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$$ A Sweet Deal $$
Agricultural Commodities worth Investing!
Written by: Lauren Luoma & Renee B. H. Quarles
The science of growing things or the act of
working with the soil, producing crops, and
raising livestock, like pigs and cows. It can
also be the preparation of these products
for use by humans and is often referred to
as farming!
Finance is the management of large amounts
of money, especially by governments or large
companies. For example, the Columbia
County Board of Education has a finance
department that handles all the money for
the schools. This is the department that pays
your teachers!
Agricultural Commodities
• These are things that can be sold for $$$
• Georgia leads the nation in 3 commodities that
begin with the letter P.
Vidalia Onions
• Only grown in 20 South Georgia Counties
• Vidalia Onions were first grown in Toombs County
in the 1930s during the Great Depression. Farmer
Moses Coleman soon discovered his Onions were
not bitter- they were sweet!! With his discovery, a
Georgia icon was born!
• They are planted in September and
harvested between April and June.
Examining the Chemical Makeup of the
Vidalia Onion Soil
Sulfur is an essential
nutrient for plant
growth. It is found in
some amino acids, the
building blocks of
Textures of the Soil
Feel test
Sand feels gritty.
Silt feels smooth.
Clays feel sticky.
I’m a Farmer- What Now?
• Just like any other store owners, Farmers run their
own businesses. They grow crops and sell them to
grocery stores, factories, and many other places.
However, they don’t do it alone! They rely on the
help of many resources and organizations to guide
them, aspiring entrepreneurs, along the way. Such
as…the Small Business Development Center.
• The Small Business Development Center is run by
the University of Georgia- just like 4-H! The SBDC
helps to direct new business owners to financial
consultants, marketing specialists, and organizing
business plans. This is a great resource for farmers
to start their businesses!
Vidalia Onions on Parade
• Farmer Moses lives in South Georgia and
wants to start growing Vidalia Onions. Today,
we will explore the steps needed to start an
agricultural business…
Narrator: Not too long ago, in Toombs County, Farmer Moses
discovered something special about the soil on the family
Agricultural Agent: Farmer Moses, did you know that you can
grow Vidalia Onions on your farm? Vidalia Onions are
Georgia’s Official State Vegetable! Your soil is 40% silt, 40%
sand, and 20% clay- perfect for growing Vidalia Onions!
Farmer Moses: Wow, that’s great news! I was hoping you’d
say that. I’m tired of raising only cotton, and want a change.
But, how do I start a business growing Vidalia Onions?
Narrator: Not deterred, Farmer Moses turns to the local SBDC
SBDC Officer: Farmer Moses, it’s great that you came to see
us. We can help direct you to all the help you’ll need!
Farmer Moses: Well, I need some money to get started. I
think I also need someone to talk to about finances. Besides
that, I really don’t know who I need to talk to.
SBDC Officer: No problem! You need to talk to a loan officer
to get money, an accountant to help you plan a budget, a
financial consultant to assess the financial return for your
investment decision, and a tax preparer to help you with
taxes, so you wouldn’t run into debt counselors or tax
collectors next year.
Farmer Moses: Oh no, yes you are right! I wouldn’t want a
future meeting with debt counselors to come up with
strategies to reduce my new business’ debt nor lengthy
conversations with tax collectors about owed debt.
Narrator: Determined, Farmer Moses heads to a loan officer
at Georgia Bank and Trust.
Loan Officer: Hi Farmer Moses! I hear that you want to
borrow some money for your business.
Farmer Moses: Yes, I found out I can grow Vidalia Onions, so I
want to start farming as soon as possible. What should I do?
Loan Officer: Well, you came to the right place. As a loan
officer, I help you determine what kind of loan you need, how
much money you need to borrow, and most importantly, how
you’re going to pay it back.
Farmer Moses: Wow, this sounds like a lot of work. I’m glad I
have you to help me! Let’s get started.
Narrator: After several days of meetings and hard work,
Farmer Moses has finally been approved for a loan to start
growing Vidalia Onions, contingent upon him hiring an
Accountant and Financial Consultant.
Farmer Moses: I don’t understand why I need financial
advisors. I’ve always handled my own money pretty well.
Accountant: That’s a good question. Managing your own
money seems easy, but managing a business is a lot more
work. I help you create a budget that tells you how much
money you can spend on advertising, seeds, hiring
employees, and other things.
Financial Consultant: And I’ll help by assessing your
investment to ensure you are getting the biggest return on
the money you are investing by helping your Vidalia Onions
and money Grow Smart.
Farmer Moses: Great! Financial Advisors really do help! I
hadn’t even thought about advertising or hiring employees.
Financial Consultant: Don’t worry Farmer Moses! I’ve got you
covered. I also help you create financial reports, invest
money, and help you create long term monetary goals.
Farmer Moses: Thank goodness. Well, let’s get started. I’m so
glad I have you both to help me out.
Narrator: Farmer Moses and the Financial Advisors spend
many hours working on a budget that works for the Vidalia
Onion business. They also create a plan to earn the most
money for the business. The year goes by successfully, and
then tax season rolls around…
Farmer Moses: Doing taxes for myself was easy, but the
business is so big! I’m glad I hired a tax preparer!
Tax Preparer: As your tax preparer, I help you complete your
taxes accurately. I’ve spoken with your accountant and you
might even get back more money on your tax return!
Farmer Moses: But I export my Vidalia Onions to other states,
and other countries! How do I know I’m doing everything
Tax Preparer: Your financial consultant provided a very
detailed outline for the exporting of your Vidalia Onions. You
have made a great investment! My job is to stay current with
federal, state, local, and international tax laws that change
frequently and that you comply with these laws. So rest
assured, you are in good hands!
Farmer Moses: I never realized how much went into starting a
business. I thought that all I had to do was grow Vidalia
Onions and then sell them. I’m so glad the Small Business
Development Center directed me to all these people in the
financial business. I never could have done it all by myself!
Narrator: It’s been a long journey, but Farmer Moses finally
has a successful Vidalia Onion business! Anyone can become
a small business owner, all you need is perseverance, a good
attitude, and the help of trusted people in the financial
It’s Columbia County 4-H’ers like YOU that can help
South Georgia Farmers be Successful!!
Each one of you can
practice being
Financial Consultants
by investing in your
Vidalia Onion sales.
Remember you
receive 25% of your
Vidalia Onion Sales
profit applied toward
your summer camp,
robotics camp, or
crafts camp.