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Celastrus scandens ‘Bailhum’
Height: vines up to 25’ long
Growth rate: fast
Flower: greenish-white
Light requirement: full sun
Color(s): green to yellow in fall
Berry: orange-red
Autumn Revolution, an improved cultivar of non-invasive American
bittersweet, has both male and female parts so you need only one plant
to get berries. Berries are twice the size than on other bittersweets, and
are tasty to birds but poisonous to humans. Flowers are insignificant.
Needs average to dry well-drained soil and does not need fertilizer.
Aristolochia durior
Height: vines up to 30’ long
Growth rate: fast
Flower: brown, hidden
Light requirement: full sun - full shade
Color(s): dark green
Berry: none
Vigorous, twining vine with large, heart-shaped to rounded, dark green leaves.
Grows flat against a trellis, offers dense shade. Flowers, which are small,
brown, and usually hidden by the leaves, resemble Meershaum pipe, hence
the name. 2006 Plants of Merit®. Attracts butterflies.
Lonicera x brownie ‘Dropmore Scarlet’
Height: vines up to 15’ long
Growth rate: fast
Flower: scarlet-orange
Light requirement: full sun
Color(s): green
Berry: red
Extremely hardy honeysuckle with tons of fragrant scarlet-orange tubular
flowers that bloom from early summer to mid-autumn. Easy to grow in
consistently moist, organic soils, requires a trellis or other support. Its
flowers attract hummingbirds, fall berries attract birds. Also works well
as a groundcover. Prune annually to control size.
Lonicera sempervirens f. sulphurea ‘John Clayton’
Height: vines 6-12’ long
Growth rate: fast
Flower: yellow
Light requirement: full sun
Color(s): green
Berry: orange- red, inedible
‘John Clayton’ is a primarily spring-blooming honeysuckle noted for its mildlyfragrant yellow flowers, compact growth, tendency to re-bloom, and profuse
fall berries. The tubular-shaped flowers attract hummingbirds, butterflies and
bees. Low maintenance, it’s an excellent twining vine for trellises, arbors and
fences. Needs a support structure upon which to grow. Prune as needed
immediately after flowering.
Lonicera sempervirens ‘Major Wheeler’
Height: vines 6-10’ long
Growth rate: fast
Flower: red and gold
Light requirement: part to full sun
Color(s): green
Berry: none
Blooms all summer and into the fall with red and gold tubular-shaped flowers.
Perfect for covering a fence post, arbor, or trellis. Cut back as needed- will
recover within a single season. Not picky about soil, mildew-free, but does
not do well in standing water. Give full sun for best flowering.
Lonicera sempervirens ‘Magnifica’
Height: vines 10-20’ long
Growth rate: fast
Flower: orange-scarlet
Light requirement: part to full sun
Color(s): green
Berry: none
This is an excellent vine to cover fences, trellises, arbors. Fast growing, its
twining stems grow up to 20 ft. long. It has showy trumpet-shaped, orangescarlet flowers. Needs regular watering – at least weekly but more often in
extreme heat.
Hydrangea anomala petiolaris
Height: vines 50-80’ long
Growth rate: fast once established
Flower: white
Light: requirement: part to full sun
Color(s): green
Berry: none
Magnificent “lace cap” blooms highlight this vigorous, deciduous, climbing
vine that can cover a 2-story house in no time. No trellis needed, it clings to
surfaces by aerial rootlets. Has a slow-growing shrubby habit until established,
then long, fast growing stems are produced.
Parthenocissus tricuspidata
Height: vines up to 50’long
Growth rate: fast
Flower: insignificant
Light requirement: full sun to part shade
Color(s): green turning scarlet red in fall
Berry: blue-black
Boston ivy is a popular, rapid-growing, deciduous, woody vine. It’s a vigorous
tendril climber that needs no support and will quickly cover brick or stone
walls. Glossy dark green leaves turn brilliant red in fall and the blue-black
berries, which birds will eat, become visible when the leaves drop.
Campsis radicans ‘Monbal’
Height: vines 30’ long or more
Growth rate: fast
Flower: red
Light: requirement: full sun
Color(s): green
Berry: none
A fast-growing vine to cover screens, arbors, etc. Its dark red flowers bloom
all summer, attracting hummingbirds. Water regularly the first year to
establish a deep root system, then keep slightly dry for best flowering. Feed
sparingly; avoid fertilizers with high nitrogen. Prune in late winter or early
spring to control size. Sap may irritate skin; wear protective clothes/gloves.
Campsis radicans ‘Flava’
Height: vines 30’ long or more
Growth rate: fast
Flower: yellow
Light requirement: full sun
Color(s): green
Berry: none
Vigorous, easy-care climber with bright yellow, trumpet-shaped flowers that
bloom all summer, attracting hummingbirds. Water regularly the first year to
establish a deep root system, then keep slightly dry for best flowering. Feed
sparingly; avoid fertilizers with high nitrogen. Prune in late winter or early
spring to control size. Sap may irritate skin; wear protective clothes/gloves.
Wisteria macrostachya ‘Betty Matthews’
Height: vines 15- 25’ long
Growth rate: moderate
Flower: blue-lavender
Light requirement: full sun
Color(s): green
Berry: seedpods
Summer Cascade wisteria blooms on new growth, covering the plant with
long, showy, lavender flowers from June through late summer. In late
summer, the plant produces seedpods that add fall interest. It’s a great choice
for covering arbors or pergolas, adding shade, fragrance and ambiance to
outdoor spaces. Found to be more cold-hardy than other varieties of wisteria