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Handcraft Web Design
Quim Berenguer
Graphic Designer
Handcraft Web Design
my work
I came across the WEB in 1993, and since then I have tried to push creativity beyond the plane of the screen, seeking emotions
and feelings. For me, it is all about engaging the user.
Much of my work has been done using Flash and, irrespective of the support format, I have been investigating the potential of
natural elements and organic decay in the digital design format.
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Handcraft Web Design
my work
For many years I have been working with the same group of programmers whom, over the years, have become good friends.
We started to use our own CMS which was created in the beginning for the department of interior of the Catalan Government;
not in itself a bad tool, and many sites still use it.
I have always found it strange that the same people who recommend the use of ìsimpleî graphics often use complicated
programming, while I prefer to work with the simplicity of Wordpress. In many cases my job is to heighten the user experience,
and mostly I limit my self to designing the site.
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Handcraft Web Design
my work
There are many possible solutions to a communication problem; the hard work is choosing a
good one!
Artists are different from designers, artists work for their ìgodsî, while we, designers, need a client, and to solve problems for
other people.
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Handcraft Web Design
my work
There are always big discussions about what style is the ìrightî one, I have always felt
that this was a pointless debate, for me, the ìrightî style is any good solution to solve the
communication problem.
Before making any specific proposals I have included some of my projects in this document in the hope that somewhere within
my work you may find the seed to solving your communications needs
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Joaquim Berenguer
Name: Joaquim Berenguer
Age: 53
Gender: Male
Familly Status: Married
Profession: Graphic designer
Location: Barcelona, Catalonia
Office: On line
Some times a few tweaks can make the feeling come through. I didnít design this site, just the tweaks.
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