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Affiliate Program Guide
What is an Affiliate?
How Many Affiliate Programs Should I Join?
How To Become an Affiliate of ISORegister?
How Much Money Can I Earn?
What is a 2-tier, 50% Payout and Recurring Commissions?
How do I Promote my Affiliate Program?
How do I Get to the Banners and Ads?
How do I Know How Many Sales I Have Made?
Final Thought
Welcome to the ISORegister affiliate program. Using this program will allow you to make a recurring
income. Please read through this guide so you can get the most from your affiliate program. Never
hesitate to contact us with questions or suggestions. In North America, you can call us toll-free at 1888-541-5006 or 1-800-461-6709. Outside North America, call us at 703-366-3131 or send an email
to [email protected].
What is an Affiliate?
An affiliate is someone who resells the ISORegister program. Affiliates are under no obligation to sell
a certain amount of business, however as affiliates, you are paid based on results, so it is to your
benefit to proactively resell memberships.
You have probably heard that if you work for 30 days starting at 1¢ the first day and have that 1¢
double each day, you can retire after 30 days. It’s true, in fact on the 30th day; you would make
$5,368,709.12. This is the power of the double factor and the power of working a solid affiliate
program like ISORegister.
Now, we are not saying you will make $5 million on the 30th day as an ISORegister affiliate, however
if you follow the program, you can make a very nice income and since our commissions are recurring
payments, you will make money each month.
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How Many Affiliate Programs Should I Join?
This depends on how much time and resources you have, and how good you are at time
management as well as the programs you are joining. If all the programs are complementary of each
other, then working multiple programs can be a good idea. If, however the programs you belong to
compete with each other, then working multiple programs is not a good idea. Time is also a key
factor in determining how many programs you should work. Do not spread yourself too thin, you will
be much better off finding a good program that you can really get excited about and working that
program with 100% of your time, then trying to give several programs 30% of your time.
A good rule to follow for affiliate marketing is to spend at least one hour each day working your
program. Send ads, read about what is working and what is not, research new ezines, email or talk
to your affiliate partners, etc. Devote the time and energy and you will make money with this affiliate
program. Our recommendation is to faithfully work with the ISORegister affiliate program for a
minimum of 3 months. Once you have your affiliate partner network setup and you have established
a working system, then take your knowledge and branch out to other programs. Don’t ignore your
ISORegister program, but use the resources provided in this program to develop a multiple income
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How To Become an Affiliate of ISORegister?
All members of ISORegister can become an affiliate at no additional charge. When you receive your
welcome email, you will receive a link that will automatically create your affiliate membership. Further
along in this guide we give you instructions on how to use the affiliate-tracking program to maintain
your sales and affiliate partners.
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How Much Money Can I Earn?
You can earn as much as you desire. Our affiliate payment plan is setup as a 2-tier, 50% payout with
recurring commissions. This means that you are paid for as long as you and your affiliate partners
remain members in ISORegister. However, you need to be proactive in your affiliate marketing
approach. Do not sit back and wait for the money to roll in. Make a list of people you want to work
with and/or start sending ads to prospects. The best time to get new affiliates working with you is
right now while the ISOR is fresh in your mind. If you only spend one hour each day working the
ISORegister affiliate program, you can make a nice income.
You joined, so use this to your advantage. Unlike other affiliate programs where anyone can join, the
ISORegister affiliate program is only open to members. You believe in this system, so simply transfer
that belief to other people and you will be able to make money and more importantly work with your
affiliate partners, so they can make sales. Sales that you get paid for! You are now part of an
exclusive group of professional marketers and entrepreneurs, so take advantage of this status and
make your dreams a reality.
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What is a 2-tier, 50% Payout and Recurring Commissions?
This means that you are paid as follows:
First tier, you get 40% commission on each sale you make using your affiliate link.
Second tier, you get 10% commission on all sales by your first tier partners.
Total payout of 50% and the recurring commissions mean you will continue receiving the same
commission percentage for as long as you and your affiliate partners remain in ISORegister. Most
companies pay you for the initial sale and then you have to continue making sales to make money.
With the ISORegister program, you are paid the same commission structure for as long as you have
paying affiliates.
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How do I Promote my Affiliate Program?
We have set you up for complete success from a promotion standpoint. Even if you do not know
anyone to refer to ISORegister, we give you tools to find them. We have partnered with many ezines
and advertising resources to give you members only discounts on the advertising you need to stay
Download the brandable e-book, the brandable tool-bar and the lead capture page. Make sure you
read the instructions on these items very carefully so they work to your best advantage. You will find
all these resources by clicking on the affiliate program link on the left tool bar of the members area of and then clicking on the affiliate marketing tools link.
When you created your affiliate profile, the system also created a special affiliate URL. This is your
affiliate marketing link and you will want to get this link in as many places on the web as possible.
Place it under your name in your emails, post it in chat rooms that allow these types of postings, print
it on your business card. Post it anyplace that is allowed. Do Not Use It In SPAM! Doing so will
result in immediate termination of your ISORegister membership and your forfeiture of all
We have written a variety of ads for you to use. These are the same ads we have used to attract
members. They are all listed in the affiliate marketing area and are simple cut and paste ads. We
update these on a periodic basis, so your advertising is never stale.
With ISORegister membership you can sell the entire system or you can sell each site individually. In
your members area, you will find a list of links for each site. Click on the affiliate program link on the
left tool bar and then click on the affiliate links sentence. You will find a list of all the sites you can sell
individually. You get the same commission percentage for each site.
For instance, if you know of someone who only needs an Autoresponder, then send them your AR
link. They will be tracked through our database and when they subscribe to ISOResponder, you will
get credit for the sale. You will make 40% of their monthly payment for as long as they remain a
member of ISOResponder. The same goes for,,,, and You get commissions for each sale for as long as the person
is a paying member.
Below are some warnings about advertising mistakes some people make.
Warning 1 - Do not expect sales with guaranteed hits: All you are going to get are hits. Hits do not
generate sales, qualified customers generate sales. Too many people on the Internet are still under
the assumption that if your website is getting a lot of hits, then it must be good. This is far from the
truth. I would rather have 100 people come to ISORegister and have 9 join, then get 10,000 hits and
2 or 3 join. This is the same rationale as you working with 5 affiliate partners. You will have a lot more
time to work with 5 people and give them quality time, then work with hundreds of people and multiple
programs. We would rather devote our resources and time to work with those people who are
sincerely interested in making a positive change in their life and income as opposed to dealing with
people who cannot or will not make a decision regarding their financial future.
Warning 2 - Be very careful where you spend your advertising dollars. There are a lot of scams
on the Internet. Many companies will promise you the world and you will only get dirt. If it sounds too
good to be true, it probably is. Read the testimonials on sites and if there are none available, ask for
references. Be cautious of sites that do not provide contact information such as phone numbers or
physical addresses. Send an email request and see how long it takes to get a response.
Now, it is not always possible for an Internet owner to respond to every request instantly, however
same day responses must become the rule not the exception. You as the buyer of advertising must
dictate this to people you do business with. I bought an ad blast of 300,000, and I was told the ad
would run on one day, but it did not run until 5 days later. I tested this 300,000 blast vs. a solo ad to
5,100. Cost for the blast was $75; the cost for the solo ad was $15. I used identical subject lines and
ads for this test. The blast received 49 hits and 0 sales. The solo ad received 45 hits and 5 sales.
The blast was a complete waste of money and most likely a scam. There is no way the discrepancy
can be this great between 2 campaigns.
Final Warning - Be very careful of FREE sites. You are going to come across a lot of sites that tell
you that you can make money online with no investment or advertise for free. These are all hyped up
ways to either get your email address and bombard you with ads, or get you into a program only to
get you to upgrade your free membership to a paying status. Be careful when reviewing Free offers.
All sites use the word FREE and most use it correctly in that you will get a FREE e-book for buying
their product or service or they will give you a FREE upgrade when you buy their basic service or
product. However anyone who tells you that you can make money online for free is telling you an
outright lie. If you can make money for free, or by only working a few minutes a week, then everyone
online would be millionaires. Nice to dream, but it just does not work like that. These people prey on
lazy people who don't want to put forth any effort and want the world handed to them on a silver
platter. The reality is, the money has to come from someone and that someone will be the people
who think they are getting the program for free.
How Much Do I Advertise?
The short answer is as much as you can. If you invest $100 in advertising and you get $200 in
business, then you would be wise to take $150 and reinvest it back into advertising. Continue this
cycle until you have built up a solid line of affiliates and then show your affiliates this method of
advertising. Remember, free advertising is a long-term process. Paid advertising will get you quicker
results and that is your goal. There is no reason to wait 4 – 6 months to get a return on your
advertising just because it is free. Your smart competitors are going to use paid advertising and they
will be eating at your market share while you are waiting for the free ads to work.
A rule of thumb is to spend a minimum of 40% of your gross receipts on advertising. If you make
$1,000 a month, then spend at least $400 on additional advertising. Test different ads and different
ad opportunities. Track your ads and reinvest in those places where you see a solid return.
How Much Will Advertising Cost?
This varies by vehicle. I have purchased email campaigns for $250 that got nothing and I have spent
$15 on solo ads that gave me a 1,500% return on investment. Stay away from the super-cheap
advertising opportunities. I have seen guaranteed hits of less than $10 for a million hits. I don’t think
much of guaranteed hits anyway, but this was just a pure scam.
Again, the best rule of thumb is to plan on spending 40% of your income on advertising. However, do
not spend money just to spend. Use your money wisely. Ask other people what works for them, think
about what works best for you when you are reviewing a product or service. What catches your eye?
What ezines do you read? What don’t you like? What makes sense to you will most likely make
sense to other people.
Be consistent with your advertising and your advertising will be consistent with you. Do not run an ad
one week and then wait 3 or 4 weeks to run more ads. You are much better off running ads each day
or every other day then running a bunch of ads for a week and then stopping for a couple of weeks.
Now, it is not always possible for an Internet owner to respond to every request instantly, however
same day responses must become the rule not the exception. One time we purchased 3 ads from an
ezine and not one of the ads went out on time or in the order they were supposed to go. Because of
these errors, our entire campaign was wasted. The response from the owner was “I am very busy, I
am human, I make mistakes” No apology, no amendment to the ad, just a smug comment. We have
used other ezines where a small mistake was made, it was corrected and we were given additional
ad space without even asking. Guess which ezine is still getting our business? You will find
information about ezines in
Solo mailings and Paid Safelists work very well, but be careful with free Safelists as they rarely do
anything more than fill up your mailbox. There are some good paid Safelists available but be careful
when you join these groups as you will receive a lot of offers from other Safelists members. The
benefit of a paid Safelist is when people pay for something; they tend to be more responsive to
reviewing your offer. You can get very high quality solo ads for less than $40, and even if you only
get one new affiliate partner, you will more than recoup your cost. One affiliate selling for you can be
worth over $1,000 per month in revenue if you work with that person and help them succeed with you,
and not for you.
Paid Classified ads can be a good resource in the right ezine. Free Classified ads are generally a
waste of time. The better ezines will place classified ads throughout the ezine and not just at the
bottom. This gives your ad a better chance of being read.
Sponsor Ads in the top locations of well-known ezines are good if you choose an ezine that fits the
criteria of your target market. It is also a good idea to get your sponsor ads in an issue with a
compelling article.
Prior to placing an ad in any ezine, you should subscribe to the ezine and read it for a few weeks to
make sure it is well written and informative and not full of links and free ads. This will also help you to
verify that your ad was sent on the day and time promised. Also, you want to make sure the ezine is
not sending several ads per day every day of the week.
Research your advertising very carefully. Cheap is not always better. We ran an ad in one ezine that
boasted they had over 300,000 readers. The cost of the ad was $90 and they were supposed to run
it twice. We got a total of 9 hits from both ads and 0 sales. In another instance, we ran an ad that
went to 5,500 people at a cost of $20. We received 2 sales from this one ad and more importantly
each of the new members joined the affiliate program and have made several sales each.
Target your mailings regardless of the median you use. It does you no good to send 100,000 ads, if
the people receiving the ads have no interest in your offer. It is much better to send smaller number
of ads to a very focused group of people. Your response will be better and your cost will be less.
Free for All (FFA) pages are similar to free Safelists, you are going to get a mailbox full of ads, but
little more unless you use them on a consistent basis. This is the basis of advertising, consistently
getting your message out to as many people as you can as often as you can.
Mass Emails is another area you will want to be extremely careful when using. You have probably
seen the companies that promise to send your email to hundreds of thousands of people for a very
low fee. Most of these are scams and should be avoided. There are some very reputable email
companies on the Internet, however it has been our experience that even with the reputable
companies, you will not get a very good response and the costs are a lot more than solo ads in the
best ezines.
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How do I Get to the Banners and Ads?
From the main members page of ISORegister, (Make sure you are logged into the members only
area) click on the Affiliate program link and then click on the Affiliate Marketing Tools link. In this
section, you will find a variety of banners and ads. Your URL affiliate link is automatically added to
the ads and banners by our affiliate program. All ads and subject headings are ones we have
personally used, but feel free to make changes, as you feel necessary. Please do not make false
promises or unsubstantiated claims in your ads. This may get you more signups in the short term,
but it will hurt you down the road and it will hurt the image of ISORegister membership and we do not
want either of these to happen.
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How do I Know How Many Sales I Have Made?
Each time you make a sale, you will receive an automatic email reply from our system telling you of
your sale. The email will also contain a live link so you can click on it and be taken directly to your
admin area.
You can easily track hits, sales, your affiliate partners and a variety of other statistics in your affiliate
admin area. If you want to go to the admin area at any other time, follow these instructions: Login to and click on the Affiliate Program link on the left tool bar. (Make sure you are
logged into the members only area of ISORegister) Click on the Affiliate Admin Area link, and you will
come to a page that looks like the following: Note, all the links have been disabled on the image below.
Welcome Your Name
Your affiliate url:
Your Affiliate URL Link will be here!
You are earning commissions on 6 levels.
Click here for your downline.
The main affiliate admin page gives you a basic overview of hits and sales, and the tab buttons allow
more detailed analysis of how your program is doing.
The Update Your Info tab will allow you to update your personal affiliate information, address, phone
number, etc. Do not change your user name as this is incorporated into your affiliate URL link and
if you change the user name, your affiliate URL will no longer work.
Create Your Links tab will take you to the affiliate marketing area where you will have access to
banners, ads, subject headings, etc.
In-Depth Commissions tab will take you to your commission monitoring area. You will be able to
see how much you have made each day, month, or year, and how much you are owed, etc.
Top 100 Referrers tab is going to show you what websites are working the best for you and which of
your affiliate partners is doing the most for you. This will allow you to concentrate on those affiliate
partners that are worthy of your time.
Overview For The Year tab simply gives you an overview for the current year or any year you
choose, hits, sales, pending sales etc.
Click here for your downline will show you how many people you have selling for you and at what
levels they are selling. You will also be able to send your affiliate partners email from this screen to
keep them involved and updated on new ways to sell and suggestions to keep them selling. You are
free to run contests with your affiliates and this is an excellent way to encourage additional sales.
Remember; do not push your affiliates too hard, it is better to lead by example than make them think
all you care about are your commissions. You will want your affiliates to work with you, not for you,
and there is a big difference in the two methods. Please note that you will have access to all affiliates
including those sales made by your affiliate partners. DO NOT send emails to anyone but your first
and second tier affiliate partners unless you have permission from their sponsor. Any complaints
from your affiliate partners will be cause for immediate termination from the program with no refund
and the forfeiture of all current and future commissions. This rule allows us to protect the integrity of
the program. ISORegister, Inc. will never send you additional promotional emails and we expect the
same of our affiliates. Please respect those affiliates who are working with you.
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Final Thought
The ISORegister system is your opportunity for success. You have to decide for yourself whether or
not you are going to take advantage of the system we have developed. Whether you believe you
can or believe you can’t—You are right!
Review these pages often, as we will continuously add additional information, ideas, and suggestions
to make your affiliate marketing a success. Our number one objective is making your ISORegister
affiliate program bring you the income your desire.
If you work the program and follow the steps outlined in this overview, you will succeed. Do not
hesitate to contact us via telephone or email with questions or comments. We always respond to our
members and we will do whatever we can to make your ISORegister membership a pleasant and
profitable experience.
The ISORegister Affiliate Team Management
E-Mail: [email protected]
Telephone: 703-366-3131 or 1-888-541-5006, 1-800-461-6709
U.S. Office: 7129 Oak Ridge Rd. Suite 507, Falls Church, VA 22042 USA
International Office: 4-14-15-401 Chuo, Yamato, Kanagawa 242-0021 Japan
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