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1.Read the novel ‘The Story Of My Life’.Also watch the movie ,’The Miracle Worker’.
2.Helen Keller overcame two seemingly insurmountable obstacles ,yet went on to become not just a
scholar and writer but also a source of inspiration to all of us.Write about any other famous personality
who has inspired you.(In about 150 words).
NOTE-This assignment must be done in A4 size sheets.
3.Complete all the exercises of Unit 1(DETERMINERS),Unit2 (TENSES) and Unit 3(SUBJECT-VERB
Subject: French
Class: X
1. Complétez le dialogue suivant en utilisant les pronoms personnels convenables ;
Anne et Béatrice se parlent :
Anne: Apprends –tu le français?
Béatrice : Oui madame, je ________ apprends.
Anne : Est-ce que Paul ________ apprends aussi ?
Béatrice : Non, il ne ________ apprend pas, il apprend l’espagnol, mais pourquoi vous____ ____
Anne : Parce que ________ aussi, je veux _______ apprendre, c’est pourquoi je _______ demande
tout ça.
Anne : Est-ce que vous écrivez des lettres en français ?
Béatrice : Non, je ne_________ écris pas en français.
Anne : Alors, comment répondez-vous aux lettres de vos parents ?
Béatrice : Bien, je ________ réponds en anglais parce qu’ils ________ comprennent bien aussi.
Anne : Lisez-vous des journaux français ?
Béatrice : Oui, bien sûr, je ________ lis beaucoup.
Anne : Est-ce que vous comprenez votre professeur quand __________ parle rapidement?
Béatrice : Un peu, mais je ________ comprends bien quand ___________ parle lentement.
Anne : Qui attendez-vous ici, M. Picard?
Béatrice : ___________ ? Oui, je________ attends, je dois ______ rencontrer aujourd’hui et
_______ donner quelques dossiers.
2. Mettez au futur antérieur
Nous finissons notre travail.
Ils font leurs devoirs.
Les étudiants partent.
Mes amies reviennent.
Je lis ce roman.
Retenez –vous les places ?
Ils s’endorment.
Envoyez-vous des lettres ?
Nous nous promenons.
Conduit-il les invites ?
3. Écrivez une lettre à votre ami(e) en décrivant comment vous avez passé vos vacances d’été.
(On peut décrire un pays ou une ville avec ses monuments, ses spécialités, sa cuisine, le système de
transport et ses personnages bien connus.)
4. Ecrivez les paroles de la chanson française «La maison où j’ai grandi » par Françoise Hardy et
Note: The homework needs to be done in the French notebook
क ा - 10 HINDI
नदशक ‘ रचड ए टनबग’ वारा नद शत फ म ‘गांधी’ दे खए। इस फ म म% &द शत
गांधीजी के जीवन क( कस घटना से आप सबसे अ-धक &भा/वत हुए और 3य5 ?
उसके बारे म% /व7तार से ल खए।
नदश : 1. श9द सीमा -200 - 250
2. काय हंद: - 2 उ;तरपिु 7तका म% कर%
Q1. Prepare a crossword puzzle on the following topics, as per the instructions given in the class to each
(i) Polynomial and Coordinate Geometry.
(ii) Linear Equations in two variables and Triangles.
(iii) Real Numbers and Triangles.
(iv) Statistics and Linear Equations in two variables.
(v) Lines and Angles and Trigonometry.
(vi) Heron’s Formula and Polynomials.
(vii) Real Numbers and Trigonometry.
Travelling enhances your horizon but our dependence on non renewable resources for our
comfort is having an adverse effect on the mother Earth. It’s high time that the development in
the field of tourism needs rethinking and our design of hotels needs to be sustainable and
environment friendly. As a nature lover, you care for the Earth and there are many travelers like
you who would love to join hands with you.
Design a hotel for likeminded travelers and advertise it.
Mode of advertisement: A brochure
Few ideas to be incorporated: Greenery, managing kitchen and garden waste, sewage and pool
water, judicious use of non renewable resources and etc.
Section -A
Q.1. Define Charge. Write down any three properties of charge.
Q.2. Draw the symbols for the following electrical components and make a circuit involving all of them.
a) Battery
b) Rheostat
c) Fixed resistor
d) Ammeter
e) Closed key
f) Voltmeter
Q.3. Define one Ampere of current.
Q.4. Name and state the law which relates V, I and R; (Symbols have their usual meaning).
Q.5. Define resistance and resistivity. Name the common factors which resistance and resistivity
depend on.
Q.6. A wire of resistance 4 Ω is stretched to double its length. Find the change in values of resistance
and resistivity of the wire.
Q.7. 20 J of work is done in taking a charge of 10 C from infinity to a point in an electric field. Calculate
the electric potential at that point.
Q.8. Derive expressions for the effective resistance in case of series and parallel combinations of three
Q.9. When two resistances are connected in series, their effective resistance is 9 Ohm. When the same
two resistances are connected in parallel, their effective resistance is 2 Ohm. Identify the values of
the individual resistances.
Q.10. Explain why?
a) Voltmeter is always connected in parallel.
b) Ammeter is always connected in series.
Following activities are to be done in practical file:
To perform and observe the action of water on quick lime.
To perform and observe the reaction when ferrous sulphate is heated.
To perform and observe the reaction between iron nail and copper sulphate solution.
To perform and observe the reaction between sodium sulphate and barium chloride in aqueous
Following activities are to be done in practical file:
1. To prepare stained temporary mount of a leaf peel to show stomata
2. To show experimentally that light is necessary for photosynthesis.
Class X - F I T
Develop an imaginary selfie app which helps you to take a selfie using your
RETINA (6th sense technology) and also edits the images as per your requirements.
Write about all the features that you would like to have in this app. Support the
answer with logical reasons.
Social Science
Disaster Management
Topic: First Aid
Prepare an illustrated ‘pocket’ First Aid Guide. Write about any five of the following
a) Burns b) Fractures c) Heat stroke d) Snake bite or Dog bite e) Bruises and open
wounds f) Nose bleed.
• Begin with a brief introduction to ‘First Aid’.
• Include a brief description of the injury or condition, symptoms, ‘Dos and
Don’ts’ or precautions and prevention (if relevant e.g. heat strokes can be
• Use pictures and drawings to illustrate the guide.
• The size of the booklet must not exceed that of the school diary.
• Credit will be given to content/information, illustrations, overall
presentation, neatness and creativity.
• Number of pages – approximately 15
1. Write the family of quadratic polynomials having −41 and 1 as its zeroes.
2. If the sum of the zeroes of the quadratic polynomial f (x) = kx − 3x + 5 is 1, write the
value of k.
3. If a – b, a and a + b are zeroes of the polynomial f (x) = 2x − 6x + 5x − 7 , write the value
of a.
4. Find the value of k, if – 2 is a zero of the polynomial 3x + 4x + 2k .
5. The degree of the polynomial, whose graph is given below, is:
6. Find the zeroes of the polynomial 5x − 7x − 6 5 and verify the relations between the
zeroes and the coefficients of the polynomial.
7. Find the zeroes of the polynomial 2s − (1 + 2 2 ) s + 2 .
8. If α and β be the zeroes of the polynomial x − 7x + k where α − β = 5 , find the value of
k and also the values of α and β.
9. If the polynomial 6x + 8x + 17x + 21x + 7 is divided by another polynomial 3x + 4x + 1 , the
remainder comes out to be ax + b; find a, b.
10. Given that x − 5 is a factor of the cubic polynomial x − 3 5x + 13x − 3 5 , find all the
zeroes of the polynomial.
11. If one zero of the polynomial 3x + ( 2k + 7 ) x − 4 is negative of the other, find the value
of k and hence find the zeroes.
12. What must be added to the polynomial 3x + 5x − 7x + 5x + 3 so that the resulting
polynomial is exactly divisible by x + 3x + 1 .
13. Given that the zeroes of the cubic polynomial x − 6x + 3x + 10 are of the form a, a + b,
a + 2b for some real numbers a and b, find the values of a and b, and also the
zeroes of the given polynomial.
14. On dividing 3x + 4x + 5x − 13 by a polynomial g(x), the quotient and remainder were
3x + 10 and 16x – 43 respectively. Find the polynomial g(x).
15. Find all zeroes of the polynomial p ( x ) = x − 6x + 6x + 6x − 7 when given that two of its
zeroes are 3 + 2 and 3 − 2 .
Real Numbers
1. State Euclid’s division Lemma.
2. What is the H.C.F. of the smallest composite number & the smallest prime
3. If the prime factorization of a natural number n is 23 × 32 × 52 × 7 , write the number
of consecutive zeroes in n.
4. If n is a natural number, then 92n − 42n is always divisible by which two numbers?
5. Write the prime factorization of the number 27300. In the factorization, find
(a) the total number of primes
(b) the total number of distinct primes.
6. Show that 17 × 41 × 43 × 61 + 43 is a composite number.
7. By using Euclid’s algorithm, find the largest number which divides 650 & 1170.
8. By using division algorithm, find the largest number which when divides 969 &
2059, the remainders obtained are 9 &11 respectively.
9. Show that any positive odd integer is of the form 8q + 1 or 8q + 3 or 8q+5 or 8q +
7, where q is some integer.
10. Show that 8n cannot end with the digit 0 for any natural number n.
11. Use Euclid’s algorithm to find the H.C.F. of 85 & 51 & then express it in the form
of 85x + 51y , where x & y are integer.
12. A bookseller purchased 117 books out of which 45 books are of Mathematics &
the remaining 72 books are of Physics. Each book has same size. Mathematics &
Physics book are to be packed in separate bundles & each bundle must contain
same number of books. Find the least number of bundles which can be made for
these 117 books.
13. A circular field has circumference of 360 km. Two cyclists Sumeet & John start
together & can cycle at speeds of 12 km/hr & 15 km/hr respectively, round the
circular field. After how many hours will they meet again at the starting point?
14. Given that HCF (2520, 6800) = 40 & LCM (2520, 6800) = 252 × K . Find the value
of K.
15. Prove that 2 3 − 4 is an irrational number.