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1. Respiration (external, internal, and
2. Production of sound (vocal cords).
3. Pulmonary ventilation.
4. Inspiration (intercostals muscles lift ribs
outward, sternum rises and the
diaphragm contracts and moves
downward- this increases the volume of
the lungs and the air rushes in).
1 inspiration and 1 expiration= 1 respiration. Normal
adult= 14-20 respirations per minute. Increases with
exercise, body temperature, and certain diseases. Age
(newborn= 40-60 per minute). Sleep= respirations go
down. Emotion can bring respirations up or down.
• NASAL CAVITY - Contains nasal septum, turbinate, and cilia.
•NASAL SEPTUM - Divides nasal cavities into right and left sides.
•TURBINATE'S - Bones that protrude into the nasal cavity- they increase surface area for filtering dust and
dirt particles by the mucous membrane.
•CILIA- Nose hairs, trap larger dirt particles.
•SINUSES -Cavities in the skull, ducts connect them to the nasal cavity, lined with mucous membrane to
warm and moisten the air. Give resonance to voice.
•TYPES OF SINUSES - Frontal, maxillary,
ethmoid, and sphenoid.
•PHARYNX - Throat. Common
passageway for air and food. 5" long.
•EPIGLOTTIS - When food is swallowed,
this closes over the opening to the
larynx, preventing food from entering the
•LARYNX - Voice box. Triangular chamber
below pharynx. "Adam's Apple".
•GLOTTIS- Vocal cords within the larynx.
TRACHEA- Windpipe. 4.5" long. Walls
are alternate bands of membrane and cshaped rings of hyaline cartilage to keep
it open. Lined with ciliated mucous
membrane. Coughing and expectoration
gets rid of dust-laden mucous.
•BRONCHI - Similar to trachea with ciliated
mucous membrane and hyaline cartilage.
Lower end of trachea divides into right and
left this.
•BRONCHIAL TUBES - Cartilaginous plates
(instead of c-shaped rings of trachea)..
•BRONCHIOLES - Thinner walls of
smooth muscle, lined with ciliated
epithelium. Subdivision of bronchi. At
the end, alveolar duct and cluster of
•ALVEOLI - Composed of single layer of
epithelial tissue. Inner surfaces covered
with surfactant to keep from collapsing.
Each surrounded by capillaries. Oxygen
and carbon dioxide exchange takes place
between these and capillaries.
LUNGS - Fill thoracic cavity. Tissue is porous and spongy- it floats.
•Apex- Upper part of lung.
•Base- Lower part of lung.
•RIGHT LUNG- Larger and shorter (displaced by liver) and has
three lobes.
•LEFT LUNG - Smaller (displaced by heart) and has two lobes.
•PLEURA - Thin, moist, slippery membrane that covers lungs.
Double-walled sac. Space is pleural cavity- filled with pleural
fluid to prevent friction.
•COUGHING - Deep breath followed by forceful expulsion of air to clean lower respiratory tract.
•HICCUPS - Spasm of diaphragm and spasmotic closure of the glottis- irritation to diaphragm or
phrenic nerve.
•SNEEZING- Air forced through nose to clear respiratory tract.
•YAWNING - Deep prolonged breath that fills the lungs, increases oxygen within the blood.
•NEURAL FACTORS OF BREATHING CONTROL Respiratory center located in medulla oblongata (in
the brain). Increase in CO2 and decrease in O2 in the blood will trigger respiratory center.
•PHRENIC NERVE- Stimulates the diaphragm.