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Supplement Centre’s
Beginner’s Guide
to Supplements
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Supplement Centre’s Beginner’s Guide to Supplements
Beginner’s Guide to Supplements
What are supplements?
Branched Chain Amino Acids (BCAAs)
Vitamins and Minerals
Recovery Supplements
Pre-Workout Supplements
Fat Loss Supplements
Weight Gain and Muscle Growth Supplements
Matrix Whey Protein Powder 5 kg
A free guide from Supplement Centre
Matrix Creatine Ethyl Ester Tablets
CEE Hardcore x 500
Grenade Fat Burner Thermo
Detonator x 100
Maximuscle Cyclone Whey Protein
+ Creatine - 1.2 kg
Supplement Centre’s Beginner’s Guide to Supplements
Find out if supplements are right for you. If so, which ones?
New to training? Looking to bulk up
but not sure if supplements are the way
forward? Coming back from injury and
want to boost your recovery?
Supplements are no substitute for a balanced diet
and strict workout regime. But they can cover the
nutritional gaps in your diet, providing that extra
nutrition you need to reach your workout goals.
If you’re perplexed by the staggering array of
products on the market, and the multiple claims they
make - relax.
Optimum Nutrition 100% Whey 2.27 kg
Here we bring you the basics on supplements; a
of supplements.
We talk about what’s in different types of
supplements, and how the ingredients work with
your body.
make informed choices about what supplements to
take and how.
CNP Professional Pro-Flapjack Bars x 24
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Supplement Centre’s Beginner’s Guide to Supplements
What are supplements?
What are supplements, what are they for and what are the different types available?
Looking to boost training performance
in the health angle? Or simply curious to
know more about the plethora of dietary
supplements on the market today? This is
the guide for you.
Knowing what to take, why you’re taking it and how
it works is key to making the most of your healthy
training regime.
Sportsmen and women take supplements to supply
the body with additional nutrients needed during
training. Others might take them to aid recovery
from illness or injury. Some take a supplement to
make up for nutrients lacking in their diets.
Dietary supplements can be bought as capsules,
powders, drinks, and snack bars. But it’s the
ingredients that count, not the form. Different
ingredients are absorbed by the body at different
rates and some products are better taken in one
form than in another.
Atlas Superweight Gainer Protein &
Carbohydrate Blend - 5 kg
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What types of supplements are
PhD Nutrition Catalyst-Multi Nutrient
Matrix Multivitamins x 60
Supplement Centre’s Beginner’s Guide to Supplements
What are supplements? (continued)
Do your research, and choose what works best with
your body and your daily schedule.
Different supplements are used for different types
of activity:
Supplements can be split into two categories:
y Pre-workout supplements - build energy
levels to maximise workout performance.
y Recovery supplements - help your body to
recover faster from a hard workout.
y Fat loss supplements - boost your metabolism,
build lean muscle and suppress appetite.
y Weight gain supplements - protein for lean
muscle mass.
y Muscle growth supplements - promote
power, strength and lean muscle.
1. Foods regulated by the Foods Standards Agency
2. Medicines regulated by the Medicine and
Healthcare Regulatory Agency
It’s important to ensure that any supplement you
take is properly approved. Take medical advice
before implementing major dietary changes
and, when taking supplements always follow the
manufacturer’s directions.
Elite athletes should consult the UK Anti Doping
selecting a product.
As well as specialised supplements targeted at
some great all round products available. These
achieve a good balance of nutritional support for the
Why use supplements?
How should you use supplements?
Intense physical activity places greater demands on
your body’s physical resources. Raising your intake
vital nutrients helps supply your body’s increased
demands - as part of a healthy diet.
Supplements can work alongside a healthy diet
to ensure that your body gets all the nutrients it
needs.You should never take any supplement unless
you have a clear understanding of the ingredients
involved and how they might affect you.
Used correctly, supplements are designed to help
you train harder, recover quicker and maximise your
physical potential.
It is always advisable to seek medical advice before
taking supplements.
Matrix Hardcore Bulgarian Tribulus
Terrestris x 120
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BSN NO Xplode Nitric Oxide Powder 645 g
Supplement Centre’s Beginner’s Guide to Supplements
Protein is one of the three
macronutrients your body needs for
energy. The other two are carbohydrates
and fats.
Protein is a series of amino acids. Amino acids
are the body’s key source of nitrogen. A positive
nitrogen balance allows the body to grow and repair
muscles, so your body needs protein to promote
muscle growth and maintain lean muscle mass.
Protein supplements can help athletes and
bodybuilders achieve the necessary daily
intake of protein.
Types of protein supplements
There are three key types of protein supplement:
1) Whey Protein
Whey protein contains those amino acids essential
for muscle building – leucine, isoleucine and valine –
which it rapidly delivers to the body. Weight gained
through the ingestion of whey protein comes in the
form of muscle mass, not body fat.
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There are four main types of whey protein
supplements to consider:
y Whey protein isolate – At around 90-98%
pure protein, this is the purest form of whey
protein. It contains less fat or lactose than whey
protein concentrate, and also has a lower amino
are watching their weight.
y Whey protein concentrate – Composed
of around 70-85% protein content, whey
concentrate contains more fat and lactose, but is
packed full of amino acids and whey peptides. It’s
also cheaper than whey isolate and a good option
for those trying to bulk or gain weight.
y Hydrolysed whey protein – This form is predigested in a laboratory setting, which gives it the
advantage of being ready for immediate delivery
to the muscles. With such a fast absorption rate,
it is used during workout and post-workout.
y Whey protein blends – a blend will contain a
mix of whey concentrates and whey isolates. This
is a middle of the road option for those who are
Supplement Centre’s Beginner’s Guide to Supplements
Protein (continued)
maintaining weight rather than bulking or cutting,
and who want a quality supplement that’s also
cost effective.
2) Micellar casein protein
Micellar casein protein is isolated from milk, and
is around 70% protein. It takes much longer to
digest than whey protein. Its slow absorption
prolongs the period for which the body receives a
supply of amino acids. It encourages the burning of
carbohydrates for energy, making it a popular choice
for those wishing to gain weight.
For weight cutters protein speeds up the
metabolism and aids dieting by encouraging the
body to burn fat for fuel.
For weight gainers there are special weight
gainer protein supplements, a mixture of protein and
For bodybuilders protein is vital if you want to
build muscle.
For athletes protein provides extra energy, and
repairs muscle.
3) Protein blends
Protein blends are a combination of the above
protein sources. If you are looking for a supplement
that offers both fast digesting (for immediate energy
use) and slow digesting properties (for prolonged
positive nitrogen balance), then a blend can be a
cost effective choice.
Ten effects of protein:
Reasons to take a protein
The average body requires a proper nitrogen
balance to carry out muscle maintenance, but it will
need additional nitrogen when muscle growth and
repair is required. Adding protein via food can be
costly and time consuming. Supplements are easy
and relatively cheap.
Matrix Anabolic Protein Powder - 5 kg
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1. Acts as a source of energy when carbs are not
2. Helps the body burn fat for fuel
3. Preserves muscle tissue during dieting or cutting
4. Builds and maintains hormone levels
5. Keeps pH levels balanced
7. Keeps the body’s immune system functioning
8. Boosts metabolism
9. Regulates growth hormone levels
10. Helps lower insulin levels in the blood
Dymatize Iso 100 Whey Protein 2.2 kg
Supplement Centre’s Beginner’s Guide to Supplements
Protein (continued)
How to use protein supplements
How much protein to take
The recommended daily allowance for adult protein
intake is 55 g. For bodybuilders and endurance
athletes this can rise to between 80 g and 160 g
depending on body weight and level of training.
Check your individual protein requirements to
gauge how much supplementation your
diet requires.
When to take protein supplements
On waking - the body has fasted overnight so a
Optimum Nutrition Platinum Hydro Whey
1.6 kg
fast digesting protein will quickly restore a positive
nitrogen balance. An additional slow acting protein
will keep you topped up until your next
protein meal.
Pre-workout - a slow digesting protein powder
maintains a positive nitrogen balance throughout
a workout.
Post-workout - a fast acting protein helps speed
recovery, a slow acting protein will see you through
to your next meal.
Overnight - your body is starving, so slow digesting
micellar casein will maximise your nitrogen balance
during this period.
CNP Professional Pro Whey Protein - 4.25
Anybody considering hard training needs to make
sure they get enough protein to enable their body
to cope with the repair, maintenance and growth of
muscle cells. Correct protein consumption is key to
Bodybuilding Supplements & Sports Nutrition...
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Matrix Nutrition Micellar Casein Protein
2.25 kg
Supplement Centre’s Beginner’s Guide to Supplements
Creatine can help you to work out harder, for longer
Creatine is a natural compound the
body produces in the pancreas, kidneys
and liver. The bloodstream carries
the creatine to your muscles, where it
converts into phosphocreatine.
This substance helps to increase the amount of
Adenosine TriPhosphate (ATP) available in your
system. ATP is an energy source for muscles. The
goal when adding a creatine supplement to your diet
is primarily to prevent premature muscle fatigue, so
you can work out harder for longer.
Creatine helps the body function better in several
ways, including:
y Boosting energy and extending training capacity.
y Regulating calcium levels.
y Improving sporting performance.
Because creatine helps boost strength, build muscle
mass, and increase endurance, it is of particular
use to bodybuilders, powerlifters, and endurance
who is physically active and looking to improve their
Types of creatine supplements
There are different types of creatine
supplements available.
1) Creatine Monohydrate. The oldest and most
tried and tested form of creatine supplement, it’s
also the cheapest. It is composed of 88% creatine
and 12% water.
y Increasing muscle mass.
2) Creatine Ethyl Ester. Designed to be more
y Working as an antioxidant to assist with muscle
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easily absorbed and gentler on the stomach,
this supplement combines ester with creatine
Supplement Centre’s Beginner’s Guide to Supplements
Creatine (continued)
3) Kre-alkalyn. This is pH buffered creatine. It’s
formulated to resist breakdown during digestion and
reduce the need for front loading.
Other creatine supplements mix creatine with
carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, and amino acids.
How to use creatine
Always check the quality of the creatine you buy and be sure to follow the manufacturer’s guidelines.
A typical creatine supplement like Matrix Hardcore
Creatine Powder is taken in two phases:
For the sake of convenience, creatine supplements
come in powder form (fast acting), pills and capsules
(convenient and easy to take), as a sports drink
1) Loading
Reasons to take Creatine
25gms per day for 4 days (at 5 x 5 g
throughout day).
Eating normally allows you to store around 120 g of
creatine, but our bodies actually have the capacity to
store 160 g.
Taking a supplement is one way to help your
muscles to top up their store, maximising their
potential for exercise.
To assimilate 5 g of creatine via a food source, you
would need to eat the equivalent of 4 x 10 oz steaks
- that’s on top of your usual diet.
20 g per day for 5 days (at 4 x 5 g
throughout day) or,
2) Maintenance
5 g per day (one slightly heaped 5 ml teaspoon
approximately) for 7- 10 weeks with two - three
weeks off before re-loading and maintaining.
A creatine supplement provides an easy way to
supply the extra energy your muscles need.
During the loading phase, where you build up your
creatine levels, you would need to eat 16 x 10 oz
steaks per day.
Supplements are also a great source of creatine
for vegetarians and vegans, who might not get a
Monohydrate 250 g
Matrix Creatine Ethyl Ester Tablets CEE
Hardcore x 500
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Branched Chain Amino Acids (BCAAs)
Branch chain amino acids (BCAAs) are the building blocks of muscle
Your body uses around 20 different amino
acids to grow muscle.
Some can be produced by your body, others cannot.
Ones that can’t are known as essential amino acids,
‘essential’ because they must be put into your
system via diet.
Three of these essential amino acids are the
branched chain amino acids (BCAAs), ‘branched’
because of their molecular structure, which
resembles a tree branch. These three essential
amino acids account for a third of skeletal muscle.
Once ingested, BCAAs bypass the liver and go
straight to the muscle tissue, quickly transforming
into an available energy source - exactly what you
need when working out.
The three BCAAs are leucine, isoleucine and valine.
They work together to prevent fatigue and to
maintain muscle mass and strength during times of
physical stress, including intense workouts.
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Leucine: has anti-catabolic properties and is
possibly the most important of the three BCAAs
because of its capacity to stimulate muscle
protein synthesis.
-WSPIYGMRI is both glucogenic and ketogenic.
It helps prevent muscle wastage and promotes
tissue repair - important for anyone on a training
programme. It’s also important as it helps maintain
blood glucose levels.
Valine: promotes nitrogen equilibrium, repairs
tissue, and can stimulate the central nervous system
- essential for optimal cognitive functioning.
BCAA supplements come in various forms.You
can buy powder in packs of 500 g or 1 kg, or there
are tablets, capsules and pills. The optimal ratio of
leucine, isoleucine and valine is 2:1:1. Most BCAA
supplements adhere to this.
If you work out at the gym, run, cycle or swim
Supplement Centre’s Beginner’s Guide to Supplements
BCAAs (continued)
on a regular basis you could potentially use more
BCAAs than you get from your food. That’s where a
of BCAAs is essential for bodybuilders, weightlifters
and endurance athletes.
Without adequate BCAAs, molecular growth and
development can’t take place. If you aim to build
muscle you should ensure you ingest enough of
these three very important amino acids.
Because they are metabolised in the muscles,
BCAAs are quickly absorbed and provide a rapid,
available source of energy just when you need
it most.
When combined, these three powerful amino
acids can:
Because BCAAs offer a quick energy source, and aid
in the repair and building of muscle, the best time
to take them is on your training days. Every product
will list recommended dosages so do read the
instructions carefully. For example, something like
Matrix BCAA RAW drink should be taken in the
following way:
y Mix one scoop (approximately 10 g) into 200-250
ml of water.
y Drink post-workout.
muscle preservation can be derived from taking
BCAAs at other times of day, but this should be in
addition to the above, not instead of.
BCAAs are best taken on an empty stomach.
Support the action of insulin
Trigger protein synthesis
Regulate blood sugar levels
Allow you to train harder for longer
Enhance mental functioning during periods of
Act as a readily available energy source
Aid rapid recovery
Increase testosterone levels post-workout
Assist with fat loss
Matrix Leucine Tablets x 120
Optimum Nutrition BCAA 5000 Powder
324 g
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Vitamins and Minerals
Vitamins and minerals keep your body working well - whatever your goals
Vitamins and minerals are essential
nutrients your body needs to
work properly.
magnesium, iron, copper, iodine, zinc, manganese,
potassium, selenium, chromium, molybdenum,
The sheer range of nutrients we require is vast, and
is best supplied by a healthy, balanced diet.
foods, vegetables, fruit and nuts.
When that’s not possible or during periods
of particular need, supplements can assist in
maintaining health and vitality.
Vitamins can be divided into two types:
Fat-soluble – your body stores fat-soluble vitamins
in your liver and tissue for later use.
Water-soluble – water-soluble vitamins are not
stored in your body, so they need to be regularly
topped up.
The 13 vitamins your body needs to maintain health
are: A, C, D, E, K and the 8 B vitamins.
The fat soluble vitamins (A, D, E, and K) are found in
fatty foods like animal fats, vegetable oils, dairy foods,
The water soluble vitamins (vitamin C and the B
vitamins) are found in fruit, vegetables and grains.
A multivitamin supplement could help you to
support your body during training, when there is a
risk of becoming depleted of essential nutrients.
As you can see, it’s quite an array, but it’s vital to
have an adequate supply of nutrients in your diet.
Which vitamins and minerals?
The importance of keeping your body topped up
with vital vitamins and minerals becomes clear when
The essential minerals your body needs are: calcium,
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Supplement Centre’s Beginner’s Guide to Supplements
Vitamins and Minerals (continued)
Minerals perform a range of tasks, including:
y Building strong bones and teeth.
y Turning the food you eat into energy.
y Vitamin A – good for your skin and eyesight.
y Vitamin C – keeps cells healthy.
y Vitamin D – regulates calcium and is essential for
strong bones and teeth.
y Vitamin E – helps maintain cell structure.
y Vitamin K – aids with blood coagulation and
cell growth.
The eight B Vitamins:
y Thiamin (B1) - helps convert glucose into energy.
healthy eyes and skin.
y Niacin (B3) – converts energy and supports the
nervous and digestive system.
y Pantothenic Acid (B5) – produces red blood cells
and steroid hormones.
and development, immune function and steroid
hormone activity.
y Biotin (B7) - for metabolism, fat synthesis, amino
acid metabolism and glycogen synthesis.
y Folate (Folic Acid) (B9) - needed to form red
blood cells, and helps DNA synthesis and
cell growth.
y Cyanocobalamin (B12) – helps break down fatty
acids to produce energy, and helps produce and
maintain the myelin found around nerve cells.
Boosting vitamin and mineral
For your body to perform at its maximum potential
you need to consume a wide variety of essential
nutrients and vitamins.
This is especially important for those who work out
- because training can put additional stress on
the body.
Multivitamin supplements can offer a simple and
easily measurable method to ensure that your
nutrients it needs.
PVL Essentials Multi Maxx Multivitamins x 60
Animal Pak Multivitamins x 44
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Vitamins and Minerals (continued)
How to use vitamin and mineral supplements
Always follow the manufacturer’s directions. For additional information - these are the recommended daily
allowances (RDAs) for vitamins and minerals as stated by the European Union.
Vitamin A
Vitamin D
Vitamin E
Vitamin K
Vitamin B1 (Thiamin)
Vitamin B3 (Niacin)
Vitamin B5 (Pantothenic Acid)
Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine)
Vitamin B7 (Biotin)
Vitamin B9 (Folate)
Vitamin B12 (Cyanocobalmin)
Vitamin C
800 mg
5 mg
12 mg
75 mg
1.1 mg
1.4 mg
16 mg
6 mg
1.4 mg
50 mg
200 mg
2.5 mg
80 mg
800 mg
375 mg
14 mg
1 mg
150 mg
10 mg
2 mg
2000 mg
55 mg
40 mg
50 mg
3.5 mg
800 mg
700 mg
Eat a healthy and varied diet and discuss your supplementary needs with a medical practitioner before
commencing a programme of supplements.
MusclePharm Armor-V Multivitamins x 180
Matrix Nutrition Multi-Vits x 120
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Supplement Centre’s Beginner’s Guide to Supplements
Glutamine helps your muscles grow
Glutamine is important to athletes and
bodybuilders because it drives muscle
building nitrogen into muscle cells, where
it is synthesised for muscle growth.
Glutamine is an amino acid produced naturally
in the human body. It is mostly found in skeletal
muscle, but also resides in the lungs, liver and
stomach. The substance is the primary fuel for the
immune system, and a secondary fuel source for the
digestive system.
y Helps prevent muscle tissue from breaking down
(it is anti-catabolic)
y Accelerates protein synthesis and muscle growth
y Aids muscle recovery
y Boosts the immune system
y Increases the production and release of
growth hormones
y Promotes nitrogen retention
y Increases endurance by replenishing glycogen
A free guide from Supplement Centre
Boosting glutamine
When somebody is injured, undergoes surgery, has
an infection or is dealing with a prolonged period of
stress, their glutamine levels can fall and a glutamine
supplement could help. People who undertake
glutamine supplement.
How does glutamine help the
bodybuilder or endurance athlete?
Maintaining a positive nitrogen balance and high
glutamine levels is crucial to building muscle.Your
body will try to keep a constant level of glutamine
in the bloodstream. But when you work out, your
muscles release glutamine into your system.
your workout needs, it will take its supply from
the glutamine stored in your muscles, pushing your
body into a catabolic - muscle consuming - state.
Glutamine supplements are designed to prevent this
from happening - providing the body with all the
glutamine it needs during periods of physical stress.
Supplement Centre’s Beginner’s Guide to Supplements
Glutamine (continued)
Which glutamine supplement?
Glutamine can be added to your diet in one
of two ways:
Designed to provide a potent dose of pure
glutamine directly into your muscle cells, glutamine
supplements come in tablet, pill, capsule or
powder form.
enable your body to recover faster and
more effectively.
It could also be appropriate to top up your
glutamine level before training, ensuring that your
body doesn’t run short during your workout.
How much glutamine you need will depend on the
level of activity you undertake. Always check the
label for the recommended dose, and consult a
medical professional before use, particularly if you
are diabetic.
If you prefer tablet form, try something like Matrix
Pure L Glutamine or if you prefer powder 6I¾I\
Nutrition L-GlutamineQMKLX½XXLIFMPP
If you go for powder, be sure to take it with a cold
liquid, not hot, as heat destroys glutamine.
Look for added glutamine in the list of ingredients.
Protein supplements come in powder, capsule, tablet
or liquid form.
A good example of a protein powder containing
glutamine is Matrix Anabolic Protein Powder.
How to use glutamine supplements
MET-Rx Pure L Glutamine 500mg x 200
Glutamine supplements are needed most during
the recovery period, when your body has depleted
its levels and is in danger of falling into a catabolic
Matrix Nutrition Pure L-Glutamine 240 x
500 mg
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Recovery Supplements
Recovery supplements help your body to repair muscle after exercise
recover and repair. The 30 – 60 minute
period following a training session is
referred to as the ‘anabolic window’.
construct muscle tissue.
Which recovery supplement?
In order to take advantage of the anabolic state, you
building nutrients. If you don’t, your body will switch
to the catabolic state and instead burn muscle for
fuel. Recovery supplements are designed to help
you refuel at this critical time.
Whey protein - stimulates muscle
Recovery supplements contain fast acting creatine,
proteins and carbohydrates, to help your body
launch the repair and recovery process immediately
after workout.
protein synthesis
Casein - prolongs muscle protein synthesis
Carbs - release energy to help muscles restore
glutamine levels
Creatine - acts as an antioxidant to assist with
Recovery supplements can help to:
muscle repair
Repair muscle tissue and avoid muscle wastage
Speed up the recovery process
Build new muscle tissue
are resting
y Replenish nutrients quickly and easily in one
tablet or scoop
y Get your body ready for the next session sooner
&'%%W- the three most critical amino acids
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needed for muscle growth
Vitamins/Minerals - to replace essential nutrients
lost during exercise
Recovery supplements come in tablet, capsule,
pill or powder form and are blends of a range of
Supplement Centre’s Beginner’s Guide to Supplements
Recovery Supplements (continued)
nutrients designed to give your body a much needed
boost, post workout.
the body to optimise its ability to repair and build
muscle while in the anabolic state.
An example of a recovery supplement is Matrix
Recovery. This blends protein, carbohydrates, and
vitamins in a ratio believed optimal for muscle
tissue recovery.
You could stack your own range of products, or
you could use a specially formulated recovery
supplement blend that has done the measuring and
balancing for you.
Boosting recovery
Pick a formula that meets your needs and stick with
it for at least 6 weeks, giving it plenty of time to see
if it works for your individual body type, metabolism
and programme of activity.
If you don’t get the right amount of nutrients
into your body post-workout, you run the risk
of suffering muscle wastage. Without adequate
nutrition, the body burns muscle tissue for fuel.
For the athlete or weightlifter, recovery supplements
are formulated to enhance recovery, making sure
Check out the ingredients of any recovery
supplement before taking it. Look for a formula that
combines whey protein, fast digesting carbohydrates,
added BCAAs, and some or all of the following:
casein, creatine, l-glutamine, vitamin/mineral
complex, and an antioxidant complex.
How to use recovery supplements
PhD Nutrition Recovery 2:1 Recovery
Supplement - 1.28 kg
The time to take a recovery supplement is
immediately after working out, when the body is
storing more glycogen in the muscles. This helps
Matrix Recover-XT Recovery Supplement
5 kg
Optimum After Max Recovery Supplement 1.94 kg
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Supplement Centre’s Beginner’s Guide to Supplements
Pre-Workout Supplements
Get the most from your workout with the right pre-workout supplements
Pre-workout supplements are designed
to give your body an extra boost of
energy to prepare it for intense exercise.
They usually contain a mixture of nitric
oxide, amino acids, and stimulants such
as caffeine.
Nitric oxide opens up the blood vessels and gets the
blood pumping. Amino acids are the building blocks
of muscle building. Caffeine gives your body a wakeup call.
The aim is to get you working longer and harder
and with an increased level of focus. A pre-workout
supplement could give you the boost you need to
get going.
Pre-workout supplements can help you get the most
out of every session by:
Increasing energy
Increasing endurance
Improving performance
Increasing muscle growth
A free guide from Supplement Centre
y Burning off body fat
y Reducing muscle breakdown
y Improving focus
Boosting pre-workout energy
Pre-workout supplements are just the thing for
those days when you can hardly crawl out of bed,
never mind face the gym. Perhaps you’ve had a long
hard day at work and would really rather not bother
with training? A good pre-workout supplement
can make you feel stronger, work longer, and
concentrate on the job in hand.
If you work out, you’ll want to ensure you get
the most out of every session. Pre-workout
supplements are designed to help you do that.
Which pre-workout supplement?
Which pre-workout supplement you opt for
depends upon your individual goals and budget.
The combination of ingredients in your chosen
supplement has been formulated to improve
different aspects of your training session.
Supplement Centre’s Beginner’s Guide to Supplements
Pre-Workout Supplements (continued)
Here are some guidelines on the various functions
of the individual ingredients:
Only 1 serving in a 24 hour period
Do not take within 6-8 hours of bedtime.
y For muscle growth – focus on BCAAs and
whey protein.
Most pre-workout supplements should be taken on
an empty stomach, but always refer to the guidelines
y For strength and power – creatine
monohydrate and taurine.
y For energy and focus – caffeine or tyrosine.
y For endurance – check for ingredients such as
beta-alanine and citrulline malate.
y For muscle protection – look for vitamin E,
alpha lipoic acid and N-acetyl-cysteine (NAC).
Pre-workout supplements come ready blended
and balanced, and in a variety of forms including
powder, capsules, pills and tablets. An example of an
excellent pre-workout supplement is Animal Rage,
available in powder or capsule form.
Gaspari SuperPump Max Pre-Workout
Supplement - 640 g
How to use pre-workout
The purpose of pre-workout supplements is to
improve performance during the training session,
and to keep your body in an anabolic state
throughout. A product like Animal Rage should be
taken as follows:
1 scoop in 120 ml of liquid
Consume 20 - 30 minutes before workout
Muscle Pharm Assault Pre Workout
Supplement 735 g
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PharmaFreak Ripped Freak Pre-Workout
Supplement - 200 g
Matrix Nutrition Rage 2.0 High Strength Pre
Workout Formula 250 g
Supplement Centre’s Beginner’s Guide to Supplements
Fat Loss Supplements
Do you want to lose a few pounds or sculpt a six pack?
Only about a third of adults in England
18.5 - 25 (1). Being overweight or obese,
increases the risk of serious health
problems like type 2 diabetes, heart
disease, and some cancers.
Whether you’re looking to lose a few pounds, shed
serious weight or sculpt an impressive six-pack, fat
loss supplements are designed to help fast track
you towards your weight loss goal.
Used properly as part of an overall health and
Optimise your metabolism
Fight food cravings
Burn fat
Increase your energy levels
Maintain lean muscle mass
Which fat loss supplement?
Fat loss supplements are designed to work by
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speeding up metabolism, suppressing appetite and/or
blocking fat absorption.
Thermogenics - Thermogenic fat loss supplements,
such as Matrix Acai Berry Green Tea Weigh Loss
Tablets are formulated to
boost metabolism.
T5 Fat Burners, such as Matrix T5-XT Extreme,
are stack supplements designed to both speed up
metabolism and suppress appetite.
Lipolysis Enhancers - Lipolysis fat loss
supplements, such as Matrix CLA Weight Loss
Softgels, help release fat cells so they can be burned
for energy.
fat loss supplements contain natural super food
extracts devised to help control
insulin production.
Boosting fat loss
When taking any weight loss supplement it is
important to understand how it works and how it
might affect you.
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Fat Loss Supplements (continued)
Thermogenics - The role of fat burners is to
increase your core temperature. This increases the
body’s demand for energy, resulting in more calories
being burned.
T5 fat burners can also enable the body to work
harder for longer, which will result in even more
calories burned.
Some thermogenic supplements can also help you
to control calorie intake by reducing appetite.
Caution: because thermogenics speed up your
metabolism, it is important to consult a medical
practitioner before using them.
Lipolysis Enhancers work by breaking down fat
cells and producing ketones, which can then be used
for energy.
Combined with aerobic exercise, they can be a
powerful weight loss tool.
How to use fat loss supplements
The key to successful and healthy weight loss is to
make sure you burn fat, not muscle. Used correctly,
weight loss supplements can help you to lose weight
while preserving muscle tissue.
You could combine an effective fat burner with
Matrix Diet Whey. Or consider using a T5 fat burner
in conjunction with BCAAs, which not only help
prevent muscle deterioration but also increase fatty
acid utilisation for energy.
Do your homework, set realistic goals, and make
sure that a healthy eating plan and regular exercise
are at the heart of your weight loss programme.
'0%'SRNYKEXIH0MRSPIMG%GMH can help with
lean muscle building. It supports the body in the
recovery and repair process and contributes to a
healthy immune system.
to help control your body’s insulin production,
important because excess insulin production can
not only lead to type 2 diabetes but will result in
forcing your body to store excess fat.
MusclePharm CLA Core Fat Loss
Supplement x 90
Matrix Nutrition T5-XT Extreme Fat Burners
x 60
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Weight Gain and Muscle Growth Supplements
Weight gain and muscle growth supplements can help build leaner muscle mass
Your body needs energy to perform
its day to day functions, it needs extra
energy to carry it through your exercise
regime, and it needs additional energy to
build muscle mass.
If you don’t consume enough calories, you will
burn away those muscles you’ve worked so hard to
develop. Weight gain supplements are designed to
work alongside a healthy balanced diet to ensure
that your body has all the nutrition it needs to grow.
Weight gain supplements are formulated to:
y Boost intake of high quality protein
y Increase intake of the right kinds of fats
y Top up calories, maintaining a positive
energy balance
y Fuel workouts
y Preserve muscle mass
y Help you gain lean muscle
y Repair muscle in the post-workout period
y Speed up the recovery process
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For weight/mass gainers, it is essential your body
receives all the fuel it needs to build bulk.
Which weight gain supplement?
It is crucial that any weight gain is composed
of strong, lean muscle, not fat. To achieve this,
your body needs a plentiful supply of the three
macronutrients it uses for energy.
Provides amino acids, which are the building blocks
of muscle. To ensure these amino acids are used
for muscle building, and not burned for energy you
can top up your protein levels with Matrix
Platinum Mass.
These offer the body a source of sustained energy,
so it doesn’t need to tap into your supply of amino
acids. Nutrisport Energy Boost is a good source of
complex carbohydrates, formulated to help you rack
up calories and maintain energy levels.
Supplement Centre’s Beginner’s Guide to Supplements
Weight Gain and Muscle Growth Supplements (continued)
For example:
These also provide energy - acting to protect
your body’s supply of amino acids. EFAs cannot
be produced by your body, so they need to be
ingested. They play a vital role in the rebuilding and
production of new cells. Products such as USN TriOmega EFA are designed to top up your EFA intake.
Product: Atlas Super Weight Gainer
y How to take: Mix 6 scoops with 450 ml of low fat
milk. Blend.
y When to take: Take once after training, and again
one hour before bed.
Product: Matrix Mass Weight Gain Protein
Boosting weight gain
Ingesting the right combination of protein,
carbohydrates and EFAs, in a way that incorporates
enough calories to meet your muscle building needs,
requires careful attention to diet
and supplementation.
Weight gain supplements do the combining and
counting for you. If you are serious about weight
gain, you could try an all in one supplement, such as
Atlas Super Weight Gainer.
How to use weight gain
and Carbs
y How to take: Add 2 scoops to 500-600 ml of
water or milk (full fat = more calories). Blend.
y When to take: Consume 1 to 2 shakes per day.
Product: MET-Rx Mass Gainer
y How to take: Mix 3 scoops with 500 ml of water,
juice or milk. Blend. Consume within 20 minutes.
y When to take: Take 1 to 2 servings daily.
Before taking any weight gain supplement be sure
to consult a medical professional. Always combine
weight gain supplements with a healthy and
varied diet.
Each weight gain supplement comes with individual
instructions and a recommended dosage. These vary
so read the directions carefully and choose one that
best meets your lifestyle needs.
PVL Mutant Mass Weight Gain Protein 6.8 kg
Matrix Platinum Mass Weight Gain
Protein - 4 kg
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Supplement Centre’s Beginner’s Guide to Supplements
Follow the three golden rules before taking supplements
Taking supplements can represent a
the case, it’s vital to consider the effect
supplements have on your health. Before
taking any supplement, keep in mind
these three golden rules:
1. Sport supplements can have a powerful
physiological effect. Always consult with your
General Practitioner (GP) before taking any
supplement. If you have concerns about your
underlying health, your GP is best placed to
advise on what supplements are safe for you
to take.
2. Supplements are designed to be taken in
conjunction with a healthy diet and exercise. No
supplement is a ‘magic bullet’. You won’t achieve
your training aims unless you work hard in the
gym and eat sensibly.
3. Always follow the manufacturer’s directions and
recommended dosages. Never use supplements
allergy sufferers should avoid e.g. egg, gluten, etc.
Always read the list of ingredients and be sure to
A free guide from Supplement Centre
follow the rules listed above. Your health is
your responsibility.
Our products are not intended to prevent, or treat
any medical condition. Any claims made on product
labels and website product descriptions are the sole
responsibility of the manufacturer.
Liability for adverse reactions to supplements, or
perceived under performance of supplements, lies
solely with the product manufacturer.
For the avoidance of doubt, Supplement Centre
does not limit its liability for death or personal
injury to the extent only that it arises as a result of
directors, employees or other representatives.
For more information please refer to the disclaimer
page and terms and conditions on the Supplement
Centre website.
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