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Appendicular Skeleton
and Joints
Lab Exercise 9 Activates 1-5 p. 97-104
Lab Exercise 10 Activities 1-2, 5-6 p. 109-114
• Locate and recognize the bones of the
appendicular skeleton relating the unique
structure of each to its function in forming
joints and providing locations for tendon and
ligament attachment
• Identify bones both as part of a skeleton and
• Observe joint models noting ligament
attachment and range of movement
Appendicular Skeleton
Clavicle (2) sternal end, acromial end
acromion process, coracoid process,
glenoid fossa, spine, superior, lateral
Scapula (2) and medial borders
Appendicular Skeleton
Upper Limbs
Humerus (2)
Radius (2)
head, coronoid fossa, olecranon fossa,
greater tubercle, lateral and medial
epicondyles, trochlea, capitulum
head, styloid process, radial tuberosity
trochlear notch, olecranon, coronoid
process, styloid process, head
Ulna (2)
Carpals (16)
Metacarpals (10)
Phalanges of
proximal, middle and distal (except
digits (28)
thumb with just proximal and distal)
Appendicular Skeleton
Pelvic girdle
coxal bone:
composed of
ilium, ischium,
acetabulum, iliac crest,
sacroiliac joint,
obturator foramen
Appendicular Skeleton
Lower limbs
Femur (2)
Patella (2)
Tibia (2)
Fibula (2)
Tarsals (14)
Metatarsals (10)
head, neck, greater trochanter,
lesser trochanter, lateral condyle,
medial condyle
medial condyle, lateral condyle,
medial malleolus, tibial tuberosity
head, lateral malleolus
calcaneus, talus
proximal, middle, and distal of all
Phalanges of digits (28) except phalanx I (big toe)
Joints (Articulations)
• Classified by structure :
– Fibrous
– Cartilaginous
– Synovial
• Classified by function (movement allowed) :
– Synarthrosis
– Amphiarthrosis
– Diarthrosis
For Review
Complete p. 105-108 #1-13
Complete p. 114 all
Complete p. 115-118 #1-8
Joints (Articulations)
Diarthrosis (Synovial) Articulations
Demonstrate Movements of
Synovial Joints
• Flexion-sagittal plane, decreasing the angle of
the joint
• Extension-sagittal plane, increasing angle of the
joint to anatomical position. Beyond anatomical
position is termed hyperextention
• Abduction-frontal plane, moving a limb away for
the median plane
• Adduction-frontal plane, moving limb toward
Demonstrate Movements of
Synovial Joints
• Rotation-moving a bone around its longitudinal
• Circumduction-flexsion, extention, abduction,
and adduction of a limb that moves distal end of
limb in a circle
• Pronation-movement of palm of hand to the
posterior facing position
• Supination-movement of the palm of the hand
to the anterior facing position
Demonstrate Movements of
Synovial Joints
• Inversion-medial turning of the sole of the foot
• Eversion-lateral turning of the sole of the foot
• Dorsiflexion-movement of the ankle joint in the
dorsal direction (standing in one’s heel)
• Plantarflexion-movement of the ankle joint in
which the toes are flexed down (toes pointed)