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The remedy contained in this Report will work within 12
hours to relieve your pain and help you deal with the massive
discomfort of a bladder infection {also commonly known as a
UTI: urinary tract infection}
This report provides your step-by-step process for the best
possible relief within 12 hours, all with items you have in
your kitchen or can find at your local grocery or health food
©2013 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED, Honorée Enterprises Publishing, LLC
*Don’t even think about reproducing this material without the express written permission of the author.
This Report is copyright protected, all rights reserved.
The author does not assume any liability for the misuse of
information contained therein. The information contained
within this manual is offered to provide you with beneficial
truths regarding your health and well-being. The author is
not a doctor or healthcare professional, nor do they claim to
be. Please be sure to consult with your physician before
beginning any program. All remedies are recommended for
use at your own risk. While every attempt has been made to
provide information that is accurate and truthful, there are
no guarantees that the remedies presented will help
everyone in every situation, because all individuals are
You may not need to visit a physician after all, but in the
event you don’t get relief and your symptoms continue to
progress and worsen, get yourself to a physician as quickly as
you can.
©2013 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED, Honorée Enterprises Publishing, LLC
*Don’t even think about reproducing this material without the express written permission of the author.
Welcome to the
Bladder Infection Home Remedy Report
Your Step-By-Step 12-hour Formula for Immediate
Relief from Your Bladder Infection
Are you one of the 8-12 million people that has developed a
bladder or urinary tract infection this year? Bladder
Infections, also known as Urinary Tract Infections, or
“UTI’s”, are one of the most common infections among men
and women alike. They cause a variety of symptoms
including pain and burning in the bladder and abdomen
when urinating. If you’ve ever had an infection before, you
know all too well how painful this type of infection can be.
The good news is you can cure your UTI in just 12
hours or less using this incredible new plan and
learn what it takes to prevent reoccurring
Ten years ago, I had a bladder infection. It started on Friday
evening, and by Saturday morning I was in excruciating pain.
I didn’t know I could go to “Quick Care” for help, so I called
my friends, a physician I knew, and searched online for
relief. Within an hour of beginning to use the formula in this
Report, I could urinate without being in pain. I wasn’t better,
but I was well on my way. I didn’t end up going to a doctor
because by Monday morning, I was as good as new.
Read all the way through this document, then print out the
last page so you’ll be sure to get everything you need to be
infection-free in just 12 hours, and pain free even sooner.
Let’s talk just for a minute about what causes urinary tract
infections, and then move on to the cure!
©2013 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED, Honorée Enterprises Publishing, LLC
*Don’t even think about reproducing this material without the express written permission of the author.
Common Causes of Bladder Infections
What causes Bladder Infections or UTIs? Bacteria such as E.
coli that get into the bladder or other areas of your urinary
tract usually cause UTIs. UTI’s can also be contracted
through sexually transmitted diseases and even passed back
and forth between men and women.
Are you are at risk?
Here are some common risk factors for getting a UTI:
Being a woman
Have a history of kidney stones
Incomplete bladder emptying resulting from physical
problems or injury
Congenital abnormalities of the urinary tract
Suppressed immune system
Poor hygiene
Certain blood types
Prolonged urinary catheterization
Having sex with multiple partners
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*Don’t even think about reproducing this material without the express written permission of the author.
Common Symptoms of Bladder Infections
As you may be well aware of right this minute, there are
many symptoms associated with a UTI, and most of them are
painful. Some of the more common symptoms include the
urgent need to urinate, whether or not the bladder is full
and, when you do urinate, it hurts hurts hurts.
Other symptoms may include:
Lower Back pain
Small amounts of urine despite urge to urinate
Blood in urine
Pain in upper abdomen
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Who’s at Risk?
Women. Women are much more at risk then men, and it’s
thought to be in part because of our urethras are shorter.
Pregnant women and children are also at risk.
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… Right NOW!
You’re uncomfortable, in pain, and searching for a way to
eliminate your discomfort NOW!
Okay, let’s dive right in: here is a step-by-step plan that will
relieve your pain and symptoms in just 12 hours or less. Most
of the remedies below will help relieve the burning and pain
you experience upon urination. Some of them will also work
to flush the bacteria out of your body and eliminate your
There’s a shopping list on the last page of this Report. Pull
out what you already have in your kitchen, then make a quick
trip to the grocery store or the closest health food store to
pick up what you don’t have.
Follow the instructions to the letter. Like I said, within a
hour I got some relief, and within two days, I felt completely
Do all of these steps, and you will notice a significant
reduction in your pain and discomfort in 12 short hours or
less. This remedy has been tried and tested by the author and
dozens of other individuals {that I know of} suffering from
bladder infections.
Best wishes and to your great health!
©2013 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED, Honorée Enterprises Publishing, LLC
*Don’t even think about reproducing this material without the express written permission of the author.
2 cranberry tablets with 1 8-oz. glass of water.
30 minutes later, mix:
1 Tablespoon Baking Soda in 8-oz. of Water
Why this works: The baking soda will eliminate the burning
sensation and pain you have immediately upon urinating.
The cranberry will help flush bacteria from your system.
NOTE: Do not take the baking soda with cranberry juice, use
WATER. The baking soda and cranberry will neutralize the
effect of the other.**
©2013 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED, Honorée Enterprises Publishing, LLC
*Don’t even think about reproducing this material without the express written permission of the author.
1 cup of water,
then, add 1 teaspoon parsley.
Allow mixture to steep for 10 minutes.
Strain {remove} parsley, then drink.
You won’t enjoy the taste necessarily, but you’ll love the
Why this works: The parsley will relieve the discomfort and
pain you feel in your bladder for several hours. This remedy
will start working within 20 minutes.
©2013 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED, Honorée Enterprises Publishing, LLC
*Don’t even think about reproducing this material without the express written permission of the author.
1 glass of cranberry juice
Take a serving of acidophilus/bifidus.
Note: {I use Shaklee, here’s a link to order for delivery within 5-7 days {a great
addition to your cabinet for prevention}, but you can also buy a different brand at
the grocery story today}:
Why this works: The cranberry juice helps flush out your
system and acidify your urine to help kill bacteria. The
acidophilus helps restore a normal pH balance in the
system, and prevent future infections.
©2013 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED, Honorée Enterprises Publishing, LLC
*Don’t even think about reproducing this material without the express written permission of the author.
1 glass of water mixed with packet of Alka-Seltzer
Fill a large pot with the ingredients below to create a
Detoxifying Flush:
1⁄4 cup potato peelings
1⁄4 cup carrot peelings
1/3 cup chopped beets
1⁄4 cup chopped onion
1⁄4 cup chopped spinach
1⁄4 cup parsley
2 hot peppers
1 gallon water
Simmer on low for 2 hours {drink during HOUR SIX}, strain
{remove} vegetables and drink the broth.
Why this works: The detoxifying broth will help offset any
imbalance in your pH and help flush out your infection. The
Alka-Seltzer helps relieve pain and burning and helps
maintain the pH of the urinary system.
©2013 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED, Honorée Enterprises Publishing, LLC
*Don’t even think about reproducing this material without the express written permission of the author.
Combine and Drink:
1 TBSP Apple cider vinegar
1 glass warm water
30 minutes later, take 2 cranberry tablets.
Why this works: This will help flush bacteria from the body.
You can repeat up to three times per day to help prevent
infections as well.
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*Don’t even think about reproducing this material without the express written permission of the author.
By now, the Detoxifying Flush you created in HOUR
FOUR is ready. Drink up!
Also, combine:
1 TSP olive oil
1 TSP pure garlic juice
Mix with 1 8-oz. glass of warm water and drink.
Why this works: Pure garlic juice helps kill the bacteria that
cause bladder infections. It has natural anti-bacterial
©2013 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED, Honorée Enterprises Publishing, LLC
*Don’t even think about reproducing this material without the express written permission of the author.
1 cup cranberry juice
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Again, combine:
1 TBSP Apple cider vinegar
1 glass warm water
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Again, mix:
1 Tablespoon of Baking Soda
8-oz. of water
Why this works: Baking soda helps alleviate any residual
pain and burning upon urinating.
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Again, combine:
1 TSP olive oil
1 TSP pure garlic juice
Mix with 1 glass warm water … and {you guessed it} drink.
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1 cup cranberry juice
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1 cup water with 1 packet Alka-Seltzer.
Drink another 8-oz glass {or larger} of detoxifying flush
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Food: To Eat and To Eliminate
You should pay attention to what you eat the first 12-24
hours of a urinary tract infection. Why? Certain foods are
more likely to cause UTI’s than others. The first step is
eliminating potential trigger foods from your diet to help
alleviate your symptoms and stop the rapid growth of
bacteria. How do you do this?
Here is the solution:
During your 12-hour regimen, be sure you eliminate all the
foods in your diet that are contributing to your urinary tract
infection. For the best results you should continue to do so
for 1-3 days. Believe it or not, certain foods can make your
symptoms worse and make you more likely to catch
recurring infections. You don’t need to eliminate these foods
permanently, just long enough for your symptoms to go away
and your body to fight back the infection.
©2013 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED, Honorée Enterprises Publishing, LLC
*Don’t even think about reproducing this material without the express written permission of the author.
Foods That Cause Urinary Infections
Foods that have a high acid content will make your symptoms
worse, so you need to cut these foods out of your diet immediately
when you discover you have a UTI. You don’t need to give up these
foods forever, but you’ll realize drastic improvements if you cut them
out for a few days.
Food To Eliminate During 12-24 Hour Window:
Tea {Caffeinated}
Wine, particularly red
Carbonated Beverages
Chicken Livers
Corned Beef
Sour Cream
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Diet Re-Vamp
Next, you’ll need to invest in some foods that will help restore a
healthy pH in your urinary tract to help your body flush the bad
bacteria away. Below we have some recommendations for improving
your symptoms. Head to the store and fill your grocery cart with the
kinds of foods that are going to help you alkalize and balance out your
body’s acid to base ratio and make you feel better!
During your 12-hour flush, you can enjoy as much of any of these
foods as you like.
Recommended Foods for Healing UTI’s:
Mustard Greens
Beet Greens
Green Beans
Mineral Water
Remember you won’t have to eat these foods forever, but it will help if
you at least consume them during the initial 12-hour period. The
more of them you incorporate into your diet on a regular basis the
less likely you will be to catch a recurrent infection. The best way to
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*Don’t even think about reproducing this material without the express written permission of the author.
prevent recurring UTI’s is to eat a diet that is properly balanced. In
the future make every attempt to balance out your diet as much as
possible to help prevent recurring infections.
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Supplemental Grocery List
for Healing Your UTI
Once you have gone through the 12-hour regimen to relieve
your pain and discomfort, you might consider some
nutritional supplements that will help kill off any residual
infection and may also prevent recurring infections. Just a
few supplements used in combination with the right diet will
beat out all the bad bacteria in your system.
All of the supplements I use, from a multi-vitamin to herbs,
are Shaklee. You can purchase them through this link:
Here’s what you’ll need:
Cranberries – You’ve heard this one before. Cranberries
are very essential for alleviating UTI’s because they help
prevent bacteria from clinging to your urinary tract. Look for
undiluted and unsweetened cranberry juice, which will
contain higher concentrations of active ingredients to fight
off infection! Drink 4-6 glasses during the day at the first
sign of infection.
Vitamin C will also help acidify urine and help prevent
bacteria from pooling in your bladder. Vitamin C will also
help jump start your immune system. You can take a
supplement but also eat lots of fruits and vegetables (such as
broccoli) that contain high amounts of Vitamin C. Take two
500mg caps two times per day.
Zinc helps boost your immune system and when combined
with vitamin C will help you fight off a UTI infection quickly
and efficiently.
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Special Bonus
Herbal Support
When combined with the supplements listed above, the
herbs below will help your body power up and stop the pain
and burning associated with your infection and also stops the
bacterial overgrowth.
Echinacea {combined with Black Elderberry and Larch
Tree} is often referred to as the wonder drug of herbs. It can
be used to treat anything from the common cold to flu, so not
surprisingly, this herb also helps fight off urinary tract
infections. These herbs help strengthen the immune system
and fight off bacteria. If you take as a tea {just dissolve two
tablets in boiling water}, you will simultaneously increase
your fluid intake and output, which will help flush your
system of harmful bacteria. This will help your body fight the
UTI fast and efficiently. You can generally take two tablets
three times per day. Shaklee’s product is: Defend & Resist
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Prevent Future UTIs
Herbal Support
~Drink cranberry juice regularly to prohibit bacteria from
clinging to your urine. During an active infection you can
drink from 4-6 glasses per day. At other times one or two
glasses is sufficient.
~Urinate frequently whenever you have the urge, don’t hold
it in. When you hold your bladder and it gets too full,
bacteria flourish and your chances for a recurring infection
increase significantly.
~Urinate immediately after sex. This will help flush bad
bacteria from your body and maintain a healthy urinary
~Wipe from front to back. This will prevent bacteria from
accidentally spilling over into the wrong areas.
~Use loose fitting undergarments and cotton underwear to
prevent irritation. Tight garments can cause discomfort and
irritation and also allow bacteria to accidentally spread to
unwelcome areas.
~Avoid eating a diet high in acidic foods including alcohol
and coffee. If you do consume these foods daily, you can
counter-balance the acid by alkalizing: drink water with
lemon and cucumber.
~Routinely supplement with acidophilus or eat yogurt
several times per week.
Do all of these actions, and you will enjoy a life that is UTI
free! Remember at the first signs of an infection to follow
this step-by-step system and you will live a life that is pain
free and comfortable!
©2013 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED, Honorée Enterprises Publishing, LLC
*Don’t even think about reproducing this material without the express written permission of the author.
Bladder Infection Grocery List
1 bottle of cranberry tablets
1 box Baking soda
Bunch/container of Parsley {fresh or dried}
1 bottle Cranberry juice {unsweetened}
Pre-biotic and Pro-biotic {Acidophilus / Bifidus}
Packets of Alka-Seltzer
1 Potato
1 Carrot
1 Beet
1 Onion
1 bag Spinach
2 hot peppers
1 gallon bottled water
Apple cider vinegar
Olive oil
Garlic juice {you can also purchase fresh garlic, puree
and to the drinks}
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*Don’t even think about reproducing this material without the express written permission of the author.