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Exclusive Joy’s House Planter – A terra cotta-color pot filled with a
custom mix of white and yellow lantana, blitz yellow fusibbegonia and
ivy . Does best in morning sun and filtered afternoon sun. A perfect
Mother’s Day gift!
Foliage Planter – A terra cotta-color pot with a mix of non-blooming
foliage anchored by ornamental grass complemented with colorful
foliage including coleus, vines and ivies. Best in partial shade.
Geranium Planter and Pots – Planter and pots of sun-loving cuttinggrown zonal geraniums. Does best in sun to part shade.
Gerbera Daisies – Pots of gerbera daisies like full morning sun and
filtered afternoon sun.
Vining Geranium Hanging Basket – Vining geraniums have smaller,
looser flower umbels than traditional geraniums, but these too, like lots
of sun.
New Guinea Impatiens Hanging Basket – This bold variety of spike,
new guineas and vines can be counted on for constant color until
nearly the first frost. Does best in indirect sun/part shade.
Boston Fern Hanging Basket – This fern is perfect for hanging on a
porch or sitting in an urn or planter. Does best in indirect sun/partial
Blue Lobelia Hanging Basket – The beautiful color of these tiny blue
flowers will impress you in its hanging basket. Enjoys partial sun.
Annual Bedding Flats (each flat has 48 plants):
Begonia – The classic landscape plant. Tolerates sun or shade.
Impatiens – A shade-loving classic that brings vibrant color to the
Madness Petunias – Your garden will be awash with color with these
sun-loving classic petunias.
Vinca – Similar to the impatiens, but sun-loving.
Butterfly Bush – This perennial grows to a sizable bush with woody
stems. Blooms attract swarms of butterflies. Prefers full sun.
Echinacea (Purple Coneflower) – Long blooming purple coneflower
daisies appear in mid-summer heat and endure through fall with
coppery maroon centers. Prefers sun; 36” tall.
Lavender – Beautiful fragrance from silvery/gray-green foliage.
Produces blue or pink flowers. Prefers sun/partial shade; 18-24” tall.
Leucanthemum (Shasta Daisy) – Traditional white daisy flowers with
yellow eye over substantial green foliage. Long blooming season.
Prefers sun/partial shade; 12-36” tall.
Salvia (Meadow Sage) – May Night variety. 1997 Perennial of the
Year. Dark purple flowers bloom all summer. Grows to 18” tall. Prefers
sun/partial shade.
Peonies – Stunning with a sweet fragrance, these prefer partial sun.
Hosta – This classic, easy to grow, shade-loving perennial is known for
its beautiful foliage. Guacamole Hosta has a gold center with dark
green margin. June Hosta has light yellow-gold center with blue-green
margin. Grows to 18” tall.
Tomato Garden Container – Cherry, Grape and Yellow Pear tomato
plants in a 10” clay pot. Best in full sun. Will need to either be
transferred to a larger container (does not have to be separated) or
planted in the ground 3 feet apart. If planted in the ground, plants
should be separated.
Lettuce Bowl – Red and Green Leaf Lettuces in a 12” bowl that will
produce all summer. Best in full sun.
Herb Bowl – Basil, Cilantro, Oregano and Parsley in a 12” bowl. Best
in full sun.
Kale - A four pack of flat leaf kale. Should be replanted for proper
growth. Plant to bottom row of leaves and water immediately. Harvest
the leaves from the outside in or from bottom to top.
Joy’s House Mission:
We assist our Guests (clients) by sharing an embracing, safe and accepting environment while providing family caregivers peace of mind, education and ongoing understanding and encouragement.