Download Appetite Suppressant

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Appetite Suppressant
Recommended in Combination with the Weight loss Patch
for healing the body naturally!
Appetite Suppressant™ patch is a NON DRUG app that was developed as a complementary therapy program that is
accepted by Doctors and Practitioners as an aid to support and restore the body’s energetic function.
Made in the U.S.A.
The Appetite Suppressant patch, when used with the weight loss patch
helps to burn calories and increase the metabolic system when you
exercise to lose weight.
It restores the sensitivity of neurons involved in satiety, which in turn,
naturally curbs the desire for food consumption. It’s like getting an
endorphin rush. The effectiveness of this product is directly related to the
degree to which you reduce your usual daily food intake. Attempts at
weight reduction which involve the use of this product should be limited
to periods not exceeding three (3) months, because that should be
enough time to establish new eating habits.
These Apps have been tested extensively and proven by the many
that have experienced them to their weight loss efforts.
The patch or ‘bio-apps’ are
Also experience these
Therapy Apps that address:
made to rapidly promote and
√ Stress & Anxiety
activate the necessary
resources to optimize body
√ Depression
and brain function, restore
√ Digestion Difficulties
missing cell communication,
√ Pain & Inflammation
and accelerate the body's
√ Sleep Disturbances
natural ability to heal itself.
√ Allergies
√ Female Hormonal Issues
Proper Placement
Place the Appetite Suppressant patch on the left shoulder. Your body
√ Athletic Enhancement
accepts energy far better than the right side. Please follow directions
√ Weight Loss
that are stated below for best results.
√ Anti-Aging
√ Immune System Concerns
Appetite Suppressant ™
Instructions: Appetite Suppressant is to be applied to your body, (left shoulder).
It was developed to detoxify while changing your dietary lifestyle.
Made to last for 3 days, then discard.
Apply another patch and wear it for additional 3 days.
Repeat this procedure for 30 days to restore optimal organ function.
If needed, continue with procedure for an additional 60 days.