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“ Let thy food be thy
medicine, and thy medicine
be thy food
The Raw Diet and it’s benefits
The Raw Diet
 The Raw Foods Diet has been around as long as man has been able to grow and produce his
own food. This diet is not a new concept.
 A ‘raw food’ diet is pretty simple, really. It is founded upon the idea of eating fresh,
organic, plant-based foods. These foods include, but are not limited to: fresh fruits &
vegetables (including green leafy vegetables), as well as beans, berries, legumes nuts, seeds,
whole-grains; these are eaten without cooking or steaming. If these foods are cooked, they
are prepared with as little effort as possible.
 The ability to maintain a raw foods diet is a challenge, as the raw foods diet is dependent
upon the availability of daily calories from fruits, which happen to be dense in calories.
There are also a versatile amount of fresh vegetables, as most fresh vegetables are just so
full of minerals. Nuts and seeds are eaten as well, although they are not eaten in such large
amounts as fruits and vegetables. Nuts and seeds are a great source of omega-3 fatty acids.
The Raw Foods Diet
 There are many people who seriously question the raw diet, as they are concerned about
making sure they get adequate amounts of protein, as well as their recommended daily
amounts of vitamins and other nutrients. This is a very valid concern, and the raw diet has
been proven over and over, as far as providing more than adequate amounts of protein and
 Dairy, grains, legumes and meat do not corner the market when it comes to essential
nutrients. Fresh fruits and vegetables not only provide essential vitamins and nutrients,
they also provide them in a way that is easier to digest, making the digestive process easier
on the human body. Furthermore, there are essential nutrients that are provided by
plants. For the most part, most people do very well on the raw diet, and are most often
talking to others and sharing how the raw foods diet has made quite an impact upon their
their health and their lives as well. It is well-documented that fruits and vegetables(as well
as leafy greens) also provide and maintain the crucial amounts of carbs, protein and fat
that the human body requires, and they provide them in the proper amounts and quality
that are crucial for the human body to thrive. When the raw foods diet is used, along with
healthy living practices, it is very rare for people to have weight-control issues, as well as
any issues with short-term and chronic illness.
The Raw Food Diet and Type 2 diabetes
 The United States is overcome with a type 2 diabetes epidemic. Recent studies show
that nearly 20% of people (under the age of 20)have been affected with this chronic
condition. Another study has found that one out of every 500 children is either prediabetic, or diabetic already – nearly 200,000 children. The CDC(Centers for Disease
Control) released a report for 2012, stating that, in the United States, 21 million people
have been diagnosed with diabetes, while there are at least another 8 million people
that have not yet been diagnosed(National Diabetes Statistics Report, 2014). Dietary
changes and especially, changing to a diet high in raw food content can profoundly
affect these statistics, and have a very positive impact on the lives of these people.
The Raw Food Diet and Type 2 Diabetes
 The United States is experiencing an overwhelming epidemic of type 2 diabetes, and the
CDC has stated that, in 2012 alone, direct medical costs, on average, are around $ 176
billion, after adjusting for population age and sex differences, average medical expenses
among people with diagnosed diabetes were 2.3 times higher than people without
diabetes (CDC National Diabetes Statistic Report, 2012). The CDC has also reported
that there are Indirect costs to the diabetes epidemic, and those costs are determined
by such factors as disability, loss f work, and premature death, as a result of diabetes.
The CDC has stated that those costs alone are at least 69 billion dollars.
The Raw Food Diet
 For the average diabetic, simple lifestyle changes are enough to help in the
battle against diabetes. These lifestyle changes include making dietary
changes, adding an exercise routine to daily activities, and doing away with
drinking any type of soda. The Raw Food Diet is perfect for diabetics, as it’s
easy to follow, there are no complicated procedures to follow, and it works, it
really works.
 The Raw Food Diet has the potential to help slow down diabetes, and in some
cases, the disease has been reversed, by simply changing the diet, and sticking
to a regimen of moderate-to-vigorous exercise, on a daily basis, and drinking
water. Hydration is crucial, as higher-than-normal-blood-sugar-levels can
deplete fluid in the body. Normally, the kidneys will try to flush the glucose
out of the body through urination, however, if dehydration is an issue, then the
sugar is not able to get out of the body, and can build up in the kidneys, which
can damage the kidneys.
The Raw Food Diet
 The Raw Food Diet places great emphasis upon low-glycemic as well as low-insulin scoring
meals, as these types of meals will go a long way as far as keeping the blood sugar under
control, thus promoting a healthier lifestyle. The typical modern-day meal for most
Americans(also known as the Standard American Diet-SAD),is full of GMO’s(geneticallymodified-foods), artificial sweeteners, artificial colors and preservatives, as well as refined
sugars, mineral-deficient foods, and over-processed items. All these foods only add to the
diabetic’s dilemma, and do not offer any relief from high blood sugars.
 The Raw Dietplaces much emphasis upon a high-fiber diet, rich in raw fruits, vegetables and
grains. Whole grains and nuts are also very rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which help our
bodies to better absorb the essential vitamins A,D,E, & K. Omega-3’s are very beneficial for
heart-health as well. Diets rich in fiber take the body longer to digest, and that means that
blood glucose is absorbed into the bloodstream in a more gradual process. Magnesium is also
very beneficial for blood sugar control. Citrus fruits are abounding with vitamin C, while
Sweet potatoes contain so much vitamin A. You can’t go wrong with a sweet potato.
The Raw Foods Diet
 The Raw Foods diet is a great idea for many people that may need some help with
weight-management issues. However, it is not a perfect diet, as there are some
vitamins and nutrients that may be compromised during the Raw Foods Diet. The three
most often compromised vitamins/nutrients are vitamin B12, Calcium, and vitamin D. It
is perfectly acceptable to try and get these vitamins/ nutrients from plant-fod
sources, although they many not be raw sources. At the same time, it is also
acceptable to take these vitamins/nutrients in supplement form. It will not
compromise the diet, and it will be a great benefit to the body at the same time.
 For everyone that is experiencing the challenge of diabetes, the raw diet can be a
major step forward, in helping to make some serious changes in their dietary lifestyle.
It may be a bit difficult at first, however, it is possible to start out very slowly, and
then work up to adding morwew and more fresh fruits and vegetables. It is, after all, a
learning process.
 My goal, as a student of health and wellness, and a avid fan of the raw diet, is to make
others aware that this diet is appropriate for every-day living, and is very practical,
for every-day use, and can make managing weight a little easier. It is, after all, one
big adventure. Might as well make the best of it.
The Raw Foods Diet
 Carillo-Bucaram, K. (Jan 2016). The fully Raw Diet: 21 Days to Better Health,
with meal and Exercise Plans, 75 recipes, publishers, Hughton, Mifflin,
Harcourt, Boston, MA. NY, New York
 Cousens, G. (Jan 2008). There is A Cure For Diabetes: the Tree of Life 21-day
Program, publisher, North Atlantic Books, Berkeley, Ca