Download clivia show at outeniqua primary school

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1. Entries for the show close at 17:00 on Tuesday 24 September 2013. Completed entry forms
must be returned to: Fax no 0866793443 or E-mail: [email protected]
2. Late entries will not be accepted, and these plants may be used for display only.
3. Exhibits to be staged on Thursday 26 September 2013 from 11.00 to 15:00 and on Friday 27
September 2013 from 9:00 to 13:00 at the Outeniqua Primary School. Judging will
commence at 14h00. (See annexure for the new staging / entry procedures and remarks
concerning leaf miner.)
Please Note: Will those planning to sell Clivia plants and seeds please delay occupying
your selling tables until after 13:30 on Friday 27 September 2013 in order to allow for
an orderly placement of Clivia before that time. No selling tables shall be allowed
inside the exhibition hall.
4. Judges shall not be influenced or interfered with before, during or after judging.
5. Judges may not be allowed to exhibit plants at the show.
6. Each exhibitor is allowed to enter a maximum of 5 plants per category and a maximum total
of 30 plants in overall for the show. Unless we have a slow flowering season and the show
committee sends out a request to members to bring more plants.
7. Plants must be healthy, undamaged, well nurtured, and neatly groomed for the show. See
Show Schedule (checklist) for point allocation. Plants that do not comply with this shall be
disqualified and can be removed from the show.
8. At least 60% of the flowers on a plant must be open to qualify as a plant “in flower”, but may
be relaxed in the case of a slow flowering season.
9. Leaves may be trimmed and removed to make the plant acceptable and presentable.
10. Florets damaged in transit shall be placed in the pot with a note indicating “damaged in
transit”. A maximum of 2 damaged florets are allowed.
11. Plants with pollen stems removed from any of the florets shall be disqualified.
12. All exhibits shall be in pots (colour: green, brown, and black). No other containers are
13. No plant shall be exhibited in a plastic bag. Such plants shall be placed in an acceptable
container, as per rule 12, and covered up so that the bag is not visible. Bark, peat etc. may be
14. The name of the exhibitor shall not be displayed on any part of the container, except the
bottom, before the conclusion of judging. At the conclusion of judging the exhibitor may
display his / her details.
15. Leaves in classes indicating a maximum leaf length will be measured on a straight line from
the base of the plant to the tip of the leaf, the curvature of the leaf to be disregarded.
16. 50% of leaves must fall within the minimum level of the broad leaf categories.
17. In the multi petal category a minimum of 60% of the florets must have 7 or more petals.
18. All first time exhibitors qualify for the Novice category no. 37.
19. In the “Own Breeding” category no. 36, an exhibitor can only stage plants that are the direct
result of his / her own pollination.
20. A maximum of 5 flowers may be entered in the single flower category.
21. The judges may not move an exhibit from one class to another. The committee has the
authority to move plants that have mistakenly been placed in a wrong category before judging
commences. This may only be done with the consent of the exhibitor of the specific plant.
22. All persons, except the committee and judges, must retire when judging commences.
23. Staking shall be permitted but must be unobtrusive (not noticeable) as points will be deducted
for untidiness. In order to determine a winner, the stakes may be removed on request of the
24. Exhibits shall not be removed before the closing of the show unless authorized by the
chairman and the committee.
25. The judges have the power to withhold prizes should they consider exhibits to be of
insufficient merit.
26. The chairman and the committee shall have the final say with regard to any disputes.
27. Although all reasonable care shall be taken by the committee to safeguard plants, they shall
not be responsible for any damage to or loss of plants during or after the Show.
28. Exhibits shall be collected from 15:00 to 16:00 on Sunday, 29 September 2013.
29. Please note that no plants may be handled from the time they have been staged until
the Show has closed at 15:00 on Sunday, 29 September 2013. This includes pollination
of plants and the removal of pollen. However, plants to be photographed may be
moved by the owners at the conclusion of judging.
30. Selling of plants and seed at Show: Only members of the Clivia Society of SA are allowed
to sell plants and seed at the show. No member will be allowed to sell plants or seed unless
such member also enters plants on the show. The chairman and the committee have the
power to relax this rule in the case of an exceptional circumstance.15% of all sales, including
show plants sold during the duration of the show, is payable to the Garden Route Clivia Club.
Please contact Fanie van der Merwe on 0832719530 for the booking of sales tables.
31. Please refer to the annexure for the new benching and entry procedures as well as the rules
concerning leaf miner.
Inskrywings : (a) Alle uitstallers moet asseblief die ingang in Meadestraat gebruik om hulle
plante af te laai, in te skryf en na die skou weer op te laai.
(b) Daar word vanjaar 2013 van „n rekenaarprogram vir die inskrywing van plante
gebruik gemaak. Die doel is om die in en uitboek van plante vinnig en akkuraat te
laat verloop. Daar sal twee persone wees wat die inskrywings gaan inboek en na
sluiting van die skou gaan uitboek. Die plante sal in en uit ge-“scan” (geskandeer)
(c) Die inskrywingsvorm bestaan uit 4 bladsye en bevat ook die kategorië om dit
vir uitstallers makliker te maak.
Die inskrywingvorm moet vir Ida in die geheel op of voor 17:00 op Dinsdag 24
September 2013 bereik. Na sluiting sal Ida en Kobus die inskrywingskaarte van
elke uitstaller wat ingeskryf het voorberei.
Gedurende die oggende van 26 & 27 September 2013 sal die inskrywingskaarte
by Kobus in die skousaal beskikbaar wees.
(d) Die inskrywingskaart bestaan uit twee dele. Die linkerkant bevat die
besonderhede van die uitstaller en die besondere plant wat ingeskryf is.
Die regter kant bevat „n “n barcode” en „n nommer. Dit vorm die identiteit van die
besondere plant.
(e) Op die dag van die inskrywing sal een persoon plante inboek waar daar nie
veranderings aangebring word nie. Die ander persoon sal die inskrywings waar
veranderinge gemaak word handteer.
(f) Indien die uitstaller geen verandering aan sy inskrywings wil aanbring nie kan
die uitstaller sy inskrywingskaarte aan die pot van die besondere plant met „n
skuifspeld (wat voorsien sal word) te heg. Dit moet so gedoen word dat die
“barcode” vertoon word en die skuifspeld moet nie oor die “ barcode” geplaas word
Nadat al die inskrywingskaarte geheg is moet die uitstaller sy plante in die saal
neem verby die persoon wat by die ingang aangewys sal word en waar elke plant
ingeboek word deur die “barcode” te “scan”. Hierna sal persone aandiens wys
waar die plante by die korrekte kategorië op die tafels geplaas moet word.
(g) As „n uitstaller veranderings wil aanbring moet die uitstaller sy
inskrywingskaarte by Kobus afhaal en dan die persoon wat veranderings hanteer
sonder sy plante met sy inskrywingskaarte nader. Die inskrywingskaart / e wat die
uitstaller nie gebruik nie moet ingehandig word sodat die kaarte gekanselleer kan
word, of voordat „n ander plant bygevoeg kan word. Sodra die uitstaller se
veranderings afgehandel is ,geld die prosedure soos hierbo in (f) beskryf.
(h) Na sluiting van die skou moet alle plante weer uitgeboek word soos dit
ingeboek was.
Dit is van uiterste belang dat die regte kaart op die regte pot gesit word en daar bly
totdat dit uitgeboek is.
(i) “ Leafminer”. Geen plant sal in die skousaal en verkoops-area toegelaat word
indien daar spore van Leafminers is nie. „n Komitee is op die been gebring wat
skouplante sowel as verkoopsplante sal ondersoek vir spore van leafminer. Plante
wat met leafminer besmet is sal terstond verwyder word van perseel deur eienaar
van plant.