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Fighting cancer alone?
Three vital roles with a high dose of vitamin “C” (ascorbic acid) can play in the fight
against cancer. Firstly, vitamin “C” inhibits tumour growth by regulating proper cell
tissue integrity; secondly it greatly enhances the immune system when ingested in
sufficient quantities; and finally it has “cytotoxic e.g., toxic to cells, which means that, in
combination with other natural substances like “Flaxseed Oil”, it can kill cancer cells
without damaging the healthy ones, and acts as a kind of non-toxic chemotherapy.
1. Vitamin “C” in high doses. Skin Cancer, Mycostatin cream:
2. Flaxseed “Omega 3” fatty acids to optimum health “fights cancer & prevents heart
disease (reduces cholesterol level. Take up to 10 capsules daily @ 580mg each. Also one
could try the grape diet, e.g., live entirely on grapes?
3. DBL “Aspirin” tablets. Take one a day to prevent blood clotting.
4. Epsom salts, a hydrous magnesium sulfate, used as a purge or to reduce
inflammation. Lacking magnesium, can also cause fatigue symptoms e.g., extreme
tiredness. Take a ¼ of a teaspoon of Epsom salts daily.
5. Take one capsule weekly of multivitamin & mineral supplement with fruit and
vegetables. Vegetarians should try and eat red meat at least once a week!
6. Garlic for stomach cancer. “AIDS, take garlic & pure lemon juice everyday.
7. Diarrhea, take a teaspoon of “corn-flour” with a little water, half-hour before any
food intake. Download Dr. Hat,
8. Radium Weed, a common garden weed is sometimes used as a back-yard treatment
for “Skin Cancer” by putting its white sap juice directly on the (sun cancer) skin cancer.
If it comes up blistery or forms a scab, it’s cancer: Radium therapy, the treatment of
skin diseases and of cancer by means of radium: Radium itself (Symbol Ra) has a halflife of about 1,600 years:
9. Taking one Vitamin “C” everyday can prevent bowel cancer.
P.S. “Always seek a doctor’s opinion before treatment of any kind.
10. Sulphur, a pale-yellow non-metallic element, take a ¼ of a teaspoonful everyday to
cleanse the blood of toxins and to ward off cancer, stops you having giddy spells. Sulfur
is also for skin disease. Stops you falling asleep behind the wheel whilst’ driving your
car. Revitalizes you’re whole body to good health.
11. Real Cancer Cure: - The American Medical Association (AMA), and the
powerful pharmaceutical companies organized opposition to this cancer cure!
A scientist Dr. Rife found a 100% cure for cancer in 1930, he cured 16 out of 16 patients
within three months. Dr. Rife treated patients electronically to kill the virus, allowing
the body’s immune system to restore the body to full health. His treatment cured 40
patients per day. Also cured other degenerative conditions and illnesses such as
cataracts, herpes and tuberculosis. Dr. Rife’s treatment can be found in the book, “The
Cancer Cure That Works” by Barry Lynes, ISBN 9780849050336, (US$250, book out of
print), see Biblio Quest International, “Free call 1800 067 877,
12. Supa Boost. “organically grown herb, “Sea Minerals”, for all kinds of ailments,
e.g., Arthritis, Parkinson’s, Cancer, Heart problems, Ross River Fever etc, Ph. 07-5484
3577, Fax. 07-5484 3588, Email: [email protected]: Pure Sulphur, Breast Cancer, Ph. 135 020,
13. Avastin cancer drug that works. It works by starving the cancer cell of oxygen, but
its expensive $30,000. It’s not on the Pharmaceutical Benefit list
14. Gout. Try “Progout”, (allopurinol), take one tablet daily with food 100mg. Gout, a
disease with inflammation of the smaller joints, especially, the toe, as a result of excess
uric acid salts in the blood. “Uric acid Biochem, a white, almost insoluble dibasic acid,
C5H4N4O3, of varying crystalline forms, found in small quantity in human urine. It is a
product of the incomplete oxidation of animal tissue and animal diet, and forms the
nucleus of most urinary and renal calculi:
15. Aids. Contact Ulrich Heide, Deutsche Aids-Stiftung, or for
more Weitere informationen,
AIDS Medical Unit, “Biala” City Community Health Centre, Ph. 07-3224 5526:
16. Rose-Hip Vital, Call 1800 851 888, or
17. Sea Minerals “Supa B.o.o.s.t!, Email: [email protected]:
18. Cancema, skin cancer cream that kills cancer @ $185. Call 07-4157 4262:
19. Pawpaw Tea, is made from dried pawpaw leaves, drink 4 cups a day:
20. Mycostatin, antifungal cream, apply to affected area 2 to 3 times daily:
Euthanasia is about bringing about of a gentle and easy death in the case of incurable
and painful disease of whom Dr. Philip Nitschke is a campaigner for euthanasia, and
some cancer sufferers decide to use “Nembutal” 100ml. Nembutal, a sodium salt of
pentobarbitone, used as a sedative and anticonvulsant. Na ( = sodium) + 5-ethyl-5-(1methylbutyl) barbiturate. Barbiturate, a salt or ester of barbituric acid, a sedative or
sleeping pill derived from barbituric acid. Barbituric acid, Malonylurea; C4H4O3N2, a
crystalline powder slightly soluble in water or alcohol, and the base from which several
sedative and hypnotic drugs of varying toxicity, as Amytal, Luminal, etc, are derived.
(<NL (Usnea) barbata bearded (lichen) + -URIC):
21. Australian researchers have discovered two new antibody cancer drugs that target
and kill the tumour growth, “ERBITUX 5” & “HERCEPTIN” 150mg:
22. Advanced cancer of the stomach and bones have been cured by taking daily, one
tablespoon of honey with one teaspoon of cinnamon powder for one month three times a
day. Also honey and cinnamon revitalize the heart arteries:
23. Arthritis patients have found by mixing one tablespoon of honey and half
teaspoon of Cinnamon powder before breakfast, within a week, out of 200 people
treated, almost 73 patients were totally relieved of pain within a month: Osteoporosis,
try FORTEO, 250 microgram @ $15,000 over eighteen months:
24. Bladder infections; take two tablespoons of cinnamon powder and one teaspoon of
honey in a glass of lukewarm water and drink it. It destroys the germs in the bladder:
Honey & cinnamon powder cures stomach ulcers & roots:
25. M.A.C. Melaleuca Alternifolia Concentrate, effective against pathogenic viruses
and bacteria such as MRSA, Influenza including H5N1 Bird Flu, Tuberculosis, ParaTuberculosis, E.Coli, Salmonella, Herpes Simplex, Hepatitis A and B, Dengue Fever,
Candida Albicans (Thrush) and others, (Ross River Fever in Horses) etc. “30 Capsules,
$39.95 +P&H, PO Box 492 Browns Plains Qld 4118 Australia, Ph. 07-3800 6770. Fax 073800 8786 Email: - [email protected]. M.A.C. is not stored in the body
or organs!
26. Mouth Ulcer. Try “copper sulfate, place one drop onto the ulcer (gone):
27. Mix one teaspoonful of bicarbonate of soda & two teaspoons of syrup:
28. New Cancer cure “EBC 46”, Targets the tumour byway of direct injection:
29. Bright yellow curry spice turmeric (curcumin), can kill off cancer cells:
30. Vaccinations are not needed, buy a colloidal silver unit, kills viruses:
31. Australia, Free cancer drug for breast tumour, “Taxotere:
32. New heart drug, “Micardis: Alzheimer’s disease,
33. Drink a glass of lemon or grapefruit juice once a week!
34. Lacking in vitamin “A” deficiency can lead to cancer; moderation is the key.
35. Taking vitamin “D” can protect you from seasonal influenza, no vaccine:
36. Lose Weight,
37. Natural News,
P.S. If you need to sterilize your denture, use a tablespoon of vinegar in water:
Health Warning. Supermarket Shelf Poisons? Anybody who takes Vitamin C (and
most people should) avoid’ the following Soft drinks Sunkist, Fanta, Diet Coke, Sprite,
and Pepsi Max. These drinks contain Sodium Benzoate 211 on the label. A chemical
reaction between Vitamin C and Sodium Benzoate creates Benzine a highly
Carcinogenic chemical (story by Channel 9) Benzine has the ability to severely damage
the DNA in the Mitochondria to the point that it totally inactivates it, knock’s it out
altogether. The Mitochondria consumes Oxygen to give you energy and if you damage it,
then the cell starts to malfunction very seriously, often fatality. A whole array of diseases
have been tied to the damage to the DNA including Parkinson’s Disease and quite a lot
of Neuro-Degenerative Diseases:
Sodium benzoate, Chem. A white, odorless, amorphous, granular or crystalline powder,
NaC7H5O2, used as an antipyretic, anti-rheumatic, antiseptic, as a food preservative, and
to disguise taste, as of food of poor quality:
Health related websites: - K:P:H:
Black Salve. Note, the “four herbs” needed to make this are “Bloodroot” “Galangal”
“Graviola” “Chaparral” (1) put 50 grams each of Bloodroot, Chaparral, Graviola, and
Galangal into a bowl. (2) Next put 500ml of distilled water into a pot, next 250 grams
and Zinc chloride into the water, bring this mixture to the boil, stirring frequently to
insure there are no lumps. (3) Next add the four dried herbs into the mixture, stir
completely until all the lumps disappear, once you have consistency, add 25ml of DMSO
still stirring. (4) Next add 25ml of Glycerine & stir it in, than keep the formula moist. (5)
Allow the mixture to simmer for about 15 minutes, when the mixture cools & cures and
isn’t running anymore, and has a paste like consistency. (6) It is best used after letting it
settle for two days at room temperature. (7) Store in refrigerator, will keep indefinitely:
Please note, you can buy Black Salve from your veterinarian:
Cancema cancer cream. @ $185 Call 07-4157 4262: