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Hardy Camellias For The Delaware Valley
A summary by Charles O. Cresson
Camellias thrive in similar conditions to those
preferred by rhododendrons with acid soil and
partial shade, but are more tolerant of heavy
soils, drought, summer heat and pruning.
Individual plants also have a considerably
longer bloom season since the flower buds open
in succession. Camellias flower more profusely
in a partially sunny location, but are at greater
risk for winter damage. With the introduction of
hybrids with increased hardiness, they will
become superior evergreen garden plants
compared to rhododendrons in the Philadelphia
region. Certainly, camellias are excellent
rhododendron companions.
Spring Blooming
Flowering usually begins in March for the
earliest cultivars and continues into early May
with the latest cultivars. A few exceptionally
early cultivars may begin to flower in autumn.
Camellia japonica: Large deep green glossy
leaves and large flowers of heavy substance.
White, pink, red. Normal chromosome #: 30.
Zone 7.
Fall Blooming
Flowering begins in October and continues
through November or December, until night
temperatures drop into the low 20's, when
flower buds are killed. Following light frosts,
new flowers open from the remaining buds.
Camellia sasanqua: Small glossy leaves with
smaller flowers of thinner substance than C.
japonica. White, pink and red. Normal
chromosome #: 90. Zone 7.
Camellia oleifera: Similar to C. sasanqua, but
traditionally considered less decorative for its
more olive green matte foliage and narrow
petaled white flowers. Leaves are also larger
and bark can be a striking cinnamon color.
Normal chromosome #: 90. Zone 6. In China,
where it is native, C. oleifera is an important
crop, cultivated as a source of tea-oil which is
expressed from the seeds.
‘Lu Shan Snow’ is a cultivar with large white
flowers and exceptionally fine cinnamoncolored bark. The original plant, received by
the U. S. National Arboretum from Lu Shan,
China in 1948, has grown to a large shrub on the
edge of Asian Valley at the Arboretum and
thrived during the severe winters of the late
1970’s when most other camellias were killed.
It was used in many of Dr. Ackerman's hybrids.
Camellia sinensis (Thea sinensis) Tea: This
species is the earliest to bloom, bearing small
white flowers with prominent yellow stamens
from September to November. Generally, the
small leaved forms are the hardiest. Apparently,
this species does not hybridize with other fallblooming species. Normal chromosome #: 30.
Zone 7. In the Orient and also South Carolina,
C. sinensis is the commercial source of green
and black tea, depending upon curing and
‘Rosea’ (‘Red Leaf’) is an attractive form with
pink flowers and burgundy new growth.
Related Species
Other species used in the hardy hybrids are C. x
hiemalis (winter blooming) and C. x vernalis
(early spring blooming), both believed to be
hybrids of C. japonica and C. sasanqua, which
originated in Japan long ago. They are of little
use in the north because it is too cold when they
tend to bloom, but they form a genetic bridge
between the parent species for breeding
purposes. C. saluenensis, from China has been
widely hybridized with C. japonica to produce
C. x williamsii, but these hybrids have not
generally proven as hardy as the toughest
japonicas. Yet, they have been crossed with C.
oleifera to create some of the hardy spring
blooming hybrids.
Many other species are being introduced from
China. C. chekiangoleosa, similar to C.
japonica, is among the most promising hardy
spring blooming species. A promising hardier
form of C. cuspidata is also now available.
Fall Blooming Hybrids
habit, exceptional cinnamon bark. -10F, z 6A.
Breeders: Ack=Ackerman,
CF=Camellia Forest, North Carolina
State University/J.C. Raulston Arboretum, Nat'l
Arb=U.S. National Arboretum
‘Mason Farm’ (CF) (sasanqua x oleifera F2)
white tinged pink, large single, early, vigorous
habit. z 6B/6A
‘Polar Ice’ (Ack) (‘Frost Princess’ x oleifera)
white, anemone, mid-late, slow-moderate,
rounded arching habit. -10F, z 6A
Bloom season: Early= early Oct-Nov,
Mid= Late Oct-Dec,
Late= Dec-Jan
‘Rosea’ (syn. ‘Red Leaf’) (sinensis) pink,
single, very early (Sept.-Nov.), low, rounded
bushy habit, burgundy new growth. Similar to
the typical small leaf form of tea plant. Z 6
‘Arctic Ice’ (oleifera hybrid) white with pink
blushed edges, single, upright habit. Z 6
‘Aston's Pride’ (Ack) (oleifera x sasanqua
‘Santozaki’) very hardy, pale lavender pink,
single, mid, vigorous, spreading. -15F, z 6A
‘Snow Flurry’ (Ack) (oleifera x ‘Frost
Princess’) white, anemone, early, moderately
vigorous arching habit. -10F, z 6A
‘Autumn Spirit’ (CF) (oleifera x sasanqua)
deep pink, peony, early, upright compact habit
w/ small leaves. z 6B/6A
‘Survivor’ (CF) (sasanqua ‘Narumi-gata’ x
oleifera) white w/pink buds, single, early,
upright compact habit. Possibly the hardiest
Camellia Forest hybrid, -9F, z 6B/6A
‘Carolina Moonmist’ (NCSU #1) (oleifera x
sasanqua ‘Cleopatra’) pink, single, blooms well
in shade, early-mid, densely branched habit. z
‘Twilight Glow’ (CF) (oleifera x sasanqua)
rose-pink, single, mid, compact wider than tall
habit. z 6B/6A
‘Elaine Lee’ (Ack) (japonica ‘Mrs. Bertha
Harmes’ x oleifera) white, semi-double, 3 3/4",
hardier than average blooms, late, slow upright
dense habit. -10F, z6A
‘Winter's Beauty’ (Ack) (japonica ‘Billie
McCaskill’ x oleifera) shell pink, frilly peony,
very hardy flower buds, late, Xmas-Jan,
moderately vigorous upright habit. -15F, z 6A
‘Fairweather Favorite’ (Ack) (japonica ‘Frost
Queen’ x oleifera) white with pink blush on the
reverse, semi-double, 3", very floriferous with a
long bloom season, late, dense upright growth.
The hardiest of Ackerman's winter bloomers. 15F, z 6A
‘Winter's Charm’ (Ack) (sasanqua ‘Takarawase’ x oleifera) lavender-pink, peony-rose
form, early, columnar habit. -10F, z 6A
‘Winter's Cupid’ (Ack) (oleifera x [sasanqua
‘Narumi-gata’ x hiemalis ‘Shishi-gashira’])
white/edged pink, semi-double, late, semiupright habit. -15F, z 6B
‘Frost Prince’ (Ack) (hiemalis ‘Shishi-gashira’
x oleifera) deep pink, single, early, moderate
vigor rounded upright habit. -5F, z 6B/6A
‘Winter's Darling’ (Ack) (hiemalis ‘Shishigashira’ x oleifera ‘Lu Shan Snow’) deep cerisepink, anemone, mid, semi-upright slow growth
habit. -10, z 6A
‘Frost Princess’ (Ack) (hiemalis ‘Bill Wylam’
x oleifera) deep lavender pink, semidouble/anemone, mid, compact upright rounded
habit. -5F, z 6B/6A
‘Winter's Dream’ (Ack) (hiemalis ‘Peach Puff’
x oleifera) pink, semi-double, early, compact
upright columnar habit. -10F, z 6A
‘Lushan Snow’ (Nat'l Arb) (oleifera) white,
single, early, large shrub of upright, spreading
Spring Blooming Hybrids
‘Winter's Fancy’ (Ack) (hiemalis ‘Bill Wylam’
x [hiemalis ‘Shishi-gashira’ x oleifera])) deep
pink, semi-double, early, moderately vigorous
upright spreading habit. -5F, z 6B
Bloom Season:
mid= Mar-Apr,
early= Feb-Mar,
late= Apr-May
‘Aida’ (C. x williamsii hybrid) (‘Ville de
Nantes’ x C. saluenensis ‘Dogrose’) deep pink,
semi-double, mid-late
‘Winter's Fire’ (Ack) (‘Frost Prince’ x vernalis
‘Takarazuki’) reddish pink, semi-double, midlate, Vigorous, fountain-like habit. -5F, z 6B
‘April Blush’ (CF-33) (‘Berenice Boddy’ x ‘Dr.
Tinsley’) shell pink, semi-double, mid
‘Winter's Hope’ (Ack) (oleifera ‘Lu Shan
Snow’ x ‘Frost Princess’) white, semi-double,
mid-late, moderately vigorous upright habit. 10F, z 6A
‘April Dawn’ (CF-29) (‘Berenice Boddy’ x
‘Herme’) pink, shell, white variegated, formal
double, mid-late, upright vigorous habit
‘Winter's Interlude’ (Ack) (oleifera x C.
species ‘Pink Tea’) clear pink, anemone, mid,
upright habit. -15F, z 6A
‘April Kiss’ (CF) (‘Berenice Boddy’ x ‘Reg
Ragland’) medium red, small formal double,
early, compact moderate growth rate
‘Winter's Joy’ (Ack) ([sasanqua ‘Narumi-gata’
x hiemalis ‘Shishi-gashira’] x oleifera) bright
pink, semi-double, mid, vigorous loosely
columnar habit. -10F, z 6A
‘April Melody’ (CF) (‘Berenice Boddy’ x ‘Rev.
John Bennett’) red, single, early-mid, vigorous
upright compact habit
‘April Remembered’ (CF) (‘Berenice Boddy’
x ‘Dr. Tinsley’) creamy pink, semi-double,
early-late, vigorous fast growing. One of the
hardiest of the April Series.
‘Winter's Peony’ (Ack) (oleifera x [sasanqua
‘Narumi-gata’ x hiemalis ‘Shishi-gashira’])
light-medium pink, peony, mid, pyramidal
habit. -5F, z 6B
‘April Rose’ (CF-31) (‘Berenice Boddy’ x
‘Kumasaka’) rose-red, formal double, mid-late,
heavy bud set. One of the hardiest of the April
Series for bud and foliage hardiness.
‘Winter's Rose’ (Ack) (oleifera x hiemalis
‘Otome’) shell pink, small formal double, earlymid, compact slow growing habit with
somewhat droopy branch tips and small leaves,
very floriferous. -15F (some report -23F), z 6A
‘April Snow’ (CF) (‘Triphosa’ x ‘Betty
Sheffield Supreme’) white, rose form double,
late, compact relatively slow growing
‘Winter's Snowman’ (Ack) ([sasanqua
‘Narumi-gata’ x hiemalis ‘Shishi-gashira’] x
oleifera) white, pink in bud, semidouble/anemone, late, columnar habit. -10F, z
‘April Tryst’ (CF) (seedling of ‘Yours Truly’)
bright red, anemone, mid, upright medium
growth rate. Flowers better than most anemone
and peony forms in cold weather.
‘Winter's Star’ (Ack) (oleifera x hiemalis
‘Showa-no-Sakae’) rich pink, single, early,
vigorous upright habit. -5F, z 6B
‘Betty Sette’ (Ack) (japonica ‘Frost Queen’ x
japonica ‘Variety Z’) deep pink, formal double,
3 to 3 1/2", late, average upright dense growth. 10F, z 6A
‘Winter's Waterlily’ (Ack) (oleifera x ‘Minino-yuki’) white, anemone, particularly frost
resistant buds and flowers, late, slow to
moderate growth rate with a rounded habit. 15F, z 6A
‘Fire 'n Ice’ (Ack) (japonica ‘Tricolor Red’ x
oleifera) bright red with a few white petaloids,
semi-double/rose form double, late, average
dense upright growth. -10F, z 6A
‘Frost Queen’ (Ack) (japonica selection) white,
semi-double, early-late, compact upright habit. 5F, z 6B
‘Spring Circus’ (Ack) (japonica ‘Tricolor Red’
x oleifera) variable flowers ranging from bright
red to pink to white with red line, semi-double,
3 3/4", late, medium upright dense growth. 10F, z 6A
‘Ice Follies’ (Ack) (williamsii ‘November Pink’
x oleifera ‘Lu Shan Snow’) bright pink, semidouble, 4 1/2 - 5", mid, medium upright dense
habit. -10F, z 6A
‘Spring Frill’ (Ack) (oleifera x vernalis ‘Egao’)
Iridescent pink, rose form double, 4 1/2" midlate, slow spreading dense growth. -10F, z6A
‘Jerry Hill’ (Ack) (japonica ‘Frost Queen’ x
japonica ‘Variety Z’) rose-pink, formal double,
3 1/2" to 3 3/4", late, medium upright compact
habit. -10F, z 6A
‘Spring's Promise’ (CF-2) (‘Berenice Boddy’ x
‘Kumasaka’) rose-red, single, very early.
Flowers during warm spells in late winter to
early spring, "thus the promise of spring". Also
tolerant of slightly poor drainage. Slightly less
hardy than April Series, z 6B-7A
‘Korean Fire’ deep red, single, spring, selected
from seed collected on a windswept island off
the northern coast of Korea, the coldest location
where C. japonica grows wild.
‘Spring's Song’ (CF-42) (seedling of ‘Sukiya’,
probably crossed w/ japonica) pink, small single
flowers, small foliage. Overall, a uniquely fine
textured cultivar.
‘Kumasaka’ (old Japanese cv, pre 1695) deep
rose, semi-double. One of hardiest of standard
cultivars. z 6B.
‘Kuro Delight’ (Ack) (japonica ‘Kuro Tsubaki’
x japonica ‘Variety Z’) maroon red, semidouble to peony, mid-late, slow spreading
growth habit. -15F, z 6A
Growing Camellias in Cold Climates by
William L. Ackerman. Noble House, Baltimore.
2002 Available from Camellia Forest Nursery.
$40.00, including shipping.
‘Paulette Goddard’ Dark red, anemone to
peony, one of the hardiest of the standard
varieties. Mid, z 6B.
Beyond the Camellia Belt: Breeding,
Propagating and Growing Hardy Camellias by
William L. Ackerman. Ball Publishing, Batavia,
IL. 2007 Available from Camellia Forest
Nursery. $45.00, including shipping.
‘Pink Icicle’ (Ack) (williamsii ‘November
Pink’ x oleifera ‘Lu Shan Snow’) shell pink,
peony, 5" or more, mid-season, average upright
dense growth. Dark green leaves with improved
winter sun tolerance. -5F, z 6B
Sources Of Camellias
Camellia Forest Nursery (hardy/nonhardy
camellias, rare shrubs) 125 Carolina Forest Rd.,
Chapel Hill, NC 27516, tel: 919-967-5529,
email: [email protected], web:
‘Red Aurora’ (CF) (‘Snowbell’ x ‘Midnight’)
rich pinkish red, semi-double/rose form,
vigorous plant with large leaves. mid, z 6B
‘Red Jade’ (CF-34) (japonica ‘Berenice Boddy’
x ‘Midnight’) light red, semi-double, early-mid,
compact habit of moderate vigor. -9F, z 6B
Rare Find Nursery (rare woody plants of all
types, specializing in rhododendrons) 957
Patterson Road, Jackson, NJ 08527, tel: 732833-0613, email: [email protected],
‘Spring Cardinal’ (Ack) (japonica ‘Tricolor
Red’ x oleifera) deep red, formal double, early,
compact upright habit. -10F, z 6A
Copyright: Charles O. Cresson 11\2013
Handout for program at Valley Forge ARS
banquet on November 15, 2015.