* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
Cancer Assignment PLEASE EMAIL THIS ASSIGNMENT 1. Inside Cancer: For the link: - Click on Causes and Prevention. Each topic (i.e. Overview, Smoking, Inheritance, etc.) have multiple pages that are numbered within the graphic window. Click through the numbers prior to the topics to answer the questions. Overview a. What percentage of cancers is not inherited? b. What percentage of cancers is caused by synthetic chemicals? c. List the number of cases per 100,000 for three types of cancer in three countries, including the United States. Smoking a. What percentage of cancer deaths in the U.S. is attributed to lung cancer? b. Leukemia? Brain cancer? c. Name two events in the 1960s that contributed to the decrease in smoking in the United States. d. How does the male death rate compare to the female death rate in 2000? Inheritance a. What are the three types of genes that contribute to cancer? b. How is a mutation that causes cystic fibrosis different than a mutation that causes cancer? c. What role does the APC gene play in cancer development? d. What is an oncogene? e. What does a mutation in K-ras result in? Diet a. Discuss the role food, especially the processed types, play in the propensity for cancer. Mold a. What is aflatoxin? b. How does aflatoxin affect your cells and play a role in the development of cancer? Viruses a. b. c. d. What is HPV? How does HPV cause cancer? To which type of cancer is HPV link? What can HPV potentially do to the cell cycle? 2. National Cancer Institute For the link choose a type of cancer from the list provided (there are over 200 types listed AZ). This will be the topic of your first paper. Each type of cancer will link to its treatment, prevention, causes, screening, literature, research, and statistics. Make sure you choose a type of cancer that is interesting to you. The paper will be 3-5 pages in length. You will be using APA style as the format for your paper. You can see the rules here: The type of cancer that I will be researching is: ________________________________. You may not change your topic once you have chosen it, so choose well. The details of this paper, which includes due date and requirements, will be distributed in class.