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Impact of extractives
industries on the
realization of the
Human Right to Water
Freshwater Action Network
Global network of people
implementing and influencing water
and sanitation policy and practice
around the world to improve
sustainable water management. !
After 10 years FAN Global
becomes an independent
Network being the only platform
on water and sanitation that
actually advocates from the
bottom up
FAN Works to improve sustainable water management
• Facilitating civil society south-south knowledge
• Building Civil society capacities to influence decision
making towards the recognition and implementation of
the Human Right to water and sanitation in the national
Level, and the recognition of the added value of local
knowledge on water management under climate
Our Policy advocacy work, on national and
global platforms, is based on information
and arguments build up from local
During the world
Water Forum in
Mexic,o another
assassination of
an environmental
Vázquez and the Coalition of People United held a conference press in the Ocotlán Valley
(COPOVU) held the Vancouver-based Fortuna Silver and its local Trinidad/Cuzcatlán mining
activities directly responsible for the murder and other related violence, and called for the
suspension and removal of all the mining companyʼs activities in San José and the
cancellation and removal of the mining project.!
This Collective COPUVO repeatedly complained that the mining company was financing armed
groups in the community with the endorsement of the municipal president.!
The collectiveʼs statement declares that the lack of justice and application of law by
government officials has created a dangerous atmosphere of impunity in San José. And demand
for the immediate departure of the Trinidad/Cuzcatlán mine.!
“They can cut a
flower, but they
cannot stop the
Spring.”Said a
member of the
Why citizens are rejecting those “development”
1-The dimension of the area it affects!
2-Total destruction of productive land and diversity
coverage, when rain falls it drains the good earth
empoverishing the soil, and polluting creating
sedimentation on water infrastructure!
3 Use of water in a small mine is of 250 000 lts per
hour !
The use of a peasant family is 30 litters per day!
3 Air pollution with toxic material, and acid drenage
keeps polluting for hundreds of years as toxics filter
through the earth!
What a family use in 20 years , a mining
company use it in one hour!!
Mining is putting in danger the Human Right to water
in Latin America
Investment of foreign companies without
respecting the regulations
129 billions of dollars of
canadians mining actifs out of
Canada, 2010
Source: Ressources naturelles Gouvernement du Canada
Rio conventions in 92,
what have happened with those conventions?
Convention on Biological Diversity
The objectives of the CBD are the conservation of biological diversity, the sustainable
use of its components, and the fair and equitable sharing of the benefits arising from
commercial and other utilization of genetic resources. The agreement covers all
ecosystems, species, and genetic resources.
United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification
The UNCCD aims to combat desertification and mitigate the effects of drought in
countries experiencing serious drought and/or desertification, particularly in Africa,
through effective actions at all levels, supported by international co-operation and
partnership arrangements, in the framework of an integrated approach which is
consistent with Agenda 21, with a view to contributing to the achievements of
sustainable development in affected areas.
United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
The UNFCCC sets an overall framework for intergovernmental efforts to tackle the
challenge posed by climate change. Its objectives are to stabilize greenhouse-gas
concentrations in the atmosphere at a level that would prevent dangerous
anthropogenic interference with the climate system, within a time-frame sufficient to
allow ecosystems to adapt naturally to climate change; to ensure that food
production is not threatened; to enable economic development to proceed in a
sustainable manner.
Executive director: Nathalie Seguin
Correo electrónico: [email protected]