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Julia McHale
December 20, 2013
What is the TFL? Tensor Fasciae Latae
The tensor fasciae latae is a muscle of the thigh. The Latin name for this muscle roughly translates to
English as “the muscle that stretches the band on the side”. The word tensor comes from the Latin verb
meaning “to stretch”. Fascia is the Latin term for “band”. The word latae is the genitive form of the
Latin word lata meaning “side”. (Wikipedia)
Dog and feline:
Origin: Lower edge of the front end of the pelvis; the surface of the gluteus medius.
Insertion: Into the fascia covering the thigh muscles
Structure: The triangular muscle separates into two forms on the surface. The muscle belly ends on the
thigh; its lower edge is directed downward and forward from the upper end of the femur. The Sartorius,
not the TFL, is the leading muscle on the front of the thigh.
Function: flexor of the hip joint, extensor of the stifle joint, tensor of the fascia latae, draws the limb
forward in the cranial movement of the stride.
Canine Anatomy: A Systematic Study by Donald R. Adams
Muscles: Tensor Fasciae Latae
The cranial femoral muscles include the TFL and quadriceps femoris. The TFL is a short double-bellied
muscle situated on the proximal lateral surface of the femoral region between the Sartorius muscle
craniomedially the middle gluteous muscle proximally and the biceps femoris muscle caudally. The TFL
muscle arises from the tuber coxae and inserts on the fascia latae.
The cranial gluteal nerve arises from the lumbosacral trunk; crosses the dorsal surface of the ilium near
the cranial margin of the major ischiatic notch with the cranial gluteal vessels and innervates the middle
gluteus, deep gluteus, and TFL muscles.
Dog stifle joint (knee)
Musculature of Dog Stifle Joint
There are two groups of muscles in the dog stifle: those that extend the joint and those that flex it. Below
is a list of these muscles and the nerves responsible for their stimulation Muscles extending: Quadriceps
femoral nerve. Tensor fasciae latae – cranial gluteal nerve. Biceps femoris – caudal gluteal, tibial nerves.
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Semitendinosus –tibial nerve. Semimembranosus – tibial nerve. Muscles flexing: Gracilis – obturator
nerve. Gastrocnemius – tibial nerve. Superficial digital flexor – tibial nerve.
The piriformis arises from the ventral surface of the sacrum and inserts on the greater trochanter deep to
the tendon of the gluteus medius. Both muscles extend the hip joint and both, inserting lateral to the hip
joint, have some action in abduction. The cranial part of the tensor fasciae latae, the cranial belly of the
Sartorius, and the rectus femoris of the quadriceps act to extend the knee (stifle) joint and to flex the hip
joint. Owing to the difference in the mass to be moved, the action of these muscles is chiefly to extend
the more distal knee joint, which has the lesser mass. The caudal belly of the Sartorius acts to flex the hip
and the knee joints. The caudal part of the tensor fasciae latae also acts to flex the hip joint; it has no
action on the knee joint.
Tensor Fasciae Latae m.
Origin: Tuber coaxe
Insertion: Cranial part: fascia lata, and by that means, the patella and patellar ligament; caudal part:
lateral lip of the facies aspera.
The Healthy Way to Stretch Your Dog: Sasha Foster/Ashley Foster
The bent leg stretches the gluteal muscle group; the straight leg stretches the hamstring muscle group.
Balance Your Dog: Canine Massage
C. Sue Furman, PhD
The two largest muscles on the lateral surface of the thigh are the biceps femoris, which extends the hip,
stifle, and tarsus, and flexes the stifle; and the TFL which flexes the hip and stifle.
Hip and sacroiliac disease: selected disorders and their management with physical therapy.
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Many problems in the hip area show movement dysfunctions of the hip joint in combination with the
lumbar spine, sacroiliac joint, neurodynamic structures, and the muscular systems. Muscle strain injuries
pertinent to the canine hip have been reported in the iliopsoas, pectinues, gracilis, Sartorius, TFL, rectus
femoris, and semitendinosus muscles. Physical diagnoses of this type of injury require palpitation skills
and the ability to specifically stretch the suspected musculotendinous tissue. Treatments shall incorporate
modalities, stretches, specific exercises, and advisement on return to normal activity. Canine hip
dysplasia (CHD) is a common finding in many large breed dogs. Physical treatments, preventative
therapies, and rehabilitation could have a large role to play in the management of nonsurgical CHD
patients with the goal to create the best possible musculoskeletal environment for pain-free hip function
and to delay or prevent the onset of degenerative joint disease. Osteoarthritic hip joints can benefit from
early detection and subsequent treatment. Physical therapists have long utilized manual testing
techniques and clinical reasoning to diagnose early-onset joint osteoarthritis and therapeutic treatments
consisting of correcting muscle dysfunctions, relieving pain, joint mobilizations, and advisement on
lifestyle modifications could be equally beneficial to the canine patient. As well, sacroiliac joint
dysfunctions may also afflict the dog. An understanding of the anatomy and biomechanics of the canine
sacroiliac joint and application of clinical assessment and treatment techniques from the human field may
be substantially beneficial for dogs suffering from lumbopelvic or hindlimb issues.
From Mark Hocking
Pressure release and stretch treatment of a canine tensor fasciae latae trigger point
A trigger point in the dog’s tensor fasciae latae muscle is treated by applying constant gentle pressure to
the most tender spot for approximately one minute and following with a stretch of the hip flexor muscles
Canine Massage: A complete reference manual
BY: Jean-Pierre Hourdebaught
The hip attachment of the TFL area just below the point of the hip is a very critical spot. This is where
both the TFL muscle and the iliopsoas muscle originate. These two muscles are strong hip flexors.
Furthermore, the TFL muscle plays a role in extending the stifle during retraction of the hind leg.
When this trouble spot is stressed, the dog will show discomfort on the same side when turning and will
tend to throw his leg outward during protraction. Be careful and very gentle when starting to work this
area. If the area appears very tender at first touch, use the ice massage technique prior to the treatment to
numb the nerve endings.
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Stir up the circulation in the area with the SEW approach. Apply compressions with a moderate to heavy
pressure (5-12 lbs) along the TFL muscle. Then use kneading to relax muscle fibers and prevent the
formation of SP36 and SP 37, intersperse with effleurage. Apply cross-fiber frictions over the entire
muscle to loosen the muscle fibers. Alternate with some effleurages every 20 seconds. After the
massage, apply cold to ease the nerve endings and flush the blood circulation in that area. Finish with the
WES approach to thoroughly drain the area.
To finish this routine, apply lots of light stroking over the entire dogs body to give it a sense of relaxation.
Complete your massage with a general stretching routine of the dog which is particularly good to
contribute to the positive effect of your massage work. After this massage routine, some light exercising
for the dog is recommended as a good follow up but keep any lateral work (circles) to a minimum at first,
especially if the shoulder and TFL muscles were tight.
Wobble boards are used to stimulate balance and proprietception for injured animals as well as for sports
dogs during training for muscle development and coordination.
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protraction of hind leg
1. iliopsoas
2. tensor fascial latae
3. rectus femoris
4. sartorius
5. biceps femoris
6. gastrocnemius
7. extensor muscles
abduction of hind leg
1. middle gluteal
2. superficial gluteal
3. tensor fascia latae
4. biceps femoris
5. quadriceps femoris
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adduction of hind leg
1. adductor muscles
2. gracilis muscle
3. iliopsoas muscle
antagonist muscles involved
1. gluteal
2. biceps femoris
3. quadriceps
4. tensor fascia latae
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benefits of animal massage
-stimulates/sedates the nervous system
-increase/drain blood flow through blood
-accelerates cleansing effect of lymph system
-increase oxygen/gas exchanges through the respiratory system
-increase metabolic rate of digestive system
-increase fluid circulation of urinary system
-increase nutrition/flexibility of muscular system
-increase nutrition of the bone and joint structure
nerve endings in your
will give you considerable info about the physiological state of the body part
you are working on
sensations you perceive
TEMPERATURE-look for changes in body temp
during massage
TEXTURE-notice tissues that feel overly soft or puffy
TENDERNESS-the sensitivity response of the animal to your touch
TENSION-the tonicity of the muscle fibers
an area abnormally cool to
indicates lack of blood circulation to that area, which may indicate problems
the touch
such as muscle contraction and/or deep chronic tension and eventually pain
an area abnormally hot to
indicates the presence of an inflammation and is a sign of an underlying
the touch
problem such as micro-spasm, stress points, trigger points or trauma
tissues which feel too soft or
indicates the presence of edema-a sign of congestion or of an underlying
too puffy
inflammatory condition
if sensitivity response of the
indicates underlying problems such as nerve endings are irritated or damaged
dog is high
muscle tension results from
too much exercise, scar tissue build-up
too much muscle tension
less blood circulation, less nutrients, less oxygen, increase of toxin build-up,
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creation of an underlying inflammation, can cause trigger points and stress
0.1 to 0.5 pounds
finger stroking touch
0.5 to 3 pounds
light touch
3 to 5 pounds
regular touch
8 to 15 pounds
firm touch
starting at 15 pounds
heavy pressure--used only on large muscle groups
more than 25 pounds of
can bruise muscle fibers in the muscle layers of the average animal
forward motion of the legs
backward motion of the legs
outward motion of the legs
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inward motion of the legs
isometric contraction
when a muscle contracts without causing an obvious movement. (ex.
when a dog stands on a moving platform and has to adjust his muscles to
remain standing)
concentric contraction
when a muscle shortens as it contracts and induces articular movements
such as protraction, retraction, abduction, and adduction
agonist muscle
when a muscle contracts, responsible for concentric contraction
antagonist muscle
the muscle that counteracts the agonist action. it is elongated during
concentric contraction
eccentric contraction
when a contracted antagonist muscle releases from its contracted state
slowly to allow for better muscle control / acts as a shock absorber during
landing or any other such abrupt movement
protraction of the
foreleg/forward motion
1. the brachiocephalicus muscle
2. the omotransversarius muscle
3. the supraspinatus muscle
4. the subscapularis muscle
5. the coracobrachialis
6. the biceps brachii muscle
7. the extensor carpi radialis muscle
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8. the common digital extensor muscle
retraction of the
foreleg/backward motion
1. triceps
2. latissimus dorsi
3. flexor muscles
4. rhomboideus
5. cervical trapezius
6. deep pectoral muscle
abduction of the
foreleg/sideward apart
1. supraspinatus and infraspinatus
2. the deltoideus
3. the rhomboideus
4. the trapezius
elongated muscles-1. deep pectoral
2. superficial pectoral
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adduction of the
foreleg/sideward together
1. deep pectoral muscle
2. superficial pectoral muscle
elongated muscles-1. supraspinatus and infraspinatus
2. deltoideus
3. rhomboideus
4. trapezius
protraction of hind leg
1. iliopsoas
2. tensor fascial latae
3. rectus femoris
4. sartorius
5. biceps femoris
6. gastrocnemius
7. extensor muscles
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retraction of hind leg
(pulling in) concentric
1. gluteus muscles, especially middle gluteal
2. hamstring group
3. gastrocnemius
4. deep flexor muscles
1. middle gluteal
2. superficial gluteal
3. tensor fascia latae
4. biceps femoris
abduction of hind
5. quadriceps femoris
adduction of hind leg
1. adductor muscles
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2. gracilis muscle
3. iliopsoas muscle
antagonist muscles involved
1. gluteal
2. biceps femoris
3. quadriceps
4. tensor fascia latae
extension of vertebral
1. spinalis dorsi muscles
2. longissimus dorsi muscles
3. iliocostalis dorsi muscles
extension of the neck
1. splenius
2. semispinalis capitis
3. rhomboideus
4. trapezius muscle (cervical part)
5. serratus ventralis cranialis
flexion of the neck
1. sternohyoideus
2. brachiocephalicus
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3. sternocephalicus
4. omotransversarius
benefits of animal massage
-stimulates/sedates the nervous system
-increase/drain blood flow through blood
-accelerates cleansing effect of lymph system
-increase oxygen/gas exchanges through the respiratory system
-increase metabolic rate of digestive system
-increase fluid circulation of urinary system
-increase nutrition/flexibility of muscular system
-increase nutrition of the bone and joint structure
nerve endings in your
will give you considerable info about the physiological state of the body
part you are working on
sensations you perceive
TEMPERATURE-look for changes in body temp
during massage
TEXTURE-notice tissues that feel overly soft or puffy
TENDERNESS-the sensitivity response of the animal to your touch
TENSION-the tonicity of the muscle fibers
an area abnormally cool to
indicates lack of blood circulation to that area, which may indicate
the touch
problems such as muscle contraction and/or deep chronic tension and
eventually pain
an area abnormally hot to
indicates the presence of an inflammation and is a sign of an underlying
the touch
problem such as micro-spasm, stress points, trigger points or trauma
tissues which feel too soft or
indicates the presence of edema-a sign of congestion or of an underlying
too puffy
inflammatory condition
if sensitivity response of the
indicates underlying problems such as nerve endings are irritated or
dog is high
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muscle tension results from
too much exercise, scar tissue build-up
too much muscle tension
less blood circulation, less nutrients, less oxygen, increase of toxin build-
up, creation of an underlying inflammation, can cause trigger points and
stress points
0.1 to 0.5 pounds
finger stroking touch
0.5 to 3 pounds
light touch
3 to 5 pounds
regular touch
8 to 15 pounds
firm touch
starting at 15 pounds
heavy pressure--used only on large muscle groups
more than 25 pounds of
can bruise muscle fibers in the muscle layers of the average animal
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Canine Anatomy: A Systematic Study by Donald R. Adams
The Healthy Way to Stretch Your Dog: Sasha Foster/Ashley Foster
Balance Your Dog: Canine Massage
C. Sue Furman, PhD
From Mark Hocking/Pressure release and stretch treatment of a canine tensor fasciae latae trigger point
Canine Massage: A complete reference manual
BY: Jean-Pierre Hourdebaught
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