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Bethel Baptist Church
Apologetics Bible Study
April 20, 2008
Saul Eduardo Godoy
Apologetics Bible Study: Islam
Peace or Beast? - You Decide
Definitions :
Allah 1. The name for the god of Islam.
2. An ancient Middle Eastern deity known as the Moon god (Real definition in context
and meaning)
Koran 1. Regarded as the “holy” book of Islam.
2. The Koran is said to have been given to Muhammad by revelations from the angel
Gabriel. The teachings that were given by Gabriel were memorized and later
dictated to Muhammad's friends.
This book, along with Moses’ books, the Psalms, some Old Testament books, and the Gospels
make up the teachings of Islam.
1. A religious faith that believes in Allah as the sole deity and in Muhammad as
his prophet.
2. (Arabic) Submission (to the will of God) or to submit (Real definition in
context and meaning)
1. An adherent of Islam
Etymology 2. (Arabic) Literally, one who submits (to god) (Real definition in context and
Date of Establishment - AD 622
Worldwide, an estimated 1 billion to 1.2 billion adhere to Islam - 58% live in South and
Southeast Asia; 28% adherents in Africa; 9% near and in the Middle East; 5 % other. There are
an estimated 7.5-9 million adherents in the United States. In 2010, the Muslim population is
estimated to outnumber the Jewish population, making Islam the second most numerous religion
in the US.
Islam is the most rapidly growing religion in the world!!!
How are we connected with Islam?
With Islam, there is no separation of church and state. Many of the countries that the US deals
with have Islam as the majority religion. By dealing with these countries, we are not only dealing
with the country, but also with Islam. This is currently the case with many Middle Eastern and
North African countries.
The US also depends on OPEC to survive as a nation. Plastic, gasoline, and other valuable “biochemical” products come from petroleum byproducts, much of which the US obtains from
Islamic countries.
Islamic Groups
1. Sunni - Strong believers in political relations. About 90% of Muslim believers fall into this
2. Shi’a – a little less than 10% of Muslims fall into this group. They do not have much political
power, but are more extreme in their actions. They are true believers in the coming of the
12th Imam.
3. Sufis – A minority Muslim, mystic group that follows Islam in their own way. Over 10
million followers.
*All are ready for Jihad whenever called upon.
The groups originated after Muhammad's death. Muhammad did not name a successor and each
group believed a different person to be the successor of Muhammad. So, depending on who they
think, according to tradition was the successor, decides what group they belong to.
Jihad is mandatory!
“Make war on them until idolatry is no more and Allah’s religion reins supreme.” (Sura 8:37)
The Koran instructs not to make friends with Jews and Christians (Sura 5:51), but to war against
them: ‘When the sacred months are over, kill those who ascribe partners to God wheresoever ye
find them; seize them, and ambush them; then if they repent and observe prayer and pay the
alms, let them go their ways (Sura 4:5).
“Strike off the heads of the disbelievers. Unless we go forth (for jihad) he will punish us with a
grievous penalty, and put others in our place.” (Sura 9:38-39)
“And what is the matter with you that do not fight for the cause of Allah and for those weak, ill
treated and oppressed among men, women and children whose only cry is; “ Our Lord, rescue us
from this town whose people are oppressors…”(Sura An Nisa 4:75)
“Believers, when you encounter the armies of the infidels do not turn your backs to them in
flight. If anyone on that day turns his back to them, except it be for tactical reasons, or to join
another band he shall incur the wrath of Allah and Hell shall be his home: an evil fate.” (Sura
5 Pillars of Faith
1. Belief in the oneness of god and the finality of the prophet hood of Muhammad.
Muslims affirm it by reciting this prayer daily, “There is no god but Allah, and Muhammad is
his prophet.”
2. Establishment of the daily prayers.
Muslims pray five times a day facing Mecca.
3. Concern for and alms giving to the needy.
Give 2% of their currency to the needy. A set of complicated rules is attached to this pillar.
4. Self-purification through fasting.
Muslims do this by observing the holy month of Ramadan in which they fast from different
things for an entire month. Eating at sundown is permitted. Ramadan comes from when
Muhammad first received his revelation from the angel Gabriel.
5. The pilgrimage to Mecca for those who are able.
Called their “Hajj,” Muslims are required to make a holy pilgrimage to the city of Mecca if
they are physically and financially able to, except if you are a slave.
Is Allah the God of the Bible?
The Bible and the Koran contradict one another on every major religious doctrine: the nature of
God, Jesus, salvation, Scripture, sin, judgment, creation, etc.
1. Islam teaches that the true god is the Muslim deity, Allah. Out of the “99 beautiful names for
Allah,” that Muslims memorize and use for worship, there is not one that says that he is
“love” or “loving.”
2. “Verily god will not forgive the union of other gods with himself” (Sura 4:51)
Islam rejects the concept of the Trinity. The Koran misrepresents the teachings of Christianity
regarding the Godhead, claiming Christians believe in “three Gods”- Father, Mother, and
Son. (Sura 5:116, 5:73-75, 5:114)
3. The Koran stresses tha t Allah only “loves” those who do good, but that he does not love
those who are sinners. Essentially, Allah is primarily a god of Power, not a god of love.
4. “To have a relationship with god is a metaphysical impossibility, ” according to Muslims.
“People cannot know Allah and should not try to know him.” Allah is not involved in the
affairs of humans.” To Muslims, Allah has not revealed himself, but rather he has revealed
his mashi’at (desires and wishes, his will). His will, according to the Islamic teachings, is
limited to Islamic law. A person performs the will of Allah when he follows the dictates of
the Islamic legal system.
Although some of Allah’s attributes may appear to be relational, such as mercy, they are non
mutual and one-directional. According to the Islamic doctrine of Allah, he is non relational.
To claim that Allah is relational is to make him dependent on his creation.
1. Find a biblical verse, or verses, were God is described, “As Love.” Use this to refute the
statement above. Why must the God of the Bible be a loving God?
2. The Bible tells us that God has revealed Himself as a triune being, as One God eternally
existing in three persons- Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit. Look up these verses and
understand their meaning. How important are these to our faith? (Mt. 28:19; Jn. 1:1,14;
Acts 5:3-4)
3. If, when we were Gods enemies, we were reconciled to him through the death of his Son,
how much more, having been reconciled, shall we be saved through his life!” (Rom. 5:6, 8,
10) Using this passage, how can you reconcile the fact of Christ to a Muslim?
4. Contrasting biblical teaching that men and women can know God personally on an intimate
relational level, share a testimony with your group on how God has worked through your life.
How you can apply this testimony, to a Muslim who does not know what it means to have a
relationship with God? Ex. Jn. 17:3 ; Eph1:17; 1 Jn. 2:3-4; 1 Jn 4:7-8
Who is “Isa” or “Jesus” in Islam?
According to Islam, Jesus is just a prophet from Allah. He is the Word of Allah. He was created
from dust and spoken into existence.
1. “They denied the truth and uttered a monstrous falsehood against Mary. They declared: ‘We
have put to death the Messiah Jesus the son of Mary the apostle of Allah.’ They did not kill
him, nor did they crucify him, but they thought they did. They have no knowledge thereof
but the pursuit of a conjecture; they slew him not for certain, but God took him up for
himself.” (Sura 4:154-458)
“Allah forbid that he [Muhammad] should have a son.” (Sura 4:171)
2. According to Sura 19:20, 34, Jesus praised his birth and then said, “I am the servant of
Allah.” Muslims do not believe that Jesus was crucified and died on the cross. They believe
that Allah would never permit this to happen to one of his special prophets.
3. Islam teaches that Muhammad was a superior prophet to Jesus because he brought God’s
final and best revelations to man. Thus “Muhammad is the last prophet and messenger of
Allah. ”
Questions & Rejoicing
1 & 2. Find Scripture supporting and leading to the crucifixion, burial, and resurrection of our
Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Why is this important?
3. Jesus gave honor and praise to John, concerning his prophet hood. Matthew 11:10 points to the
prophecy of Malachi 3:1 concerning John the Baptist, as “Elijah which was for to come.”
Matthew 11:7-19. This is so POWERFULL!!! Neither Muhammad, nor anyone could ever fulfill
this prophecy, because Jesus Himself said that it’s John who prepares the way before him!!!!!!!!!
Just by this prophecy, all Islam is refuted, since they claim Muhammad is the seal of the
prophets, and that Islam is the fulfillment of Judaism and Christianity!!!!!!!!! Love you Jesus!!!
Are the Bible and the Koran the Word of God?
The Koran is full of errors and contradicts itself in over one hundred places. All of “Ali’s” Arabic
to English translations do not have these, for they are fully aware in this. Still Muslims claim the
Koran, in Arabic, is uncorrupted in its pure form, which is still inconsistent and full of errors.
Muslims believe that Allah inspired both the Old and New Testaments. They also believe that the
Koran is pure and uncorrupted.
The Bible
The Koran
God Incarnate
By Grace; Assured
A man
By works; Uncertain
What problem does this impose concerning Gods Omniscience?
Quick power boosters.
1. Salvation,
Islam. By works, salvation uncertain, under Allah’s mercy
Christianity. Only By the death of Holy Jesus’ (God incarnate) on Calvary. By grace
through faith, not by works. Repentance of sin, and total dedication to God the Father
through the Son.
2. Sin & Judgment,
Islam. Allah shall weight all your good deeds and bad deeds, so depending on your
works, which will determine if you will go to Heaven or Hell. A little mercy from Allah
also depends on your eternal shortcoming. Then again Allah’s will is supreme, so no
matter what, he all ready predestined you to Heaven or Hell.
Christianity. All soul that sins shall die. The wages of sin is death. He that believeth on
the son has everlasting life, and he that believeth not in the Son shall not see life; but the
wrath of God abideth on him.
3. Creation.
Islam 1. “Creation took eight days.” (Sura 41:9)
2. “Creation took six days.” (Sura 10:3)
3. “The universe was produced by a big bang.” (Sura 21:30)
4. “God created every living thing from water.” (Sura 24:45)
Christianity. God spoke the universe into existence by a word. “ In the beginning, God”
(Genesis 1:1) alone existed.
Too important to leave out!
1. Muslims deny Jesus Christ was God Incarnate. Any Muslim who believes that Jesus
Christ is God has committed “the one unforgivable sin,” called shirk- a sin that will send
him to hell forever.
Nevertheless, if you give your life in the act of Jihad, “Holy War,” you will automatically
go to paradise, with seventy virgins. If you are a child or a female the reward is uncertain.
2. Greatest witnessing tool.
Go through the Ten Commandments, since they regard Moses with great respect. Show
them how they have transgressed Gods’ Law, and how the penalty is death. But there is
Good News! Show them biblically the who, what, where, when, how’s, and why our Lord
Jesus Christ Had to Die on the Cross and save us from sure eternal death.