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Math 563: Advanced Mathematical Methods in Biology
Instructor: Dr. Trachette Jackson
Tentative Syllabus∗
This course is an exploration in applications of mathematics to various biological, ecological, physiological, and medical problems. What follows is a tentative list of topics to be covered including Population
Dispersal, Geographic Spread of Epidemics, Waves of Pursuit in Predator-Prey Systems, Angiogenesis,
Transport of Macromolecules in Tumors and Pattern Formation in Developmental Biology.
Part I: Partial Differential Equations in Biological Settings
Week 1 (Jan 6): Course Logistics/Motivation/Review
• Motivation: Why is it worthwhile to model biological systems?
• Review: Functions of Several Variables, Partial Differential Equations
Weeks 2-3 (Jan 11-20th): Where do PDE models in Biology Come From?
• Derivation of the Conservation Equation
• Convection, Diffusion, Chemotaxis in terms of Flux
• Random Walks
• Properties of and Solution Techniques for PDEs
Weeks 4-6 (Jan 25-Feb 10th): Applications
• Population Dispersal
• Macrophages and Bacteria
• Facilitated Diffusion of Oxygen
• Spatio-temporal Models of Tumor Growth
• Transport of Macromolecules in Tissue
• Angiogenesis
• Slime Mold Aggregation
Week 7 (February 15-17th): In Class Presentations
Week 8 (Feb 22-24): Review, Final Project Outline Deadline, Exam
Week 9 (March 1-3): SPRING BREAK
Part II Traveling Waves and Models for Development and Pattern Formation
in Biological Systems
Weeks 10-11 (March 8-17th): Traveling Waves and Traveling Pulses
• Background: The Traveling Wave Form
• Fisher’s Equation: The Spread of Genes in a Population
• Asymptotic Solution and Stability of Wavefront Solutions
• The Spread and Control of Insect Populations
• Waves of Pursuit and Invasion in Predator-Prey Systems
• Spatial Spread of Epidemics
• Tumor Encapsulation
Weeks 12-14 (March 22-31): Spatial Pattern Formation with Reaction-Diffusion and
Mechanical Mechanisms
• Role of Pattern in Developmental Biology
• The Turing Mechanism
• Linear Stability Analysis
• Dispersion Relations
• Pattern Generation with Single Species Models
• Mammalian Coat Patterns
• Butterfly Wings
• Mechanical Models for Generating Pattern
Weeks 14-15 (April 5-14): Student Presentations/Review
Week 16 (April 19): Exam
Delay and Age-Structured Models (If Time Permits)
• Linear Stability Analysis
• Delay Models in Physiology: Dynamic Diseases
• The Cell Cycle
• Age of HIV Infection