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How To Reduce
Your Risk of Cancer
by 70%
Presented by: George Fox, Cellular Nutrition Specialist
Sources of Information For Presentation
Leading Causes of Death (Data are for the U.S.)
1. Heart disease: 616,067
2. Cancer: 562,875 (1,359,000 New Cases)
3. Stroke (cerebrovascular diseases): 135,952
4. Chronic lower respiratory diseases: 127,924
5. Accidents (unintentional injuries): 123,706
6. Alzheimer's disease: 74,632
7. Diabetes: 71,382
8. Influenza and Pneumonia: 52,717
Source: Deaths: Final Data for 2007, table B
the process of initiating and promoting cancer
Page 72
1. A Modest Exercise Program
2. A Healthy Diet
3. High Quality, Complete and
Balanced Nutritional Supplements
“When you make one or two of these lifestyle changes, I guarantee your
health will definitely improve. However, when you make all three lifestyle
changes the results are phenomenal.”
50 percent of Americans do not
engage in enough regular physical
activity (2).
According to the National Cancer
Institute’s cited studies, moderate to
vigorous exercise when compared to
those that are sedentary can reduce
the risk of developing certain cancers
by up to 80 percent.
50 percent of Americans do not
engage in enough regular physical
activity (2).
How much physical activity do adults need?
“engage in moderate-intensity physical activity
for at least 30 minutes on five or more days of
the week,”
“engage in vigorous-intensity physical activity
for at least 20 minutes on three or more days of
the week”
Moderate Activity
Vigorous Activity
What is the relationship between physical
activity and colon cancer risk?
Colorectal cancer has been one of the most extensively studied
cancers in relation to physical activity, with more than 50 studies
examining this association. You can reduce the risk of
developing colon cancer by 30 to 40 percent relative to those
who are sedentary regardless of body mass index (BMI), with
the greatest risk reduction seen among those who are most
active (3–7). It is estimated that 30 to 60 minutes of moderate
to vigorous physical activity per day is needed to protect
against colon cancer (6, 7).
What is the relationship between physical
activity and breast cancer risk?
The relationship between physical activity and breast
cancer incidence has been extensively studied, with over 60
studies published in North America, Europe, Asia, and Australia.
Most studies indicate that physically active women have a lower
risk of developing breast cancer than inactive women; however,
the amount of risk reduction achieved through physical activity
varies widely (between 20 to 80 percent) (6, 7).
What is the relationship between physical
activity and lung cancer risk?
At least 21 studies have examined the impact of physical activity
on the risk of lung cancer. Overall, these studies suggest an
inverse association between physical activity and lung cancer
risk, with the most physically active individuals experiencing
about a 20 percent reduction in risk (4, 6) The relationship
between physical activity and lung cancer risk is less clear for
women than it is for men.
What is the relationship between physical
activity and risk of prostate cancer?
Research findings are less consistent about the effect of physical activity on
prostate cancer, with at least 36 studies in North America, Europe, and Asia.
Overall, the epidemiologic research does not indicate that there is an inverse
relationship between physical activity and prostate cancer (4, 7). Although it is
possible that men who are physically active experience a reduction in risk of
prostate cancer, the potential biological mechanisms that may explain this
association are unknown, but may be related to changes in hormones, energy
balance, insulin-like growth factors, immunity, and
antioxidant defense mechanisms (7). One recent study
suggested that regular vigorous activity could slow the progression of prostate
cancer in men age 65 or older (9).
antioxidant (AN-tee-OK-sih-dent)A substance that
protects cells from the damage caused by free radicals
(unstable molecules made by the process of
oxidation during normal metabolism). Free radicals
may play a part in cancer, heart disease, stroke, and
other diseases of aging. Antioxidants include betacarotene, lycopene, vitamins A, C, and E, and other
natural and manufactured substances.
What is Oxidative Stress?
The Damage Done in Our Bodies by
Free Radicals.
What is a Free Radical?
• Free radicals are charged oxygen molecules
that are missing at least one electron.
Consequences of Oxidative Stress
“In fact, the medical literature now shows us that over 70
degenerative diseases are the result of this process. Diseases
like coronary artery disease, cancer, diabetes, Parkinson’s, arthritis, macular degeneration,
MS, lupus, among others are the result of small oxidative changes that occur over a long
period of time.”
-Dr. Ray D. Strand, M.D. Specialist in Nutritional and Preventive Medicine
"don't underestimate the threat free radicals pose to our health. Scientists now believe
that free
radicals are causal factors in nearly every known
disease, from heart disease to arthritis to cancer to cataracts. In fact, free radicals
are a major culprit in the aging process itself. By controlling free radicals, antioxidants
can make the difference between life and death, as well as influence how fast and how
well we age.“
-Lester Packer, Head of Packer Laboratory, Dept. of Molecular and Cell Biology,
University of California Berkeley.
Antioxidants Are The Answer
“Those individuals who have the highest levels
of total antioxidants in their body compared
with those who have the lowest levels have a 2to-3 fold decrease risk of cancer, heart disease,
diabetes, and even Alzheimer’s dementia.”
-Dr. Ray D. Strand, M.D. Specialist in Nutritional and Preventive Medicine
What Are Antioxidants?
Examples of Antioxidants:
• Vitamin E
• Vitamin C
• Beta Carotene
• Alpha Lipoic Acid
• Bioflavonoid Complex (plant
• Carotenoids
• Grape seed extract - 50 times more
potent than vitamin E, 20 times more
potent than vitamin C as an
Extra electrons to freely
donate without its self
becoming a free radical.
How Do Antioxidants Work?
Free Radical
Healthy Atom
Oxidative Damage to DNA
It is proven that free radicals damage DNA. Most
scientists believe it is free radical damage to the
DNA that begins many forms of cancer.
Oxidative Damage to Artery Wall
Why Not Get All The Antioxidants I
Need From My Food?
In Food
Where do Free Radicals come from?
• Smoking
• Stress
• Sunlight
• Pesticides
• Pollution
• Airline Travel
• Medications
• Foods
• Food Additives
• X-Rays
• Exercise
• Chlorine in Treated Water
• Mercury in Seafood and Teeth Fillings
• And Many More…
Free Radicals
We Are NOT Getting Optimal Nutrition
at Advanced Levels
• The USDA surveyed 16,000 Americans and
found that not one person obtained 100% of
essential nutrients such as magnesium,
vitamin E, and zinc.
• 68% of Americans are magnesium deficient.1
1.“Dietary Magnesium and C-reactive Protein Levels,” Journal of the American
College of Nutrition, Vol. 24, No. 3, 166-171 (2005).
Vitamins for Chronic Disease Prevention in Adults
The Journal of the American Medical Association
Scientific Review and Clinical Applications
Vol. 287 No. 23, June 19, 2002
"Insufficient vitamin intake is apparently a cause
of chronic diseases". Most people do not consume
an optimal amount of all vitamins by diet alone.
Pending strong evidence of effectiveness from
randomized trials, it appears prudent for all adults
to take vitamin supplements."
Concept of Cellular Nutrition
“Cellular nutrition would be defined as providing ALL of the
micronutrients to the cell at these optimal
or advanced
levels that have been shown to provide a health benefit in
our medical literature.”
- RAY D. STRAND, M.D. Specialist in Nutritional Medicine
“I concluded that the only way you have a chance of
preventing oxidative stress is by taking
high quality,
complete and balanced nutritional
supplements that provide, what I refer to as, cellular
- RAY D. STRAND, M.D. Specialist in Nutritional Medicine
Basic Nutritional Supplement Recommendations
Page 158
Basic Nutritional Supplement Recommendations
Page 159
Basic Nutritional Supplement Recommendations
Page 158
Basic Nutritional Supplement Recommendations
Page 159
Amount of Food Needed to Achieve
Optimal Levels of Nutrients
Page 181
Vitamin D3
Studies are showing that those who have the
highest levels of serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D
levels are experiencing a reduction in most
cancers in the 70% range.
Vitamin D3 is need for:
Transcription(DNA transcription); the process by
which one strand of DNA is copied into a
complementary sequence of RNA. RNA functions
in the translation of the genetic information
encoded in DNA to proteins.
Women in the Women’s Health Initiative
that evaluated the effect of calcium and
vitamin D on risk of developing colorectal
cancer revealed that women who were
vitamin D deficient and followed for eight
years had a 253% increase risk of
developing colorectal cancer. These data
are also supported by a recent
observation by Lappe et al who reported
that women ingesting 1,100 IU of vitamin
D and 1,200 milligrams of calcium a day
reduced overall risk of developing cancer
by almost 70%.
American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, Vol. 85,
No. 6, 1586-1591, June 2007
© 2007 American Society for Nutrition
77% risk
Lappe J M et al. Am J Clin Nutr 2007;85:1586-1591
©2007 by American Society for Nutrition
How Do I Get Vitamin D3?
From the sun, our body’s original source
Don’t burn
• Amount depends on latitude, skin color, body
weight, time of year but, in general about
• 10-15 minutes/day
• Between the hours of 11 am-1 pm
• 40% of body exposed
Supplements: D3-cholecalciferol, How
Much Should I Take?
Take whatever is necessary to get
serum levels to 40-60 ng/ml
(100-150 nmol/L)
Get Tested For D3!
Vitamin D3 Test: 25-hydroxyvitamin D Test also called
a 25(OH)D Test
Test until in protective range:
40-60 ng/ml (100-150 nmol/L).
It takes about 3 months for the D3 level to stabilize
with a new dose.
Then test in March each year (lowest level),
then August/September (highest)
How To Choose Quality Supplements
 High Quality, Complete and Balanced Nutritional Supplement
- Providing ALL of the micronutrients to the cell at optimal or advanced levels that
have been shown to provide a health benefit in the medical literature
Pharmaceutical-grade Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP)
- NSF International, The Public Health and Safety Company
 United States Pharmacopeia (USP)
- Guidelines for Potency, Uniformity, and Dissolution of the tablets
 Independent Scientific Authority Verified for Completeness & Balance
- Comparative Guide to Nutritional Supplements
Widespread Supplement
• 2002 - International Olympic Committee (IOC)
sampled 240 supplements purchased in America,
revealing 18.8% contained steroids.
• 2007 - Informed-Choice a non-profit organization
that certifies products to be clean and free of
banned substances tested 52 supplements
purchased and tested by HFL. Results, 25% of the
supplements contained traces of steroids and
11.5% had banned stimulants.
Results of Contaminated Supplements
Major League Baseball J.C Romero suspended and loses 1.25 million
dollars for testing positive for banned substance because of
contaminated supplements purchased form at a GNC and Vitamin
By Peter Gammons
January 6, 2009, 1:36 PM ET
Competitive swimmer Kicker Vencill, 31, flunked an athletic drug test because the
multivitamin that he took contained banned steroids, the product was from Ultimate
Nutrition Inc.
The Wall Street Journal
What's Really in Supplements?
SEPTEMBER 7, 2009, 7:56 P.M. ET
In a recent study, researchers discovered that 54 percent of the
nutritional supplements tested did not disintegrate properly.1
1. Löbenberg R, Steinke W. Investigation of vitamin and mineral tablets and capsules on the Canadian market. 2006. J Pharm Pharmaceut Sci 9(1):40-9.
Leading Multi
Cheap Vitamins Your Not Getting
What You Pay For?
Vitamin B12 mcg / Serving
Servings / Bottle
mcg Vitamin B12 / Bottle
Number of Bottles of Centrum to
Cost Comparison
Extra Cost / Month
Number of Pills
Content of OTC Vitamin D Low,
The mean vitamin D3 content from 10 OTC brands was
only 33% of what the label claimed, with the actual
content ranging from less than 1% to 82% of the
advertised level. The study was presented at the
meeting of the Joint Consortium of Multiple Sclerosis
Centers and America's Committee on Treatment and
Research in Multiple Sclerosis.
Source: Consortium of Multiple Sclerosis Centers
Source reference:
Eckstein C, et al "Vitamin D3 content in commercially available oral
supplements" CMSC-ACTRIMS 2010; P. 33-34.
Top Companies Making Quality
The Numbers Say It All. The research team at Simone Protective Cancer Institute (Charles
B. Simone, II, M.D., Nicole Simone, M.D., Victoria Simone, R.N., and Charles Simone,
M.D.) reviewed randomized and observational trials that involved 8,521 patients taking
antioxidants as single agents (individually) or in combination concomitantly with chemo
and radiation therapy. The nutrients studied were vitamin A, beta-carotene, the B
vitamins, vitamin C, vitamin D, vitamin E, vitamin K, selenium, cysteine, and glutathione.
After evaluating 280 peer reviewed studies, including 50 human trials dating back to the
1970s through the present, the authors concluded that antioxidants and other nutrients
do not interfere with these cancer treatments. In fact, non-prescription antioxidants and
other nutrients actually enhance the ability of these modalities to kill cancer cells. They
also help protect healthy tissue and decrease side effects. In 15 human studies, 3,738
patients who took non-prescription antioxidants and other nutrients also had increased
chances of survival!
• Olivol® —USANA’s exclusive patented
olive-fruit extract*
• Most comprehensive, precisely
balanced supplements
• Unmatched number of antioxidants
• Nutrition for all generations
*Patented in the United States. US Patent No. 6,358,542 or 6,361,803
“With over 1,500 nutritional supplements evaluated, USANA’s
Essentials™ continue to set the gold standard, earning the
NutriSearch Gold Medal of Achievement™ for proven product
—Lyle MacWilliam, BSc, MSc, FP
former Canadian Member of Parliament
and Member of the Legislative Assembly for British Columbia
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.