Download Key List for Foundation GCSE Maths Cal

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Foundation Calculator Key Topic List and Clues
This is only a prediction and should not be used as an exhaustive list
* Are the key topics to look at
1st June at 12:30pm – 3:30pm
2nd June at 12:30pm – 3:30pm
* Mean/Median/Mode/Range
* Scatter Graphs – draw line of best fit. Remember relationship means a sentence
Stem and Leaf – watch the key
2 Way Tables – try and spot these questions
Frequency Polygon – draw bar chart then join crosses up in the middle
Taking a sample – remember need a good number of responses/different
venues/different times etc
Pictogram NUMBER
* Percentages with a calculator
* Exchange Rates
Prime Numbers – only factor itself and 1 e.g. 2,3,5,7,11,13,17
Cube Numbers – 1,8,27,64,125
Square Numbers – 1,4,9,16,25,36,49,64,81,100
Output and Input Machines
Fractions of an amount – divide by the bottom and times by the top
* Ratio inc recipe questions
Estimation – watch out for this key word
Estimation of heights – e.g. a man is 6ft, a bus is 3 x bigger so 18ft
* Best Buys – scale up so that they are both the same amount
* Electric Bills – difference is the key here
* Trial and Improvement
Substitution – plug the values in. Know the difference between (4x)2 and 4x2
Simplifying – e.g. 3 x c x d= 3cd or 5d + 3e – 2d + 4e = 3d + 7e
Coordinates – no silly mistakes
Solving equations – look for word solve – remember whatever you do to one side you
must do to the other
* Inequalities – drawing inequalities/ listing integer solutions /writing
inequalities/ solving (use same rules as solving equations)
Expanding brackets – 4x(x + 7)
3(x +4) - 4(x – 2) (watch double negative)
* Drawing graphs –
You must know the graphs x = 2, y = -1 and y=x
* Nth Term – e.g 5, 8, 11, 14 = 3n +2
Also if sequence is 5n + 1. The first term n=1 so 5x1+1=6
The second term n=2 so 5x2 +1 = 11
The third term n= 3 so 5x3 + 1 = 16
* Angles – always give reasons clearly – remember isosceles triangles base angles equal
Perimeter – around the outside
Area – rectangle = base x height
triangle = base x height divide by 2
Volume of a cube = base x height x length
Names of 2D shapes and 3D shapes up to 10 sided
Speed – Speed = Distance/Time
Time/Distance Graphs – understand how these work
Parallel Lines – lines equal distance apart – think train tracks
Perpendicular Lines – meet at 90 degrees
Symmetry – understand lines of symmetry (i.e. cut exactly in half) and rotational symmetry.
(How many times it looks the same whilst rotated 360 degrees?)
Tessellations – same shape over and over no gaps
Bearings – remember to read where it is from. Bearings always measure from north,
measure clockwise and give answers as 3 digits
Little box into Big Box - practice
How many tiles on a wall – practice
* Drawing a triangle – use compass or protractor
Construction/Loci – use a compass – single point is a circle/straight line is a line
Elevations – remember elevations and plan (means birdseye view)
Planes of symmetry – cut a 3D shape in half
Transformations – learn the four plus associated information.
Translation - vector (watch scale, 2 years ago the graph went in 2s)
Enlargement - Scale Factor, Centre of Enlargement
Metric Units – mm, cm, metres, km, litres, ml, grams, kg
Imperial Units – inches, feet, yards, miles, gallons, pints, oz, pounds, stone
Parts of a circle
* Area and Circumference of a Circle
* Pythagoras