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Gardening Guide AUGUST 16 edition Gardening TIPS APPLY ORGANIC XTRA GARDEN-WIDE Simply scatter generous handfuls of Organic Xtra pellets across your entire garden and lawn. Organic Xtra is a fabulous, all purpose, all natural fertiliser offering a slow release of nutrients over an extended period. Organic Xtra will not burn or damage your plants. PLANT, WATER & FEED SPRING FLOWERING ANNUALS WITH ORGANIC XTRA The potassium sulphate in Organic Xtra will ensure a spectacular display of flowers over the next few months. Keep beds well weeded or mulched, and ensure adequate water is given during this vital growing period. AUGUST IS A GOOD MONTH TO WORK ON YOUR SOIL Turn handfuls of Organic Xtra into new garden beds to prepare the ground for new plantings. Gain long-term weed control by adding compost to garden beds to improve soil condition and stifle weed seedlings. REFRESH POT PLANTS NOW BEFORE THEIR GROWTH PERIOD ADD A CURRY LEAF TREE TO YOUR KITCHEN GARDEN For its aromatic leaves that lift home-cooked curries. Replace tired, old potting mix with a fresh batch of quality potting mix with a handful of Organic Xtra blended through it. Repot plants that have roots showing. SET UP A DISPLAY FOR SUMMER With mass plantings of liliums, gladiolus, hippeastrums, daylilies and vallotta. TOSS A GENEROUS SERVE OF ORGANIC XTRA In Season Now Around passionfruit and cut vines back by about a third for a bumper crop. GO TO www.qldorganics.com.au Gardening Guide august 16 edition WHAT TO plant flowers TROPICAL African marigold, alyssum, aster, amaranthus, balsam, begonia, carnation, celosia, cosmos, delphinium, dianthus, ganzia, marigold, nasturtium, petunia, phlox, portulaca, rudbeckia, salvia, sunflower, & zinnia SUBTROPICAL African marigold, alyssum, aster, amaranthus, balsam, begonia, carnation, cosmos, delphinium, dianthus, gazania, petunia, salvia, sunflower, tuberous begonia, nasturtium, rudbeckia , statice & zinnia COOL TEMPERATE African marigold, aster, alyssum, balsam, calendula, carnation, chrysanthemum, cosmos, dahlia, gazania, gerbera, lobelia, lupin, marigold, nemesia, pansy, petunia, phlox, salvia, snapdragon, strawflower, sunflower, rudbeckia, verbena & viola herbs vegetables Old clumps of herbs may be lifted, divided and replanted. Check new shoots of bulbs when weeding, and put crushed eggshells around young seedlings and bulbs to deter snails. TROPICAL basil, borage, ginger, oregano, marjoram, thyme. SUBTROPICAL chives, coriander, Chinese parsley, dill, fennel, mint, oregano, marjoram, rocket, sage. COOL TEMPERATE chives, coriander, Chinese parsley, dill, fennel, horseradish, oregano, parsley, sage. Pruning and weeding is a top job to do at this time of year TROPICAL artichokes, asparagus, climbing beans, beetroot, cabbage, carrot, capsicum, celery, cucumber, french beans, sweet corn, eggplant, kale, lettuce, marrow, okra, potatoes, pumpkin, radish, rhubarb, rosella, silver beet, squash, sweet potato, tomato, watermelon & zucchini. SUBTROPICAL artichokes, asparagus, broad beans, beetroot, cabbage, carrot, capsicum, celery, french beans, sweet corn, cucumber, eggplant, lettuce, marrow, lettuce, okra, parsnip, potatoes, pumpkin, rhubarb, radish, silver beet, shallots, squash, sweet potato, turnip, tomato, watermelon & zucchini. COOL TEMPERATE broad beans, cabbage, cauliflower, celery, lettuce, mustard greens, onions, parsnips, peas, radish, shallots, silver beet. GO TO www.qldorganics.com.au