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Novel Plant-­‐Derived Therapeutic for Human Papillomavirus and Associated Cancers Mario Castellanos, M.D., Jimmie Fata, Ph.D.,
Anita Szerszen, D.O., and
Probal Banerjee, Ph.D.
HPV: a Growing Epidemic
CDC Facts: Human Papillomavirus
n  USA: 20 million infected
n  Lifetime risk:
Annual Cancer Cases Globally
n  Women 80%
n  Men at least 50%
Tracheal Papillomatosis
Financial Impact of Cervical HPV Infection
1.25 Million
HPV Infected
50-60 Million
Women Screened
$2.7 billions associated with managing and treating HPV Spitzer, et al Gynecol Oncol 2007;107(2 Suppl):S14-­‐8 Innovene’s Objective
To continue building on its successful research
efforts in the development of natural product-based
treatments for HPV and associated cancers
Benefits of Natural Curcumin
In vitro and animal studies
Suppresses tumor proliferation, angiogenesis and inflammatory signaling Clinical Trials
• Multiple myeloma
• Pancreatic cancer
• Mylodysplastic syndromes
• Colon cancer
Innovene’s First Products
Green tea
Red grapes
Dose Response Curves for HeLa cells After 96 hours of Treatment
Effects of Curcumin on HPV E6 Expression Neck Implantation of HPV (+) Mouse Cancer Cell
Intra-peritoneal injections of TriCurin
Intra-tumor injections of TriCurin
Tumor Cell
HPV (+) Mouse Carcinoma
Market Size 200 Million
Market Size
1.7 Billion
Our Invention
Scientific Advantages
Business Advantages
• Food-derived therapeutic
• Lower production cost
• Local delivery
• Easier to manufacture
• Highly potent: synergistic
• Marketing / public appeal
• Affects multiple cancer pathways
• Selective towards cancer cells
• Non-toxic to healthy tissue
Specific Clinical Applications
• Novel antiviral: HPV infection
• Chemopreventive agent for high risk HPV(+) patients
• Adjunct to current cancer therapy
What lies next?
1.  Partnership
2.  New products in development
3.  Over-the-counter formulations
5. Clinical Trials
Business Contact
Probal Banerjee, Ph.D.
Phone: 917-543-2629
[email protected]
Licensing Office
Doug Adams, Director
Technology Commercialization Office
The City University of New York
555 West 57th Street, Suite 1407
New York, NY 10019
[email protected]
TCO Ref. No. 14A0017
Possibility: Sub-licensing of the product to a company to complete product development and clinical trials