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Newsletter Date 11/27/01
Volume 1, Issue 3
EMULSOME™ : New Patented Form of CoQ-10
available exclusively from Westco
Coenzyme Q-10 is an essential constituent involved at the cellular level in the electron transport system in the respiratory chain. It helps produce energy in the mitochondria of muscle
tissue and, especially, the heart. The Co Q-10 molecule is an electron carrier and aids in generating the ATP needed for optimal performance. In addition the molecule has also been shown
to be a potent anti-oxidant.
Inside this issue:
New CO Q –10 Innovation
Weight Loss
Westco Delivers !
Press Review
Product List
In fact, Coenzyme Q-10 performs multiple roles in the body. It regulates succinyl and NADH
dehydrogenases; it is needed for the synthesis of prostaglandins and protects cells from lipid
peroxidation in aging. It also increases the efficiency of oxidative reactions that might be considered one of the rate limiting factors in energy production. There are ten types of Co Enzyme
Q and Co Q-10 is the main active type in humans. Great supplement that it may be, generic Co
Q-10 does however suffer from some serious problems. It is a very lipophilic compound and is
practically insoluble in water due to its long side chain of 10 isoprenoid units. To exacerbate
the problem, generic Co Q-10 often suffers from a large, irregular particle size. This all translates to a very poor bioavailability when taken as a nutritional supplement.
Westco now has the answer to this problem and is proud to be able to offer, under an exclusive
distribution agreement, a new patented form of CO enzyme Q-10: EMULSOME™.
• Westco Fine Ingredients
makes every effort to provide you with the best customer service and prices
on standard and cutting
edge raw materials. We
provide Kosher Certifications as well as FCC and
USP grade ingredients
and documentation on
every product to validate
its purity, and to ensure it
meets the high standards
our customers demand!
% Release CoQ10
Comparison of bioavailabilty of
Generic CoQ-10 vs
EMULSOME™, developed and
patented by Herbamed in Israel has
Generic CoQ10
a ten times greater solubility than
generic Co Q-10. This is someULTRASOME
thing that no other company can
claim or offer. EMULSOME™
powdered Co Q-10 has a 100% dis0
solution capability with proven ef0
8 ficacy and safety in a series of
Time (hours)
clinical studies. EMULSOME™’s
remarkably high bioavailability is
also linked to a very regular small particle size and the fact that the active ingredient is held in
a lipid matrix made up of triglycerides, lecithin and tocopherol succinate.
Manufacturing considerations and ease of use have also been addressed with EMULSOME™.
Thus, Fumed Silica is included in the formulation to increase the flowability and functionality
of the product. EMULSOME™ can be used in tablets, capsules, powders and liquids and is
available only through Westco. Please contact your sales representative for pricing and full
technical data.
The Westco Pipeline
Page 2
WEIGHT LOSS—maybe not just a question of will
power ?
Brain chemistry research is a field of study that has the potential to change our life. In fact brain chemistry is recognized as one of the factors that affects our ability to lose weight. In an effort to directly affect
weight loss, drugs – mainly antidepressants - have been used with moderate success to try and alter how
people think and feel about weight loss for some years. Recently nutritional supplements such as amino
acids have also been utilized to alleviate the psychological and physical inadequacies that imbalances in
brain chemistry can cause. Two such amino acids that are proving popular for this purpose are L Phenylalanine and L -Tyrosine.
Tyrosine is a nonessential amino acid. It does not have to be obtained directly through the diet (unless
an individual suffers from Phenylketonuria, in which case Tyrosine may be considered ‘essential’). Tyrosine is only generated from one essential amino acid, Phenylalanine. These two amino acids work synergistically to help control brain chemistry. Phenylalanine can be used as an appetite suppressant while
Tyrosine is an immediate precursor to the dopamine family of hormones. It is converted via Tyramine
into L-dopa, norepinephrine, and epinephrine which are three key neurotransmitters. Because some antidepressants drugs work by raising levels of norepinephrine, various combinations of Phenylalanine and
Tyrosine have been tried as possible alternatives to drug treatment for depression and appetite control.
Tyrosine is also the immediate precursor to the thyroid hormone thyroxin. In the case of thyroid dysfunction (which has a direct effect on weight loss), therapeutic doses of Tyrosine may have an impact
upon thyroid hormone production and basal metabolism, assisting in weight loss.
Tyrosine and Phenylalanine are both available from Westco Fine Ingredients Inc.
The trick is
knowing our
requirements so we
can be prepared up
to 2 months in
advance for your
In a crowded marketplace the company that gives poor service just cannot survive. At Westco Fine Ingredients we therefore place a very great emphasis on getting product to our customers promptly. Doesn’t everyone say that? Maybe they do, but at WFI it’s true, let’s take a look at the facts:
Over the past 12 month period we have had a 99% success rate for next day delivery on local orders received before noon for stock items. That is a very impressive figure, Jorge our Logistics manager explains:
next day delivery.
“If we get an order in the morning for a local delivery the paperwork is handled immediately by the office. As the order is processed a bill of lading is generated automatically which goes straight to the
warehouse. Goods are prepared that day and go out on the truck next morning. It may sound like a simple task but it requires very strict organization to get it right every time. We have a great record on outof-state deliveries too.”
Inventory management
Our sales staff around the country get daily updates on the inventory position. This not only tells them a
product can be sold for prompt delivery but forms the basis of the overall management of inventory – a
job we take very seriously. Lead times from source for most products range from 2 weeks to 2 months,
but of course, everyone wants immediate delivery. The trick is knowing our customers’ requirements so
we can be prepared up to 2 months in advance for your next day delivery. We stock over 100 products
so it’s a serious job.
If you only need to order the quantity you need for current production but can’t risk your supplier not
having goods ready for immediate delivery, then talk to Westco Fine Ingredients about our Inventory
Support Programme. We’ll make sure we have what you need, when you need it.
Volume 1, Issue 3
Page 3
Press Cuttings—Articles you may have missed
GLUTATHIONE – Glutathione functions as an antioxidant and can maintain vitamin C in its
reduced and functional form. Studies have shown that dietary glutathione enhances the metabolic clearance and reduces net absorption of dietary peroxidized lipids. The consumption of
foods high in glutathione may be associated with about a 50% reduction in risk of oral and
pharyngeal cancer. Increases in plasma glutathione are transient after oral consumption, but
this may help with detoxification of reactive species in the blood or protection of cell surfaces
from oxidative damage. Tissue concentrations of glutathione can be increased by oral supplementation of glutathione, even though glutathione synthesis is inhibited. “Glutathione – Nutritional and Pharmacologic Viewpoints: Part IV,” Valencia E, Marin A, Hardy G, Nutrition,
EPHEDRA AND FOOTBALL - The National Football League (NFL.) notified its clubs
Sept. 27 that it broadened its prohibition on anabolic steroids and related substances to include
products containing high-risk stimulants,including ephedrine. The ban covers ephedrine alkaloids such as ephedra, ephedrine, methylephedrine, norephedrine, pseudoephedrine, norpseudoephedrine. In the NFL announcement, the Commissioner said that there has been a dramatic
increase in the production and distribution of products claiming to enhance sports performance. He added that John Lombardo, NFL advisor on anabolic steroids, advised the league that
there is growing evidence, especially among athletes, linking ephedra intake with cardiovascular difficulties, strokes and other serious health conditions.
MELATONIN & CANCER – Melatonin, Polyunsaturated Fatty Acid – In rat models, linoleic acid and “light at night” (artificial light) enhanced tumor growth, while melatonin and
omega-3 fatty acids inhibited growth. Melatonin, which is a neurohormone synthesized and
secreted at night by the pineal gland, and dietary omega-3 fatty acids are powerful antitumor
agents. Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids, Melatonin, and Cancer Prevention,” Sauer LA, Dauchy
RT, Blask DE, Biochem Pharmacol, 2001; 61:1455-1462.
TAX DEDUCTION FOR SUPPLEMENTS - Two supporters of the dietary supplement industry Senators Tom Harkin (D-Iowa) and Orrin Hatch (R-Utah), introduced a bill in Congress
that would make dietary supplements, medicinal foods, and foods for special dietary needs tax
deductible in certain circumstances. Because these products would be tax deductible, consumers would have an extra incentive to use them. The Dietary Supplement Tax Fairness Act of
2001 (S.1330) would make the cost of supplements tax deductible for employers and excluded
from taxable income for employees. Products must be offered as part of an insurance plan to
be eligible for the deduction.
CREATINE - Creatine Still Popular Among Teens - NEW YORK—In a study published in
the August Pediatrics (108, 2: 421 -5, 2001), researchers found that almost as many 11th and
12th graders are taking creatine as are collegiate athletes. The Associated Press (AP) reported
the study’s findings, which were then picked up by The New York Times and The Washington
Post. The researchers, led by Jordan Metzl, M.D., from Cornell Medical College, surveyed
1,103 athletes in the New York area between the ages of 10 and 18. Approximately 5.6 percent
of participants admitted to taking creatine: the reasons most cited for using the supplement included enhancing performance 74.2 percent of users) and improving appearance (61.3 percent
of users). The most common reason for not taking creatine among non-Users was safety (45.7
percent). According to the researchers, 44 percent of high school senior athletes reported using
creatine, compared to 28 percent of collegiate athletes.
“I get a mailbox full
of trade journals but
I don’t have time to
read them.”
Alpha Lipoic Acid
Chondroitin Sulfate - Sodium
Chrysin (5,7 Dihydroxyflavone)
Coenzyme-Q 10 (Emulsome)
Conjugated Linoleic Acid
Creatine Monohydrate
Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA)
DMAE Bitartrate
D-Glucosamine Hcl
D-Glucosamine Sulfate 2Kcl
L-Glutathione Reduced
g-Aminobutyric Acid (GABA)
p-Aminobenzoic Acid (PABA)
Ketoisocaproate Ca (a-Ketoleucine Ca)
PABA granular
Acetyl-L-Carnitine Hcl
L-Arginine Base
L-Arginine Hcl
L-Carnitine Base
L-Cysteine Base
L-Cysteine Hcl Monohydrate
L-Cysteine Hcl Anhydrous
Cystine Base
L-Glutamic acid
L-Histidine Hcl
L-Histidine Base
a-Ketoglutaric Acid
L-Lysine Hcl (Granular & Powder)
L-Ornithine Hcl
L-Pyroglutamic Acid
L-Tyrosine (Granular)
D-Biotin 1% DCP
Folic Acid
Inositol Granular 97%
Inositol Hexaphosphate
Inositol Nicotinate
Methyl Cobalamin
Riboflavin 95% Granular
Thiamine Hcl
Thiamine Mononitrate
Thiamine Mononitrate 97% Granular
Vitamin B12
Vitamin B12 1% DCP
Vitamin C DC 97%
Vitamin D3
Vitamin E 50% S.D.
Vitamin K1
Vitamin U
Bilberry 25% min.
Bitter Orange 4 & 6% min.
Black Cohosh 2.5% min.
Butcherbroom 18-22%
Chasteberry 0.5 % min.
Echinacea Purpurea 4 %
Gingko Biloba 24/6
Gingko Biloba 24/6, g.a.<5ppm
Green Tea 40% & 60%
Grape Seed Extract 95%
Hawthorne Extract 1.8%
Horsechestnut Extract 20% min.
Huperzine A 5%
Kava Kava 30%
Olive Leaf 6%
Oregano 2%
Passion Flower 3.5%
Prunella Vulgaris 3% min
Pygeum 2.5% (Dry Extract)
Saw Palmetto 25% & 85% min.
Secale Cerale (Cernitin)
Silymarin 80%
Tribulus Terrestris 40% min.
White Willow 12-13%
Yohimbine Hcl
West Coast Contact Info.
Westco Fine Ingredients, Inc.
12551-61 Saticoy Street South
North Hollywood, CA 91605
Tel: 818-255-3351
Fax: 818-255-3352
E-mail: [email protected]
East Coast Contact Info.
Westco Fine Ingredients, Inc.
P.O. Box 388
Chester, NJ. 07930
Tel: 908-879-5830
Fax: 908-879-6920
E-mail: [email protected]
[email protected]
** Please feel free to call us
concerning items that you may not
see on this list for a quote. Westco
only provides the finest ingredients
at the best prices!