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Getting and Staying Clean and Sober
Here are some tools I found invaluable in my recovery:
The Thomas Recipe:
This formula for home-withdrawal from opiates has been reprinted widely. I
include it here for those who have not yet discovered it. Each time I was able to
quit – cold turkey – from my opiate addiction, this was the method I used. The
PAWS has to be address separately.
I have included a few additions of my own during the period of withdrawal that
actually shortened and lessened the severity of my own, final and successful
withdrawal attempt. Here is the Thomas Recipe.
"PLEASE NOTE: I am not a doctor, simply a long-time Rx opiate
junkie who has had many opportunities to develop a way to detox.
This is a recipe for at-home self-detox from opiates based on my
experience as well as that of many other addicts. It is not intended
as professional medical advice. It is always wise to make sure
none of the recipe ingredients or procedures conflict with
medications you may be taking. Likewise, if you have any medical
condition, disease, allergy or any other health issue, consult your
doctor before using the recipe. Thanks, Thomas
If you can't take time off to detox, I recommend you follow a taper
regimen using your drug of choice or suitable alternate -- the
slower the taper, the better.
For the Recipe, You'll need:
1. Valium (or another benzodiazepine such as Klonopin, Librium,
Ativan or Xanax). Of these, Valium and Klonopin are best suited
for tapering since they come in tablet form. (these are also the
sedatives in this family with the longest half-life, which makes
them ideal for withdrawal since they won’t wear off suddenly).
Librium is also an excellent detox benzo, but comes in capsules,
making it hard to taper the dose. Ativan or Xanax should only be
used if you can't get one of the others.
2. Imodium (over the counter, any drug or grocery store).
3. L-Tyrosine (500 mg caps) from the health food store. (Be
Careful with this at first, It can trigger headaches in some opiate
users- I opened my capsules up and took it in very small doses)
4. Strong wide-spectrum mineral supplement with at least 100%
RDA of Zinc, Phosphorus, Copper, Magnesium and Potassium
(you may not find the potassium in the same supplement).
5. Vitamin B6 caps.
6. The Amino Acid 4-500 caps--L-Glutamine in either powdered
form or capsules from the health food store. This substance seems
to help with generally supporting the nervous system, offering
support to whatever brain chemicals and weak spots you may
need help with.
7. D or DL Phenylaline another amino acid you can get from a
health food store that particularly addresses helping your body
manufacture endorphins and lessen pain levels).
8. Access to hot baths or a Jacuzzi (or hot showers if that's all
that's available).
How to use the recipe:
Start the vitamin/mineral supplement right away (or the first day
you can keep it down), preferably with food. Potassium early in
the detox is important to help relieve RLS (Restless Leg
Syndrome). Bananas are a good source of potassium if you can't
find a supplement for it.
Begin taking Amino Acids L-Glutamine and DLPA about the 3rd
Day. Some find that adding amino acids – slowly at first, until
you find out how you react, greatly reduces severity of symptoms
during and especially after acute withdrawal.
Begin your detox with regular doses of Valium (or alternate
benzo). Start with a dose high enough to produce sleep. Before you
use any benzo, make sure you're aware of how often it can be
safely taken. Different benzos have different dosing schedules.
Taper your Valium dosage down after each day. The goal is to get
through day 4, after which the worst WD symptoms will subside.
You shouldn't need the Valium after day 4 or 5.
During detox, hit the hot bath or Jacuzzi as often as you need to for
muscle aches. Don't underestimate the effectiveness of hot soaks.
Spend the entire time, if necessary, in a hot bath. This simple
method will alleviate what is for many the worst opiate WD
Use the Imodium aggressively to stop the runs. Take as much as
you need, as often as you need it. Don't take it, however, if you
don't need it.
At the end of the fourth day, you should be waking up from the
Valium and experiencing the beginnings of the opiate WD
malaise. Upon rising (empty stomach), take the L-Tyrosine. Try
2000 mgs, and scale up or down, depending on how you feel. You
can take up to 4,000 mgs. Take the L-Tyrosine with B6 to help
absorption. Wait about one hour before eating breakfast. The LTyrosine will give you a surge of physical and mental energy that
will help counteract the malaise. You may continue to take it each
morning for as long as it helps. If you find it gives you the "coffee
jitters," consider lowering the dosage or discontinuing it
altogether. Occasionally, L-Tyrosine can cause the runs. Unlike
the runs from opiate WD, however, this effect of L-Tyrosine is mild
and normally does not return after the first hour. Lowering the
dosage may help.
Continue to take the vitamin/mineral supplement with breakfast.
As soon as you can force yourself to, get some mild exercise such
as walking, cycling, swimming, etc. This will be hard at first, but
will make you feel considerably better.
PAWS – Post Acute Withdrawal Syndrome:
I highly recommend reading: Staying Clean & Sober by Miller and Miller
for finding and benefiting from natural supplementation in the right
combination for you. I used this book extensively in determining just what
amino acids I needed and how to go about implementing a strategy to heal my
addicted brain.
I used a combination of DLPA, L-Glutamine and L-Taurine, B- Complex,
magnesium and a healthy, appropriate diet to augment the deficient
neurotransmitters caused by overexposure to prescription painkillers. It varies
from person to person; usually a good deal of thought and experimentation is
needed to determine the right combination of supplementation, diet, exercise
and change in lifestyle to support recovery.
I am in the early stages of remission, but it seems to be holding and I finally
feel able to rise above this problem that has taken such a heavy toll on the
quality of my life.
Perhaps some of this information will help you in your quest for freedom from
substance abuse.
~D.Y. Varis
Research notes from the web:
This thread is for help with PAWS, i.e. listing anything you may find
helpful to combat PAWS. It is not a place for personal experiences
except in so far as they relate to the efficacy or otherwise of
something used to help get through PAWS. Please do not post
general personal experiences here. But post them here http:// or start a
journal thread of your own. Thank you - Dickon]
Many people addicted to oxys, hydro, heroin, fentayl, or other opiates are
concerned about what to expect AFTER the initial WITHDRAWAL period
(~3-10 days, depends on the drug). The reality of Recovering
from Opiate addiction is that there is an initial "HELL" period (immediate
withdrawal) that is followed by a much longer, much milder period of time
while the body is fine-tuning the nervous system, and while the body's own
endogenous opiate system (endorphin) is recuperating.
There are 2 basic stages of opiate withdrawal.
The Short-lived, Acute, intense, immediate withdrawal which occurs directly
after stopping all opiates. "clucking", shakes, profuse sweating, chills,
gooseflesh, body temperature instability, autonomic instability, "revved-up,"
diarrhea, cramping, bone pain, mental anguish, etc. (takes ~3 to 10 days
depending on the half-life of the drug)
PAWS or "Post Acute Withdrawal Syndrome." This is the more drawn-out
phase of the body learns to cope without the drugs. includes
boredom, insomnia, self-doubt, 'restless legs,' depression.
I believe from my own experience, combined with reports from recovering
opiate addicts and the physiology involved that the initial withdrawal is the
big, feared MONSTER associated with feelings of sickness and delirium,
whereas PAWS can be extremely different for different people. PAWS seems to
be more akin to a "waiting game" with fears of overwhelming boredom than an
acute sickness. The most important thing to remember during PAWS
With time, PAWS will go away!! In fact, with few exceptions, it seems that
with every passing week, PAWS symptoms can be demonstrated as
improving--sometimes DRAMATICALLY compared to the weeks prior. Some
Reasons why PAWS takes several months to get over:
Behavioral changes are necessary in order to learn new and solid pathways for
the brain's reward circuit, and it takes MUCH LONGER for your effective
neurotransmitter levels and nerve conduction parameters to return to normal,
pre-addiction levels.
And depending on your expectations and how you approach these critical 'rebuilding' and 're-organizing' phases, will go far in how well you'll feel during
and after withdrawal. What can be done to HELP your nerve
conduction while re-equilibrating to life without opiates?
(or--"How to Maximize Your Neuronal Signaling During Post Acute
Withdrawal Syndrome.")
Boost the deficient neurotransmitters.
Maximize electrical conduction ALONG the nerve.
about boosting the neurotransmitters. For the opiate addict, this means
SPECIFICALLY "ENDORPHIN"---short for "Endogenously Produced
Morphine" aka "Endomorphine" aka "ENDORPHIN." There are some things
you should know about endorphins. They are the body's natural opiate.
Endorphin is released naturally in response to pain, orgasm, exercise,
laughter, positive thoughts, secondary messengers responsible for fevers &
immune responses, and there are other potential triggers including prayer.
These tips may not seem like earth-shattering phenomena by themselves, but
believe me, when these steps are clustered and performed regularly, THEY
REALLY DO HELP!!! Common activities known to boost endorphin levels/
satisfy cravings:
Chocolate. Chocolate has a mild effect on endorphins.
Candy. Actually any kind of sugary candy boosts natural endorphin levels.
Candy helps most with early stages of withdrawal. Lab mice experiments have
shown sugary sweets appease craving after abruptly cessation
of morphine. Swim practically LIVED on Reese's Pieces, sour candies, M&M's,
and those 'tiny' Hershey Kisses for 8 TO 10 WEEKS! Note: he did not gain or
lose weight during this time.
Exercise. This is #1. Force yourself to walk out the front door. FORCE
YOURSELF to walk 2-3 blocks from your front door…then you turn around and
get 2-3 additional blocks in for good measure. I CANNOT STRESS THIS
ENOUGH!!! The best exercise is running/jogging/spinning/anything aerobic.
Second best is walking or yoga. Somewhere in-between the two is weight
lifting. Weight lifting or resistance-training can be done in a fraction of the
time and there is evidence to show that this kind of exercise might benefit the
MOST at the late stages of withdrawal (i.e. insomnia from 'restless legs').
some medical professionals believe the positive feeling you get when you meet a physical
challenge, rather than the exertion itself, is what stimulates the endorphin release....
(how much endorphin-release you get) is all about intensity and duration.
Accomplishment. That's right. Any kind of accomplishments. Small ones,
big ones. Just be sure you're PLANNING and EXECUTING daily. Anything
that fosters a feeling of self-accomplishment and PRIDE will cause your brain
to squirt out some Endogenous Morphine.
Sex. Orgasms release endorphins. You've probably already figured this one
out… OR--more likely, you've noticed that your sex drive has gone down to
almost NOTHING while on opiates. This is normal. I can explain the
hormones of it later if you're interested. The point is, you've replaced the
endorphin-rush of sex with one that requires no build-up, no mess, and no
chance of rejection. Do not feel embarrassed if you become a masturbation
machine. This is also a normal part of recovery. Eventually, the sex act itself
will be overshadowed by the LOVE aspect.
Love. Love is a complicated emotion. It's the fuel for poets, playwrights since
recorded history and the need for it traces all the way back to the first man and
ABOUT HERE!!!! Ultimately, your most long-lasting, gratifying experiences
outside of drugs will come from the experience of giving AND RECEIVING
love. Get creative with this. Love your enemies. Remember people's names.
Start remembering birthdays. Surprise someone with your generosity. Next
time you mow the lawn, cut your neighbor's grass…and take his trash out to
the street. Donate time to feeding the homeless. There's literally TENS OF
THOUSANDS of small things you can do to put forth love out into the world.
*THIS* is the true secret to learning how to live without opiates! And believe it
or not, the rewards are MUCH GREATER than even the best heroin you'll ever
do!!! But you've got to get up and DO SOMETHING!
Sleep. Eventually---like in 4-6 months from now--your body's autonomic
nervous system will stop being 'revved-up' all the time. Eventually, you will be
able to sleep again without having to knock yourself in the head with a
sledgehammer! When this day comes, BE PREPARED! Start going to bed as
early as possible, to allow yourself a good 7 or 8 hours of restful sleep. Your
endorphin levels will naturally increase from the circadian rhythm, plus you'll
allow yourself the luxury of copious dreaming--not only endorphin-releasing,
but overall will make your days more relaxing and give your psyche plenty of
time to play.
Eat a hot Chili Pepper. *
The rush you get after holding one on your tongue is likely due to your body's protective
response. "Chewing a hot pepper can release endorphins centrally and on the tongue,"
says Dr. Hirsch. Why? To reduce pain, of course.
Think Positive Thoughts.* Placebos, prayer and positive thinking all
trigger endorphin release according to Dr. Slotnick.
Get Emotionally Moved *
Dr. Fuhrman says that viewing beautiful art, watching a touching dramatic scene or
even listening to an inspiring piece of music can produce endorphins. "A person who gets
pleasure in life, from whatever source, will keep endorphins at a healthy level," he says.
Undergo Acupuncture.*
"Putting needles into the body is a release," says Dr. Fuhrman, "and it may trigger
endorphin production." Also, acupuncture patients benefit from a placebo effect -- they
believe that the process is working, so it really does, says Dr. Fuhrman. Talk about the
brain's power. Endorphin factor: 3 (NOTE: HIGHEST LEVEL). People who use
acupuncture tend to be positive thinkers, which adds to the effects.
Be Afraid.*
Whether you're watching a horror movie... or feeling a rush of wind in your hair as you
plummet down a steep incline on a roller coaster, fear causes endorphin release. Why do
you think extreme sports are so popular? No one wants to get hurt; it's just fun (in a
twisted kind of way) to cheat death. "The thrill of a high-speed ride induces a positive
mood state that can leave you giddy," says Dr. Hirsch. And Freddy Krueger can do it for
you too. Who knew he was such a heartthrob?
Watch a Funny Movie or TV Show. More specifically, research has proven
that simply the expectation of watching one's favorite funny movie releases
Beta-endorphin and human growth hormone.** Go ahead and buy the Seinfeld
Box DVD.
2. MAXIMIZING NERVE CONDUCTION. or How to Increase Electrical
Conductivity WITHIN Neurons. The portion of your body that is re-learning
its own equilibrium WITHOUT OPIATES is essentially an aquatic saltwater ecosystem that runs almost entirely off electrolytes (+ and - particles
called "ions" dissolved in solution) and VERY THIN membranes. These
membranes are "semi-permeable" which means that with some assistance
from various proteins, these membranes allow your body to separate and
partition off positively-charged & negatively-charged ions. This creates
VOLTAGE--the difference in charges across a membrane or "potential
energy." You can imagine the separated + and - ions as being like a battery. As
long as the membranes are intact and your body is able to separate positives
from negatives, then your batteries are "charged." But, if you punch a hole in
one of the membranes or stop actively separating out positives from negatives,
you end up with a lifeless or DEAD battery. ions from Anytime you 'fire' off a
neuron, an "ON" signal is propagated from somewhere deep inside the brain,
along a LOOOONG axon, that ends by terminating into either another neuron
(inside the brain) or somewhere else outside the brain (like a muscle or a
salivary gland, for example). If you were to tell yourself, "I am now Lifting my
right fore-finger," then a neuron in your brain's motor cortex will first "fire"
using a neurotransmitter. But the signal actually travels all the way down on a
single neuron from the brain to your right arm. All the way down a discrete
"wire" found in a bundle of other wires (your spinal cord) until the single nerve
cell finally ends on muscles in your forearm where ANOTHER
neurotransmitter is released, cause you to LIFT YOUR RIGHT FOREFINGER.
Why the description? well, the FIRST step involved in this example
involves a neurotransmitter. In this case, the neurotransmitter is called acetylcholine... but there are plenty of other neurotransmitters whose functions are
to transmit various ideas, emotions, reactions, reflexes, memories, etc. The
SPECIFIC neurotransmitter you're missing is ENDORPHIN. Earlier in this
post, I listed suggestions to help you SHOWER your brain with endorphin-and these will make you feel much better. If you can assimilate some or all of
these activities into your daily routine, then you'll not only be back to normal
very soon, BUT (swear to GOD) you'll actually FEEL MUCH BETTER THAN
YOU DID ON OPIATES!!! The reason I went thru the whole explanation of the
+ and - ions, the function of cell membranes to partition off these charged
particles, and how that nerves & thus your entire brain FUNCTIONS by using a
continuous flow of ions in and out of various partitions is because I want you
to really REALLY UNDERSTAND something about how our bodies work. You
see, all this fine detail about nerve transmission can ONLY take place under
ONE condition. And this is one of the most convincing arguments for
evolution that I've ever heard… The ONLY PERFECT ENVIRONMENT for the
proper flow of electricity and nerve conduction is found---IN THE OCEAN!
Fortunately, our body's have a "waxy coat" of skin that traps the ocean INSIDE
US! So, whenever you hear someone say "SALT IS BAD FOR YOU", you can
tell them they would be DEAD if it weren't for the salt they eat! Without getting
too involved in this, just know that your body has exquisite mechanisms for
hanging onto precious minerals and filtering out 'excess' ions.
This is mostly done by the kidneys. HOWEVER, your body has NO WAY
of either DILUTING or CREATING electrolytes. (i.e. sodium,
potassium, calcium, magnesium, & trace minerals) So, HOW CAN YOU
ENVIRONMENT??? Simple. Drink plenty of water. Plain water. Not
colas, not coffee, not beer. Your body will utilize pure water to form the MOST
PERFECT, EXACT ion levels in the various partitioned areas. Unlike what
many people believe, drinking extra water does NOT go straight into your
piss!! Rather, the water goes from your GI tract, into your bloodstream where it
is then dispersed EVENLY throughout every single cell in your body! That's
right…when you drink a glass of pure water, that water becomes almost
instantly available to EACH AND EVERY CELL IN YOUR BODY, in order
beginning with those cells which NEED WATER THE MOST! So, those cells
which urgently need this pure water will get 'first dibs', and so on until the
water has been evenly dispersed. What do the cells DO WITH this pure
Rejuvenate Cell Processes/Restore Cellular Health. First off, the new
water allows overly-concentrated, sluggish, toxic (dehydrated) cells to return
to their original healthy size, shape, & texture. You may recall from biology
that a single water (H2O) molecule is generated in cellular energy generation
(called respiration). Glucose and Oxygen are transformed into energy,
releasing CO2, and H2O. Well, if your teachers were like mine, they neglected
to teach how important pre-EXISTING H2O was for this energy to be
produced in the first place! Without a surplus of pure H2O, NONE of this
energy can be produced!!
Eliminate Toxins. This pure water is necessary for your muscles (and other
cells) to mobilize their toxic byproducts for excretion in to the urine. Plus, the
additional water will optimize sub-cellular activities that have become erratic
or sub-optimal from dehydration, built-up waste materials, and are living in an
overall unbalanced, unhealthy state. These molecular-level processes will be
cleansed by way of excessive hydration, dilution of toxins, and toxic
elimination when these toxins are absorbed along with excess water into the
bloodstream and almost immediately filtered into the urine. This 'flooding'
leads to a "clean slate" on a sub-cellular level, which then allows the cell's
energy production to normalize, which translates into higher energy, more
energy efficiency on the tissue & organ level which affects the energy and
health that we "FEEL" as organisms!!
Enhance Normal Nerve Conduction Velocity. Remember all that talk
about positive and negative ions being separated by membranes to form a
'biological battery'?? Well, one of the most vitally important pieces of the
nerve-conduction puzzle is adequate hydration! Adequate hydration allows
nerves to conduct their signals FASTER and also allows each nerve to 'reset
itself' FASTER as well! So, in essence, adding pure water into your body
will make your brain and muscles faster and more efficient--as
though your neurotransmitter levels were actually HIGHER--when in reality,
you haven't done anything to change your neurotransmitter levels!
When your urine has any yellow coloration or smells, this
signifies waste products and toxins that your body must
ELIMINATE in order to create this perfect aqueous environment
for your nerve cells, muscles, and every tissue. HOW MUCH
WATER SHOULD YOU DRINK? honestly, everyone is different. People
going through drug withdrawal require more water than someone whose
tissues are already in equilibrium. Your need for 'extra' water during times of
stress or drug detoxification will be obvious by the color and smell of your
CONSUMPTION: Your urine should be clear and have no smell.
This signifies optimal hydration.
Vitamins and Minerals. For fastest re-equalization, you should take ONE
daily vitamin with minerals. These days, most every daily vitamin in
cludes minerals as well as folate (aka folic acid). Don't waste your
money on expensive vitamins or supplements. All you need are the basic RDA.
The *REAL* secret to maximizing the absorption of vitamins is to simply take
them WITH FOOD. Taking excess or "mega-dose" vitamins is just a waste of
vitamins. 250mg to 500mg of Vitamin C per day is also encouraged,
especially in the first few months of withdrawal. The basic message is to take
care of the things that you probably never even THOUGHT ABOUT while on
the junk. Things like making sure to take vitamins, eat balanced meals to
provide sustenance, exercising and drinking PLENTY OF WATER! There are
other threads which discuss supplements which can be taken to boost other
neurotransmitters like norepinephrine, dopamine, and serotonin. Feel free to
ask me if you have any questions...this is just WAY TOO HUGE of a topic to
answer in a single post! good luck future smack quitters, and to all the ExJunkies--PEACE! -DICK *
Endorphins 101: Your Guide to Natural Euphoria, Slotnick, MD David &
Walke, Melissa.
**Just Expectation Of A Mirthful Laughter Experience Boosts Endorphins.
American Physiological Society session at Experimental Biology 2006, Lee S.
Berk of Loma Linda University, 07 Apr 2006
Read more:
The most important meal of the day is every meal of the day for someone in
recovery. According to Julia Ross, MA, Executive Director of Recovery Systems
in Mill Valley, California, a skipped meal is the number one cause of relapse.
Since the brain and nervous system use the amino acids that compose protein
for manufacturing neurotransmitters that program our moods and appetites,
high-protein foods are the most important element of those three or more
meals a day. Alliance programs encourage clients to keep protein-rich snacks
on them at all times, so they will never be hungry. Peanuts, tree nuts, cheese
sticks or cottage cheese, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, and jerky are easily
available even at gas stations for a quick biochemical energy pickup and are far
more nutritious than a costly energy drink that offers little more than caffeine
and sugar.
A Pro-Recovery Diet is colorful! Eat a rainbow every day, with green, red,
yellow, and purple foods. Avoid what's white (sugar, flour, rice). If you eat a
potato make it a baked potato and eat the brown skin where many nutrients are
One of the most important nutrients in a Pro-Recovery Diet is a group of
vitamins called the B complex. A deficiency of B vitamins is closely linked to
the spectrum of emotional problems among addicts from irritability to
psychosis. B vitamins are found in whole grains like brown rice and 100%
whole grain baked goods, dark green leafy vegetables such as kale, chard, and
mustard greens, brewer's yeast, nuts, seeds, and animal-based foods such as
dairy, fish, meat, and poultry.
Another crucial addition to a Pro-Recovery Diet are the right kind of fats,
called omega-3 fatty acids, which are found in deep-sea fish oil, especially
salmon and sardines. Another source is flax seed, which can be ground and
added to meals. The omega-3 fatty acids help relieve depression and a myriad
of other negative emotions. They also build healthy brain cells and encourage
the production of dopamine, the neurotransmitter that is deficient in people
who crave stimulants. Apart from their use in addiction treatment, they protect
us against heart disease, cancer, and autoimmune diseases.
Most addicts are significantly depleted in many nutrients and benefit from
supplementation with vitamins, minerals, and fatty acids. The most crucial
nutrients for early recovery, however, are amino acids. Amino Acids:
Fragments of protein. There are 22 amino acids in food, but, for the treatment
of addictive disorders, we are most interested in supplementing five to eight of
them. Each of these amino acids influences the activity of a particular
neurotransmitter that directly affects cravings for a specific drug. LTryptophan and 5-HTP (5-hydroxy tryptophan) are used to manufacture
serotonin, the brain’s natural antidepressant. Serotonin deficiency symptoms:
depression, self-deprecation, irritability, panic, anxiety, compulsive thoughts
and behaviors, suicidal thoughts and behaviors, sleep disorders, seasonal
affective disorder, cravings worse in the afternoon or evening, sensitivity to
heat, minimal sense of humor.
Cravings: sweets and starches; uses nicotine, marijuana, and alcohol for
relaxing and comfort when stressed; Prescribed SSRI drugs like Lexapro,
Zoloft, Paxil, Prozac or SNRI drugs like Effexor or Cymbalta. GABA is used to
augment the neurotransmitter GABA (gamma amino butyric acid), the antistress chemical. GABA deficiency symptoms: anxiety, tension—emotional and
physical—and feeling overwhelmed by stress. Cravings: carbohydrates,
nicotine, marijuana, or alcohol to relax when stressed. Prescribed
tranquilizers like Valium, Neurontin, Xanax, and Ativan. D-Phenylalanine
(fee nil al a neen) extends the life of pain-relieving chemicals called
endorphins. (L-phenylalanine is a form that stimulates the nervous system).
D-phenylalanine is a powerful pain reliever without being a stimulant. It is
available online. Most health food stores sell a mixed form called DLPhenylalanine. Endorphin deficiency symptoms: crying easily even over
commercials on television, chronic pain, emotional fragility, particularly
sensitive to pain. Cravings: Numbing foods like sweets and starches, uses
substances like nicotine, marijuana, heroin, or alcohol to numb feelings.
Prescribed pain relievers like Vicodin.
Don't take D- or DL-Phenylalanine if you have melanoma, Grave's disease, or
phenylketonuria (PKU). Be cautious about taking Phenylalanine if you have
migraines, Hashimoto's thyroiditis, high blood pressure, or manic depression
(bipolar disorder).
L-Tyrosine (tie row seen) is used to manufacture catecholamines (cat a coal a
meens) like dopamine, norepinephrine and epinephrine. These
neurotransmitters cause us to wake up in the morning alert and refreshed with
a clear mind, able to concentrate and focus on our goals. Catecholamine
deficiency symptoms: fatigue, unfocused, lack of motivation, depression,
apathy, feeling of boredom but no energy to do anything more interesting,
possibly diagnosed as “attention deficit disorder” (ADD).
Cravings: whatever will ramp up the nervous system; sweets and starches for
the quick rise in blood sugar and temporary stimulation, brain stimulants like
caffeine or aspartame, and stimulating drugs like methamphetamine and
cocaine; May also use tobacco, marijuana, opiates, or alcohol as stimulants;
chooses risky sports and activities such as gambling or unsafe sex to raise
catecholamine levels to feel more alive. Prescribed Ritalin, Wellbutrin, or
Adderall. Don't take L-tyrosine if you have had melanoma, Grave's Disease,
or phenylketonuria (PKU). Be cautious about taking L-tyrosine if you have
migraines, Hashimoto's Thyroiditis, high blood pressure, or manic depression
(bipolar disorder).
L-Glutamine is a perfect fuel for the whole brain, balancing blood sugar levels
to maintain energy and clear thinking. Blood sugar deficiency symptoms:
irritability, shakiness, weakness, dizziness, especially if too many hours have
passed since the previous meal.
Cravings: whatever gives quick relief to low blood sugar, like sweets, starches,
and alcohol.
Be cautious about taking L-glutamine if you have manic depression (bipolar
disorder). While low doses of L-glutamine may relieve bipolar depression, in
approximately 50% of bipolar cases normal doses of L-glutamine can trigger