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Created by Julie Donnelly – The Pain Relief Expert
©Julie Donnelly
Any questions contact: [email protected]
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Created by Julie Donnelly – The Pain Relief Expert
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Congratulations on downloading the 5 Steps to Natural
Pain Relief for Golfers and Athletes Who Want to Excel.
You have taken the first steps to enjoying your sport that
you love, pain-free.
I’ve been working with golfers and endurance athletes for
over 25 years. Many men and women have come to me, in
pain and close to being forced into early “retirement” from
the sport they love.
Fortunately The Julstro Method created a more positive end-result for
these athletes!
Golfers often don’t think of themselves as athletes, but to the truest meaning of
the word, they are. Golfers practice, and play, for hours at a time, and their love
for golf pushes them to continue to play even when they are in pain.
I received my initial training in 1988 in massage therapy and immediately began
specializing in the treatment of sports injuries and the muscles that cause chronic
Sports massage was still a relatively unknown field for the everyday athlete, but
their passion and dedication set them up regularly for injuries that needed
immediate treatment.
It was my own series of sports injuries that changed my life, and the direction of
my muscular therapy practice. I knew how to treat someone who came to me for
pain relief; however, I couldn’t find anyone who could do for me what needed to
be done to relieve my pain.
As a result I began to develop self-applied techniques for my own muscles – one
by one, from head to toe.
©Julie Donnelly
Any questions contact: [email protected]
Created by Julie Donnelly – The Pain Relief Expert
Page 3
Unraveling the chain of pain was a slow process, but the results made the search
I soon began sharing with the athletes who came to my office, the self-applied
treatments I referred to as “the Julstro Method”.
The results were astonishing! Low back pain disappeared, shoulder pain, hip pain,
and plantar fasciitis were quickly released.
My focus and commitment to helping golfers, and other athletes stay active and
pain-free is as full of passion today as it was 26 years ago!
©Julie Donnelly
Any questions contact: [email protected]
Created by Julie Donnelly – The Pain Relief Expert
Page 4
Step 1 – Understanding Your Pain
The mechanism of pain is a complicated topic
because of the many chemicals in our body
that will trigger pain. It’s way more than
anyone other than the medical professionals
need to know about, but there are a small
handful of topics that will make it easier to
understand pain.
Most people have heard about lactic acid, and
most people believe it is the “bad guy” in their
body. However that’s not quite true.
It is more accurate to say a by-product of
muscle action, called hydrogen ions, causes
the problems that have previously been
attributed to lactic acid.
When you are doing a repetitive movement you are building up hydrogen ions,
and your muscles are shortening into spasms. You can think of a spasm as a knot
in the muscle fibers.
The muscle is now shortened, but it’s still attached to the two points on the bone.
The shortened muscle is putting a strain on the two ends, and you feel pain.
When hydrogen ions are trapped in the muscle fibers, they will burn and can
cause injury to the fibers. It is important to flush the hydrogen ions out of the
muscle. Once you force the hydrogen ions out the muscle, the body can begin to
heal the injured fibers.
Drinking ample amounts of water will help to flush the toxins out of the muscles,
and massaging the muscles will also force the hydrogen ions out of the fibers
Step 2 – How Your Body Works
©Julie Donnelly
Any questions contact: [email protected]
Created by Julie Donnelly – The Pain Relief Expert
Page 5
Your body is an incredible system of pulleys and levers. A muscle originates on a
bone, it then merges into a tendon that crosses over a joint, and then the tendon
inserts on the opposite side of the joint.
When the muscle contracts it pulls on the tendon, and the tightened tendon pulls
on the insertion point. This pressure causes the joint to bend.
To move in the opposite direction, the muscle on the opposing side has to
contract and the first muscle needs to release. This contracting and releasing is
the reason you can make the millions of movements possible throughout your
For example, to touch your hand to your shoulder, your
biceps (A) muscle must contract and shorten, and your
triceps (B) muscle must fully lengthen.
And to then bring your arm straight out
triceps (B) must contract and your biceps
again, your
(A) must fully
However, if, for example, your triceps muscle shortens into a spasm, you will only
be able to bend your elbow to the degree that your triceps will lengthen.
As you try to bend a joint that is impacted by tight muscles, you will feel pain at
the insertion point. An analogy that makes this clear is, when you pull your hair at
the end it will hurt at your scalp. You don’t need to massage your head; you don’t
need to take aspirin for the headache; and you certainly don’t need brain surgery.
All you need to do to stop the pain is let go of your hair!
In the exact same manner, to release the tension on your joint you simply need to
release the tension in your muscle.
Step 3 – Finding The SOURCE of Your Pain
©Julie Donnelly
Any questions contact: [email protected]
Created by Julie Donnelly – The Pain Relief Expert
Page 6
Most people rub where it hurts…and they don’t get relief! The problem is the
pain is rarely originating where you are feeling it.
There are hundreds of points throughout the body
that are prone to spasm, and those spasms – also
called “trigger points” – refer pain to areas that can
be distant from the spasm.
Fortunately there is a map to these trigger points.
The circle shows the location of the spasm.
The shading in the same color as the circle shows
where that trigger point’s pain, numbness, and
tingling, will be felt..
Having a map to the spasms is like having a
road map when you are traveling cross
country. It clearly shows you where to go,
and then the next step is what to do when
you get there.
©Julie Donnelly
Any questions contact: [email protected]
Created by Julie Donnelly – The Pain Relief Expert
Page 7
Step 4 – Simple Relief
It’s amazing how simply applying pressure on a spasm makes a huge difference.
Hydrogen ions are forced out of the muscle fibers, and as you take the pressure
off the muscle, blood fills the void and eases the tension.
First locate the trigger point that is causing your area of pain. Apply direct
pressure on the spasm and hold it for 30 seconds.
Often there are several spasms in a muscle. Each needs to be treated separately,
but the time needed to totally release the spasm is usually 30-60 seconds.
This picture above demonstrates how to do one of the self-treatments for the
infraspinatus muscle that was shown (in orange) on the top of Page 5.
©Julie Donnelly
Any questions contact: [email protected]
Created by Julie Donnelly – The Pain Relief Expert
Page 8
Step 5 – How To Make Relief Permanent
You’ve found the source of
your pain, and you’ve
released it!
How do you keep it from
Schedule a weekly or
monthly appointment with
yourself and don’t break that
1. Start by locating the trigger points that are causing pain in your body.
2. Using a ball, the heel of your hand, or another “tool,” press on the spasm
and hold the pressure for 30 seconds.
3. Move your hand or tool so you are slowly flushing out the entire length of
the muscle.
4. Stretch the muscles safely, only going as far as it feels good. Never
Knowing how to treat the spasms that are shortening your muscles and putting
pressure on your joints, will ease pain or eliminate it completely.
YOU are your own Best Therapist!
©Julie Donnelly
Any questions contact: [email protected]
Created by Julie Donnelly – The Pain Relief Expert
Page 9
Are you ready to stop pain FAST!?
Would you like to know how to take control of your body and avoid
pain medications?
Do you know what every day you live in pain is costing you in future
What will your future be like if you let this continue?
What’s next...
Here’s what you can do.
Step 1: CLICK HERE >>> cure pain naturally session survey
Step 2: Fill out the questionnaire,
Step 3: We will contact you shortly so we can give you your FREE 15minute Strategy Planning Session so you can gain clarity and determine
your next steps toward flexibility and pain relief.
I’m excited to connect with you and I
look forward to being a part of your
journey in discovering simple at-home
treatments to can do safely and easily.
Wishing you well,
©Julie Donnelly
Any questions contact: [email protected]