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A-VIRAL in final contract negotiations with a
Pharmaceutical Company in the Philippines
(Oslo June 14, 00) A-VIRAL is now finalizing a contract with MACET, Inc in Manila.
MACET will according to the contract be responsible for the distribution of the
therapeutic drug AV-1101 in the Philippines. MACET is also interested to get the
future distribution rights for other Asiatic countries including as Thailand.
MACET, Inc. specializes in the distributorship of pharmaceuticals and healthcare supplies
to governments. Fully licensed by the Philippine regulatory affairs and participates as
qualified supplier of pharmaceutical products with the local government from drugs, first
aids kits, ambulatory supplies, and government healthcare intervention products.
A total of 800.000 (*) people are HIV positive in the southern south pacific region. The goal
of A-VIRAL is to cover 0,5 – 5% of this market. A-VIRAL plans to offer the new drug to a
price 75 % lover than existing therapeutic HIV drugs. This gives an income potential of 100
– 500 mill NOK. The main goal of A-VIRAL is to enter the US and African market. Initiatives
from WHO and other major organizations now support the AIDS battle by new funds to buy
drugs for patients in Africa and Asia. This will increases the potential for a low price drug
such as AV-1101.
Theresita Tumangan, President of MACET, emphasize:
“The collaboration with A-VIRAL creates new opportunities and strengthen of our operations
in the Philippines. Vi hope that the clinical trials will be finished over the next 8-10 months in
order to start to use the drug in treatment of patients next year. We hope that our collaboration
will expand to cover production of raw material and tablets. We are ready to provide these
services at low cost according to international quality standards”
A-VIRAL is a research based biotech company. A-VIRAL develops effective therapeutic
products in the area of life threatening diseases. The main focus is on HIV/AIDS, but the
patent applications also include other viral diseases. A-VIRAL wants to develop a pipeline of
products. A-VIRAL wants to be a leading international initiative recognized in the
community of life threatening diseases. The A-VIRAL strategy is to develop new drugs and to
sell licenses to major pharmaceutical companies. The income is based on sales of licenses
and royalties.
(*)Revised HIV/AIDS estimates for the Western Pacific Region. The World Health Organization Western
Pacific Region STD/HIV/AIDS Surveillance Report.
For more information contact:
Einar Stokke (CEO), phone: +4722208733, [email protected]
or Knut Johansson (Chairman of the Board), phone: +4723141723, [email protected]
This is A-VIRAL
A-VIRAL is a research based biotech company. A-VIRAL develops effective therapeutic
products in the area of life threatening diseases. The main focus is on HIV/AIDS, but the
patent applications also include other viral diseases to be explored later. A-VIRAL wants to
develop a pipeline of products. A-VIRAL wants to be a leading international initiative
recognized in the community of life threatening diseases. The A-VIRAL strategy is to develop
new drugs and to sell licenses to major pharmaceutical companies. The income is based on
sales of licenses and royalties.
AV-1101 is a new drug for therapeutic treatment of HIV/AIDS. It took the A-VIRAL research
team 2 years to develop AV-1101. AV-1101 stops the replication of the HIV virus in cell
cultures. The researchers also believe that the drug has a new mechanism by reestablishing the balance in the immune defense. The drug seems to have few side effects, is
simple to use (2-4 pills/day) and has a low production cost compared to the HIV/AIDS
drugs on the market today. AV-1101 has the potential to be an important alternative for
countries with high prevalence of AIDS.
The health authorities in the Philippines are interested in AV-1101. Clinical trials on
humans will start soon after more than one year of preparations. The clinical trials is a
collaboration between A-VIRAL, the University hospital in Manila (San Lazaro Hospital) and
St. Lukes Medical Center. San Lazaro Hospital is the center for treatment and research on
HIV/AIDS in the Philippines.
The health authorities in the Philippines are interested to test out the AV-1101 as soon as
possible in order to hopefully start treatment, using AV-1101 in a broader scale next year.
The health authorities have approved to follow an approach to test out AV-1101 building on
procedures developed by the FDA in the USA. The US procedure is called “fast track” and is
used to bring new promising drugs to fight life threatening diseases to the market faster
than the normal procedure.
A-VIRAL is a future oriented organization utilizing the potential of internet to strengthen the
communication. A-VIRAL collaborates with high quality organizations satisfying
international quality standards.
Knut Johannson (Chairman), Petter Faye-Lund, Eivind Urbye,
Tarjei Stensaasen
Einar Stokke
A-VIRAL Karihaugveien 102, Postboks 50, Ellingsrudåsen, 1006 Oslo
Phone: + 47 23141723, Fax + 47 23141710, Email.: [email protected]