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A Unique Ph.D. Program in Plant Biology
at the University of Delaware
Earn your Ph.D.
by conducting
research at TIGR,
DuPont, Agilent
or the University
of Delaware
The Integrative Training Option in Plant Biology
at the University of Delaware
By choosing the Integrative Training
Option (ITO) offered by the Department
of Plant and Soil Sciences (PLSC), Ph.D.
students may select laboratory rotations
and carry out their dissertation research
in faculty labs throughout the ITO network
of the University of Delaware. This includes
the labs of ITO faculty in PLSC, the
Delaware Biotechnology Institute (DBI),
The Institute for Geonomic Research (TIGR),
DuPont, and Agilent. All laboratories are
located within a two-hour radius of the
University of Delaware, allowing frequent
research exchange visits. Video conferencing
Blake Meyers, University of Delaware (DBI, PLSC),
Milo Aukerman, DuPont, Flowering time in
Structure/function studies of plant disease resistance
genes, and whole-genome methods to analyze plant
gene expression
Arabidopsis, nitrogen utilization, small RNAs and gene
Harsh Bais, University of Delaware (DBI, PLSC),
Rhizosphere Biology, Root Exudation, Root-Root,
Root-Microbe and Root-Nematode Communications,
Chemical Genomics
Robin Buell, TIGR, Plant genomics, rice, potato,
disease resistance, Arabidopsis
Sean Coughlan, Agilent, Plant molecular biology,
gene expression microarray analysis, bioinformatics
Pam Green, University of Delaware, (DBI, PLSC,
CMS), Post-transcriptional control of gene expression;
Regulation of mRNA stability; Regulation and function
of ribonucleases; functional genomics of non-coding
RNAs, marine environmental biotechnology
Jim Hawk, University of Delaware (PLSC), Crop plant
breeding with an emphasis on breeding for insect pest,
disease, and drought resistance
Richard Howard, DuPont, Crop Genetics Research,
Fungal cell biology, basic biology of host-plant fungalpathogen interactions, plant anatomy, growth and
development applications in biology of modern
cytological technique
Anthony Kinney, DuPont, Biochemical genetics and
metabolic engineering of lipid, carbohydrate and amino
acid biosynthetic pathways, protein engineering for
improved soybean proteins used in human food and
animal feed, production of novel food oils in soybean
Jung-Youn Lee, University of Delaware (DBI, PLSC),
Cell-to-cell communication through plasmodesmata
in plants
will network ITO students and faculty at all
sites via interactive courses, seminars and
scientific discussions. Competitive stipends
and accommodation supplements for TIGR
rotations will be provided.
John Quackenbush**, Dana-Farber Cancer
Institute, Bioinformatics, gene expression, microarray
analysis, comparative genomics, orthologs and
paralogs, orthologues and paralogues, gene indices
Pablo Rabinowicz*, TIGR, Genomics of maize and
other plants, DNA methylation applied to genomic
sequencing, DNA replication in Arabidopsis
J. Antoni Rafalski, DuPont, Plant genomics;
molecular marker technology, SNPs, maize sequence
diversity, association mapping, linkage disequilibrium,
DNA chips, bioinformatics
Hajime Sakai, DuPont, Seed and flower development
in Arabidopsis and rice
Janine Sherrier, University of Delaware (DBI, PLSC),
Plant-microbe molecular interactions, plant proteomics
Thomas Sims, University of Delaware (PLSC), Soil
and Environmental Chemistry: Fate, transport, and
management of nutrients and trace metals
Donald Sparks, University of Delaware (PLSC), Soil
metal chemistry and the impact on metals in plants
Chris Town, TIGR, Genome sequencing and
annotation; EST Sequencing, expression and mapping
studies; transcription networks and promoter analysis
Byung-Chun Yoo*, DuPont, Metabolic Engineering,
Carbon Allocation Yield Enhancement and Gene
Quinn Zhu, DuPont, Metabolic engineering to
produce products for human nutrition and health
*UD Adjunct faculty status pending
**Formerly of TIGR and still part of the ITO program
The Integrative Training Option
in Plant Biology at the
University of Delaware