* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
LJUD is an international collective of performers, directors, visual artists and activists. Their main goal is to explore the possibilities of artistic expression in public space and new theatrical forms based on interaction rather than presentation. They believe in art that is in direct contact with the present times, and which establishes theatre performance as a game, a ritual and a social event. In 2008 an expedition of pink alien immigrants landed on earth as part of LJUD's ongoing interactive theatre project “The INVASION”. Since then they have visited more than 70 cities in 30 countries across the planet. The development of our largest project to date was supported by the IN SITU network and the La Strada festival of Graz. In 2010 they created “The Streetwalker open-air ready-made gallery” which is expanding the concept of ready-made art by imagining everyday elements of the city as works of art while collaborating with local artists and residents. The project was internationally premiered on the renowned Chalon dans la Rue festival. LJUD has produced a silent movie (“The Southern Island”, 2007) and a live radio play (“The death of the bakers daughter”, 2008) in co- production with the Slovenian National Radio. In the last years the group has also been experimenting with many different forms of public space interventions, flash-mobs and site specific actions; travelling around Europe and collaborating with various local collectives, musicians, visual artists, dancers, puppeteers etc. On a weekly basis they run an experimental educational program in Ljubljana – “Ljud’s Laboratory” they are as well leaders of a European project for new artistic mobility called H.O.M.E. – Houses for Open Mobility Exchange. Their activities are co-financed by the European Commission – Directorate of Culture, the IN SITU network for art in public space, the Slovenian Ministry of Culture, the Municipality of Ljubljana and others. For more information about the group, please visit