete, Erkyupria, Borich.
You can reach these rocks on foot or mountain bike.
Belogradchik rocks, these amazing stone structures are sculpted by nature over 200 million
years ago. At the end of the Paleozoic era here were deposited sandy rocks that were later
flooded by the sea, at the bottom of which wild rivers of landslides from the surrounding
heights, huge quantity of gravel, sand and clay mixed together. As time slipped materials were
cemented by silica or sand-clay. This is how thte stone wonders were formed. colored with iron
oxide, acquired a reddish coulor.
Due to the folding of the Balkan Mountains this area became land. At its highest poitns cracks
appeared, which started demolishing because of the water, winds and temperature
fluctuations. So were created a variety of shapes and sizes, unique rock formations that
resemble animal figures, human heads, some of them rising more than 100m. medieval castles
and towers. Over 100 caves were formed in sandstone and limestone
Close to the end of this magnificent stone chain is the Borovitsa winery, where some of the
most awarded wines in Bulgaria are produced.
December 2010 - February 2011
Belogradchik fortress “Kaleto”
the Turks conquered it. They placed a garrison to
protect the western part of the country and to
suppress the uprisings of the Bulgarians. The Turks
reinforced and made new walls.
Belogradchik fortress “Kaleto”
When you reach this small hilly town full of strait
red-roof houses climb to the highest point and
enter the Stronghold “Kaleto”
In 1850, the fort played a negative role in the
defeat of the uprising of Belogradchik. When the
rebels fighting for freedom were captured they
were taken out through a tunnel out of the castle
and beheaded there. Today, close to the place of
execution rises a monument in memory of those
warriors. The fortress was used as a military facility
for the last time during the Serbian-Bulgarian War
in 1885. Then it was declared a cultural monument
of national importance.
From the highest part of the fortress known as the
First floor there's a spectacular view. To the South
you can see the folded ridge of Stara Planina, the
peak Kom and Vrashka Chupa to the west.
This is one of the most important historical
monuments in Belogradchik.
This old fortification was built among the
inaccessible rocks at a time when the Bulgarian
state was not yet established and the Balkan
Peninsula was still within the limits of the Roman
Empire - in the III century. The Romans tried hard to
build a strong defense system and pave the road.
The fortress controled the road from town Ratsiaria
(near the present village Archar, Vidin district). The
Romans built the highest part of the fortress called
the Citadel. In 395, when the Roman Empire
devided in two, the Balkan lands entered the
borders of Byzantium. In VI century the Slavs began
their raids but were forced out by the Byzantine
Emperor Justinian I (527 -565) The fortification was
destoyed and rebuilt several times. However, the
combined pressure of Slavs and Bulgars couldn't be
resisted and in VII century the right of existence of
the new Bulgarian state was won. In XIV century the
Bulgarian ruler Ivan Sratsimir expanded the
existing fortification but at the end of the century
The Mushrooms - reachable from a path from the central square
December 2010 - February 2011
The guests of Inn “Madona”, village Falkovets are
often met with bread and salt according to the old Bulgarian tradition
A couple of kilometers down the road you
can see the rock “Torlaka” and have a rest at
the Madona inn a place where the spirit of
Bulgaria and the typical for the region
'turlak” atmosphere can be sent. Besides the
traditional dishes there's a huge yard,
arranged with picnic tables from massive
wood and a nice lake with water lilies.
Rolling down the valley in a big “Zorbing” ball
December 2010 - February 2011
"Nicolae Romanescu" Park - Craiova
"Nicolae Romanescu" Park in Craiova is the
third largest natural park in Europe. The park
covers an area of 96 hectares and was
developed since 1900 at the initiative of then
mayor of Craiova, Nicolae Romanescu. It is the
largest and most famous park in the city.
Located in the south of Craiova, it is known as
Park Bibescu because it is located on land
purchased by the City of Craiova in 1853, from
Iancu Bibescu, brother of Grigore Bibescu and
because in the middle of the park was situated
the house of one of the ruling families, called
Casa Bibescu.
Park "Nicolae Romanescu" hosts one of the
oldest zoos in the country, opened in 1906.
Animal collection includes the first few species:
Carpathian bears, deer and peacocks. In the
'60s the zoo in Craiova was populated with
lions, monkeys and ostriches.
A small Romanian boy looking for fish among the water lilies
December 2010 - February 2011
History on bike - nature parc Zaval
We propose a tourist route along the
Danube from the Natural Park Zaval,
situated near the place where the river Jiu
flows into the Danube represented by an
old forest having a naturally dominated by
oak and ash tree, sand dunes and other
Legend says that the water from this well-spring is
attributed to intensify the virtue of love couples, to
join those separated. An old custom is that brides and
grooms go down to the source of the underground
spring after the wedding, taking the miraculous
water and drinking it for a relation that will be for
Forest Zaval is appreciated by cyclists
because of the possibilities of thermal
waters with therapeutic qualities
presented here at the disposal of all of
turists from the camping area. Being near
the Danube is favoured the creation of
wetland ponds, fishing representing a
permanent occupation for residents.
Fountain remains, despite the lack of popularity, as
of exceptional archaeological importance, an
enticing call to the fulfillment of love and thirst for
Continuing the incursions along the
Danube at a distance by 60 km is Corabia
with it's diamond Sucidava Dacian
Here you can see a secret underground
fountain that is still functional today, a
Paleochristian basilica, Roman baths, an
ingenious system of underfloor heating
with hot air and the pier of a Roman
bridge built across the Danube.
This fountain is also called "spring love"
and is one of the greatest archaeological
discoveries of the ancient city.
The Cyclist Rob in Zaval
The Danube - as magnificent as it is
December 2010 - February 2011
The Legend of the Mermaid and the Torlak
God has created that place when he was in a very good mood and made it for his own
It was a long, long time ago as long as the Belogradchik fortress was built. One young
maiden fell in love with a Torlak from the nearby village. Unfortunately, she was desecrated
by the fortress commandant. She couldn't bear the shame. So she climbed up the rock
overhanging the river at the end of the village and jumped in the river. At that same
moment the rock changed into the form of her beloved-“The Torlak”. The cool waters
embraced her and carried her along the stream. Her heart was praying to God to take her
but her long mermaid-like hair got caught on the willow roots at that far end of the village.
So the maiden turned into a mermaid. Every night at the deepest and darkest hours she gets
out of the waters and silently cries looking at her Torlak lover. The big clear teardrops that
run down her beautiful pale face have made a small lake.
At daytime we admire the water lilies that the mermaid collects and plaits in her hair, at
night the crickets accompany her quiet sighs. That way she reminds us for the pure real love
that lives within us all.
This beautiful recess with the mermaid and the Torlak will soon become popular and people
all over the world will come to enjoy it.
Agency for regional development and Business center Vidin, Bulgaria
Address: 77 Hristo Botev Street, Vidin, Bulgaria
Phone/fax: 00359 94 600 0017; 00359 94 600 0018
E-mail: [email protected], Web:
Investing in your future!
Romania - Bulgaria Cross Border Cooperation Programme is co-financed by the
European Union through the European Regional Development Fund
Project title “Danube Velo route”
Editor of the material: Agency for regional development and Business center Vidin, Bulgaria
March 2011
The content of this material does not necessarily represent the official position of the European Union.