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* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
Novel Plant-‐Derived Therapeutic for Human Papillomavirus and Associated Cancers Mario Castellanos, M.D., Jimmie Fata, Ph.D., Anita Szerszen, D.O., and Probal Banerjee, Ph.D. HPV: a Growing Epidemic CDC Facts: Human Papillomavirus n USA: 20 million infected n Lifetime risk: Annual Cancer Cases Globally n Women 80% n Men at least 50% Tracheal Papillomatosis Financial Impact of Cervical HPV Infection 10,000 cancers 300,0000 High-Grade Lesions 1.25 Million HPV Infected 50-60 Million Women Screened $2.7 billions associated with managing and treating HPV Spitzer, et al Gynecol Oncol 2007;107(2 Suppl):S14-‐8 Innovene’s Objective To continue building on its successful research efforts in the development of natural product-based treatments for HPV and associated cancers Benefits of Natural Curcumin In vitro and animal studies Suppresses tumor proliferation, angiogenesis and inflammatory signaling Clinical Trials • Multiple myeloma • Pancreatic cancer • Mylodysplastic syndromes • Colon cancer Innovene’s First Products “TriCurin” Curcumin Green tea Red grapes Dose Response Curves for HeLa cells After 96 hours of Treatment RT-PCR HPV E6 - + Effects of Curcumin on HPV E6 Expression Neck Implantation of HPV (+) Mouse Cancer Cell Intra-peritoneal injections of TriCurin Intra-tumor injections of TriCurin Tumor Cell Death HPV (+) Mouse Carcinoma Market Size 200 Million Market Size 1.7 Billion Our Invention Scientific Advantages Business Advantages • Food-derived therapeutic • Lower production cost • Local delivery • Easier to manufacture • Highly potent: synergistic • Marketing / public appeal • Affects multiple cancer pathways • Selective towards cancer cells • Non-toxic to healthy tissue Specific Clinical Applications • Novel antiviral: HPV infection • Chemopreventive agent for high risk HPV(+) patients • Adjunct to current cancer therapy What lies next? 1. Partnership 2. New products in development 3. Over-the-counter formulations 4. FDA IND 5. Clinical Trials Business Contact 13 Probal Banerjee, Ph.D. Phone: 917-543-2629 [email protected] Licensing Office Doug Adams, Director Technology Commercialization Office The City University of New York 555 West 57th Street, Suite 1407 New York, NY 10019 646-758-7921 [email protected] TCO Ref. No. 14A0017 Possibility: Sub-licensing of the product to a company to complete product development and clinical trials